当您需要使用您不喜欢的背景凌乱的图像时会发生什么?您可以删除此背景(remove this background)或使其透明,就像您可以删除图像背景中任何不需要的细节一样,或者完全删除背景并用其他内容替换它。
如果您以前使用过GIMP,您就会知道该软件使创建高质量的图像和设计变得非常容易。您也无需成为经验丰富的用户即可在GIMP中创建透明背景。如果您是初学者 GIMP 用户(beginner GIMP user),可以使用以下一些简单的方法来删除图像的背景或将其变为透明。

如何在 GIMP 中创建透明背景(How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP)
如何将复杂图像背景变为透明(How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent )
在GIMP(GIMP)中创建透明背景的最简单方法之一是使用模糊选择(Fuzzy Select)工具。它允许您根据颜色相似性选择图像的区域。如果您正在使用的图片的背景具有不同的颜色和需要擦除的结构,这将非常有用。
要使用模糊选择(Fuzzy Select)将图像的背景变为透明,请按照以下步骤操作。
- 在 GIMP 中打开您的图像。
- 在屏幕的右下角,选择您的图像层。右键单击它并选择Add Alpha Channel。这将确保您将背景删除为透明而不是白色或黑色。如果添加 Alpha 通道(Add Alpha Channel)的选项是灰色的,那么您的图像已经有了它,您可以开始了。

- 从屏幕左上角的工具面板中选择模糊选择工具。(Fuzzy Select)

- 使用模糊选择(Fuzzy Select),使用图片的主题或背景创建一个选择区域。选择(Pick)哪个更容易。只需(Simply)单击并拖动主题(或背景),GIMP就会创建一个智能选择。要手动添加到此选择,请按住Shift并继续围绕主题拖动光标。要从选择中删除区域,请在围绕主题拖动光标时 按住Control(对于 Windows)或Command(对于Mac )。

- 如果您选择了背景,请选择删除(Delete)(适用于 Windows)或编辑( Edit)>清除(Clear)(适用于Mac)以将图像的背景删除为透明。

- 如果您选择了主题,请先转到“选择(Select )” > “反转(Invert)” 。然后继续去除图像的背景。

如何将单色背景变为透明(How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent)
- 在 GIMP 中打开您的图像。
- 在屏幕的右下角,选择您的图像层。右键单击它并选择Add Alpha Channel。
- 选择按颜色选择(Select by Color)工具。如果在屏幕左上角的工具面板中找不到它,请右键单击模糊选择(Fuzzy Select)工具并在那里找到它。您还可以使用键盘快捷键(using the keyboard shortcut) Shift + O选择此工具。

- 通过单击选择要变为透明的图像背景区域。要手动添加到此选择,请单击并将其向右拖动,直到选中整个所需区域。要从选择中删除区域,请单击并向左拖动。您还可以通过按住Shift并单击图像的不同区域来增加选择。

- 当您对所选区域感到满意时,选择删除(Delete)(适用于 Windows)或编辑(Edit )>清除(Clear)(适用于Mac)以将背景变为透明。

与使用模糊选择(Fuzzy Select)的方式类似,您可以从图片的主题而不是背景创建选择。然后转到Select > Invert,并通过选择Delete(对于 Windows)或Edit > Clear(对于 Mac)来删除背景。
如何将具有详细主题的图像的背景变为透明(How to Turn the Background of an Image with a Detailed Subject Transparent)
当您处理的图片主题包含许多小细节时,例如一缕头发或您不想裁剪的衣物,请使用前景选择(Foreground Select)工具移除背景并将其变为透明。
要使用Foreground Select在(Foreground Select)GIMP中创建透明背景,请按照以下步骤操作。
- 在 GIMP 中打开您的图像。
- 在屏幕的右下角,选择您的图像层。右键单击它并选择Add Alpha Channel。
- 选择前景选择(Foreground Select)工具。如果在屏幕左上角的工具面板中找不到它,请右键单击“自由选择(Free Select)”工具并在那里找到它。

- 这一次,使用该工具选择主题区域而不是背景。选择工具后,在其周围绘制轮廓。轮廓不必精确,粗略的选择就可以了。

- 在键盘上选择Enter以创建蒙版。您会看到图像的背景变为深蓝色,而主体则变为浅蓝色。

- 要创建更精确的主题轮廓,请使用画笔在其上绘画。您可以在屏幕左侧 的“前景选择( Foreground Select)”菜单中选择笔触宽度以增加或减少画笔大小。

如果您不想选择主题内的某个区域(或希望与背景一起变为透明),请在屏幕左侧的“绘制模式”下选择“(Draw Mode)绘制背景(Draw background)”并使用画笔勾勒该区域。当您选择绘制未知(Draw unknown)模式时,如果您不希望它与背景的其余部分一起变为透明,您可以将图像的任何单独区域添加到您的主题。
- 在前景选择(Foreground Select)弹出框中选择预览蒙版(Preview mask)以查看您的主题蒙版在预览模式下的样子。

- 对选择感到满意后,在键盘上选择 Enter 或在(Select)弹出(Enter)框中选择以完成选择。

- 转到选择(Select)>反转(Invert)以反转选择。
- 选择删除(Delete)(适用于 Windows)或编辑(Edit )>清除(Clear)(适用于Mac)以将背景变为透明。
学习使背景透明的新方法(Learn New Ways to Make a Background Transparent)
如果您不是GIMP的粉丝,您还可以使用Photoshop等不同的软件将照片的背景变为透明(turn the background of your photos transparent)。
您以前使用过GIMP创建透明背景吗?您使用了哪种(Which)方法?在下面的评论部分 分享您在GIMP工作的经验。(GIMP)
How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP
What haрpens when you need to use an image with a messy backgrоund that you don’t like? You cаn remove this background or make it transparent the same way you can get rid of any unwanted details in the image’s background, or remove the background completely and replace it with something else.
If you’ve used GIMP before, you know that this software makes creating quality images and designs extremely easy. You also don’t need to be an experienced user to create a transparent background in GIMP. Here are a few simple methods that you can use to remove an image’s background or turn it transparent if you’re a beginner GIMP user.

How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP
Depending on the type of image, GIMP has a few different tools that you can use to make the background transparent. Some of them are easier to use, while others require a bit of experience with GIMP. Choose the method that you’re comfortable with and see if it works with your image.
How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent
One of the easiest ways to create a transparent background in GIMP is by using the Fuzzy Select tool. It allows you to select areas of an image based on color similarity. This will work great if the background of the picture you’re working with has different colors and structures that you need to erase.
To turn your image’s background transparent using Fuzzy Select, follow the steps below.
- Open your image in GIMP.
- In the lower-right corner of your screen, select your image layer. Right-click it and select Add Alpha Channel. This will ensure that you delete the background to transparent and not to white or black color. If the option to Add Alpha Channel is greyed out, then your image already has it and you’re good to go.

- Select the Fuzzy Select tool from the tools panel in the upper-left corner of the screen.

- Using Fuzzy Select, create a selection area either using the subject or the background of the picture. Pick whichever is easier. Simply click and drag around the subject (or the background), and GIMP will create a smart selection. To manually add to this selection, hold Shift and continue dragging the cursor around your subject. To remove areas from the selection, hold Control (for Windows) or Command (for Mac) when dragging the cursor around your subject.

- If you selected the background, select Delete (for Windows) or Edit > Clear (for Mac) to remove your image’s background to transparent.

- If you selected the subject instead, go to Select > Invert first. Then continue to remove the image’s background.

You might have to repeat this process if your picture has a complex background with different colors, objects, and structures.
How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent
Another simple way of creating a transparent background in GIMP is by using the Select by Color tool. This method is perfect if your picture has a solid background that consists of a single color. Select by Color also uses smart selection that will help you remove your image’s background in seconds.
To use Select by Color to create a transparent background, follow the steps below.
- Open your image in GIMP.
- In the lower-right corner of your screen, select your image layer. Right-click it and select Add Alpha Channel.
- Select the Select by Color tool. If you can’t find it in the tools panel in the upper-left corner of the screen, right-click the Fuzzy Select tool and find it there. You can also select this tool using the keyboard shortcut Shift + O.

- Select the area of your image’s background that you want to turn transparent by clicking on it. To manually add to this selection, click and drag it to the right until you get the entire desired area selected. To remove areas from the selection, click and drag to the left. You can also increase the selection by holding Shift and clicking on a different area of your image.

- When you’re happy with the area selected, select Delete (for Windows) or Edit > Clear (for Mac) to turn the background transparent.

Similar to how you did with Fuzzy Select, you can create a selection from the subject of your picture instead of the background. Then go to Select > Invert, and remove the background by selecting Delete (for Windows) or Edit > Clear (for Mac).
How to Turn the Background of an Image with a Detailed Subject Transparent
When you’re working with a picture that has a subject with many small details, like strands of hair, or clothing items that you don’t want to crop out, use a Foreground Select tool to remove the background and turn it transparent.
To create a transparent background in GIMP using Foreground Select, follow the steps below.
- Open your image in GIMP.
- In the lower-right corner of your screen, select your image layer. Right-click it and select Add Alpha Channel.
- Select the Foreground Select tool. If you can’t find it in the tools panel in the upper-left corner of the screen, right-click the Free Select tool and find it there.

- This time, use the tool to select the area with your subject rather than the background. With the tool selected, draw an outline around it. The outline doesn’t have to be precise, a rough selection will do.

- Select Enter on your keyboard to create a mask. You’ll see the background of your image turn dark blue and the subject – light blue.

- To create a more precise outline of your subject, use a brush to paint over it. You can select the stroke width in the Foreground Select menu on the left side of your screen to increase or decrease the brush size.

If there’s an area inside your subject that you don’t want selected (or want to turn transparent together with the background), under Draw Mode on the left side of your screen select the Draw background and use the brush to outline the area. When you select the Draw unknown mode you can add any separate area of the image to your subject if you don’t want it to turn transparent together with the rest of the background.
- Select Preview mask in the Foreground Select pop-up box to see what your subject mask looks like in preview mode.

- Once you’re happy with the selection, select Enter on the keyboard or Select in the pop-up box to finalize it.

- Go to Select > Invert to invert the selection.
- Select Delete (for Windows) or Edit > Clear (for Mac) to turn the background transparent.
Learn New Ways to Make a Background Transparent
GIMP makes it easy to remove a background of almost any type of image. Even though we only covered the beginner-friendly methods here, once you get more familiar with the software you’ll find that GIMP has more tools that you can use to edit your image’s background.
If you’re not a fan of GIMP, you can also use different software like Photoshop to turn the background of your photos transparent.
Have you used GIMP to create a transparent background before? Which method did you use? Share your experience working in GIMP in the comments section below.