人们对音乐游戏上瘾的容易程度令许多人感到震惊。但是,这里是关于音乐爱好者的秘密。如果您点击彩色瓷砖,曲调和音乐作品会很有趣。这正是Microsoft Store中的这些(Microsoft Store)音乐游戏(Music Games )为您的 Windows 10 PC 提供的内容。
我记得我在等我表弟到达地铁(Tube)站,最后我花了大约 45 分钟敲打瓷砖,想出了我应该喜欢的音乐作品。但是,这就是这些音乐游戏的魅力所在。这不仅仅是关于构图;在战斗模式中,您必须夺取所有神奇的钢琴砖。不只是钢琴,您还可以使用各种乐器进行战斗。
适用于 Windows 10 PC 的最佳音乐游戏
- 钢琴块:经典歌曲
- 钢琴挑战 2
- 音乐键盘
- 宋弧
- 音乐问答游戏
- 猜歌 – 4 Pics 1 Song
- 超级多边形
- 歌曲测验 4 图片
- 吉他大师
- 设计师钢琴
从Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)中查找音乐游戏方面的最佳消磨时间。您可以在一个慵懒的周六(Saturday)下午轻松消磨时间。而且,如果您是保姆,请相信我,这些音乐游戏可能会帮助您与蹒跚学步的孩子保持和平。
1]钢琴块:经典歌曲(1] Piano Tiles: Classic Songs)

如果土耳其进行曲(Turkish March)、莫扎特(Mozart)、华尔兹(Waltz)、午夜奏鸣曲(Midnight Sonata)是您的首选,那么Piano Tiles : Classic Songs就是您的选择。安装轻巧,确保您的设备不会陷入困境。
您现在可以选择您的音乐,并与所有神奇的白色和黑色瓷砖进行战斗以打破高分。从这里(Get it from here)免费获取。
2]钢琴挑战2(2] Piano Challenges 2)

在这里,音乐游戏中的白色瓷砖远不止不点击。Piano Challenges 2不仅可以帮助您度过空闲时间,还可以提高水平以打破高分。
凭借出色的桃花心木图形,您可以在这里找到最好的古典音乐主题。从Microsoft Store免费获取。
3]音乐键盘(3] Music Keyboard)

在Microsoft Store上使用这款(Microsoft Store)音乐键盘(Music Keyboard)挑战您的敲击速度。
4]宋弧(4] SongArc)

您现在可以轻松地测试您作为手指舞者的才能,也可以测试您的敲击速度。SongArc可以在Microsoft Store上轻松免费找到。令人兴奋的不同关卡,几乎让你想起了最受欢迎的“吉他英雄”。
5]音乐问答游戏(5] Music Quiz Game)

如果你把音乐、歌词和琐事放在烘干机里,你就会得到音乐测验游戏(Quiz Game)。不断(Keep)猜测流行歌曲、爵士乐、摇滚、乡村等流行歌曲的歌词。
6] 猜歌 – 4 图片 1 歌曲(6] Guess the Song – 4 Pics 1 Song)

所以,你认为你对你所有的唱片都了如指掌?这就是全部出来的地方。在Microsoft Store的这款令人惊叹的(Microsoft Store)Guess the Song音乐游戏中尝试您的琐事。
7]超级多边形(7] Super Polygon)

这个音乐游戏可能看起来很简单,但它具有欺骗性。Super Polygon很难(Hard)掌握且玩起来很有趣,它是根据节奏设计的惊人多边形之间的战斗。
8] 歌曲测验 4 图片(8] Song Quiz 4 Pics)

Song Quiz 4 Pics是一款游戏,您需要在看到四张相关图像后猜测歌曲名称。该游戏专注于好莱坞(Hollywood)音乐。它测试你的智力。如果您喜欢标题,请在此处(here)查看更多信息。
9]吉他大师(9] Guitar Maestro)

您还可以在Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)上练习制作初学者吉他垫的实时歌曲。
10]设计师钢琴(10] Designer Piano)

好吧,伙计们!这些是迄今为止Microsoft Store上最好的音乐游戏。(Microsoft Store)如果你和我一样对音乐游戏着迷,那么这份清单很有可能会派上用场。
Happy playing!
Best Music games for Windows 10 PC from the Microsoft Store
It is absolutely shocking to many as to how easily people can get addiсted to music games. But, here is the secret about music lovers. Tunes and music compositions can be fun if you are tapping on colorful tiles. That’s exactly what these Music Games from the Microsoft Store offer for your Windows 10 PC.
I remember I was waiting for my cousin to arrive at the Tube station, and I ended up spending like 45 minutes just tapping on tiles to come up with a music composition that I supposedly liked. But, here is the catch to these music games. It is not all about just compositions; in the battle modes you have to capture all the magical piano tiles. Not just piano, you get a variety of instruments to battle with.
Best Music games for Windows 10 PC
Without further delay let’s get this music games party bus on the road, shall we?
- Piano Tiles: Classic Songs
- Piano Challenges 2
- Music Keyboard
- SongArc
- Music Quiz Game
- Guess the Song – 4 Pics 1 Song
- Super Polygon
- Song Quiz 4 Pics
- Guitar Maestro
- Designer Piano
Find the best time killers in terms of music games from the Microsoft Store. You can easily kill away hours on a lazy Saturday afternoon. And, if you are a babysitter trust me these music games would probably help you keep peace with your toddler.
1] Piano Tiles: Classic Songs

If the Turkish March, Mozart, Waltz, Midnight Sonata is your bunch then Piano Tiles: Classic Songs is your pick. It is lightweight to install making sure your device is not bogged down.
Clicking on all the magical tiles may seem easy but it is a difficult challenge, and this is exactly what is set to keep you addicted.
You can now select your music and just battle on with all the magical white and black tiles to break a high score. Get it from here for free.
2] Piano Challenges 2

There is far than just don’t tap the white tiles in music games here. Piano Challenges 2 is set to not just help you spend your idle time but also soar levels to break high scores.
With excellent mahogany graphics, you can find the very best of classical music themes right here. Get it from the Microsoft Store for free.
3] Music Keyboard

Challenge your tapping speed with this Music Keyboard on the Microsoft Store.
With four different levels to master your tapping speed, you can enjoy amazing classical notes and break high scores on lazy evenings. Now you can play hundreds of tunes and turn your screen into your very own keyboard.
4] SongArc

You can now easily test your talents at being a finger dancer and test your tapping speeds too with it. SongArc can be easily found on Microsoft Store for free. With exciting different levels, it almost reminds you of the cult favorite ‘Guitar Hero’.
You can just tap on the shapes that will reach the arc and then just follow the beat right through. You can also create a variety of custom sheets for all of your songs individually.
5] Music Quiz Game

If you put music, lyrics, and trivia in a dryer, then you get Music Quiz Game. Keep guessing the lyrics to popular songs from pop, jazz, rock, country, etc.
You can just guess the song, and the name of the song and also the date of release will appear. Try your musical brain out this one. You can get it from here.
6] Guess the Song – 4 Pics 1 Song

So, you think you know all your discographies by heart? This is where it all comes out. Try your trivia at this amazing Guess the Song music game at Microsoft Store.
You will be given four images to put together the puzzle for the song. You can easily spend hours with this game.
7] Super Polygon

This music game may look very simple, but it is deceptive to the core. Hard to master and fun to play, the Super Polygon is a battle between amazing polygons designed to a rhythm.
But, once you figure out the pattern to win; Boy! are you in for a swell time. Get it for free from here.
8] Song Quiz 4 Pics

Song Quiz 4 Pics is a game in which you need to guess the song title after being presented with four related images. The game is focused on Hollywood music. It tests your intelligence. If you like the caption, check more about it here.
9] Guitar Maestro

This is an amazing game to learn the guitar chords all the way up to the neck of the guitar. Once mastered you can easily try your luck at a real Gibson maybe.
You also have real-time songs to practice form making a beginners guitar pad right here on the Microsoft Store.
10] Designer Piano

This is for the ones who love the personalization. Personalize and design your own piano and play along with a variety of songs to play from. Simply download it for free from here spend all your idle hours making music.
Well, guys! Those were the best music games available on the Microsoft Store so far. If you are just as crazy about music games like me, the chances are this list is going to come handy.
Happy playing!