您是(Are)一位有抱负的艺术家,正在寻找完美的绘画应用程序(the perfect drawing app)来释放创造力吗?有如此多的选择,决定哪一个最适合您可能很困难。如果您拥有Surface Pro 7 和 Surface Go 3等任何(the Surface Pro 7 and Surface Go 3)Microsoft Surface产品,那么为您的设备找到最佳的绘图应用程序从未如此简单。
我们提供当今可用的七款最佳Microsoft Surface绘图应用程序列表,以帮助简化这一决策。
1.Adobe插画师(Adobe Illustrator)
最适合 Surface Pro基于矢量的艺术(vector-based art)。
价格:每月 20.99 美元。
- 可以创作大型艺术作品
- 兼容多种格式
- 带有用于对齐对象的像素网格
- 面板内编辑
- 吸引人的 Adobe 颜色主题
Adobe Illustrator是一款出色的矢量艺术软件,适合专业人士和初学者。然而,它的学习曲线相当陡峭,有时会让刚开始学习的人感到反感。尽管如此,Adobe Illustrator仍然是一个行业标准程序,这是理所当然的。
使用Adobe Illustrator,您可以轻松绘制徽标、图标、广告牌设计、书籍插图,甚至基于精确的数学公式的技术绘图。该应用程序有大约 20 个绘图工具,可让您自定义形状、颜色和独特的效果。但最好的功能是钢笔工具,它可以让您像使用手写笔在纸上绘图一样。
2.Corel画家(Corel Painter)
- 为其画布提供不同的纸张纹理
- 附带选择调节工具
- 可调节色轮
- 和谐面板显示有效的颜色组合
- 包括 12 种用于图像的 AI 样式
如果您主要需要数字绘画应用程序,Corel Painter是您的最佳选择。虽然设计时考虑到了绘画,但该软件具有许多先进的绘图工具。事实上,它提供了令人印象深刻的画笔、颜色和工具选项来帮助您进行构图;在这个领域没有其他软件可以与之匹敌。此外,超过 900 种画笔,还有足够多的钢笔、铅笔、墨水和记号笔可供选择。
Corel Painter将帮助您绘制您想到的任何内容,并推动您探索其独特功能。例如,神圣比例(Divine Proportion)工具可让您在绘图或绘画中建立焦点区域,而画家的镜子可以帮助您实现完美的对称。
也就是说,Corel Painter与(Corel Painter)Microsoft Surface Pro 8和Slim Pen 2搭配使用时有一个缺点- 缺乏笔压力灵敏度。不过,您可以通过为您的设备下载最新的图形驱动程序并提高Surface(Surface)应用程序和Corel Painter中的笔灵敏度来解决此问题。
3.剪辑工作室绘画(Clip Studio Paint)
最适合 3D 艺术和动画。
价格:60 美元
- (Works)与Microsoft Surface Pro 7搭配(Microsoft Surface Pro 7)使用效果最佳
- 用户可以使用矢量图层进行绘图
- AI着色支持
- 页面布局的 3D 预览
- 支持Kindle和EPUB格式的数字图书
(Clip Studio Paint)如果您喜欢动漫(Anime)、漫画(Manga)、漫画(Comic)和动画(Animation)绘画,Clip Studio Paint可能是正确的解决方案, Clip Studio Paint可能是正确的解决方案。它也非常适合设计电子书封面,因为它支持Kindle和EPUB 格式(the EPUB format)。除此之外,它还支持PSD、位图、JPEG和PDF,因此您可以在设备和软件之间共享文件。您还可以在Windows、macOS 或 iOS 设备上使用此应用程序,这也很方便。
Clip Studio Paint因其数百种不同的画笔及其自然的行为而受到喜爱,无论您使用手写笔还是电脑鼠标进行绘画。此外, Clip Studio Paint(Clip Studio Paint)的最大优势之一是能够创建自定义画笔或下载和导入CSP社区制作的任何画笔。
4.Adobe Photoshop(Adobe Photoshop)
- 允许分层绘制
- (Video)包含动画的
- 用于动画和 3D 模型的 3D 工具
- 对称绘图选项
- 用于移动和网页设计的工具
Adobe Photoshop是世界上最著名的数字绘图和绘画设计软件。凭借其众多功能,一旦您掌握了无数工具,使用Photoshop进行绘图就会变得非常简单。(Photoshop)但这就是问题所在。Photoshop是一个复杂的程序,对于初学者来说可能会不知所措。然而,您将获得的令人惊叹的结果值得您花费时间和精力来掌握该程序。
然而,作为Microsoft Surface用户,Photoshop在(Photoshop)Surface Pro和Surface Go设备上可能会稍微滞后甚至无响应。那是因为他们没有专用的GPU。另一方面,
Surface Book和Studio用户不应遇到这些问题。(Studio)
5. 欧特克素描本(Autodesk Sketchbook)
最佳草图 Surface 应用程序。
- 用于素描、绘图和绘画的专业工具
- 可定制的画笔
- 专为电脑和平板电脑设计
- 绘图感觉很自然,尤其是使用手写笔
- 相机扫描功能
如果您想要一个适用于Surface设备的免费绘图应用程序,那就不用再犹豫了。素描本(Sketchbook)是最好的选择。尽管由Autodesk(Autodesk)设计,Sketchbook现在是一家新公司,继续独立发展和开发其产品。不幸的是,这意味着如果您拥有原始Autodesk Sketchbook,您将不再收到其更新和支持。
尽管不针对专业人士,但Sketchbook可以给出一些令人印象深刻的结果。它可与任何Microsoft Surface设备完美搭配。它拥有大量功能,可满足设计师、建筑师、艺术家和其他创作者的需求。它有 190 个可定制的画笔和标尺,允许在无限的图层上绘图。
价格:基本版免费,升级版为 24.99 美元
- 适合初学者的教程
- 专为Surface(Surface)设备和Surface 触控笔(Surface Pen)设计的 UI
- 由 Microsoft 为 Windows 开发
- 海量画笔选择
- 专注于学习绘画
Sketchable是一款设计精美的应用程序,可与(Sketchable)Microsoft Surface设备配合使用。虽然它有很多画笔、调色板和有用的工具,但它的菜单排列整齐,并且可以通过手写笔轻松操作。因此,使用Sketchable很容易获得一些令人惊叹的结果。然而,更高级的工具和功能需要一次性升级,费用为 24.99 美元。
7.富有表现力的像素(Expressive Pixels)
- 逐帧编辑动画
- 创造有趣且丰富多彩的像素艺术
- 支持LED显示屏
- 广泛的在线社区图库
- 专为Windows 10设备设计,包括Surface Pro
Microsoft设计了这款绘图程序,可让您创建像素艺术和动画。它与Surface Pro(Surface Pro)或运行Windows 10操作系统的任何其他设备完美配合。不幸的是,如果您使用任何其他Windows版本,则必须升级或降级才能使用此应用程序。
Expressive Pixels可让您设计自己的像素艺术,但您也可以使用其他人的创作,只要它们是通过应用程序本身内的社区选项卡下载的。然后,您可以将设计保存或导出为GIF或PNG文件。最好的部分是,许多LED设备生产商都支持Expressive Pixels,其中包括SiliconSquared、Adafruit和Sparkfun。还有什么比设计自己的像素艺术衣服更有趣的呢?
7 Best Drawing Apps for Your Microsoft Surface Devices
Are you an aspiring artist lookіng for the perfect drawing app to unleash creativity? With so many options, deciding which one is right for you can be difficult. If you own any Microsoft Surface products like the Surface Pro 7 and Surface Go 3, finding the best drawing app for your device has never been easier.
We’re here to help simplify this decision by providing our list of the seven best Microsoft Surface drawing apps available today.
Best for Surface Pro vector-based art.
Price: $20.99 per month.
- Can create large-scale art
- Compatible with a wide variety of formats
- Comes with a pixel grid for aligning objects
- In-panel editing
- Appealing Adobe Color Themes
Adobe Illustrator is an amazing software for vector art that caters to both professionals and beginners. However, its learning curve is pretty steep, sometimes off-putting to those at the start of their journey. Still, Adobe Illustrator is an industry-standard program, and rightfully so.
With Adobe Illustrator, you can easily draw logos, icons, billboard designs, book illustrations, and even technical drawings based on precise mathematical formulas. This application has around 20 drawing tools that let you customize the shapes, colors, and unique effects. But the best feature is the pen tool that allows you to draw as if you would on paper with the help of a stylus.
Best for drawing on Surface devices.
Price: $430
- Offers different paper textures for its canvases
- Comes with a selection adjuster tool
- Adjustable color wheel
- Harmonies panel displays effective color combinations
- Includes 12 AI styles to be used on images
If you primarily need a digital painting app, Corel Painter is your best choice. Although designed with painting in mind, this software has many advanced drawing tools. In fact, it has impressive options of brushes, colors, and tools to help you with composition; no other software can match it in this area. In addition, with over 900 brushes, there are more than enough pens, pencils, inks, and markers to choose from.
Corel Painter will help you draw anything that comes to your mind and push you to explore its unique features. For example, the Divine Proportion tool lets you establish focal areas in your drawings or paintings, and the painter’s mirror can help you achieve perfect symmetry.
That said, Corel Painter has one downside when paired with a Microsoft Surface Pro 8 and a Slim Pen 2 — the lack of pen pressure sensitivity. However, you can work around this problem by downloading the latest graphics drivers for your device and boosting the pen sensitivity in both the Surface app and Corel Painter.
Best for 3D art and animation.
Price: $60
- Works best paired with Microsoft Surface Pro 7
- Users can draw with vector layers
- AI coloring support
- 3D preview for page layouts
- Supports Kindle and EPUB formats for digital books
Clip Studio Paint might be the right solution if you’re into Anime, Manga, Comic, and Animation drawing, Clip Studio Paint might be the right solution. It’s also fantastic for designing ebook covers because it supports Kindle and the EPUB format. Aside from these, it also supports PSD, bitmap, JPEG, and PDF, so you can share your files between devices and software. It’s also handy that you can use this app on Windows, macOS, or iOS devices.
Clip Studio Paint is loved for its hundreds of diverse brushes and for their natural behavior, no matter if you use a stylus or a computer mouse to draw. Also, one of the biggest advantages of Clip Studio Paint is the ability to create custom brushes or to download and import any brush made by the CSP community.
Best for professionals and versatility.
Price: $20.99/ per month
- Allows drawing in layers
- Video layers included for animations
- 3D tools for animation and 3D models
- Symmetrical drawing options
- Tools for mobile and web design
Adobe Photoshop is the world’s best-known design software for digital drawing and painting. With its many features, drawing with Photoshop is easy once you master the countless tools. But that’s the catch. Photoshop is a complex program, and it can be overwhelming for beginners. However, the stunning results you’ll get are worth the time and effort put into mastering this program.
If you’re a novice, you shouldn’t be intimidated by Photoshop. There are various tutorials and how-tos available both online and offline. But you’ll learn the most from the program itself. It’s fun to use and explore all the possibilities and features it has to offer. For example, its freeform pen tool allows you to draw naturally, while the standard pen tool can draw perfect and precise lines and curves with its anchor points.
However, as a Microsoft Surface user, Photoshop can be slightly laggy or even unresponsive on Surface Pro and Surface Go devices. That’s because they don’t have a dedicated GPU. Surface Book and Studio users, on the other hand, shouldn’t experience these problems.
Best sketching Surface App.
Price: Free
- Professional tools for sketching, drawing, and painting
- Customizable brushes
- Designed for computers and tablets
- Drawing feels natural, especially with a stylus
- Camera scanning feature
If you want a free drawing app for your Surface device, look no further. Sketchbook is the best option out there. Although designed by Autodesk, Sketchbook is now a new company that continues to grow and develop its product independently. Unfortunately, that means that if you have the original Autodesk Sketchbook, you’ll no longer receive its updates and support.
Although not aimed at professionals, Sketchbook can give some impressive results. And it’s perfectly paired with any Microsoft Surface device. It has a massive list of features that caters to designers, architects, artists, and other creators. It has 190 customizable brushes and rulers, allowing drawing on unlimited layers.
Sketchbook also allows you to import your artwork from other apps and formats, be it JPEG, PNG, or PSD files. Aside from simple sketching on a blank canvas, you can create complex art with Sketchbook, as it uses both vector and bitmap drawing formats.
Best for learning how to draw on Surface devices.
Price: Basic version free, upgradable for $24.99
- Available tutorials for beginners
- UI designed for Surface devices and a Surface Pen
- Developed by Microsoft for Windows
- Massive selection of brushes
- Focused on learning how to draw
Sketchable is an app beautifully designed to work with Microsoft Surface devices. Although it has many brushes, color pallets, and helpful tools, its menu is neatly arranged and easily operated by the stylus. As a result, it’s easy to get some amazing results with Sketchable. However, more advanced tools and features are locked behind a one-time upgrade that costs $24.99.
What’s impressive about Sketchable is that it caters to beginners, so it won’t overwhelm you. If you’re just trying to learn how to draw, this app is for you. You can watch high-quality tutorials directly from the app and follow them to quickly see the first result in your training program. If you need a manual, don’t worry, it’s readily available on the official website. There, you can also watch famous artists showcasing what they were able to create with this simple yet beautiful app.
Best for Pixel Art.
Price: Free
- Edit animation frame by frame
- Create fun and colorful pixel art
- Support for LED displays
- Extensive online community gallery
- Designed for Windows 10 devices, including Surface Pro
Microsoft designed this drawing program that lets you create pixel art and animations. It works amazingly with Surface Pro or any other device that runs the Windows 10 OS. Unfortunately, if you use any other Windows version, you’ll have to upgrade or downgrade to use this app.
Expressive Pixels lets you design your own pixel art, but you can also use other people’s creations as long as they are downloaded via the community tab inside the app itself. You can then save or export your designs as GIF or PNG files. The best part is that many producers of LED devices support Expressive Pixels, among them SiliconSquared, Adafruit, and Sparkfun. What’s more fun than designing your own pixel art clothes?
To sum up, all the drawing apps mentioned in this blog post can provide you with various art experiences, no matter your skill level. So whether you’re just starting out and want to try something fun with your Surface device or if you’re an experienced artist wanting more sophisticated tools, there’s something here for everyone. These apps represent some of the best digital art options available for any Microsoft fan wanting to get creative on their Surface devices. So which one is your go-to drawing software? Let us know in the comment section below!