中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)或CPU是计算机系统的主要组件。它充当任何计算机的大脑(brain),因为它负责运行安装在其上的操作系统。它从用户和操作系统获取输入,对其进行处理,然后生成显示在监视器/屏幕上的输出。当今许多现代计算机都在CPU中安装了多处理器或多核(multi-processors or multi-cores)。尽管CPU是 PC 中最强大的组件并且能够同时处理多个任务,但您的 PC 有时可能会遇到高或接近 100% 的CPU用法。发生这种情况时,您的系统将变慢,程序和功能将挂起或冻结,并且应用程序将变得无响应。继续阅读以了解如何检查Windows 10上的(Windows 10)CPU使用率以及如何解决高CPU使用率问题。
如何修复 Windows 10 上的高 CPU 使用率(How to Fix High CPU Usage on Windows 10)
如何在 Windows 10 上检查 CPU 使用率(How to Check CPU Usage on Windows 10)
要检查Windows 10系统上的(Windows 10)CPU使用率是否高或接近 100% ,只需按照以下步骤操作:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入任务管理器并从搜索结果中启动它,如图所示。(Task manager)
2.如果出现空白屏幕,请单击屏幕底部可见的更多详细信息。(More details)
3. 如图所示,切换到任务管理器(Task Manager)窗口上的性能(Performace)选项卡。
4. 检查写在CPU或Utilization下的(Utilization)百分比(Percentage),如上图所示。
如果您的CPU使用率很高或接近 100%,请继续阅读!
Why is CPU Usage High or 100%?
运行后台进程:(Running Background processes:) Windows计算机需要补充和支持主要进程运行的后台进程。因此,您的计算机包含的软件越多,运行这些软件所需的后台进程就越多。这可能会导致 100% CPU使用率问题。
Netscvs 进程:(Netscvs Process:) Netscvs 进程,也称为Svchost.exe ,是导致CPU使用率高的关键Windows进程。(Windows)此进程与其他进程相结合,可能会导致CPU使用率过高。
应用程序管理:(Application Management:)此过程在 Windows 上运行,以解决特定网络上计算机系统的问题。WMI 提供程序主机(WMI Provider Host)或Wmi.PrvSE.exe是一个可以压倒CPU的关键进程。
第三方防病毒程序(Third-party Antivirus Program) 或病毒:(or Virus:) 第三方防病毒程序可能会导致CPU使用率过高。另一方面,如果您的系统中存在病毒,它可能会导致进一步的CPU使用率并降低您的计算机速度。
下面列出了有关如何减少Windows 10上的(Windows 10)CPU使用率的各种解决方案。
方法一:重启应用管理服务(Method 1: Restart Application Management Service)
如前所述,WMI 提供程序主机(WMI Provider Host)会导致 100%的CPU使用率。要解决此问题,您需要使用服务(Services)应用程序重新启动服务,如下所示:
1.在Window 搜索(Window search)栏中键入services并从搜索结果中启动它,如图所示。(services)
2. 右键单击服务窗口中的Windows Management Instrumentation并选择重新启动(Restart)或刷新(Refresh),如图所示。
3. 对Windows 管理服务重复相同的过程。(Windows Management Service.)
方法 2:使用事件查看器识别问题(Method 2: Identify Issues using Event Viewer)
如果WMI Provider Host导致的(WMI Provider Host)CPU使用率无法降低,那么您需要使用Event Viewer来识别问题,如下所述:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入事件查看器。(Event Viewer)通过单击Open启动它。
2. 浏览以下文件路径时,单击每个文件旁边的向下箭头:(downward arrow)
Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > WMI-Activity > Operational
3. 从事件查看器的中间窗格中,(Event Viewer,)查找错误(如果有)。
4. 对于每个错误,记下ClientProcessId,如突出显示的那样。
5. 现在,按照方法 1,步骤 1(Method 1, Step 1)中的说明启动任务管理器(Task manager)。
6. 然后,进入Details选项卡并单击PID以按照ClientProcessId的递增顺序(increasing order)排列给定进程。
7. 使用您在第 4 步中记下的(Step 4)ClientProcessId,并识别与其关联的进程。
8. 右键单击已识别的进程(Identified process)并选择结束任务。(End task. )
注意:(Note:) 下面是使用(Below)Google Chrome显示的示例。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复服务主机:诊断策略服务高 CPU 使用率(Fix Service Host: Diagnostic Policy Service High CPU Usage)
方法 3:更新 Windows(Method 3: Update Windows)
如果您不定期更新Windows操作系统,过时的驱动程序可能会导致您的 PC 上的CPU使用率过高。(CPU)以下是通过将Windows(Windows)更新到最新版本来修复高CPU使用率的方法:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入更新。(Updates)从此处启动Windows 更新设置。(Windows Update Settings)
2. 单击右窗格中的检查更新按钮,如图所示。(Check for updates)
3. Windows 将搜索并安装(search for and install)可用的更新(如果有)。
4.重启电脑(Restart the PC)并检查问题是否解决。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
方法 4:关闭 Windows 通知(Windows Notifications Off)
打开Windows(Windows)通知时,可能会导致 CPU 使用率显着升高(CPU)。这意味着关闭它可以帮助减轻一些负担。以下是解决高CPU使用率的方法:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入通知。(notifications)从搜索结果中单击通知和操作设置(Notification and Action Settings),如下所示。
2.关闭(toggle off)标题为从应用程序和其他发件人获取通知(Get notifications from apps and other senders)的选项的切换。
按照如何检查(How to check CPU Usage)Windows 10 上(on Windows 10)的 CPU 使用情况下概述的步骤检查CPU使用情况是否减少。
方法五:关闭 P2P 分享(Method 5: Turn off P2P Share)
点对点或 P2P 共享(Peer-to-Peer or P2P Sharing)功能有助于通过Internet 发送和接收文件。如果启用,它会增加CPU使用率。以下是通过关闭Windows 10笔记本电脑/台式机来减少CPU使用率的方法:
1.在Windows 搜索框中键入(Windows search)Windows 更新设置(Windows update settings),然后单击它,如图所示。
2. 单击左侧菜单中可用的交付优化。(Delivery Optimization)
3.关闭( toggle off)标题为允许从其他 PC 下载(Allow downloads from other PCs)的选项以禁用 P2P 共享的切换。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何通过系统空闲进程修复高 CPU 使用率(How to Fix High CPU Usage by System Idle Process)
方法 6:结束高 CPU 使用率进程(Method 6: End High CPU Usage Processes)
您可以使用任务管理器(Task Manager)来识别和关闭使用过多CPU资源的进程。许多笔记本电脑制造商(如英特尔)为此提供了专门的页面(Intel host a dedicated page)。下面给出了这样做的步骤。
1. 按照方法 1,步骤 1(Method 1, Step 1)中的说明启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在Processes选项卡中,单击CPU,如下所示。这将按照CPU Usage(CPU Usage)的顺序对所有正在运行的进程进行排序。
3.识别(Identify the Process)CPU使用率高的进程。右键单击它并选择结束任务。(End task.)
方法 7:禁用或卸载第三方程序(Method 7: Disable or Uninstall Third-Party Programs)
Windows 带有一个内置的病毒和威胁防护,称为Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)。它能够保护您的计算机免受病毒和恶意软件的恶意攻击。如果您的计算机上安装了第三方防病毒软件以增加安全性,您可以禁用它。此类程序可能会导致接近 100%的CPU使用率并降低您的 PC 速度。我们将详细讨论禁用和卸载第三方防病毒程序的步骤。
选项 1:禁用第三方防病毒程序(Option 1: Disable Third-Party Antivirus Program)
1. 启动您在 PC 上使用的第三方防病毒(third-party antivirus)程序。
注意:(Note:)我们使用Avast Antivirus进行说明。
2. 转到左侧窗格中的保护( Protection) 设置(Settings)。通过将其关闭来禁用防火墙(Firewall)。(Off.)
选项 2:卸载第三方防病毒程序(Option 2: Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Program)
1.从Windows 搜索(Windows search,)启动控制面板(Control Panel),如下图所示。
2. 单击View by > Large Icons,然后选择程序和功能(Programs and Features),如图所示。
3. 单击Avast,然后选择卸载(Uninstall)。
如果上述方法对您不起作用,则您的系统中可能存在恶意软件。显然,您现在需要使用Windows Defender运行扫描并消除威胁,以修复高CPU使用率。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Windows 音频设备图隔离高 CPU 使用率(Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage)
方法 8:运行 Windows Defender 扫描(Method 8: Run Windows Defender Scan)
Windows Defender将扫描系统中的所有文件并检查恶意软件。如果发现威胁,您可以将其从设备中删除。以下是扫描 PC 的步骤:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search. )中键入病毒和威胁防护。(Virus and threat protection)通过单击它来启动它。
2. 点击扫描选项(Scan options),如下图所示。
3. 选择Full Scan并单击Scan Now,如突出显示的那样。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make)您的笔记本电脑已充电,并且没有人干扰其间的扫描过程。
方法 9:将电源计划设置更改为默认值(Method 9: Change Power Plan Settings to Default)
如果您的 PC 的电源计划设置为省电模式(Power Saver Mode),那么您的计算机将遇到高CPU使用率。以下是如何通过将设置回滚到default来修复高(default)CPU使用率,如下所述:
1. 键入控制面板并从( Control Panel)Windows 搜索(Windows search)选项启动它,如图所示。
2. 单击查看方式(View by )>小图标(Small icons)。然后,转到电源选项(Power Options),如图所示。
3.如果您的 PC 处于省电(Power Saver)模式,请选择平衡。(Balanced, )
4. 现在,单击更改计划设置(Change plan settings),如突出显示的那样。
5. 在这里,单击恢复此计划的默认设置。(Restore default settings for this plan.)
6. 最后,单击是(Yes )确认并应用这些更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复桌面窗口管理器高 CPU (DWM.exe)(Fix Desktop Window Manager High CPU (DWM.exe))
方法 10:更改注册表设置(Method 10: Change Registry Settings)
如果您是Windows Cortana的频繁用户,那么您可能会遇到 100%的CPU使用率。如果你愿意牺牲一些Cortana功能,以下是在(Cortana)Windows 10中降低CPU使用率的方法:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)选项中键入注册表编辑器。(Registry Editor)从这里启动它。
2. 导航到以下路径:
3. 现在,从窗口的右窗格中右键单击开始。(Start)
5.在数值数据(Value data )字段中输入数字4 。然后,单击确定(OK)以保存更改。
完成上述过程后,所有Cortana功能都将无法使用。但是,应减少CPU使用率。(CPU)您现在可以通过执行如何检查 Windows 10 上的 CPU 使用情况(How to check CPU usage on Windows 10)标题下的步骤来检查它。
方法 11:重置 Windows(Method 11: Reset Windows)
注意:(Note:) 在开始重置计算机之前备份系统上的所有重要文件。(Back up)
1.在Windows 搜索框中输入(Windows search)reset并单击Reset this PC,如图所示。
2. 点击Reset this PC下的Get started,如下图所示。
3. 然后,单击下一个屏幕中的保留我的文件(Keep my files)选项。
按照屏幕上的说明操作并等待该过程完成。Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)将重置,所有可能的问题都将得到纠正。
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复Windows 10 上(on Windows 10)的高 CPU 使用率(fix high CPU usage) 。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何问题或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
How to Fix High CPU Usage on Windows 10
The Сentral Processing Unit or CPU is the primary component of a computer sуstem. It acts as the brain of any computer as it is responsible for running the operating system installed on it. It takes input from the user and the OS, processes it, and then produces the output that is displayed on the monitor/screen. Many modern computers today have multi-processors or multi-cores installed in the CPU. Even though the CPU is the most powerful component of your PC and is capable of handling several tasks simultaneously, your PC may sometimes experience high or near 100% CPU usage. When this happens, your system will slow down, the programs and features will hang or freeze, and applications will become unresponsive. Continue reading to learn how to check CPU usage on Windows 10 and how to fix high CPU usage issue.
How to Fix High CPU Usage on Windows 10
How to Check CPU Usage on Windows 10
To check for high or near 100% CPU usage on your Windows 10 system, simply follow these steps:
1. Type Task manager in Windows search box and launch it from the search result, as shown.
2. Click on More details visible at the bottom of the screen, if you get a blank screen.
3. Switch to the Performace tab on the Task Manager window, as depicted.
4. Check the Percentage written under CPU or Utilization, as shown highlighted in the above pic.
If your CPU usage is high or nearing 100%, continue reading!
Why is CPU Usage High or 100%?
Running Background processes: Windows computers need background processes that complement and support the main processes to run. Therefore, the more software your computer contains, the more background processes are required in order to run these. This may lead to a 100% CPU usage issue.
Netscvs Process: The Netscvs process, also called Svchost.exe, is a critical Windows process that causes high CPU usage. This process, coupled with other processes, can cause high CPU usage.
Application Management: This process runs on Windows to troubleshoot problems with computer systems on a particular network. The WMI Provider Host, or Wmi.PrvSE.exe, is a critical process that can overpower the CPU.
Third-party Antivirus Program or Virus: A third-party antivirus program can cause high CPU usage. On the other hand, if there is a virus in your system, it can lead to further CPU usage and slow down your computer.
Listed below are various solutions for how to reduce CPU usage on Windows 10.
Method 1: Restart Application Management Service
As explained earlier, the WMI Provider Host can cause 100 % CPU usage. To fix this, you need to restart the service using the Services application as follows:
1. Type services in the Window search bar and launch it from the search result, as shown.
2. Right-click on Windows Management Instrumentation in the Services window and select Restart or Refresh, as depicted.
3. Repeat the same process for Windows Management Service.
Method 2: Identify Issues using Event Viewer
If CPU usage caused by the WMI Provider Host could not be reduced, then you need to identify the problem using Event Viewer, as explained below:
1. Type Event Viewer in Windows search bar. Launch it by clicking on Open.
2. Click on the downward arrow next to each file while navigating the following file path:
Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > WMI-Activity > Operational
3. From the middle pane of the Event Viewer, look for errors, if any.
4. For each error, note down the ClientProcessId, as shown highlighted.
5. Now, launch Task manager as explained in Method 1, Step 1.
6. Then, go to the Details tab and click on PID to arrange the given processes according to increasing order of ClientProcessId.
7. Use the ClientProcessId you noted in Step 4, and identify the process associated with it.
8. Right-click the Identified process and select End task.
Note: Below is an example shown using Google Chrome.
Also Read: Fix Service Host: Diagnostic Policy Service High CPU Usage
Method 3: Update Windows
If you do not update Windows operating system regularly, outdated drivers can lead to high CPU usage on your PC. Here’s how to fix high CPU usage by updating Windows to the latest version:
1. Type Updates in Windows search box. Launch Windows Update Settings from here.
2. Click on Check for updates button from the right pane, as shown.
3. Windows will search for and install available updates, if any.
4. Restart the PC and check if the issue is resolved. If not, try the next fix.
Method 4: Turn Windows Notifications Off
When Windows notifications are turned on, it can cause significantly high CPU usage. This implies that turning it off could help relieve some load off. Here’s how to fix high CPU usage:
1. Type notifications in the Windows search box. Click on Notification and Action Settings from the search results, as depicted below.
2. Turn the toggle off for the option titled Get notifications from apps and other senders.
Check if the CPU usage has reduced by following the steps outlined under How to check CPU Usage on Windows 10.
Method 5: Turn off P2P Share
The Peer-to-Peer or P2P Sharing feature helps send & receive files over the internet. If enabled, it can increase CPU usage. Here’s how to reduce CPU usage on Windows 10 laptop/desktop by turning it off:
1. Type Windows update settings in the Windows search box and click on it as shown.
2. Click Delivery Optimization available from the left-hand side menu.
3. Turn the toggle off for the option titled Allow downloads from other PCs to disable P2P sharing.
Also Read: How to Fix High CPU Usage by System Idle Process
Method 6: End High CPU Usage Processes
You can use Task Manager to identify and shut down processes that are using too many CPU resources. Many laptop manufacturers like Intel host a dedicated page to this effect. Given below are the steps to do so.
1. Launch Task Manager as explained in Method 1, Step 1.
2. In the Processes tab, click on CPU as highlighted below. This will sort all the running processes in order of CPU Usage.
3. Identify the Process that has High CPU usage. Right-click on it and select End task.
Here’s how to fix high CPU usage by freeing up CPU resources. If you wish to remove more load off the CPU, implement the methods explained below.
Method 7: Disable or Uninstall Third-Party Programs
Windows comes with an inbuilt virus and threat protection called Windows Defender Firewall. It is capable of protecting your computer from vicious attacks by viruses and malware. In case you have third-party antivirus software installed on your computer for added security, you can disable it. Such programs may be causing near 100% CPU usage and slowing down your PC. We shall discuss the steps in detail, to disable as well as uninstall third-party antivirus programs.
Option 1: Disable Third-Party Antivirus Program
1. Launch the third-party antivirus program that you use on your PC.
Note: We have used Avast Antivirus for illustration purposes.
2. Go to Protection Settings in the left pane. Disable Firewall by toggling it Off.
Option 2: Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus Program
1. Launch Control Panel from Windows search, as shown below.
2. Click on View by > Large Icons and then, select Programs and Features, as depicted.
3. Click on Avast and then, select Uninstall.
If the above method did not work for you, there might be malware in your system. Clearly, you will now need to run a scan and eliminate threats using Windows Defender to fix high CPU usage.
Also Read: Fix Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage
Method 8: Run Windows Defender Scan
Windows Defender will scan all the files in the system and check for malware. If threats are found, you can then remove them from your device. Here are the steps to scan your PC:
1. Type Virus and threat protection in Windows search. Launch it by clicking on it.
2. Click on Scan options as shown below.
3. Select Full Scan and click on Scan Now, as highlighted.
Note: Make sure that your laptop is charged and nobody disturbs the scanning process in between.
Full Scan checks all files and running programs on your hard disk. This scan could take longer than an hour.
Method 9: Change Power Plan Settings to Default
If the power plan of your PC is set to Power Saver Mode, then your computer will experience high CPU usage. Here’s how to fix high CPU usage by rolling back the settings to default, as explained below:
1. Type Control Panel and launch it from Windows search option, as shown.
2. Click on View by > Small icons. Then, go to Power Options, as depicted.
3. Select Balanced, if your PC is on Power Saver mode.
4. Now, click on Change plan settings, as shown highlighted.
5. Here, click on Restore default settings for this plan.
6. Lastly, click Yes to confirm and apply these changes.
Also Read: Fix Desktop Window Manager High CPU (DWM.exe)
Method 10: Change Registry Settings
If you are a frequent user of Windows Cortana, then you may experience 100% CPU usage. If you are willing to sacrifice some Cortana features, here’s how to reduce CPU usage in Windows 10:
1. Type Registry Editor in Windows search option. Launch it from here.
2. Navigate to the following path:
3. Now, right-click on Start from the right pane of the window.
4. Select Modify from the drop-down menu, as depicted.
5. Type number 4 in the Value data field. Then, click on OK to save changes.
After you complete the above process, all Cortana features will not work. However, CPU usage should be reduced. You can now check for it by implementing the steps under How to check CPU usage on Windows 10 heading.
Method 11: Reset Windows
If all of the above-mentioned solutions did not work, the final solution left is to reset your Windows system.
Note: Back up all the essential files on your system before you begin to reset your computer.
1. Type reset in Windows search box and click Reset this PC, as shown.
2. Click on Get started under Reset this PC, as shown below.
3. Then, click on the Keep my files option in the next screen.
Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for the process to complete. Windows OS will reset and all possible issues will be rectified.
We hope this article was helpful and you were able to fix high CPU usage on Windows 10. Let us know which method worked the best for you. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.