烹饪大脑:手机(Mobile Phones)和手机塔(Cellphone Towers)中的邪恶(Evil)
手机(Cell Phone)信号塔:可能是什么问题(Exact Problem)?
尚未完全确定手机是否真的是一种危险,但研究人员正在探索这个问题,一些人发现了强有力的联系,表明生活在手机信号塔的高频区域会导致癌症。根据印度(India)热分析协会(Thermal Analysis Society)( ITAS ) 进行的一项(ITAS)研究,在手机塔对面的同一栋建筑中发现了三例癌症病例。所有这三个案例都属于Usha Kiran 公寓(Usha Kiran Apartments),位于Vijay 公寓(Vijay Apartments)(印度(India)孟买(Mumbai)Carmicheal 路(Carmicheal Road))上的手机塔对面。一个著名的印度(India)n 每日中午(Mid-day)曾发表一篇关于Usha Kiran 公寓(Usha Kiran Apartment)居民因移动塔而遭受痛苦的文章。
根据不同的案例研究,ITAS得出结论,居住在手机信号塔半径 50 至 300 米范围内的人因电磁辐射而患疾病的风险更高。这一结论源于这样一个事实:在印度(India),可接受的辐射标准是每平方米 9.2 瓦。对于其他国家,“危险区”是不同的——基于他们可接受的辐射标准。对于美国,它是每平方厘米 580 – 1000 微瓦。这意味着居住在手机信号塔半径 2 到 2.5 英里范围内的人们面临健康危害的风险。

在另一起事件中,新德里(New Delhi)(印度(India))的一名居民最近提交了一份请愿书,要求禁止手机公司在学校、医院和住宅区 50 米范围内建立任何手机信号塔。据他介绍,他的儿子因家中竖起的手机塔而得了癌症。他说,在塔安装后的一年内,他家中的每个人都体重增加并开始出现睡眠问题。印度(India)时代(Time)也报道了这个故事。
在德国建筑生物学研究所(Building Biology Institute of Germany)进行的一项研究中,他们指出每平方米超过 10 微瓦的任何东西都值得关注(concern),因为它会影响各种生命中的生物细胞——植物、动物和人类。对于每平方厘米发射超过 10 微瓦的塔,该研究将暴露问题归类为严重(severe)。
- 癌症,
- 肿瘤,尤其是神经胶质瘤
- 干眼症,
- 肌肉问题
- 对大脑的损害——取决于有多少手机公司正在使用特定的手机信号塔。ITAS声称,共享一个信号塔的手机公司越多,手机信号塔的危害就越大。
阅读(Read):蓝牙辐射有害还是安全(Is Bluetooth Radiation harmful or safe)?
比吸收率(Specific Absorption Rate)
比吸收率——或众所周知的SAR——是指在使用手机和其他发射无线电波的设备时人体吸收的电磁能量的比率。它以每公斤人体组织的瓦特数为单位。(Watts)如果手机的SAR限制为 1.6W/Kg(如美国),那么一个人可以使用手机的总时间最多为 6 分钟。(SAR)给定 3 的误差范围,一个人可以使用手机的总时间转换为每天只有 20 分钟。
阅读(Read):如何保护自己免受笔记本电脑辐射(How to protect yourself from Laptop radiation)。
根据国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)(美国(USA))的说法,有两种类型的电磁辐射——电离和非电离(ionizing and non-ionizing)。第一种是在 X 射线等中发现的,并且已证明它们会导致暴露于此类排放物的人患严重疾病。手机会发出非电离辐射,这些辐射会被与手机直接接触的生物细胞和组织——手和耳朵——吸收。美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)表示,没有证据表明手机实际上会增加患癌症的风险,但它仍然可以增加与手机接触的身体细胞的温度。
在印度热分析学会(Thermal Analysis Society)Girish 博士(Dr. Girish)的另一项研究中,人体在 700-1000W 的微波炉中安全保存 19 分钟。这意味着人们一次只能进行19 分钟(19 minutes)的手机通话而不会伤害自己。

根据洛杉矶 Cedars-Sinai 医疗中心神经病学(Neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles:)主席(Chairman)Keith Black 博士(Dr. Keith Black)的说法:
What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain. So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones.
- 癫痫发作
- 麻痹
- 中风
- 精神病
- 心血管问题
- 受损的血管会导致大脑失去保护
- 癌症
- 脑肿瘤,尤其是神经胶质瘤
- DNA损伤——导致肿瘤和癌症
- 睡眠障碍
- 不可逆转的生育能力
- 皮肤(Skin)问题——主要由细胞过热引起,包括皮疹、疮,甚至皮肤肿瘤
- (Hearing)耳膜过热导致听力下降
- 对红细胞的损害——减慢血液循环,从而暴露于其他疾病

阅读(Read):排放量最高和最低的手机列表(List of cellphones with the highest and lowest emissions)。
我们可能在以后的生活中开始使用手机,但现在 10 至 12 岁的孩子想要一部手机并且拥有一部。它们的使用不受控制。没有人愿意再使用固定电话了……20 年和 30 年后会发生什么?只有时间证明一切。我们只能希望,这不是一颗定时炸弹,在今天的孩子50岁、60岁时爆炸……(We may have started using mobile phones later in life, but these days children right from the age of 10 and 12 want a mobile phone and have one. Their usage is uncontrolled. No one wants to use a landline anymore… What will happen after 20 and 30 years? Only time will tell. We can only hope that it is not a time-bomb which will explode when today’s children are 50 and 60 years old …)
世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)在 2011 年5月(May 2011)表示,手机可能会导致癌症和其他健康危害,并敦促手机用户“限制使用并采取切实措施减少接触手机”。它得出的结论是,使用移动设备“可能对人类致癌”,这个术语将移动设备置于包含 5 种致癌物级别的评级量表的中间,并且将移动设备排在绝对已知会导致癌症的事物(例如吸烟)之下!
另请阅读(Also read):过度使用智能手机引起的健康问题(Health problems caused by smartphone overuse)。
- 通话时,请将手机远离身体。
- 通信时使用一些免提设备,例如耳机或蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
- 说话时不要将手机放在身上。
- 使用(Use)更多的固定电话,因为它们使用模拟信号。
- 尝试发短信作为手机通话的替代方法。
- 尽量不要在手机上一次通话超过 15 分钟。
去这里看看你是否沉迷于你的手机(addicted to your phone)(addicted to your phone)。
这个故事中的图像是 印度热分析协会(Indian Thermal Analysis Society)进行的研究的一部分。(Images in this story are part of the study conducted by the Indian Thermal Analysis Society.)
Mobile Phones Health Hazards, Risks and Dangers
How muсh time do you spend on your cell phone? Do you know the mobile phones’ health hazаrds and risks caused because they keep on emitting radio waves as long as they are switсhed on? Since the very basis of cellphones is radio signalѕ that carrу voice, you are in constant exposure to these radio waves as long as you keep the cell phone near yоur body. The exposure increases manifold when you are talking about it.
Cooking The Brain: The Evil In Mobile Phones & Cellphone Towers
Though there are few pointers that link cell phone usage to diseases such as cancer, the dangers of using mobile phones still exist. This article examines some studies that link the usage of cellphones to different diseases and dangers. Before studying cell phone dangers, let us explore the hazards of living in areas having cell phone towers.
Cell Phone Towers: What Could Be The Exact Problem?
It has not yet been completely established that cell phones are really a danger but researchers are exploring the issue, and some have found strong links that say living in an area with cell phone towers with high frequency can cause cancer. According to a study conducted by the Indian Thermal Analysis Society (ITAS), three cancer cases were found in the same building that lies opposite to a cell phone tower. All these three cases belong to Usha Kiran Apartments opposite to cellphone tower built on Vijay Apartments (Carmicheal Road, Mumbai, India). A prominent Indian daily Mid-day had carried an article on the issue of Usha Kiran Apartment residents suffering due to mobile towers.
Based on different case studies, the ITAS concluded that people living within a 50 to 300-meter radius of cell phone towers are at higher risk of diseases due to electromagnetic radiation. This conclusion derives from the fact that in India, an acceptable standard of radiation is 9.2Watt per square meter. For other countries, the “danger zone” is different – based on their acceptable standard of radiation. For the US, it is 580 – 1000 Micro-Watts per square centimeter. This translates that people living within 2 to 2.5 miles in the radius of cell phone towers are at risk of health hazards.

In yet another incident, a resident of New Delhi (India) recently filed a petition to ban cellphone companies from erecting any cell phone towers within 50 meters of schools, hospitals, and residential areas. According to him, his son got cancer due to a cell phone tower that was erected on his house. He says within a year of the tower being installed, everyone in his family gained weight and started suffering from sleeping problems. This story was also covered in the Time of India.
In a study conducted by Building Biology Institute of Germany, they state that anything above 10 Micro-Watt per square meters is a matter of concern as it will affect the biological cells in all kinds of lives – plants, animals, and humans. For towers that emit more than 10 microwatts per square centimeter, the study classifies exposure concerns as severe.
Scientists and researchers blame the electromagnetic radiation from radio waves as agents that increase the risk of cancer in people using cell phones – especially in children. In the case of cell phone towers, people living in nearby areas are constantly exposed to high electromagnetic radiation. Since electromagnetic radiation is responsible for alterations in the functioning of biologic cells and tissues, these people are at a greater risk of acquiring radiation diseases.
Mobile phones health hazards
Among the major problems found in people living near cellphone towers are:
- Cancers,
- Tumors, in particular, Gliomas
- Dry Eye,
- Muscle problems
- Damage to the brain – depending upon how many cell phone companies are using a particular cell phone tower. ITAS claims that the more number of cellphone companies sharing a single tower, the greater the hazards of cell phone towers.
Read: Is Bluetooth Radiation harmful or safe?
Specific Absorption Rate
The specific absorption rate – or SAR as it is known – refers to the rate of electromagnetic energy that is absorbed by the human body when using cell phones and other devices emitting radio waves. It is measured in Watts per Kg of human tissue. If the SAR limit of cell phones is 1.6W/Kg (as in the US), the total time that a person can use cellphones is a maximum of 6 minutes. Given an error margin of 3, the total time a person can use cellphones translates to only 20 minutes per day.
While some countries have now made it mandatory to display the SAR value of cell phones on their handsets, others have not yet woken up to the dangers of using cellphones. Wikipedia has some more information on SAR including the equation to calculate SAR.
Read: How to protect yourself from Laptop radiation.
Cellphones – What Are The Dangers?
According to the National Cancer Institute (USA), there are two types of electromagnetic radiations – ionizing and non-ionizing. The first type is found in X-Rays etc, and it has been proved that they cause severe diseases in people who are exposed to such emissions. Cellphones emit non-ionizing radiations that are picked up by biological cells and tissues that are directly in contact with cellphones – hands and ears. The National Cancer Institute says there is no proof that cellphones can actually increase the risk of cancer but still, it can increase the temperature of body cells in contact with cellphones.
In another study by Dr. Girish of the Indian Thermal Analysis Society, a human body is safely kept in a microwave oven of 700-1000W for only 19 minutes. This means that people can carry on a cell phone conversation only for 19 minutes at a time without harming themselves.
It has also been found by studying rats that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation can lead to severe brain damage. People using cellphones to a particular brain side have more risk of damaging that side of the brain – leading to complex disorders that may or may not be reversible.

According to Dr. Keith Black, Chairman of Neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles:
What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain. So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones.
Due to the changes in the electrical activities of the brain, people can suffer from the following problems:
- Seizures
- Paralysis
- Stroke
- Psychosis
- Cardiovascular problems
Among other major problems that have been linked to excessive cell phone usage are:
- Damaged blood vessels that translate to the loss of protection to the brain
- Cancer
- Brain Tumor, esp Gliomas
- DNA damage – resulting in tumors and cancers
- Sleep disorders
- Irreversible fertility
- Skin problems – caused mainly by overheating of cells and include rashes, sores, and even skin tumors
- Hearing loss due to overheating of eardrums
- Damage to red blood cells – slowing down blood circulation and thereby exposure to other diseases

Read: List of cellphones with the highest and lowest emissions.
Dangers of Using Cellphones in Children
Children are at a greater risk of procuring diseases from the excessive usage of cell phones because their skull is thin compared to adults. Children using cell phones beyond limits run into a major risk of procuring brain damage – due to increased heating of brain cells – other than risking a loss in hearing and vision.
We may have started using mobile phones later in life, but these days children right from the age of 10 and 12 want a mobile phone and have one. Their usage is uncontrolled. No one wants to use a landline anymore… What will happen after 20 and 30 years? Only time will tell. We can only hope that it is not a time-bomb which will explode when today’s children are 50 and 60 years old …
The World Health Organization said in May 2011 that mobile phones might cause cancer and other health hazards and urged phone users “to limit their use and take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure to mobiles”. It concluded that mobile use is “possibly carcinogenic to humans’, a term that places mobiles in the middle of the rating scale that contains 5 levels of carcinogens, and ranked mobiles just below things definitely known to cause cancer such as smoking!
Also read: Health problems caused by smartphone overuse.
Mobile phones Safety advice:
- For talking, keep your cell phone away from the body.
- Use some hands-free devices such as earphones or Bluetooth while communicating.
- Do not keep cell phones on the body while talking.
- Use more of landline phones as they use analog signals.
- Try texting as an alternative to talking on cell phones.
- Try not to talk on the mobile phone for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Go here to find out if you are you are addicted to your phone.
Images in this story are part of the study conducted by the Indian Thermal Analysis Society.