是的,您没听错,如果有人搜索,您的名字或您的公司就会出现在搜索结果中。( your name or your business will pop up on the search results)除了您的姓名之外,其他相关详细信息,例如小简历、您的职业、您的社交媒体帐户的链接等,都可以排列在一张整洁的小卡片中,这将在搜索结果中弹出。这被称为人员卡(People card),是Google的一项很酷的新功能。在本文中,我们将详细讨论这一点,并教您如何在Google 搜索(Google Search)中创建和添加您的人物卡片。
什么是谷歌人事卡?(What is Google People Card?)
顾名思义,人脉卡就像一张数字名片,可以提高您在互联网上的曝光率。(a People card is like a digital business card that boosts your discoverability on the internet.)每个人都希望他们的企业或个人资料出现在搜索结果的顶部。然而,这并不是那么简单。除非您已经很有名,否则很难在热门搜索结果中出现,并且许多网站和人们都撰写或发表了有关您或您的业务的文章。拥有一个活跃且受欢迎的社交媒体帐户会有所帮助,但这并不是实现预期结果的可靠方法。
值得庆幸的是,这是谷歌通过引入(Google)人员(People)卡来拯救的地方。它允许您create your own personalized virtual visiting/ business cards.您可以添加有关您自己、您的网站或企业的有用信息,让人们在搜索您的姓名时更容易找到您。
创建人员卡的基本要求是什么?(What are the basic requirements to create a People Card?)
创建您的Google 人脉(People)卡的最佳之处在于它是一个非常简单易行的过程。您唯一需要的是一个Google帐户和一台 PC 或手机。如果您的设备上安装了任何浏览器,您可以直接开始创建您的人员卡。(People)大多数现代Android设备都内置了Chrome 。您可以使用它,甚至可以使用Google Assistant来启动该过程。这将在下一节中讨论。
如何在 Google 搜索中添加您的人员卡?(How to Add your People card on Google Search?)
1.首先,打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)或任何其他移动浏览器,然后打开谷歌搜索(Google Search)。
2. 现在,在搜索栏中,输入“将我添加到搜索”(“add me to search”)并点击搜索按钮。
3. 如果您有 Google助理(Assistant),您可以通过说Hey Google 或 Ok Google(Hey Google or Ok Google)来激活它,然后说“将我添加到搜索”。( “add me to search.”)
4. 在搜索结果中,您(Get)会看到一张标题为“将自己添加到 Google 搜索”(“add yourself to Google Search,”)的卡片,在该卡片中,有一个“开始”按钮。点击(Click)它。
5. 之后,您可能需要再次输入您的Google 帐户(Google account)的登录凭据。
6. 现在,您将被引导至“创建您的公共卡”(“Create your Public card”)部分。您的姓名和头像已经可见。
7. 您现在必须填写您希望提供的其他相关详细信息。(relevant details)
8. 必须填写您的位置、职业和简介(location, Occupation, and About)等详细信息,并且必须填写这些字段才能创建卡片。
9. 此外,您还可以包括其他详细信息,如工作、教育、家乡、电子邮件、电话号码等。
10. 您还可以将您的社交媒体帐户添加( add your social media accounts)到此卡以突出显示它们。点击社交(Social)资料选项旁边的加号。
11. 之后,通过从下拉列表中选择相关选项来选择一个或多个社交资料。(one or multiple social profiles)
12. 添加完所有信息后,点击预览按钮(Preview button)。
13. 这将显示您的人员卡(Card)的外观。如果您对结果满意,请点击保存按钮(Save button)。
14. 您的人物卡现在将被保存,它会在一段时间后出现在搜索结果中。
(Content Guidelines)人员卡的(Card)内容指南
- 应该是你是谁和你做什么的真实代表。
- 不要包含有关您自己的误导性信息。
- 不包含招揽或任何类型的广告。
- 不代表任何第三方组织。
- 不要使用任何亵渎的语言。
- 不要伤害个人或团体的宗教感情。
- 不得(Must)包括对其他个人、团体、事件或问题的负面或贬损评论。
- 不得(Must)以任何方式宣扬或支持仇恨、暴力或非法行为。
- 不得(Must)宣扬对任何个人或组织的仇恨。
- 必须(Must)尊重他人的权利,包括知识产权、版权和隐私权。
如何查看您的人员卡?(How to view your People card?)
如果您想检查它是否正常工作并查看您的Google卡,那么该过程非常简单。您唯一需要做的就是打开Google搜索,输入您的姓名,然后点击“搜索”(Search)按钮。您的Google 人员(People)卡片将显示在搜索结果的顶部。这里需要提到的是,在谷歌(Google)上搜索你名字的每个人都可以看到它。
谷歌人员卡(Google People Cards)的更多示例如下所示:
您的人员卡中应包含哪些类型的数据?(What kind of data should be included in your People card?)
将您的人员卡视为您的虚拟名片。因此,我们建议您仅添加相关信息( only to add relevant information)。遵循保持(Keep)简短和简单的黄金法则。您的位置和职业等重要信息必须添加到您的人员卡中。同时,如果您认为这会促进您的职业生涯,也可以添加其他信息,例如工作、教育、成就。
此外,请确保您提供的所有信息都是真实的,并且不会以任何方式误导。( information provided by you is genuine and not misleading in any way.)通过这样做,您不会给自己造成坏名声,但也可能会因隐藏或伪造您的身份而受到Google的谴责。(Google)前几次是警告,但如果您继续违反Google的内容政策,则会导致您的人员卡被永久删除。您将来也无法创建新卡。因此,请注意此警告,并避免进行任何有问题的活动。
您还可以查看Google 的内容政策(Google’s content policies),以更好地了解您必须避免将哪些内容放在您的人事卡上。如前所述,应避免任何形式的误导性信息。始终使用您的图片作为您的个人资料图片。避免代表任何第三方或其他人的公司或业务。您不得在您的人员卡上宣传某些服务或产品。严禁通过添加仇恨评论或言论攻击某些个人、社区、宗教或社会团体。最后,不允许使用粗俗的语言,对您的卡片进行贬损评论。Google还确保您卡上添加的任何信息都不会侵犯版权或知识产权。
Google 人员卡如何帮助您促进业务发展?(How can Google People Card help you in Boosting your Business?)
由于还可以添加您的联系方式,例如电子邮件地址和电话号码,因此人们可以与您联系( it allows people to contact you)。如果您不愿意与公众联系,您可以创建一个专用的企业电子邮件帐户并获得一个新的官方号码。( dedicated business email account)Google 人脉(Google People)卡是可自定义的,您可以准确选择要公开显示的信息。因此,可以包含对促进您的业务至关重要的相关信息。此外,它是完全免费的,因此,它是促进您的业务的极其有效的手段。
如何修复 Google 人员卡不起作用(How to fix Google People Card not working)
Google 人脉(Google People)卡是一项新功能,可能无法完全适用于所有设备。您可能无法创建或保存您的人员卡。有几个因素可以造成这种情况。在本节中,我们将讨论一些修复,如果它一开始就不起作用,它们将帮助您创建和发布您的人卡。
目前,此功能仅在印度可用。(For the time being, this feature is only available in India.)如果您目前居住在任何其他国家/地区,您将无法使用它。不幸的是,您唯一能做的就是等待Google在您所在的国家/地区推出People卡。
确保您的 Google 帐户已启用搜索活动(Make sure that Search Activity is enabled for your Google Account)
Google 人脉(Google People)卡不起作用的另一个原因是您的帐户已禁用搜索活动。(Search)因此,您所做的任何更改都不会被保存。搜索(Search)活动跟踪您的搜索历史;访问过的网站、偏好等。它会分析您的网络活动并为您提供更好的浏览体验。您需要确保搜索活动或网络和应用活动已启用,以便您所做的任何更改(包括创建和编辑您的人员卡片)都得到保存。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1. 首先在您的电脑或手机浏览器上打开Google.com 。
2. 如果您尚未登录您的帐户,请登录。
3. 之后,向下滚动并点击设置(Settings)选项。
4. 现在点击搜索活动(Search activity)选项。
5. 在这里,点击屏幕左上角的汉堡包图标(三条水平线)(hamburger icon (three horizontal lines))。
6. 之后,单击活动控制(Activity Control)选项。
7. 在这里,确保Web & App Activity 旁边的切换开关已启用(toggle switch next to Web & App Activity is enabled)。
8. 就是这样。你都准备好了。您的Google Play 卡(Google Play card)现在将成功保存。
至此,我们到了本文的结尾。我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助。Google 人脉卡是提高您的曝光率的一种非常有效的方式,(Google People card is an extremely effective way to boost your discoverability,)而且最好的是它是免费的。每个人都应该继续创建自己的人脉卡,让您的朋友和同事在Google上搜索您的名字,让他们大吃一惊。您需要记住,您的人员卡可能需要几个小时甚至一天才能发布。之后,在Google(Google)上搜索您姓名的任何人都可以在搜索结果的顶部看到您的人员卡片。
How to Add Your People Card on Google Search
Advеrtisement and promotions arе extremely essential in the present timeѕ. Be it for your business or simply your portfolio, having a strong online presence gоeѕ a long way in boosting your career. Thanks to Google, it is now easy to discover when someone searches for your name on Google.
Yes, you heard it right, your name or your business will pop up on the search results if someone searches for it. Along with your name, other relevant details like a small bio, your Occupation, links to your social media accounts, etc. can be arranged in a neat little card, and this will be pop up in the search results. This is known as a People card and is a cool new feature from Google. In this article, we are going to discuss this in detail and also teach you how to create and add your People card on Google Search.
What is Google People Card?
Just like the name suggests, a People card is like a digital business card that boosts your discoverability on the internet. Everyone wishes that their business or personal profile appears on the top of the search results. However, this isn’t so simple. It is extremely difficult to feature in the top search results unless you are already famous, and a lot of websites and people have written or published articles about you or your business. Having an active and popular social media account helps, but that is not a sure shot way to achieve the desired result.
Thankfully, this is where Google comes to the rescue by introducing the People card. It allows you to create your own personalized virtual visiting/ business cards. You can add useful information about yourself, your website, or business and make it easier for people to find you when searching for your name.
What are the basic requirements to create a People Card?
The best part about creating your Google People card is that it a very simple and easy process. The only things that you need is a Google account and a PC or a mobile. You can directly start creating your People card if you have any browser installed on your device. Most of the modern Android device comes with Chrome built-in. You can either use that or even use Google Assistant to initiate the process. This will be discussed in the next section.
How to Add your People card on Google Search?
As mentioned earlier, creating a new People card and adding it to Google search is pretty easy. In this section, we will provide a step-wise guide to add your People card to Google search. Follow these steps, and your name or business will also be displayed on the top of Google search results when someone searches for it.
1. Firstly, open Google Chrome or any other mobile browser and open Google Search.
2. Now, in the search bar, type “add me to search” and tap on the search button.
3. If you have Google Assistant, you can activate it by saying Hey Google or Ok Google and then say, “add me to search.”
4. In the search results, you will see a card titled “add yourself to Google Search,” and in that card, there is a “Get started” button. Click on it.
5. After that, you might have to enter the login credentials of your Google account again.
6. Now, you will be directed to the “Create your Public card” section. Your name and profile picture will already be visible.
7. You will now have to fill out other relevant details that you wish to provide.
8. Details like your location, Occupation, and About is a must, and these fields must be filled to create a card.
9. Additionally, you can also include other details like work, education, hometown, email, phone number, etc.
10. You can also add your social media accounts to this card to highlight them. Tap on the plus sign next to the Social profiles option.
11. After that, select one or multiple social profiles by selecting the relevant option from the drop-down list.
12. Once you have added all your information, tap on the Preview button.
13. This will show how your People Card will look. If you are satisfied with the result, then tap on the Save button.
14. Your People card will now be saved, and it will appear in the search results in some time.
Content Guidelines for your People Card
- Should be a true representation of who you are and what you do.
- Do not include misleading information about yourself.
- Do not contain solicitation or any type of advertisement.
- Do not represent any third-party organization.
- Do not use any profane language.
- Do not hurt the religious sentiments of individuals or groups.
- Must not include negative or derogatory comments about other individuals, groups, events, or issues.
- Must not in any way promote or support hate, violence, or unlawful behavior.
- Must not promote hate towards any individual, or organization.
- Must respect the rights of others, including intellectual property, copyright, and privacy rights.
How to view your People card?
If you want to check whether or not it is working and view your Google card, then the process is pretty simple. The only thing that you need to do is open Google search, type in your name, and then tap on the Search button. Your Google People card will be displayed on the top of the search results. It needs to be mentioned here that it will also be visible of everyone who searches for your name on Google.
Further examples of Google People Cards can be seen below:
What kind of data should be included in your People card?
Consider your People card to be your virtual visiting card. Therefore, we would advise you only to add relevant information. Follow the golden rule of Keep it short and simple. Important information like your location and profession must be added to your People card. At the same time, other information like work, education, achievement can also be added if you feel that it will boost your career.
Also, make sure that all the information provided by you is genuine and not misleading in any way. By doing so, you are not creating a bad reputation for yourself but can also be reprimanded by Google for hiding or falsifying your identity. The first couple of times would be a warning, but if you continue to violate Google’s content policies, then it will result in your People card being deleted permanently. You will also not be able to create a new card in the future. So kindly pay heed to this warning and refrain from any questionable activities.
You can also go through Google’s content policies to get a better idea of the kind of things that you must avoid putting on your People card. As mentioned earlier, misleading information of any kind should be avoided. Always use your picture as your profile picture. Refrain from representing any third-person or someone else’s company or business. You are not allowed to advertise some service or product on your People card. Attacking some individual, community, religion, or social group by adding hateful comments or remarks is strictly prohibited. Finally, the use of vulgar language, derogatory comments on your card is not permitted. Google also makes sure that any information added on your card is not a violation of copyrights or intellectual property rights.
How can Google People Card help you in Boosting your Business?
There is a better way to promote oneself or one’s business than to appear on the top of Google search results. Your People card makes this possible. It highlights your business, website, profession, and even gives a glimpse of your personality. Irrespective of your profession, your People card can help boost your discoverability.
Since it is also possible to add your contact details like email address and phone number, it allows people to contact you. You can create a dedicated business email account and get a new official number if you are not willing to contact the public. Google People card is customizable, and you get to choose exactly what information you would like to make publicly visible. As a result, relevant information that could be crucial to promote your business can be included. Additionally, it is completely free, and thus, it is an extremely effective means to boost your business.
How to fix Google People Card not working
Google People card is a new feature and might not be fully operational for all devices. It is possible that you might not be able to create or save your People card. Several factors can be responsible for this. In this section, we will discuss several fixes that will help you create and publish your People card if it did not work in the first place.
For the time being, this feature is only available in India. If you are currently residing in any other country, you will not be able to use it yet. Unfortunately, the only thing that you can do is wait for Google to launch the People card in your country.
Make sure that Search Activity is enabled for your Google Account
Another reason behind the Google People card not working is that the Search activity has been disabled for your account. As a result, any changes made by you is not getting saved. Search activity keeps track of your search history; websites visited, preferences, etc. It analyses your web activity and makes browsing experience better for you. You need to make sure that search activity or web and app activity is enabled so that any changes made by you, including creating and editing your People card, get saved. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Firstly open Google.com on your computer or your mobile browser.
2. If you are not already signed in to your account, then please do so.
3. After that, scroll down and tap on the Settings option.
4. Now tap on the Search activity option.
5. Here, tap on the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) on the top left-hand side of the screen.
6. After that, click on the Activity Control option.
7. Here, make sure that the toggle switch next to Web & App Activity is enabled.
8. That’s it. You are all set. Your Google Play card will now get saved successfully.
With that, we come to the end of this article. We hope that you find this information helpful. Google People card is an extremely effective way to boost your discoverability, and the best thing is that it is free. Everyone should go ahead and create their own People card and surprise your friends and colleagues by asking them to search for your name on Google. You need to remember that it might take several hours or even a day for your People card to get published. After that, anyone who searches for your name on Google will be able to see your People card on the top of the search results.