您(Are)是否正在寻找一种在MS Word中插入度数符号的方法?好吧(Well),不要再看了,因为在本指南中,我们将讨论 4 种不同的方法,您可以通过这些方法轻松添加度数符号。
MS Word是最常用的Microsoft产品之一。它用于创建各种类型的文档,例如信件、工作表、新闻通讯等等。它嵌入了几个功能,可帮助您将图像、符号、图表字体等添加到文档中。我们一生中都会使用过这个产品一次。如果您是一个经常使用的用户,您可能已经注意到在 MS Word 中插入度数符号(degree symbol in MS Word)并不像插入任何其他符号那样容易。是的,大多数时候人们只是简单地写“Degree”,因为他们没有找到任何添加符号的选项。您不会在键盘上获得度数符号快捷方式。度数符号用于表示温度摄氏度(Celsius)和华氏度(Fahrenheit),有时也用于表示角度(例如:33° C 和 80 °角)。

有时人们会从网上复制学位符号并将其粘贴到他们的 word 文件中。这些所有方法都可供您使用,但如果我们可以指导直接从您的键盘将度数符号插入MS Word文件中。(MS Word)是的,本教程将重点介绍插入符号的方法。让我们开始一些行动吧!
在 Microsoft Word 中插入度数符号的 4 种方法(4 Ways to Insert the Degree Symbol in Microsoft Word)
方法 1:符号菜单选项(Method 1: Symbol Menu Option)
您可能已经使用此选项在Word文件中插入各种符号。但是,您不会注意到度数符号也存在。MS Word具有此内置功能,您可以在其中找到要添加到文档中的各种符号。如果您从未使用过此功能,请不要担心,让我们按照以下步骤操作:
第 1 步 - 单击“插入(Insert)”选项卡,导航到位于最右上角的符号选项。(Symbols)现在单击它,您将能够看到一个包含不同符号的Windows框。在这里,您可能无法找到要添加到文档中的学位符号。( find your degree symbol)

第 2 步 – 单击更多符号(More Symbols),您将能够在其中找到完整的符号列表。

第 3 步 – 现在您需要找出学位符号的位置。找到该符号后,单击它。您可以轻松检查该符号是度数还是其他符号,因为您可以检查上面提到的“自动更正(AutoCorrect)”按钮的描述。

第 4 步 – 您只需将光标移动到要插入度数符号的文档中并插入即可。现在,每次当您想要插入度数符号时,您都可以通过单击符号功能( clicking on the symbol feature)轻松获取它,其中最近使用的符号将突出显示。这意味着您不需要一次又一次地找出度数符号,这将节省您的时间。
方法 2:通过键盘快捷键在 MS Word 中插入度数符号(Method 2: Insert the Degree Symbol in MS Word via Keyboard Shortcut)
捷径(Shortcut)本身表示容易。是的,快捷键是在我们的设备中完成、激活或启动某事的最佳方式。在 MS Word 文件中插入度数符号的快捷键(shortcut keys for inserting the Degree symbol in MS Word file)怎么样?是的,我们有快捷键,因此您不必向下滚动到符号列表并找出要插入的度数符号。希望(Hopefully)此方法有助于通过按组合键将符号插入 doc 文件中的任何位置。
第 1 步 –将(Move)光标移动到要放置度数符号的位置。
第 2 步 –单击并按住 ALT 键(Click & hold ALT Key)并使用数字键盘输入“ 0176 ”。现在,释放钥匙和度数符号将出现在文件上。

确保(Make)在应用此方法时,Num Lock已打开。
方法3:使用度数符号的Unicode(Method 3: Use Unicode of Degree Symbol)
这是每个人都可以用来在Microsoft Word中插入度数符号的最简单方法。在此方法中,您键入度数符号的Unicode,然后同时按Alt + X键。这将立即将Unicode更改为度数符号。
因此,度数符号的 Unicode 是 00B0(Unicode of the degree symbol is 00B0)。在 MS Word 中输入,然后同时press Alt + X键,瞧!Unicode将立即被度数符号取代。

注意:(Note:) 请(Make)确保在与其他单词或数字一起使用时使用空格,例如,如果您想要41°,则不要使用诸如 4100B0 之类的代码,而是在 41 和 00B0 之间添加一个空格,例如 41 00B0 然后按Alt + X然后删除 41 和度数符号之间的空格。
方法四:使用字符映射插入度数符号 (Method 4: Insert Degree Symbol using Character Map )
第 1 步 – 您可以开始在Windows搜索栏中输入“字符映射”并启动它。(Character Map)

第 2 步 –启动字符图(Character Map)后,您可以轻松找到多个符号和字符。
第 3 步 – 在Windows框的底部,您将找到“高级视图(Advanced View)”选项,单击它。如果已经选中,请留下。激活此功能的原因是您无法多次滚动以(cannot scroll multiple times to find the Degree sign)在数千个字符和符号中找到度数符号。使用此方法,您可以轻松搜索度数符号。

第 4 步 – 您只需在搜索框中输入度数符号(Degree sign),它将填充度数(Degree)符号并突出显示它。

第 5 步 – 您需要双击学位标志( degree sign)并单击复制选项,现在返回到要插入它的文档,然后将其粘贴。此外,您可以使用相同的过程在 doc 文件中插入任何其他符号和字符。
就是这样,您已经成功学习了如何(How)在 Microsoft Word中插入度数符号,(Insert the Degree Symbol in Microsoft Word) 但是如果您对这篇文章仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分询问他们。
4 Ways to Insert the Degree Symbol in Microsoft Word
Arе you looking for a waу to insert a degree symbol in MS Word? Well, look no further as in thіs guide we will discυss 4 different ways via which you can easily add the degree symbol.
MS Word is one of the most used Microsoft products. It is used to create various types of documents such as letters, worksheets, newsletters and much more. It has several featured embedded to help you add images, symbols, charts fonts & more to a document. We all would have used this product once in our life. If you are a frequent user, you might have noticed that inserting a degree symbol in MS Word is not easy like inserting any other symbols. Yes, most of the time people simply write ‘Degree’ because they do not find any option to add the symbol. You would not get the degree symbol shortcut on your keyboard. The degree symbol is used to denote temperature Celsius and Fahrenheit and sometimes angles (example: 33°C and 80° angles).

Sometimes people copy the degree symbol from the web and paste it on their word file. These all methods are available for you but what if we can guide to insert the degree symbol in MS Word file directly from your keyboard. Yes, this tutorial will highlight the methods through which you can insert the symbol. Let’s start some action!
4 Ways to Insert the Degree Symbol in Microsoft Word
Method 1: Symbol Menu Option
You might have used this option to insert various symbols in Word file. However, you would not have noticed that the degree symbol is also present. MS Word has this inbuilt feature where you can find all sorts of symbols to add in your document. If you have never used this feature, do not worry, let’s follow these steps below-mentioned:
Step 1- Click on the ‘Insert’ tab, navigate to Symbols option, located on the far right corner. Now click on it, you will be able to see a Windows box containing different symbols. Here you may not be able to find your degree symbol that you want to add in your document.

Step 2 – Click on More Symbols, where you will be able to find a comprehensive list of symbols.

Step 3 – Now you need to find out where your degree symbol is located. Once you locate that symbol, click on it. You can easily check whether that symbol is the degree or something else, as you can check the description mentioned above the ‘AutoCorrect’ button.

Step 4 – You just need to move the cursor in your documents where you want to insert the degree symbol and insert it. Now every time when you want to insert the degree symbol, you can easily get it by clicking on the symbol feature where recently used symbols will be highlighted. It means you do not need to find out the degree symbol again and again, which will save you time.
Method 2: Insert the Degree Symbol in MS Word via Keyboard Shortcut
Shortcut itself denotes easiness. Yes, shortcut keys are the best way to get something done or activated or launched in our device. How about having shortcut keys for inserting the Degree symbol in MS Word file? Yes, we have shortcut keys so that you do not have to scroll down to the Symbol lists and find out the degree symbol to insert. Hopefully, this method will help to insert the symbol anywhere in the doc file by pressing a combination of keys.
Note: This method will only work on the devices loaded with Number pads. If your device does not have a numeric pad, you cannot use this method. It has been noted that some manufacturers are not including number pads in the latest versions due to the space limitations and keeping the device lightweight and slim.
Step 1 – Move the cursor where you want to place the degree sign.
Step 2 – Click & hold ALT Key and use the number pad to type “0176”. Now, release the key and degree sign will appear on the file.

Make sure that while applying this method, the Num Lock is turned ON.
Method 3: Use Unicode of Degree Symbol
This is the easiest method that can be used by everyone to inset the degree symbol in Microsoft Word. In this method, you type the Unicode of the degree symbol and then press the Alt + X keys together. This will change the Unicode to the degree symbol instantly.
So, the Unicode of the degree symbol is 00B0. Type this in MS Word then press Alt + X keys together and voila! the Unicode will be instantly replaced by the degree symbol.

Note: Make sure to use a space when using it with other words or numbers, for example, if you want 41° then don’t use the code such as 4100B0, instead add a space between 41 & 00B0 like 41 00B0 then press Alt + X and then remove the space between the 41 & the degree symbol.
Method 4: Insert Degree Symbol using Character Map
This method will also help you to get your job done. Follow the below-mentioned steps:
Step 1 – You can start typing “Character Map” in the Windows search bar and launch it.

Step 2 – Once the Character Map is launched, you can easily find out several symbols and characters.
Step 3 – At the bottom of the Windows box, you will find the “Advanced View” option, click on it. If it is already checked, leave it. The reason behind activating this feature is you cannot scroll multiple times to find the Degree sign among the thousands of characters and symbols. With this method, you can easily search the degree symbol in a moment.

Step 4 – You just need to type Degree sign in the search box, it will populate the Degree sign and highlight it.

Step 5 – You need to double click on the degree sign and click copy option, now go back to your document where you want to insert it, and then paste it. Moreover, you can use the same process to insert any other signs and characters in your doc file.
That’s it you have successfully learned How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Microsoft Word but if you still have any queries regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.