修复 Windows 无法连接到此网络错误:(Fix Windows can’t connect to this network error: )如果您遇到此错误“无法连接到此网络”,那么您在连接到网络时遇到问题,这意味着您无法访问互联网,今天我们将讨论如何解决这个问题。一些用户还面临这样的问题:您的网络连接显示您已连接,但您将无法打开任何页面,如果您运行疑难解答程序,它会说您未连接到任何网络。
为什么显示无法连接到此网络?(Why does it say Can’t connect to this network?)
- 不兼容、损坏或过时的无线网络适配器驱动程序(Incompatible, corrupted, or outdated Wireless Network Adapter Drivers)
- 无线 LAN (WLAN) 通信的 802.11n 规范冲突(Conflicting 802.11n specification for wireless LAN (WLAN) communications)
- 加密密钥问题(Encryption key problem)
- 损坏的无线网络模式(Corrupted Wireless Network Mode)
- IPv6 冲突问题(IPv6 conflicting issues)
- 损坏的连接文件(Corrupted connection files)
- 防病毒或防火墙干预(Antivirus or Firewall intervention)
- Invalid TCP/IP
修复 Windows 无法连接到此网络错误
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
方法一:重置路由器(Method 1: Reset your router)
在某些情况下,重置调制解调器和路由器有助于修复网络连接。这有助于创建与您的Internet服务提供商 ( ISP ) 的新连接。执行此操作时,连接到您的 Wi-Fi 网络的每个人都将暂时断开连接。
为了访问您的路由器管理页面,您需要知道默认 IP 地址、用户名和密码。如果您不知道,请查看是否可以从此列表中获取默认路由器 IP 地址(default router IP address from this list)。如果不能,则需要使用本指南手动查找路由器的 IP 地址。(find the router’s IP address using this guide.)
方法 2:卸载您的网络适配器驱动程序(Method 2: Uninstall Your Network Adapter Drivers)
1.按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入“ devmgmt.msc ”并按Enter打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2.展开网络适配器并找到您的网络适配器名称。(your network adapter name.)
3. 确保记下适配器名称(note down the adapter name),以防万一出现问题。
5.如果要求确认选择是。( select Yes.)
6.重新启动您的 PC 并尝试重新连接到您的网络。
7.如果您无法连接到您的网络,则表示驱动程序软件(driver software)没有自动安装。
8.现在您需要访问制造商的网站并从那里下载驱动程序。(download the driver)
通过重新安装网络适配器,您可以修复 Windows 10 无法连接到此网络错误。(fix Windows 10 Can’t connect to this network error.)
方法 3:更新网络适配器驱动程序(Method 3: Update Network Adapter Driver)
1.按Windows键+R,在运行对话框中输入“ devmgmt.msc ”打开(devmgmt.msc)设备管理器。(device manager.)
2.展开网络适配器(Network adapters),然后右键单击您的Wi-Fi 控制器( Wi-Fi controller)(例如Broadcom或Intel)并选择更新驱动程序。(Update Drivers.)
3.在更新驱动程序软件窗口(Update Driver Software Windows)中,选择“浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序软件。(Browse my computer for driver software.)”
4.现在选择“让我从计算机上的设备驱动程序列表中选择。(Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.)”
5.尝试从列出的版本更新驱动程序。(update drivers from the listed versions.)
6.如果上述方法不起作用,请到制造商的网站(manufacturer’s website)更新驱动程序:https://downloadcenter.intel.com/
方法 4:禁用 IPv6(Method 4: Disable IPv6)
1.右键单击系统托盘上的WiFi图标,然后单击“打开网络和共享中心”。(Open Network and Sharing Center.)”
3.单击刚刚打开的窗口中的属性按钮(Properties button)。
4.确保uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IP).
5.单击确定,然后单击关闭(Close)。重新启动(Reboot)您的 PC 以保存更改。这应该可以帮助您修复 Windows 10 无法连接到此网络错误(fix Windows 10 Can’t connect to this network error),并且您应该再次能够访问互联网,但如果没有帮助,请继续下一步。
6.现在选择Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)并单击属性。
7.勾选“使用以下DNS服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses)”并输入以下内容:
首选 DNS 服务器: DNS server:
备用 DNS 服务器: DNS server:
8.关闭所有内容,您也许可以修复 Windows 无法连接到此网络错误。 (Fix Windows Can’t connect to this network error. )
方法 5: (Method 5: )Flush DNS and Reset TCP/IP
1.右键单击Windows按钮(Windows Button)并选择“命令提示符(管理员)。(Command Prompt(Admin).)”
2.现在键入以下命令并在每个命令后按Enter :
(a) ipconfig /release
(b) ipconfig /flushdns
(c) ipconfig /renew
3.再次打开管理命令提示符(Admin Command Prompt)并键入以下内容并在每个之后按回车键:
- ipconfig /flushdns
- nbtstat –r
- netsh int ip 重置
- netsh winsock 重置
4.重新启动以应用更改。刷新DNS似乎 修复无法连接到此网络错误。(Fix Can’t connect to this network error.)
方法 6:运行 Windows 网络疑难解答(Method 6: Run Windows Network Troubleshooter)
1.右键单击网络图标并选择疑难解答。( Troubleshoot problems.)
3.现在按Windows key + W并键入故障排除( Troubleshooting)按回车键。
4.从那里选择“网络和互联网。(Network and Internet.)”
5.在下一个屏幕中单击网络适配器。(Network Adapter.)
6.按照屏幕上的说明修复 Windows 无法连接到此网络错误。(fix Windows Can’t connect to this network error.)
方法 7:禁用网络适配器的 802.1 1n 模式(Method 7: Disable 802.1 1n Mode of your network adapter)
1.右键单击网络图标(Network icon)并选择“打开(Open) 网络和共享中心”。(Network and Sharing Center.)”
3.在 Wi-Fi 属性中单击配置。( Configure.)
4.导航到高级选项卡( the Advanced tab),然后选择 802.11n模式(Mode)并从值下拉列表中选择禁用。(Disabled.)
5.单击确定并重新启动(Reboot)您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 8:手动添加网络连接(Method 8: Add your network connection manually)
1.右键单击系统托盘中的WiFi图标,然后选择打开网络和共享中心。(Open Network and Sharing Center.)
2.单击底部的设置新连接或网络。(Set up a new connection or network)
3.选择“手动连接无线网络(Manually connect to a wireless network)”并点击下一步。
4.按照屏幕上的说明输入用户名(Enter username)和密码来配置这个新连接。
5.单击下一步完成该过程并检查您是否能够 修复无法连接到此网络错误。(fix can’t connect to this network error or not.)
方法 9:更改无线适配器的网络密钥(安全)(Method 9: Change Network Key (Security) for your Wireless Adapter)
1.打开网络(Network)和共享中心(Sharing Center)并点击您当前的WiFi连接。(current WiFi connection.)
2.在刚刚打开的新窗口中单击无线属性( Wireless Properties)。
3.切换到安全选项卡(Security tab)并选择您的路由器使用的相同安全类型(same security type)。
5.重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
方法 10:暂时禁用防病毒和防火墙(Method 10: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall)
有时防病毒(Antivirus)程序可能会导致Windows 无法连接到此网络错误(Windows Can’t Connect to this network error),为了验证这里不是这种情况,您需要在有限的时间内禁用您的防病毒软件,以便您可以检查防病毒软件时错误是否仍然出现已关闭。
1.右键单击系统托盘中的防病毒程序图标( Antivirus Program icon),然后选择禁用。(Disable.)
2.接下来,选择防病毒软件将保持禁用的时间范围。( Antivirus will remain disabled.)
注意:选择尽可能少的时间,例如 15 分钟或 30 分钟。
4.按 Windows 键 + I 然后选择控制面板。( Control Panel.)
5.下一步,点击系统和安全。( System and Security.)
6.然后点击Windows防火墙。(Windows Firewall.)
7.现在从左侧窗格中单击打开或关闭Windows 防火墙(Turn Windows Firewall)。
8.选择关闭 Windows 防火墙并重新启动您的 PC。(Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC. )再次尝试连接到WiFi网络,看看问题是否已解决。
方法 11:更改网络适配器的通道宽度(Method 11: Change channel width for your network adapter)
1.按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入ncpa.cpl并按 Enter 打开网络连接。(Network Connections.)
2.现在右键单击您当前的 WiFi 连接( current WiFi connection)并选择属性。(Properties.)
3.单击Wi-Fi 属性窗口中的配置按钮(Configure button)。
4. 切换到高级选项卡( Advanced tab)并选择802.11 信道宽度。(802.11 Channel Width.)
5. 将 802.11 Channel Width的值更改为20 MHz,然后单击 OK。
6.关闭所有内容并重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。您可以使用此方法修复无法连接到此网络错误(fix Can’t Connect to this network error),但如果由于某种原因它对您不起作用,请继续。
方法 12:忘记无线连接(Method 12: Forget the Wireless connection)
1.单击系统托盘中的无线(Wireless)图标,然后单击网络设置。(Network Settings.)
2.然后单击管理已知网络( Manage Known networks)以获取已保存网络的列表。
3.现在选择Windows 10不会记住密码的那个,然后单击忘记。(click Forget.)
4.再次单击系统托盘中的无线图标( wireless icon)并连接到您的网络,它会要求输入密码,因此请确保您随身携带无线(Wireless)密码。
6.重新启动您的PC并再次尝试连接到同一网络,这一次Windows会记住您的WiFi密码。此方法似乎可以 解决 Windows 无法连接到此网络错误。(resolve Windows Can’t connect to this network error.)
方法 13:禁用并重新启用您的无线连接(Method 13: Disable and Re-Enable your wireless connection)
1.按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入ncpa.cpl并按 Enter。
2.右键单击您的无线适配器( wireless adapter)并选择禁用。(Disable.)
3.再次右键单击同一个适配器,这次选择启用。(choose Enable.)
4.重新启动并再次尝试连接到您的无线网络,看看您是否能够修复Windows (f)10 无法连接到此网络错误。(ix Windows 10 cannot connect to this network error.)
方法 14:注册表修复(Method 14: Registry Fix)
1.按Windows Key + X然后选择命令提示符(管理员)。(Command Prompt (Admin).)
2.在 cmd 中键入以下命令并按Enter:
reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3} /va /f
netcfg -v -u dni_dne
3.关闭命令提示符并重新启动您的 PC。
方法 15:更改电源管理设置(Method 15: Change Power Management settings)
1.按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入devmgmt.msc并按 Enter。
2.展开网络适配器( Network adapters),然后右键单击已安装的网络适配器并选择属性。(Properties.)
3.切换到电源管理选项卡(Power Management Tab),确保取消选中(uncheck)“允许计算机关闭此设备以节省电源”。(Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.)”
4.单击确定并关闭设备管理器(Device Manager)。
5.现在按Windows Key + I 打开设置,然后 Click System > Power & Sleep.
6.在底部单击附加电源设置。(click Additional power settings.)
7.现在单击您使用的电源计划旁边的“更改计划设置”。(Change plan settings)
8.在底部单击“更改高级电源设置。(Change advanced power settings.)”
9.展开无线适配器设置( Wireless Adapter Settings),然后再次展开省电模式。(Power Saving Mode.)
10.接下来,您将看到两种模式,“使用电池”和“插入”。将它们都更改(Change)为最高性能。(Maximum Performance.)
11.单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定。重新启动(Ok. Reboot)您的 PC 以保存更改。
为你推荐:(Recommended for you:)
就是这样,您已成功修复 Windows 无法连接到此网络错误( Fix Windows Cannot connect to this network error),但如果您对本指南仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Windows Can’t Connect To This Network Error
Fix Windows can’t connect to this network error: If you are facing this error “Can’t connect to this network” then you’re are having problems getting connected to a network which means you can’t access the internet and today we are going to discuss how to resolve this issue. Some users are also facing the issue where your network connections show that you are connected but you won’t be able to open any page and if you run the troubleshooter it will say that you’re not connected to any network.
Why does it say Can’t connect to this network?
First of all, there is not a particular explanation for this error as this error can be caused due to any number of reasons and mostly it depends on the user’s system configuration and the environment. But we will discuss all the possible causes which seem to lead to this error message “Can’t connect to this network.” Below are all the possible reasons listed due to which this error can appear:
- Incompatible, corrupted, or outdated Wireless Network Adapter Drivers
- Conflicting 802.11n specification for wireless LAN (WLAN) communications
- Encryption key problem
- Corrupted Wireless Network Mode
- IPv6 conflicting issues
- Corrupted connection files
- Antivirus or Firewall intervention
- Invalid TCP/IP
These are some of the possible explanations as to why you are facing the “Can’t connect to this network” error message and now that we know the cause, we can actually fix all of the above-listed problems one by one in order to fix the issue. So without wasting any time let’s see how to fix Windows can’t connect to this network error with the below-listed troubleshooting guide.
Fix Windows Can’t connect to this network error
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Reset your router
Resetting the modem and your router can help fix the network connection in some cases. This helps create a new connection to your Internet service provider (ISP). When you do this, everyone that is connected to your Wi-Fi network will be temporarily disconnected.
In order to access your router admin page, you need to know the default IP address, username, and password. If you don’t know then see if you can get the default router IP address from this list. If you can’t then you need to manually find the router’s IP address using this guide.
Method 2: Uninstall Your Network Adapter Drivers
1.Press Windows Key + R then type “devmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
2.Expand Network Adapters and find your network adapter name.
3.Make sure you note down the adapter name just in case something goes wrong.
4.Right-click on your network adapter and uninstall it.
5.If ask for confirmation select Yes.
6.Restart your PC and try to reconnect to your network.
7.If you’re not able to connect to your network then it means the driver software isn’t automatically installed.
8.Now you need to visit your manufacturer’s website and download the driver from there.
9.Install the driver and reboot your PC.
By reinstalling the network adapter, you can fix Windows 10 Can’t connect to this network error.
Method 3: Update Network Adapter Driver
1.Press Windows key + R and type “devmgmt.msc” in the Run dialogue box to open device manager.
2.Expand Network adapters, then right-click on your Wi-Fi controller(for example Broadcom or Intel) and select Update Drivers.
3.In the Update Driver Software Windows, select “Browse my computer for driver software.”
4.Now select “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.”
5.Try to update drivers from the listed versions.
6.If the above didn’t work then go to the manufacturer’s website to update drivers: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/
Method 4: Disable IPv6
1.Right click on the WiFi icon on the system tray and then click on “Open Network and Sharing Center.”
2.Now click on your current connection in order to open settings.
Note: If you can’t connect to your network then use an Ethernet cable to connect and then follow this step.
3.Click the Properties button in the window that just open.
4.Make sure to uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IP).
5.Click OK then click Close. Reboot your PC to save changes. This should help you fix Windows 10 Can’t connect to this network error and you should again able to access the internet but if it wasn’t helpful then continue to the next step.
6.Now select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.
7.Check mark “Use the following DNS server addresses” and type the following:
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:
8.Close everything and you may be able to Fix Windows Can’t connect to this network error.
If this doesn’t help then make sure to enable IPv6 and IPv4.
Method 5: Flush DNS and Reset TCP/IP
1.Right-click on Windows Button and select “Command Prompt(Admin).”
2.Now type the following command and press Enter after each one:
(a) ipconfig /release
(b) ipconfig /flushdns
(c) ipconfig /renew
3.Again open Admin Command Prompt and type the following and hit enter after each one:
- ipconfig /flushdns
- nbtstat –r
- netsh int ip reset
- netsh winsock reset
4.Reboot to apply changes. Flushing DNS seems to Fix Can’t connect to this network error.
Method 6: Run Windows Network Troubleshooter
1.Right-click on the network icon and select Troubleshoot problems.
2.Follow the on-screen instructions.
3.Now press Windows key + W and type Troubleshooting hit enter.
4.From there select “Network and Internet.”
5.In the next screen click on Network Adapter.
6.Follow the on-screen instruction to fix Windows Can’t connect to this network error.
Method 7: Disable 802.1 1n Mode of your network adapter
1.Right click on the Network icon and select “Open Network and Sharing Center.”
2.Now select your Wi-Fi and click on Properties.
3.Inside Wi-Fi properties click on Configure.
4.Navigate to the Advanced tab then select 802.11n Mode and from the value drop-down select Disabled.
5.Click OK and Reboot your PC to save changes.
Method 8: Add your network connection manually
1.Right click on the WiFi icon in the system tray and select Open Network and Sharing Center.
2.Click Set up a new connection or network at the bottom.
3.Choose “Manually connect to a wireless network” and click Next.
4.Follow on-screen instruction and Enter username & password to configure this new connection.
5.Click Next to finish the process and check if you’re able to fix can’t connect to this network error or not.
Method 9: Change Network Key (Security) for your Wireless Adapter
1.Open Network and Sharing Center and click on your current WiFi connection.
2.Click Wireless Properties in the new window that just opened.
3.Switch to Security tab and select the same security type that your router is using.
4.You might have to try different options in order to fix this issue.
5.Restart your PC to save changes.
Method 10: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall
Sometimes the Antivirus program can cause Windows Can’t Connect to this network error and in order to verify this is not the case here, you need to disable your antivirus for a limited time so that you can check if the error still appears when the antivirus is off.
1.Right-click on the Antivirus Program icon from the system tray and select Disable.
2.Next, select the time frame for which the Antivirus will remain disabled.
Note: Choose the smallest amount of time possible for example 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
3.Once done, again try to connect to the WiFi network and check if the error resolves or not.
4.Press Windows Key + I then select Control Panel.
5.Next, click on System and Security.
6.Then click on Windows Firewall.
7.Now from the left window pane click on Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
8.Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC. Again try to connect to the WiFi network and see if the issue is resolved or not.
If the above method doesn’t work make sure to follow the exact same steps to turn on your Firewall again.
Method 11: Change channel width for your network adapter
1.Press Windows Key + R then type ncpa.cpl and hit Enter to open Network Connections.
2.Now right-click on your current WiFi connection and select Properties.
3.Click Configure button in the Wi-Fi properties window.
4.Switch to the Advanced tab and select the 802.11 Channel Width.
5.Change the value of 802.11 Channel Width to 20 MHz then click OK.
6.Close everything and reboot your PC to save changes. You may be able to fix Can’t Connect to this network error with this method but if for some reason it didn’t work for you then continue.
Method 12: Forget the Wireless connection
1.Click on the Wireless icon in the system tray and then click Network Settings.
2.Then click on Manage Known networks to get the list of saved networks.
3.Now select the one which Windows 10 won’t remember the password for and click Forget.
4.Again click the wireless icon in the system tray and connect to your network, it will ask for the password, so make sure you have the Wireless password with you.
5.Once you have entered the password you will connect to the network and Windows will save this network for you.
6.Reboot your PC and again try to connect to the same network and this time Windows will remember the password of your WiFi. This method seems to resolve Windows Can’t connect to this network error.
Method 13: Disable and Re-Enable your wireless connection
1.Press Windows Key + R then type ncpa.cpl and hit Enter.
2.Right-click on your wireless adapter and select Disable.
3.Again right-click on the same adapter and this time choose Enable.
4.Restart your and again try to connect to your wireless network and see if you’re able to fix Windows 10 cannot connect to this network error.
Method 14: Registry Fix
1.Press Windows Key + X then select Command Prompt (Admin).
2.Type the following command into cmd and hit Enter:
reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{988248f3-a1ad-49bf-9170-676cbbc36ba3} /va /f
netcfg -v -u dni_dne
3.Close the command prompt and reboot your PC.
Method 15: Change Power Management settings
1.Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter.
2.Expand Network adapters then right-click on your installed network adapter and select Properties.
3.Switch to Power Management Tab and make sure to uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.”
4.Click Ok and close the Device Manager.
5.Now press Windows Key + I to open Settings then Click System > Power & Sleep.
6.On the bottom click Additional power settings.
7.Now click “Change plan settings” next to the power plan which you use.
8.At the bottom click on “Change advanced power settings.”
9.Expand Wireless Adapter Settings, then again expand Power Saving Mode.
10.Next, you will see two modes, ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in.’ Change both of them to Maximum Performance.
11.Click Apply followed by Ok. Reboot your PC to save changes.
Recommended for you:
That’s it you have successfully Fix Windows Cannot connect to this network error but if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.