在Windows 10(Windows 10)中下载繁重的应用程序时,缓慢的下载可能是您能想到的最后一件事。大多数人都抱怨过Microsoft Store 下载速度慢的问题(Microsoft Store slow download issue)。如果您确定问题不在于您的 Internet 连接,那么问题在于Microsoft Store。当人们从Microsoft(Microsoft)商店下载某些东西时,他们经常抱怨Internet速度下降到几 kbps 。您很乐意解决此Microsoft Store下载速度慢的问题,以便您可以轻松地从Store安装应用程序。(Store)它是下载和安装应用程序最常用的平台之一视窗 10(Windows 10)。
在本文中,我们将讨论一些可用于修复(fix )Microsoft Store 下载缓慢问题的方法(Microsoft Store slow download issue)。让我们首先讨论一些可能导致Microsoft Store下载速度变慢的问题。
注意:(Note:)在继续之前,请确保您有一个有效的互联网连接,以便在必要时下载适当的设置和软件(Software)。如果您的互联网带宽较低,请尝试升级您当前的计划。这也可能是Windows Store下载缓慢问题背后的原因之一。
如何修复 Microsoft Store 缓慢下载问题(Fix Microsoft Store Slow Download Issue)
Microsoft Store下载缓慢问题可能有多种原因。我们分析了其中一些,并在下面提到它们:
a)损坏的窗口存储文件(a) Corrupted Window Store File)
这是下载缓慢问题背后最常见的问题之一。Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)文件已损坏,或者主可执行文件存储已损坏。这两个可能是问题背后的主要原因。您可以通过再次在Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)中重新注册来解决此问题。
b) Windows 应用商店故障(b) Windows Store Glitch)
如果您的Window相对过时,那么这也可能是您的Microsoft Store下载缓慢问题的原因。您可以通过运行Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)疑难解答程序来解决此问题,该程序可以检查系统内部是否存在持续存在的故障。
c) 下载速度上限(c) Download Speed Cap)
Windows 10中存在下载速度上限功能,它对Internet速度进行了限制。确保(Make)禁用它,因为它也可能是Microsoft Store下载缓慢或无法下载应用程序(can’t download apps)问题的原因。您不能否认Microsoft Windows正在彻底现代化并且需要大量带宽这一事实。因此,如果有下载上限,那么最终会导致下载缓慢。您可以通过删除您可能设置的任何下载速度上限来解决Microsoft商店下载速度慢的问题。(Microsoft)您可以将它们从传递优化设置(Delivery Optimisation Settings)中删除。
d) 路由器故障(d) Router Glitch)
如果您使用的是动态 IP 地址(dynamic IP address),那么您很容易面临这个问题。保持动态 IP 可能会产生与Microsoft Store的信任问题,直接影响您的下载速度。在某些情况下,下载速度最多可以降低几 kbps。好消息是,这是一个临时问题,可以通过重新启动调制解调器或路由器轻松解决。
e) 在后台运行应用程序(e) Running Applications in the Background)
Window 10以未经用户事先许可下载或安装更新而闻名。它会在后台下载很多用户不知道的东西。如果您遇到下载缓慢的问题,请检查Windows 更新(Windows Updates)和后台应用程序,它们可能会占用大部分带宽。
f) 存储缓存(f) Store Cache)
Microsoft Windows Store可能已损坏,这可能是 Microsoft Store 下载缓慢问题的原因。这是下载速度慢的最常见问题之一。
g) 第三方干扰(g) Third-party Interference)
h) 软件分发文件夹(h) Software Distribution Folder)
这些是您在Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)中的下载速度背后的一些主要原因。现在让我们跳到一些方法来(Let us now jump to some methods to )解决 Microsoft Windows Store 下载缓慢的问题。 (fix Microsoft Windows Store slow download issue. )
修复 Microsoft Store 缓慢下载问题的 9 种方法(9 Ways to Fix Microsoft Store Slow Download Issue)
有多种方法可以解决此问题。以下(Below)是一些可用于修复Windows 应用商店下载速度慢问题(Windows Store Slow Download Speed Issue)的最有效和最值得信赖的方法。
1.运行窗口商店疑难解答 (1. Run Window Store Troubleshooter )
Window 10以其迷人的功能而闻名。它带有一个疑难解答(Troubleshoot)选项,可以很容易地找出您的 PC 的问题。您可以运行Windows Store Troubleshooter来修复Microsoft Store 下载缓慢的问题:
1. 从开始菜单或 Windows 图标(Start Menu or Windows Icon)中,搜索疑难解答(Troubleshoot) 选项。
2. 单击疑难解答设置(Troubleshoot Settings),这将带您进入可以进行疑难解答的Windows应用程序列表。
3. 现在,单击其他疑难解答。 (Additional troubleshooters. )
4. 搜索Windows 应用商店应用程序(Windows Store Apps) ,然后单击运行(Run) 疑难解答(the troubleshooter)。
2.重新注册微软商店(2. Re-Register Microsoft Store)
很多人都尝试过这种方法,并得到了满意的结果。您只需要在您的Microsoft Windows Store(Microsoft Windows Store)上重新注册,这将删除以前的缓存。按照本指南重置您的Microsoft Windows Store帐户:
1. 按Window key + I 打开Settings,然后点击Apps。
2.在应用和功能(Apps and Features. )下找到Microsoft Store 。点击“高级选项(Advanced options)”
3.滚动到底部,您将看到重置(Reset)选项,单击它,您已成功重置您的Microsoft Store。(you have successfully reset your Microsoft Store.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 始终在 Windows 10 应用商店应用中显示滚动条(Always Show Scrollbars in Windows 10 Store Apps)
3.检查隐藏的下载速度上限(3. Check Hidden Download Speed Caps)
如果您移除隐藏的下载速度上限,它将提高您的最大下载速度,自动修复Microsoft Store下载速度慢的问题。大多数用户不知道隐藏的下载速度上限。微软(Microsoft)声称Windows 10 操作系统(Operating System)控制并优化了下载更新所需的带宽。最大带宽速度降低到实际速度的 45% 左右。让我们看看如何更改下载速度上限:
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全。(Update & Security.)
2.向下滚动(Scroll)到屏幕底部,然后单击“高级选项(Advanced Options)”。
3. 单击暂停更新(Pause updates)部分下的“传递优化”。(Delivery Optimisation)
4. 现在,向下滚动并再次单击“允许从其他 PC 下载”部分下的高级选项。(Advanced Options)
5. 在“下载设置(Download settings)”部分下,查找测量带宽的百分比(Percentage of measured bandwidth)并勾选(tick the option)“限制在后台下载更新使用多少带宽(Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background)”选项。
6. 您将在“限制在后台下载更新使用多少带宽(Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background)”下看到一个滑块。Make sure to scroll it to full 100%.
7. 再次尝试从Microsoft Store 下载任何应用程序,看看您的下载速度是否有所提高。
4.重启路由器(4. Restart the Router)
在某些情况下,问题可能出在您的路由器而不是Microsoft Store上。现在要解决Microsoft Store网速慢的问题,您需要检查您的路由器(Router)。有多个选项可供您测试您的路由器带宽速度(test your router bandwidth speed)。如果您的路由器没有为您提供所需的速度,请确保重新启动它。按下重启按钮( Restart button),或物理断开电源线。等待几秒钟后,重新连接电源线并等待重新建立连接。通过尝试从Microsoft Store安装任何应用程序来检查互联网速度。
5.清除Windows Store缓存 (5. Clear Windows Store Cache )
如果Microsoft Store下载速度慢的问题仍然存在,请尝试清除Windows Store缓存。
1. 打开开始菜单(Start Menu)并搜索命令提示符(Command Prompt)。单击以管理员身份运行(Run as Administrator)选项。
2. 现在,在提升的命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中输入“ wsreset ”命令,然后按(wsreset)回车(enter)键。这将从 Microsoft Store 中清除所有存储的缓存。(This will clear all the stored cache from the Microsoft Store.)
3.单击(Click)确认,您将看到一条确认消息,指出“商店的缓存已清除(The Cache for the store was cleared)”。
6. 安装挂起的更新(6. Installing Pending Updates)
如果您的Window有待处理的更新,则可能会导致Microsoft Store的下载速度出现问题。Windows 10以其臭名昭著的行动来优先安装更新而闻名。这可能会导致其他更新或安装的带宽减少。您可以通过安装所有待处理的Windows更新来解决此问题:
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 打开运行对话框(Run dialogue box)并输入“ ms-settings:windowsupdate ”然后按 Enter(Enter)。
2. 这将打开Windows 更新窗口(Windows Update window)。现在单击检查(C)更新(heck for updates)并下载并安装任何待处理的更新。
3. 更新完所有内容后,前往Microsoft商店,尝试安装任何应用程序并检查下载速度。
7. 删除 SoftwareDistribution 文件夹(7. Delete SoftwareDistribution Folder)
损坏的SoftwareDistribution文件夹可能是您的Microsoft Store下载缓慢问题的原因。要(To )解决此问题,您可以按照此处提到的步骤删除 SoftwareDistribution 文件夹(here to delete the SoftwareDistribution folder)。(fix this issue, you can follow the steps mentioned here to delete the SoftwareDistribution folder.)
8.暂时禁用杀毒软件(8. Temporarily Disable Antivirus)
有时防病毒软件会导致冲突并限制系统的带宽。它不允许在您的系统上下载任何可疑的应用程序。为此,您需要暂时禁用防病毒软件并检查Microsoft Store下载速度慢的问题是否已解决。
1. 右键单击系统托盘中的防病毒程序图标( Antivirus Program icon)并选择禁用。(Disable.)
2. 接下来,选择防病毒软件将保持禁用的时间范围。( Antivirus will remain disabled.)
注意:选择尽可能少的时间,例如 15 分钟或 30 分钟。
3. 完成后,再次尝试从Microsoft Store安装任何应用程序并检查错误是否解决。
9. Microsoft 服务器可能已关闭(9. Microsoft Servers might be down)
这些是您可以暗示修复 Microsoft Store 下载缓慢问题(fix the Microsoft Store slow download issue)的一些方法。我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够轻松解决Microsoft Store下载缓慢的问题。但是,如果您仍有任何问题,请随时在评论部分提出。
How To Fix Microsoft Store Slow Download Issue?
The slow download is prоbably thе last thing you can think of while downlоading a heavy application in Wіndows 10. Most people have complained about the Microsoft Store slow download issue. If you are sure that the issue isn’t with your internet connection, then the problem is with Microsoft Store. People regularly complain about the decrement in the Internet speed to a few kbps when they download something from the Microsoft store. You readily want to fix this Microsoft Store slow download issue so that you can install applications from the Store easily. It is one of the most used platforms for downloading and installing applications in Windows 10.
In this article, we will discuss some methods that can be used to fix Microsoft Store slow download issue. Let us first discuss some of the issues which can cause slow download speeds in the Microsoft Store.
Note: Before moving forward, ensure that you have an active internet connection to download appropriate Settings and Software when necessary. If your internet bandwidth is low, try to upgrade your current plan. It might also be one of the reasons behind the Windows Store slow download issue.
How To Fix Microsoft Store Slow Download Issue
There can be various reasons possible for the Microsoft Store slow download issue. We have analyzed some of them and mentioned them below:
a) Corrupted Window Store File
This is one of the most common problems behind the slow download issue. Either the Windows Store file got corrupted, or the main executable store got damaged. These two can be the prime reasons behind the issue. You can fix this issue by re-registering in the Microsoft Store again.
b) Windows Store Glitch
If your Window is relatively outdated, then this can also be the reason behind your Microsoft Store slow download issue. You can fix this issue by running Windows Store troubleshooter, which can check for glitches persisting inside the system.
c) Download Speed Cap
There is a download speed cap feature present in Windows 10, which sets a limit on the Internet speed. Make sure to disable it, as it can also be the reason behind the Microsoft Store slow download or can’t download apps issue. You cannot deny the fact that Microsoft Windows is drastically modernizing and it needs a lot of bandwidth. So if there is a download cap then it will ultimately end up in slow downloads. You can fix the Microsoft store slow download issue by removing any download speed caps you may have set. You can remove them from Delivery Optimisation Settings.
d) Router Glitch
If you are using a dynamic IP address, then you are vulnerable to face this issue. Keeping a dynamic IP can create trust issues with the Microsoft Store, directly affecting your download speed. In some cases, the download speed can reduce up to a few kbps. The good part is, this is a temporary problem that can be fixed easily by restarting your modem or router.
e) Running Applications in the Background
Window 10 is known for download or installing updates without prior permission from the users. It downloads lots of stuff in the background, which the users are unaware of. If you are facing a slow download issue, check Windows Updates and background apps, which might be utilizing most of the bandwidth.
f) Store Cache
The Microsoft Windows Store might get corrupted, which can be the reason behind Microsoft Store’s slow download issue. It is one of the most common problems behind slow downloads.
g) Third-party Interference
You might have installed third-party apps on your desktop mistakenly, which might set a cap on your download speed. Make sure you are aware of such apps and uninstall these applications.
h) Software Distribution Folder
When the SoftwareDistricution folder is corrupted, you cannot install any application on your desktop. You can fix this issue by deleting the SoftwareDistribution folder from the system and again re-installing it.
These are some of the main reasons behind your download speed in the Microsoft Store. Let us now jump to some methods to fix Microsoft Windows Store slow download issue.
9 Ways to Fix Microsoft Store Slow Download Issue
There are multiple methods available to fix this issue. Below are some of the most effective and trusted methods you can use to fix the Windows Store Slow Download Speed Issue.
1. Run Window Store Troubleshooter
Window 10 is known for its fascinating features. It comes with a Troubleshoot option that can readily find out the issues with your PC. You can run Windows Store Troubleshooter to fix the Microsoft store slow download issue:
1. From the Start Menu or Windows Icon, search for the Troubleshoot option.
2. Click on the Troubleshoot Settings, which will take you to the Windows application list that you can troubleshoot.
3. Now, click on Additional troubleshooters.
4. Search for Windows Store Apps then click on Run the troubleshooter.
5. Wait for a few minutes and check if it has detected any significant problems.
2. Re-Register Microsoft Store
Lots of people have tried this method and found satisfactory results. You just need to re-register on your Microsoft Windows Store, which will remove the previous cache. Follow this guide to reset your Microsoft Windows Store account:
1. Press Window key + I to open Settings, and click on Apps.
2. Find Microsoft Store under Apps and Features. Click on ‘Advanced options’
3. Scroll to the bottom and you will see the Reset option, click on it, and you have successfully reset your Microsoft Store.
Also Read: Always Show Scrollbars in Windows 10 Store Apps
3. Check Hidden Download Speed Caps
If you remove the hidden download speed cap, it will increase your maximum download speed, automatically fixing the Microsoft Store slow download issue. Most of the users are not aware of the hidden download speed cap. Microsoft claims that the Windows 10 Operating System controls and optimizes the bandwidth needed for downloading updates. The maximum bandwidth speed is reduced to about 45% of the actual speed. Let’s see how to change the download speed caps:
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Update & Security.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on ‘Advanced Options.’
3. Click on ‘Delivery Optimisation’ under the Pause updates section.
4. Now, scroll down and again click on Advanced Options under the ‘Allow downloads from other PCs’ section.
5. Under the ‘Download settings’ section, look for the Percentage of measured bandwidth and tick the option ‘Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background’.
6. You will see a slider under ‘Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background’. Make sure to scroll it to full 100%.
7. Again try to download any application from Microsoft store and see if your download speeds improve or not.
If this method isn’t working for you, then follow the next method.
4. Restart the Router
In some cases, the problem may lie with your router instead of the Microsoft Store. Now to fix the Microsoft Store slow internet issue, you need to check your Router. There are multiple options available where you can test your router bandwidth speed. If your router isn’t giving you the desired speed, make sure to restart it. Press the Restart button, or physically disconnect the power cable. After waiting for a few seconds, reconnect the power cable and give it time to re-establish the connection again. Check the internet speed by trying to install any application from the Microsoft Store.
5. Clear Windows Store Cache
If the Microsoft Store slow download speed issue still persists, try clearing the Windows Store cache.
1. Open the Start Menu and search for Command Prompt. Click on Run as Administrator option.
2. Now, type “wsreset” command in the elevated Command Prompt window and press enter. This will clear all the stored cache from the Microsoft Store.
3. Click on confirm, and you will see a confirmation message stating that “The Cache for the store was cleared.”
6. Installing Pending Updates
If your Window has pending updates, then it can cause problems with downloading speed with the Microsoft Store. Windows 10 is known for its notorious actions to prioritize the installation of updates. This might lead to a decrement in bandwidth for other updates or installations. You can fix this issue by installing all the pending Windows updates:
1. Press Windows Key + R to open Run dialogue box and type “ms-settings:windowsupdate” then hit Enter.
2. This will open the Windows Update window. Now click on Check for updates and download & install any pending updates.
3. Once you have updated everything, go to the Microsoft store, try to install any application and keep a check on the download speed.
7. Delete SoftwareDistribution Folder
Corrupted SoftwareDistribution folder can be the reason behind your Microsoft Store slow download issue. To fix this issue, you can follow the steps mentioned here to delete the SoftwareDistribution folder.
8. Temporarily Disable Antivirus
Sometimes antivirus can cause a conflict and limit bandwidth on your system. It will not allow download of any suspicious application on your system. For this, you need to temporarily disable your antivirus and check if the issue of Microsoft Store slow downloading is fixed or not.
1. Right-click on the Antivirus Program icon from the system tray and select Disable.
2. Next, select the time frame for which the Antivirus will remain disabled.
Note: Choose the smallest amount of time possible for example 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
3. Once done, again try to install any application from the Microsoft Store and check if the error resolves or not.
9. Microsoft Servers might be down
You cannot blame your ISP or computer every time you face any problem related to bandwidth. Sometimes, it is possible that the Microsoft servers might be down, and it does not allow any bot to fetch data from its store. To fix this issue, you need to wait for a few hours and restart your computer again.
These are some of the methods which you can imply to fix the Microsoft Store slow download issue. We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to easily resolve the slow downloading issue with the Microsoft Store. But if you still have any questions feel free to ask them in the comment section.