如果您想 在 Gmail、Outlook 和 Yahoo Mail 中更改您的电子邮件名称,(change your email name in Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail)本文将对您很方便。您还可以在此分步指南的帮助下纠正电子邮件显示名称中的拼写错误。然后
Gmail、Outlook和Yahoo Mail是一些最流行和最 常用的电子邮件服务提供商(commonly used email service providers)。所有这些都允许用户输入相应用户帐户的名称。假设您在创建电子邮件地址期间输入姓名时出现拼写错误。此时,最好按照本教程更改您的姓名,而不是创建新的电子邮件帐户。
要更改您在Gmail中的电子邮件名称,请按照以下步骤操作 -
- 登录到您的 Gmail 帐户。
- 单击设置齿轮图标。
- 选择查看所有设置(See all settings)按钮。
- 切换到帐户和导入(Accounts and Import)选项卡。
- 单击发送邮件为(Send mail as)部分中的编辑信息(edit info)选项。
- 输入您想要的名称。
- 单击保存更改(Save Changes)按钮。
首先,在浏览器中登录您的Gmail帐户,然后单击右上角可见的设置齿轮图标。展开此部分后,单击 查看所有设置 (See all settings )按钮。然后,切换到 Account and Import 选项卡并找到 Send mail as 部分。在这里,您将看到一个名为 edit info的选项。点击它。


完成后,单击 保存更改 (Save Changes )按钮。
首先,登录您的Google帐户 > 点击您的个人资料图片,然后选择 管理您的 Google 帐户 (Manage your Google Account )按钮。
之后,转到“ 个人信息 (Personal info )”选项卡并单击您的姓名。
然后,您可以写下您想要的名称并单击“ 保存 (Save )”按钮以保存更改。
要在Outlook(Outlook)中更改您的电子邮件名称,请按照下列步骤操作 -
- 登录到您的 Outlook 帐户。
- 单击您的个人资料图片。
- 选择我的个人资料(My profile)选项。
- 单击编辑名称(Edit name)按钮。
- 输入您的新名称。
- 单击保存(Save)按钮。
首先,打开官方网站并登录到您的Outlook帐户。即使您有一个@hotmail.com 电子邮件帐户,也可以这样做以开始使用。之后,单击右上角可见的个人资料图片,然后选择 我的个人资料 (My profile )选项。

之后,单击 编辑名称 (Edit name )按钮并输入您的新名称。

完成后,输入验证码并单击“ 保存 (Save )”按钮使其生效。
如何在Yahoo Mail中更改您的电子邮件名称(Yahoo Mail)
要在Yahoo Mail(Yahoo Mail)中更改您的电子邮件名称,请按照下列步骤操作 -
- 登录您的雅虎邮箱帐户。
- 单击设置齿轮图标。
- 单击 更多设置 (More settings )选项。
- 转到 邮箱 (Mailboxes )选项卡。
- 从 邮箱列表中(Mailbox list)选择电子邮件帐户。
- 在您的姓名 (Your name )框中输入您的新姓名 。
- 单击 保存 (Save )按钮。
首先,您必须登录到您的Yahoo Mail帐户。完成后,您将在屏幕右上角看到一个设置齿轮图标。单击(Click)它并选择 更多设置 (More settings )选项。
它将在您的屏幕上打开 Yahoo Mail 的设置面板。如果是这样,请切换到 邮箱 (Mailboxes )选项卡并从 邮箱列表 (Mailbox list )部分中选择电子邮件帐户。

现在您将在右侧看到编辑面板。在您的姓名 (Your name )部分写下新名称 。

最后,点击 保存 (Save )按钮。完成后,它将开始显示您的新名称作为显示名称,同时从您的邮箱发送电子邮件。
注意:(Note:) 不建议频繁改名。您的帐户可能会被相应电子邮件提供商的垃圾邮件过滤器标记。此外,如果您无法更改显示名称,则意味着您已在短时间内多次更改。如果是这样,建议等待几天并按照相同的步骤进行更改。
How to change your email name in Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo
If уou want to change your email name in Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail, this article will be handy for you. You can also rectify the spelling mistake in your email display name with the help of this step by step guide. then
Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail are some of the most popular and commonly used email service providers. All of them allow users to enter a name for the respective user account. Let’s assume that you made a spelling mistake in your name while typing it during the email address creation. At such a moment, it is better to follow this tutorial to change your name instead of creating a new email account.
You might see two types of names in Gmail. First, the display name, which is visible only to the recipients. Second, the original account name. This article contains both guides, and you should follow the steps as per your requirement. Also, it is not possible to make any change in the email address once it is created.
How to change your email name in Gmail
To change your email name in Gmail, follow these steps-
- Log in to your Gmail account.
- Click on the settings gear icon.
- Select See all settings button.
- Switch to the Accounts and Import tab.
- Click the edit info option in the Send mail as section.
- Enter your desired name.
- Click the Save Changes button.
To know more about these steps, keep reading.
At first, log in to your Gmail account in your browser and click on the settings gear icon visible on the top-right corner. After expanding this section, click on the See all settings button. Then, switch to the Account and Import tab and find out Send mail as section. Here you will see an option called edit info. Click on it.

It will open a popup window where you can enter a name.

Once done, click the Save Changes button.
This guide will let you change the name that you want to send to your recipients for your information. If you’re going to change the original name, you will have to follow these steps.
At first, log in to your Google account > click on your profile picture and select the Manage your Google Account button.
Following that, go to the Personal info tab and click on your name.
You can then write down your desired name and click on the Save button to save the change.
How to change your email name in Outlook
To change your email name in Outlook, follow these steps-
- Log in to your Outlook account.
- Click on your profile picture.
- Select the My profile option.
- Click on Edit name button.
- Enter your new name.
- Click the Save button.
Let’s check out these steps in detail.
At first, open the official website and log in to your Outlook account. Even if you have a @hotmail.com email account, do the same to get started. After that, click on your profile picture visible on the top-right corner and select the My profile option.

Following that, click on the Edit name button and enter your new name.

Once it is done, enter the captcha and click on the Save button to make it effective.
How to change your email name in Yahoo Mail
To change your email name in Yahoo Mail, follow these steps-
- Sign in to your Yahoo Mail account.
- Click on the settings gear icon.
- Click on More settings option.
- Go to the Mailboxes tab.
- Select the email account from the Mailbox list.
- Enter your new name in the Your name box.
- Click on the Save button.
Keep reading to know more about these steps in detail.
At first, you will have to sign in to your Yahoo Mail account. After doing that, you will see a settings gear icon on the top-right corner of your screen. Click on it and select the More settings option.
It will open Yahoo Mail’s settings panel on your screen. If so, switch to the Mailboxes tab and select the email account from the Mailbox list section.

Now you will see the editing panel on your right-hand side. Write down the new name in the Your name section.

At last, click on the Save button. Once done, it will start showing your new name as the display name while sending an email from your mailbox.
Note: It is not recommended to change your name frequently. Your account may get flagged by the spam filters of the respective email provider. Also, if you cannot change your display name, it implies that you have changed it multiple times in a short period. If so, it is recommended to wait for a couple of days and follow the same steps to make the change.