5G和5 GHz Wi-Fi是无线互联网(Internet)连接设备。这两者具有相似的名称,相似的技术但不同的属性。5G 代表第五代蜂窝电话系列,而 5GHz 以千兆赫为单位测量频率。在这种精通技术的生活中,我们时不时地体验着一种新的做事方式。我们拥有智能手机和智能技术,但我们是否足够聪明,可以正确使用它们?这篇文章将说明 5G 和 5 GHz Wi-Fi(GHz Wi-Fi)之间的区别。

5G 和 5 GHz(GHz) Wi-Fi之间的区别
5G 和 5 GHz Wi-Fi是一种新的无线连接范围,以在更短范围内更快的网络而闻名。与上一代网络相比,5G 和 5 GHz Wi-Fi都提供了令人难以置信的更快的互联网连接。(GHz Wi-Fi)以前使用的WiFi设备的平均范围为 50-75 英尺,使用 5 (WiFi)GHz技术已降至 20-50 英尺。蜂窝 5G 也具有同样的短程特性。让我们知道 5G 和 5 GHz Wi-Fi(GHz Wi-Fi)之间的区别。
什么是 5GHz?
WiFi是当今最常用的无线设备之一。大多数Wi-Fi使用具有更长频谱的 2.4 GHz频率。(GHz)新推出的WiFi连接带宽为 5 GHz。5 GHz的频率在更短的范围内提供更快的网络。现代路由器配备双带宽,支持 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz。将您的WiFi连接命名为 5G 会产生误导,因为它与蜂窝 5G 没有任何关联,而只是意味着 5 GHz。
我们一直在寻找创新和更快的网络服务,这是 5 GHz WiFi(GHz WiFi)技术出现的主要原因。与 5GHz 连接相比, 2.4 GHz WiFi连接仍然具有一些优势。更长的无线电波和更宽的频谱支持墙壁之间以及更长距离的连接。另一方面,5GHz Wi-Fi 可防止连接重叠和网络拥塞。因此(Hence),这项新技术最适合内部连接。
阅读(Read):Wi-Fi 6E 和 Wi-Fi 6 之间的区别(Difference between Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 6)。
在手机系列中,“G”代表世代,因此每一代网络都有一个数字,后面跟着G。与(G. Similar)5 GHz类似,5 G 还提供更快的互联网连接和更短的范围。重要的是要知道 5G 与 5 GHz WiFi没有连接。这只是两个看起来相似的术语。它利用高频但不一定是 5 GHz来提供更快的网络。
未来,5G 将提供一个被称为电视连接的覆盖层。还预测5G将为无人驾驶汽车的技术系统提供框架。尽管如此,我们很快就会体验到我们所有的基本设备都连接到这个先进的更快的网络版本。
阅读(Read):如何保护您的 WiFi 免受 FragAttacks 攻击(secure your WiFi against FragAttacks)?
5G 可以使用 5 GHz Wi-Fi
5G 是一组手机,如上所述,5G 网络连接可能会或可能不会使用 5 GHz频率,具体取决于使用情况。还必须注意的是,我们中的许多人在我们的移动设备上使用我们的WiFi网络连接。在这种情况下,5G 蜂窝网络将使用 5 GHz WiFi连接。这意味着 5G 可以在 5 GHz频谱上实现。
阅读(Read):如何在 2.4 GHz 和 5 GHz Wi-Fi 频段之间切换(How to switch between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands)?
用于 5G 和 5GHz 的技术完全不同,因此这两种设备无法相互通信。这些设备具有不同的芯片组或无线电。也不可能在两个设备之间共享任何信息或数据。蜂窝 5-G 范围具有可管理的频谱以及 5 GHz WiFi中缺乏的重叠小区的特征。
尽管这两种技术的覆盖范围都很短,但 5G 蜂窝网络的覆盖范围比 5GHz Wi-Fi 更大。5GHz WiFi最适合音乐会、演出等封闭区域内更多人使用。
希望这篇文章能帮助您了解基本的区别。(Hope this post helped you in knowing the basic differences.)
相关(Related):适用于 Windows 10 PC 的最佳免费 WiFi 热点软件。(Best Free WiFi Hotspot software for Windows 10 PC.)
What is the difference between 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi?
5G and 5 GHz Wi-Fi are wireless Internet connectivity devices. These two have similar names, similar techniques but different attributes. The 5G stands for the fifth generation of the cellular phone family whereas 5GHz measures the frequency in gigahertz. In this walk of technology-savvy life, we are experiencing a new way of doing things every now and then. We have smartphones, smart technology but are we smart enough to use them correctly? This post will illustrate the difference between 5G and 5 GHz Wi-Fi.

Difference between 5G and 5 GHz Wi-Fi
5G and 5 GHz Wi-Fi is a new range of wireless connections, famous for a faster network in a shorter range. Both 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi provides an incredibly faster internet connection as compared to past generation networks. The previously used WiFi devices had an average range of 50-75 feet, which has been decreased to 20-50 feet with 5 GHz technology. The same short-range aspect comes with cellular 5G. Let us know the difference between 5G and 5 GHz Wi-Fi.
What is 5 GHz?
WiFi is one of the most common wireless devices used nowadays. Most of the Wi-Fi uses a frequency of 2.4 GHz that has a longer spectrum. The newly introduced bandwidth for WiFi connection is 5 GHz. The frequency of 5 GHz offers a faster network in a shorter range. The modern router comes with a dual bandwidth to support both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. It is misleading to name your WiFi connection 5G, as it is nowhere associated with cellular 5G rather it simply means 5GHz.
We are always looking an innovative and faster network services that are the main reason behind the emergence of 5 GHz WiFi technology. The 2.4 GHz WiFi connection still has some advantages over the 5GHz connections. The longer radio waves and broader spectrum supported connectivity between the walls as well as on the longer distance. On other hand, 5GHz Wi-Fi prevents connection overlapping and network congestion. Hence this new technology is best suited for in-house connections.
Read: Difference between Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 6.
What is 5G?
In the family of cellular phones ‘G” stands for generation and therefore every generation of the network has a number followed by G. Similar to 5 GHz, 5 G also offers faster internet connectivity with a shorter range. It is important to know that 5G has no connection with 5GHz WiFi. These are just two similar-looking terms. It utilizes high frequency but not necessarily 5 GHz to provide a faster network.
In the future, 5G will come up with a dubbed coverage layer for television connections. It is also predicted that 5G will provide the framework for the technical systems of driverless cars. Never the less we will soon experience all our essential devices connected to this advanced faster version of the network.
Read: How to secure your WiFi against FragAttacks?
5G could use 5 GHz Wi-Fi
5G is a set up of cellular phones and as mentioned above 5G network connection may or may not uses 5 GHz frequency depending upon the usage. It is also essential to note that many of us use our WiFi network connection on our mobile devices. In such cases, 5G cellular will use a 5 GHz WiFi connection. This implies that the 5G can be implemented on the 5GHz spectrum.
Read: How to switch between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands?
The technology used for both 5G and 5GHz is entirely different therefore both the devices cannot intercommunicate with each other. The devices have distinct chipsets or radios. It is also not possible to share any information or data between both devices. The cellular 5-G range has a manageable spectrum along with a feature of overlapping cells which are lacking in 5 GHz WiFi.
Though both the technologies have a short-range, 5G cellular have larger coverage than a 5GHz Wi-Fi. The 5GHz WiFi is most suitable for more people in a closed area like concerts, shows, etc.
Hope this post helped you in knowing the basic differences.
Related: Best Free WiFi Hotspot software for Windows 10 PC.