Zoom是一款流行的视频会议和会议应用程序(video conferencing and meeting app)。如果您正在参加Zoom 会议(Zoom meeting),将自己静音会很有帮助,这样您就不会意外打断演讲者,尤其是在大型会议(例如网络研讨会)的情况下。
如果您是会议主持人或共同主持人(meeting host or co-host),您只能将其他参与者静音,但Zoom始终允许您将自己静音。在本文中,我们将介绍如何在PC、Mac、iPad 或移动设备 上的Zoom中将自己静音或禁用麦克风。(Zoom)

1.使用缩放工具栏(Zoom Toolbar)将自己静音
Zoom 工具栏(Zoom toolbar)让您可以轻松地将自己静音,PC 和移动应用程序的过程基本相同。
在 Zoom 上静音:
- 进入Zoom 通话(Zoom call)后,单击或点击左下角的静音按钮。(mute button)静音按钮应更改为带叉的麦克风图标(microphone icon)并说“取消静音”。此取消静音按钮表示您的麦克风已关闭。

如果工具栏(toolbar isn)不可见并且您使用的是Windows或Mac,您只需将鼠标悬停在缩放窗口(Zoom window)上即可。如果您使用的是Android 或 iPhone(Android or iPhone),只需点击屏幕,它就会出现。
注意:(Note: )屏幕左上角的扬声器图标(loudspeaker icon)只是将您的音频调低,这样您就听不到任何声音了。它不会打开静音。
2.使用缩放键盘快捷键(Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts)将自己静音
Mac 和 PC(Mac and PC)上都有几个有用的Zoom 键盘(Zoom keyboard)快捷键。要在Windows 10(Windows 10)上静音,请按Alt + A A。要在 Mac 上静音,请按Shift + Command + A。

在Zoom(Zoom)中还有许多其他有用的快捷方式和提示可供使用,包括使参与者静音的快捷方式(而不是在参与者窗口中 单击全部静音或全部取消静音)。(Mute All or Unmute All)
3. 加入Zoom(Zoom)会议时启用自动静音
有些人喜欢以静音方式加入会议,以免在加入时造成(t cause)不必要的干扰。幸运的是,Zoom有一个专门的设置允许用户这样做。
为了确保您在PC 或 Mac(PC or Mac)上加入Zoom 会议(Zoom meeting)时被静音:
- 打开Zoom桌面应用程序。
- 选择缩放窗口(Zoom window)右上角的设置(Settings) 齿轮图标(cog icon)。

- 单击左侧面板中的 音频。(Audio)

- 向下滚动并选中(Scroll)加入会议时将麦克风静音(Mute my microphone when joining a meeting)旁边的框。

- 打开缩放(Zoom )应用程序。
- 点击屏幕底部的设置。(Settings)

- 点击会议(Meeting)。

- 切换静音我的麦克风(Mute My Microphone)。

确保您在Zoom中静音的另一个选项是直接通过系统设置禁用麦克风。此选项仅在PC 或 Mac(PC or Mac)上可用。如果您使用的是Android或 iOS,您可以考虑在弹出窗口出现时不允许您的Zoom 应用麦克风权限。(Zoom app)
要在 Windows 上禁用麦克风:
- 按Windows key + I打开设置。
- 单击系统(System)。

- 从左侧菜单中 选择声音。(Sound )

- 向下滚动到Input,然后在输入设备下拉菜单下,选择设备属性(Device properties )(如果您没有专用麦克风 ,输入设备将是您的网络摄像头)。(input device)

- 在窗口顶部,选中禁用(Disable)旁边的框。

要在 Mac 上禁用麦克风:
- 单击菜单栏上的Apple 图标并选择(Apple icon )System Preferences。
- 单击声音(Sound)。
- 选择输入(Input)选项卡。
- 在Input Volume下,将滑块一直拖到左侧以使麦克风静音。
5. 抑制背景噪音
如果您因为处于忙碌或嘈杂的环境中而将麦克风静音,Zoom的背景噪音抑制功能(background noise suppression function)可能会有所帮助。尽管环境不太理想,但将其与虚拟背景相结合是一种看起来更专业的好方法。
- 打开缩放(Zoom)。
- 单击设置(Settings)>音频(Audio)。

- 向下滚动到抑制背景噪音(Suppress background noise)并检查每个级别,看看它是否有助于您的麦克风质量(microphone quality)。共有三个级别:Low、Medium和High。

注意:(Note: )有些人报告这会导致他们的麦克风无法工作(microphone not to work)。如果是这种情况,只需将设置转回Auto。
在Zoom 应用程序(Zoom app)中将自己静音很好,但很容易意外双击和取消静音。如果您偏执地认为您的麦克风正在传输声音,而您应该被静音,您可以使用本指南在计算机音频设置中禁用您的麦克风。这样您就可以确定没有声音通过!
5 Ways to Mute Yourself on Zoom
Zoom is a popular video conferencing and meeting app. If you’re in a Zoom meeting, it can be helpful to mute yourself so that you don’t accidentally interrupt the speaker, especially if the meeting is large, like a webinar.
While you can only mute other participants if you’re the meeting host or co-host, Zoom always allows you to mute yourself. In this article, we’ll cover how you can mute yourself or disable your microphone in Zoom on your PC, Mac, iPad, or mobile device.

1. Mute Yourself With the Zoom Toolbar
The Zoom toolbar makes it simple to mute yourself, and the process is essentially the same for both the PC and mobile app.
To mute yourself on Zoom:
- Once you’re in the Zoom call, click or tap the mute button in the bottom left corner. The mute button should change to a crossed-out microphone icon and say “Unmute”. This unmute button indicates that your microphone has been turned off.

If the toolbar isn’t visible and you’re using Windows or a Mac, all you need to do is hover your mouse over the Zoom window. If you’re using an Android or iPhone, simply tap the screen and it will appear.
Note: The loudspeaker icon at the top-left of the screen simply turns your audio down so that you can’t hear anything. It doesn’t turn the mute on.
2. Mute Yourself Using Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts
There are several helpful Zoom keyboard shortcuts on both Mac and PC. To mute yourself on Windows 10, press Alt + A. To mute audio on a Mac, press Shift + Command + A.

There are plenty of other useful shortcuts and tips to use in Zoom, including shortcuts that mute participants (rather than clicking Mute All or Unmute All in the participants window).
3. Enable Auto-Mute When Joining Zoom Meetings
Some people prefer to join a meeting muted so that they don’t cause unnecessary interruptions when they join. Luckily, Zoom has a dedicated setting to allow users to do just this.
To make sure you’re muted whenever you join a Zoom meeting on a PC or Mac:
- Open the Zoom desktop app.
- Select the Settings cog icon at the top-right of the Zoom window.

- Click Audio in the left-hand panel.

- Scroll down and check the box next to Mute my microphone when joining a meeting.

To make sure you’re muted when you join a meeting on your phone:
- Open the Zoom app.
- Tap Settings at the bottom of the screen.

- Tap Meeting.

- Toggle on Mute My Microphone.

4. Disable Your Microphone
Another option that will ensure you are muted in Zoom is to disable your microphone directly via the system settings. This option is only available on PC or Mac. If you’re using Android or iOS you could consider not allowing your Zoom app microphone permissions when the pop-up appears.
To disable your microphone on Windows:
- Press the Windows key + I to open Settings.
- Click System.

- Select Sound from the left-hand menu.

- Scroll down to Input, and underneath the input device drop-down menu, select Device properties (the input device will be your webcam if you don’t have a dedicated microphone).

- At the top of the window, check the box next to Disable.

To disable your microphone on a Mac:
- Click the Apple icon on the menu bar and select System Preferences.
- Click Sound.
- Select the Input tab.
- Under Input Volume, drag the slider all the way to the left to mute your microphone.
5. Suppress Background Noises
If you’re muting your microphone because you’re in a busy or loud environment, Zoom has a background noise suppression function that might help. Combining this with a virtual background is a great way to look more professional despite having less than ideal circumstances.
To enable this setting:
- Open Zoom.
- Click Settings > Audio.

- Scroll down to Suppress background noise and check each level to see if it helps your microphone quality. There are three levels: Low, Medium, and High.

Note: Some people report that this causes their microphone not to work. If that’s the case, simply turn the setting back to Auto.
Radio Silence
Muting yourself in the Zoom app is fine, but it’s easy to double-click and unmute yourself by accident. If you’re paranoid that your microphone is transmitting sound while you’re supposed to be muted, you can use this guide to disable your microphone in the computer audio settings. This way you can be sure that no sound is going through!