您(Are)是否厌倦了Hamachi模拟器的缺点和限制?好吧,如果您没有进一步了解,在本指南中,我们将讨论可用于LAN游戏的前 10种 Hamachi替代品。(Hamachi)
要在家中执行此操作,您需要一个虚拟LAN连接。这就是Hamachi的用武之地。它本质上是一个虚拟LAN连接器,使您能够使用 Internet 模拟LAN连接。结果,您的计算机给人的印象是它通过LAN连接到其他计算机。多年来, Hamachi(Hamachi)一直是游戏爱好者中使用最广泛的模拟器。
现在,虽然这很有帮助,但也会产生问题。在众多的模拟器中,选择哪些?这个问题很快就会变得非常压倒性。但你不必害怕。我是来帮你的。在本文中,我将与您讨论虚拟游戏的 10 大Hamachi替代品。我将为您提供有关它们中的每一个的每一个小细节。当您阅读完本文时,您将需要了解有关它们的任何信息。所以,不要再浪费时间了,让我们开始吧。继续阅读。
虚拟游戏的 10 大 Hamachi 替代品(Top 10 Hamachi Alternatives for Virtual Gaming)
#1. ZeroTier
首先(First),我要与您讨论的第一个Hamachi替代方案称为(Hamachi)ZeroTier。它在市场上不是一个非常流行的名字,但不要让它愚弄你。这绝对是互联网上最好的 - 如果不是最好的 - Hamachi替代方案之一,它将帮助您创建自己的虚拟LAN。它支持您可以找到的所有操作系统,例如Windows、macOS、Android、iOS、Linux等等。该模拟器是一个开源的。除此之外,还有一些安卓(Android),以及 iOS 应用程序,也免费提供。在此软件的帮助下,您只需一个系统即可获得VPN(VPNs)、SD-WAN和SDN的所有功能。(SDN)它非常易于使用,因此,我肯定会向所有初学者和技术知识较少的人推荐它。不仅如此,您甚至不需要任何类型的端口转发来使用该软件。由于该软件的开源特性,您还可以获得一个非常支持的社区的帮助。该软件带有简单的用户界面 (UI)、令人惊叹的游戏以及其他VPN功能,并且还承诺低ping。好像所有这些还不够,您甚至可以通过支付高级计划来获得更多福利和支持。
下载零层( Download ZeroTier)
#2. Evolve (Player.me)
对简单的虚拟LAN(LAN)游戏功能不满意?你想要更多的东西吗?让我向您介绍Evolve ( Player.me )。这是Hamachi模拟器的绝佳替代品。为几乎所有喜爱和流行的LAN(LAN)提供内置LAN支持游戏是该软件的最强套装之一。除此之外,该软件还支持其他出色的功能,如配对以及派对模式。用户界面 (UI) 易于使用且具有交互性。除了登陆游戏外,它还包含广泛的功能。不仅如此,该软件还支持实时游戏流。但是,请记住,该软件的早期版本已于 2018年 11 月 11(November 2018)日 终止。开发人员已要求社区中使用它的每个人通过他们的官方网站聚集在Player.me 。
下载进化(player.me)( Download evolve (player.me) )
#3. GameRanger
现在,让我们将注意力转向列表中的下一个Hamachi替代方案- GameRanger。这是最受欢迎和值得信赖的Hamachi替代方案之一,绝对值得您花时间和关注。该软件的独特之处在于稳定性以及它们提供的安全级别,这是首屈一指的。但是,请记住,该软件的功能较少,尤其是与此列表中的其他软件相比。他们可以提供如此一流的安全级别的原因是他们不使用多个驱动程序进行模拟。相反,该软件努力通过其客户端达到相同的水平。结果,用户获得了非常高的安全性以及非常低的 ping。
就像这个星球上的其他事物一样,GameRanger也有其自身的一系列缺点。虽然您可以使用Hamachi在 Internet 上玩任何LAN游戏,但GameRanger只允许您玩它支持的少数编号游戏。这背后的原因是为了玩每一个游戏,需要向GameRanger客户端添加支持。因此,请检查您要玩的游戏是否支持GameRanger。如果是这样,几乎没有比这更好的选择了。
下载游戏游侠( Download GameRanger )
#4. NetOverNet
您是否(Are)正在寻找某种通用解决方案来创建虚拟LAN来托管私人游戏会话?好吧(Well),我为你准备了正确的答案——NetOverNet。使用这个简单但高效的软件,您可以轻松地使用互联网连接多个设备。现在,我之前提到的所有软件都是专门为游戏设计的,但不是NetOverNet。它基本上是一个简单的VPN模拟器。除此之外,您还可以使用它来玩游戏。在这个软件中,每台设备都有自己的用户 ID 和密码,用于单次连接。然后可以通过 IP 地址在用户的虚拟网络中访问它们。这IP 地址(IP address)在专用区域中定义。尽管该软件的制作并未考虑到游戏,但它在用于玩游戏时也表现出良好的性能。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 和 Mac 的 10 个最佳 Android 模拟器(10 Best Android Emulators for Windows and Mac)
请记住,即使在付费高级计划中,您可以获得的最大客户数量也固定为 16。这可能是一个缺点,尤其是如果您想使用该软件进行公共共享。但是,如果您的目标是在家中举办私人LAN游戏会话,这是一个不错的选择。(LAN)
下载 NetOverNet( Download NetOverNet )
#5. Wippien
您是(Are)一个喜欢玩游戏但对系统上附带的不需要的膨胀软件感到恼火的人吗?Wippien是您对这个问题的回答。该软件非常易于使用。除此之外,该软件的大小仅为 2 MB。我想你可以想象它是目前市场上最轻的 VPN 创造者之一。开发人员选择不仅免费提供它,而且还保持开源。
该软件利用WeOnlyDo wod(WeOnlyDo) VPN组件(VPN)与每个客户端建立P2P连接。这是软件建立VPN的方式。另一方面,该软件仅适用于Gmail和Jabber帐户。因此,如果您是使用任何其他电子邮件服务进行注册的人,您应该远离该软件。
下载 Wippien( Download Wippien )
#6. FreeLAN
在游戏方面,游戏运行没有任何延迟。此外,您不会遇到任何突然的 ping 峰值。简而言之,该软件是市场上功能最丰富但易于使用的VPN创建器之一,是Hamachi的免费替代品。
下载免费局域网( Download FreeLAN )
#7. SoftEther VPN
SoftEther VPN是一款免费的开源软件,是Hamachi的一个很好的替代品。VPN服务器软件和多协议VPN客户端适用于所有平台,是功能最丰富且易于使用的多传统VPN编程软件之一,用于托管虚拟游戏会话。该软件在单个VPN服务器中提供了很多VPN协议,包括SSL VPN、OpenVPN、Microsoft安全套接字隧道协议(Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol)和L2TP/IPsec
下载 SoftEther VPN( Download SoftEther VPN )
#8. Radmin VPN
现在让我们看看列表中虚拟游戏的下一个Hamachi替代方案- Radmin VPN。该软件不限制其连接的游戏玩家或用户数量。它还具有异常高的速度以及少量的 ping 问题,从而增加了它的优势。该软件提供高达 100 MBPS的速度,并为您提供安全的VPN隧道。用户界面 (UI) 以及设置过程都非常易于使用。
下载 Radmin VPN( Download Radmin VPN )
#9. NeoRouter
您想要零设置VPN安排吗?看看NeoRouter。该软件允许您通过互联网创建和监督私营和公共部门。客户端通过使用来自VPN(VPN)服务器的 IP 地址覆盖您计算机的 IP 地址来解除对有限数量的网站的阻止。除此之外,该软件还具有增强的网络保护功能。
该软件支持多种操作系统,例如Windows、Mac OS X、Linux、iOS、Android、Switches Firmware、FreeBSD等。它使用的加密系统与银行使用的相同。因此,您绝对可以通过在私有系统和开放系统上使用 256 段SSL加密来保持对安全交换的信任。(SSL)
下载 NeoRouter( Download NeoRouter )
#10. P2PVPN
现在,让我们谈谈列表中的最后一个Hamachi替代方案——P2PVPN。该软件是由一个开发人员为他的论文开发的,而不是一个开发团队。用户界面 (UI) 与基本功能一起简单易用。该软件完全能够有效地执行创建VPN的任务。最终用户可以使用该软件。最好的部分是它甚至不需要中央服务器。该软件是开源的,并且完全用Java编写,以确保它也与所有旧系统兼容。
另一方面,它的缺点是该软件收到的最后一次更新是在 2010 年。因此,如果您遇到任何错误,您将不得不转向列表中的其他替代方案。该软件最适合那些想通过VPN(VPN)玩任何老式游戏(例如 Counter-Strike 1.6)的人。
下载 P2PVPN( Download P2PVPN )
所以,伙计们,我们已经到了本文的结尾。是时候把它包起来了。我希望这篇文章提供了急需的价值。既然您已经掌握了必要的知识,请通过从上面的列表中选择最佳的Hamachi 游戏替代品来充分利用它。(Hamachi Alternatives)如果您认为我错过了什么,或者您想让我谈谈其他事情。请让我知道。直到下一次,保持安全,再见。
Top 10 Hamachi Alternatives for Virtual Gaming (LAN)
Are you tired of the Hamachi emulator’s drawbacks and lіmitationѕ? Well, if you arе then loоk no further, as іn this guide we will discuss the top 10 Hamachi аlternatives which уou can use for LAN gaming.
In case you are a gamer, you know that multiplayer gaming is an absolutely fun experience. It is even better when you are playing with your friends instead of some stranger out there on the internet. All of your friends are in the same room, sharing funny remarks over the microphone, instructing each other, and making the most out of the game in the process.
To do that in your home, you need a virtual LAN connection. That is where Hamachi comes in. It is essentially a virtual LAN connector that enables you to emulate a LAN connection by using your internet. As a result, your computer comes under the impression that it is connected to other computers through LAN. Hamachi has been the most widely used emulator for years among gaming enthusiasts.
Wait, why are we then talking about Hamachi alternatives? That is the question that comes to your mind, right? I know. The reason we are looking for alternatives is that although Hamachi is a great emulator, it does have its own share of drawbacks. On a free subscription, you can only connect a maximum of five clients to a specific VPN at any given time. That includes the host as well. In addition to that, users have also experienced latency spikes as well as lags. That is why it is necessary that users find good alternatives to the Hamachi emulator. And that is not a tough task either. There are a plethora of different emulators out there in the market that can serve as alternatives to the Hamachi emulator.
Now, although this is helpful, it also creates problems. Among these wide number of emulators, which ones to choose? This one question can get pretty overwhelming real quick. But you do not need to be afraid. I am here to help you with it. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the top 10 Hamachi alternatives for virtual gaming. I am going to give you every little detail about each one of them. By the time you finish reading this article, you will need to know anything about them. So, without wasting any more time, let us begin. Keep reading.
Top 10 Hamachi Alternatives for Virtual Gaming
#1. ZeroTier
First of all, the number one Hamachi alternative that I am going to talk to you about is called ZeroTier. It is not a very popular name out there in the market, but do not let that fool you. This is most definitely one of the best – if not the best – Hamachi alternatives out there on the internet which will help you to create your own virtual LAN. It supports each and every operating system you can find such as Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and many more. The emulator is an open-sourced one. In addition to that, a number of Android, as well as iOS apps, are also offered for free with it. With the help of this software, you are going to get all the capabilities of VPNs, SD-WAN, and SDN with just one single system. It is extremely easy to use, therefore, I would definitely recommend it to all the beginners and people with less technical knowledge. Not only that, you do not even need any type of port forwarding to use this software. Thanks to the open-source nature of the software, you also get the help of a very supportive community. The software comes with easy user interface (UI), amazing gaming along with other VPN features, and also promises low ping. As if all of this was not enough, you can even get some more benefits as well as support by paying for an advanced plan.
Download ZeroTier
#2. Evolve (Player.me)
Not satisfied with simply the virtual LAN gaming features? Do you want something more? Let me present to you Evolve (Player.me). This is an amazing alternative to the Hamachi emulator. The in-built LAN support for virtually every loved and popular LAN game is one of the strongest suits of this software. In addition to that, the software also supports other excellent features such as matchmaking as well as party mode. The user interface (UI) is easy to use along with being interactive. It also contains a wide array of features apart from landed gaming. Not only that, but the software also supports live game streaming. However, do keep in mind that the earlier version of the software has been terminated on 11th November 2018. The developers have requested everyone in their community using it to gather at Player.me via their official website.
Download evolve (player.me)
#3. GameRanger
Now, let us turn our attention towards the next Hamachi alternative on the list – GameRanger. This is one of the most widely loved as well as trustworthy Hamachi alternative that is definitely worth your time and attention. The unique feature of the software is stability along with the level of security they provide which is second to none. However, do keep in mind that the software comes with fewer features, especially when compared to other software on this list. The reason they could provide such a top-notch security level is that they do not make use of several drivers for emulating. Instead, the software strives to get to the same level through its client. As a result, the users get a very high level of security along with amazingly low pings.
Like every other thing on this planet, GameRanger too comes with its own set of drawbacks. While you can play any LAN game on the internet with Hamachi, GameRanger lets you play only a few numbered games that it supports. The reason behind this is for playing each and every game, support needs to be added to the GameRanger client. Therefore, check whether the game you want to play is supported on GameRanger. In case it is, there is hardly any better alternative than this one.
Download GameRanger
#4. NetOverNet
Are you someone who is searching for some sort of general solution for creating a virtual LAN to host private gaming sessions? Well, I have just the right answer for you – NetOverNet. With this simple but efficient software, you can easily connect several devices using the internet. Now, all the software I have mentioned up until now is designed specifically for gaming, but not NetOverNet. It is basically a simple VPN emulator. In addition to that, you can also use it to play games as well. In this software, every device comes with its own user id and password for a single connection. They are then made accessible in the virtual network of the user through an IP address. This IP address is defined in the private area. Although the software has not been made by keeping gaming in mind, it does show good performance when used for playing games as well.
Also Read: 10 Best Android Emulators for Windows and Mac
In addition to that, when you are using this client, you can also get direct access to remote computers. These remote computers are a part of the virtual network itself. As a result, you can then use the client to share data across all the systems. To put it in a nutshell, this is one of the very best alternatives to the Hamachi emulator when it comes to this particular aspect.
Keep in mind even on the paid advanced plan, the highest number of clients you can get is fixed at 16. This can be a drawback, especially if you want to use the software for public sharing. However, in case your goal is to host private LAN gaming sessions at your home, this is a great choice.
Download NetOverNet
#5. Wippien
Are you someone who loves to play games but gets irritated by the unwanted bloatware that comes with it on your system? Wippien is your answer to that question. The software is exceptionally easy to use. In addition to that, the size of this software is just 2 MB. I think you can imagine that it is one of the lightest VPN creators out there on the market as of now. The developers have chosen to not only give it for free but also have kept it open source.
The software utilizes the WeOnlyDo wodVPN component for establishing a P2P connection with every client. This is the way the software establishes a VPN. On the other hand, the software works well only with Gmail and Jabber accounts. Therefore, in case you are someone who uses any other email service for registration, you should steer clear from this software.
Download Wippien
#6. FreeLAN
The next alternative to Hamachi I am going to talk to you about is FreeLAN. The software is one of the most widely used as well as easy to use the application to create your own virtual private network. Therefore, it is possible that you are familiar with this name. The software is open-source. So, you can customize it for creating a network that follows several topologies that include hybrid, peer-to-peer, or client-server. In addition to that, it is possible to adjust everything as per your preferences. However, keep in mind that the software does not come with a GUI. Therefore, you will need to configure the FreeLAN config file manually for running the application. Not only that, there is a vibrant community available behind this project that is extremely supportive as well as informative.
When it comes to gaming, the games run without any lag whatsoever. Also, you will not experience any sudden ping spikes. To put it in a nutshell, the software is one of the most feature-rich yet easy to use VPN creator out there in the market that is a free alternative to Hamachi.
Download FreeLAN
#7. SoftEther VPN
The SoftEther VPN is a free as well as open-source software that is a good alternative to Hamachi. The VPN server software and multi-protocol VPN client works across all the platforms and is one of the most feature-rich as well as easy to use multi-conventional VPN programming software to host virtual gaming sessions. The software offers quite a few VPN protocols that include SSL VPN, OpenVPN, Microsoft Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol, and L2TP/IPsec within a single VPN server.
The software works with various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, and Solaris operating systems. In addition to that, the software also supports NAT traversal. It optimizes the performance by using many techniques such as reducing memory copy operations, using full Ethernet frame utilization, clustering, parallel transmission, and many more. All of these together reduces the latency that is in general associated with VPN connections all the while increasing throughput.
Download SoftEther VPN
#8. Radmin VPN
Let us now take a look at the next Hamachi alternative for virtual gaming on the list – Radmin VPN. The software does not put a limit on the number of gamers or users on its connection. It also comes with exceptionally high levels of speed along with low numbers of ping issues, adding to its benefit. The software offers a speed up to 100 MBPS as well as giving you a secure VPN tunnel. The user interface (UI), as well as the setup process, are extremely easy to use.
Download Radmin VPN
#9. NeoRouter
Do you want a zero-setup VPN arrangement? Look no further than NeoRouter. The software allows you to create as well as oversee private and public sectors via the internet. The client unblocks a limited number of websites by overriding the IP address of your computer with one from a VPN server. In addition to that, the software comes with enhanced web protection.
The software supports a wide array of operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android, Switches Firmware, FreeBSD, and many others. The encryption system it uses is the same as that used in banks. Therefore, you can definitely keep your trust for secure interchanges by using 256-piece SSL encryption over private as well as open systems.
Download NeoRouter
#10. P2PVPN
Now, let us talk about the last Hamachi alternative on the list – P2PVPN. The software is developed by a single developer for his thesis instead of having a team of developers. The user interface (UI) is simple and easy to use along with the basic features. The software is perfectly able to carry out the task of creating a VPN efficiently. End-users can use the software. The best part is it does not even need a central server. The software is open source as well as written completely in Java for ensuring its compatibility with all the older systems as well.
On the other hand, the drawback it has is the last update the software has received was in 2010. Therefore, if you experience any bugs, you will have to shift to some other alternative on the list. The software is best suited for those who want to play any old-school game such as Counter-Strike 1.6 over a VPN.
Download P2PVPN
So, guys, we have come to the end of this article. Time to wrap it up. I hope the article has provided with much-needed value. Now that you have the necessary knowledge, put it to the best possible use by selecting the best Hamachi Alternatives for gaming from the above list. In case you think I have missed something or if you want me to talk about something else. Do let me know. Until next time, stay safe, bye.