用户帐户控制(User Account Control),简称UAC,是为了确保Windows计算机的安全而开发的。UAC不允许对操作系统进行任何未经授权的访问(System)。UAC确保系统中的更改仅由管理员进行,其他人不得进行。如果管理员不批准上述更改,Windows将不允许它发生。因此,它可以防止应用程序、病毒或恶意软件攻击进行任何类型的更改。今天,我们将讨论如何在 Windows 7、8 和 10 中启用用户帐户(Windows 7)控制(User Account Control)以及如何在Windows 7中禁用(Windows 7)UAC和更高版本。

如何在 Windows 10 PC 中启用 UAC
(How to Enable UAC in Windows 10 PC
如果您是管理员,每当您的系统中安装了新程序时,系统都会询问您:您要允许此应用程序对您的设备进行更改吗?(Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? )另一方面,如果您不是管理员,提示将要求您输入用户名和密码以访问所述程序。
(User Account Control)启动Windows Vista时,(Windows Vista)用户帐户控制是一个被误解的功能。许多用户试图卸载它,却没有意识到他们将自己的系统暴露在威胁之下。在此处阅读有关用户帐户控制如何工作的(How User Account Control Works here)Microsoft页面。
UAC的功能在后续版本中得到了改进,但有些用户可能希望暂时禁用这些功能。阅读下文以在需要时启用和禁用Windows 8和 10中的用户帐户控制。(User Account Control)
方法一:使用控制面板(Method 1: Use Control Panel)
以下是在Windows 8和 10中启用UAC的方法:(UAC)
1. 单击您的 Windows 键(Windows key)并在搜索栏中输入用户控制(User Control)。
2.从搜索结果中打开 更改用户帐户控制设置,如图所示。(Change User Account Control Settings)

3. 在这里,单击更改用户帐户控制设置(Change User Account Control settings)。
4. 现在,将显示一个屏幕,您可以在其中选择何时收到有关计算机更改的通知。(choose when to be notified about changes to your computer.)
4A。始终通知 -(Always notify- )如果您经常安装新软件并经常访问不熟悉的网站,建议您这样做。
默认 - 在以下情况下始终通知我:(Default- Always notify me when:)
- 应用程序(Apps)会尝试安装软件或对您的计算机进行更改。
- 我(用户)更改Windows设置。

4B。在以下情况下始终通知我(并且不要使我的桌面变暗):(Always notify me (and do not dim my desktop) when:)
- 应用程序(Apps)会尝试安装软件或对您的计算机进行更改。
- 我(用户)更改Windows设置。

4C。仅当应用程序尝试更改我的计算机时通知我(不要使我的桌面变暗)–当您更改(Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (don’t dim my desktop) – )Windows设置时,此选项不会通知您。
注 1:(Note 1:)完全不推荐使用此功能。此外,您必须在计算机上以管理员身份登录才能选择此设置。

5. 根据您的要求选择这些设置中的任何一项,然后单击确定(OK)以启用Windows 8/10 中的用户帐户控制(User Account Control)。
方法二:使用 msconfig 命令
(Method 2: Use msconfig Command
以下是在Windows 8和 10中启用用户帐户控制的方法:(User Account Control)
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys运行(Run )对话框。
2. 如图所示 键入msconfig ,然后单击(msconfig )确定。(OK.)

3.系统配置(System Configuration )窗口出现在屏幕上。在这里,切换到工具(Tools )选项卡。
4. 在这里,单击更改 UAC 设置(Change UAC Settings )并选择启动(Launch),如下所示。

5. 现在,您可以在此窗口中选择何时收到有关计算机更改的通知。(choose when to be notified about changes to your computer)
5A。在以下情况下始终通知我:(Always notify me when:)
- 应用程序(Apps)会尝试安装软件或对您的计算机进行更改。
- 我(用户)更改Windows设置。

5B。仅当应用程序尝试对我的计算机进行更改时通知我(默认)(Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (default))

5C。仅当应用程序尝试对我的计算机进行更改时通知我(不要使我的桌面变暗)(Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (do not dim my desktop))
6. 选择所需选项并单击确定。(OK.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中更改用户帐户名称的 6 种方法(6 Ways to Change User Account Name in Windows 10)
如何在 Windows 系统中禁用 UAC(How to Disable UAC in Windows Systems)
(Method 1: Use Control Panel
1. 以管理员(administrator.)身份登录您的系统。
2.如前所述,从Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中打开更改用户帐户控制设置。(Change User Account Control Settings)
3. 现在,将显示一个屏幕,您可以在其中选择何时收到有关计算机更改的通知。(choose when to be notified about changes to your computer.)将设置设置为:
4.切勿在以下情况通知我:( Never notify me when:)
- 应用程序(Apps)会尝试安装软件或对您的计算机进行更改。
- 我(用户)对Windows设置进行了更改。

5. 最后,单击确定(OK )以禁用系统中的 UAC。
方法二:(Method 2: )使用 msconfig 命令(Use msconfig Command)
以下是在Windows(Windows 8) 8、8.1、10 中禁用用户帐户控制(User Account Control)的方法:
1. 打开运行(Run)对话框,像之前一样执行msconfig命令。

2. 切换到系统配置(System Configuration )窗口中的工具(Tools )选项卡。
3. 接下来,单击Change UAC Settings > 启动(Launch ),如图所示。

4. 在以下情况下选择从不通知我:(Never notify me when:)
- 应用程序(Apps)会尝试安装软件或对您的计算机进行更改。
- 我(用户)更改Windows设置。

5. 最后,单击确定(OK )并退出窗口。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中查看用户帐户详细信息(How to View User Account Details in Windows 10)
如何在 Windows 7 中启用用户帐户控制(How to Enable User Account Control in Windows 7)
以下是使用控制面板(Control Panel)在Windows 7系统中启用用户帐户控制(User Account Control)的步骤:
1.在Windows 搜索框中输入(Windows search)UAC,如下图所示。

2. 现在,打开更改用户帐户控制设置(Change User Account Control settings)。
3. 如前所述,从列出的选项中选择任何设置。
3A。在以下情况下始终通知我:(Always notify me when:)
- 我(用户)尝试更改Windows设置。
- 程序尝试安装软件或对计算机进行更改。

3B。默认 - 仅当程序尝试对我的计算机进行更改时通知我( Default- Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer)

3C。仅当程序尝试对您的计算机进行更改时通知我(不要使我的桌面变暗)(Notify me only when programs try to make changes to your computer (do not dim my desktop))

4、最后点击确定(OK),在Windows 7系统中启用UAC。
如何在 Windows 7 中禁用用户帐户控制(How to Disable User Account Control in Windows 7)
不建议禁用UAC 。如果您仍然希望这样做,请按照给定的步骤使用控制面板禁用(Control Panel)Windows 7系统中的用户帐户控制(User Account Control)。
1.如前所述,打开更改用户帐户控制设置。(Change User Account Control settings )
2. 现在,将设置更改为:
切勿在以下情况通知我:(Never notify me when:)
- 程序尝试安装软件或对我的计算机进行更改。
- 我(用户)更改Windows设置。
注意:(Note:)仅当您使用未经认证可在Windows 7系统上使用且需要禁用UAC的程序时才选择此选项,因为它们不支持用户帐户控制(User Account Control)。

3. 现在,单击确定(OK )以禁用Windows 7系统中的UAC 。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复用户帐户控制中灰显的“是”按钮(How to fix Yes button grayed out in User Account Control)
如何验证 UAC 是启用还是禁用(How to Verify if UAC is Enabled or Disabled)
1. 同时按下Windows 和 R 键打开(Windows & R keys)运行(Run )对话框。
2. 键入regedit并单击OK,如下图所示。

3. 现在,双击EnableLUA,如图所示。

4. 在数值数据(Value data)字段中参考这些值:
- 如果 Value data设置为 1(set to 1),则在您的系统中启用 UAC。
- 如果 Value data设置为 0(set to 0),则 UAC 在您的系统中被禁用。

5. 最后,单击“确定(OK)”保存注册表项值。
根据需要,将启用或禁用用户帐户控制功能。(User Account Control)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Windows 7、8 或 10 系统中启用或禁用用户帐户控制(enable or disable User Account Control in Windows 7, 8, or 10 systems)。让我们知道哪种方法适合您。如果您对本文有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Enable User Account Control in Windows Systems
The User Account Control, or UAC in short, was developed to enѕure security in Windows computers. UAC does not allow any unauthorized access to the Oрerating System. UAC ensures that alterations in the system are made only by the administrator, and no one else. If the admin does not approve thе said changes, Windows will not allow it to hapрen. Thus, it prevents any type of changes to be made by applications, viruses, or mаlware attacks. Today, we will discuss how to enable User Account Control in Windows 7, 8, and 10 as well as how to disable UAC in Windows 7 and later versions.

How to Enable UAC in Windows 10 PC
If you are an administrator, whenever a new program is installed in your system, you will be asked: Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? On the other hand, if you are not an administrator, the prompt will ask you to enter your username and password to access the said program.
User Account Control was a misunderstood feature when Windows Vista was launched. Many users tried to uninstall it without realizing that they were exposing their system to threats. Read the Microsoft page on How User Account Control Works here.
The features of UAC were improved in the succeeding versions, yet, some users may want to disable these temporarily. Read below to enable and disable User Account Control in Windows 8 and 10, as and when needed.
Method 1: Use Control Panel
Here’s how to enable UAC in Windows 8 & 10:
1. Click on your Windows key and type User Control in the search bar.
2. Open Change User Account Control Settings from the search results, as shown.

3. Here, click on Change User Account Control settings.
4. Now, a screen will be displayed where you can choose when to be notified about changes to your computer.
4A. Always notify- It is recommended if you routinely install new software and visit unfamiliar websites often.
Default- Always notify me when:
- Apps try to install software or make changes to your computer.
- I (user) make changes to Windows settings.

4B. Always notify me (and do not dim my desktop) when:
- Apps try to install software or make changes to your computer.
- I (user) make changes to Windows settings.
Note: It is not recommended, but you can choose this if it takes a long time to dim the desktop on your computer.

4C. Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (don’t dim my desktop) – This option will not notify you when you make changes to your Windows settings.
Note 1: This feature is not recommended at all. Moreover, you must be logged in as an administrator on the computer to select this setting.

5. Choose any one of these settings depending on your requirements and click on OK to enable User Account Control in Windows 8/10.
Method 2: Use msconfig Command
Here’s how to enable User Account Control in Windows 8 & 10:
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Type msconfig as shown and click OK.

3. System Configuration window appears on the screen. Here, switch to the Tools tab.
4. Here, click on Change UAC Settings and select Launch, as highlighted below.

5. Now, you can choose when to be notified about changes to your computer in this window.
5A. Always notify me when:
- Apps try to install software or make changes to your computer.
- I (user) make changes to Windows settings.
Note: It is recommended if you install new software and visit unverified websites frequently.

5B. Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (default)
This setting will not notify you when you make changes to Windows settings. It is suggested that you use this option if you access familiar apps and verified web pages.

5C. Notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (do not dim my desktop)
This setting will not notify you when you make changes to Windows settings.
Note: It is not recommended and you can choose this if it takes a long time to dim the desktop screen.
6. Choose the desired option and click on OK.
Also Read: 6 Ways to Change User Account Name in Windows 10
How to Disable UAC in Windows Systems
Method 1: Use Control Panel
Here’s how to disable UAC using the control panel:
1. Log into your system as an administrator.
2. Open Change User Account Control Settings from the Windows search bar, as instructed earlier.
3. Now, a screen will be displayed where you can choose when to be notified about changes to your computer. Set the setting to:
4. Never notify me when:
- Apps try to install software or make changes to your computer.
- I (user) make changes to the Windows settings.
Note: This setting is not recommended since it puts your computer at a high-security risk.

5. Finally, click on OK to disable UAC in your system.
Method 2: Use msconfig Command
Here’s how to disable User Account Control in Windows 8, 8.1, 10:
1. Open Run dialog box and execute the msconfig command as earlier.

2. Switch to the Tools tab in the System Configuration window.
3. Next, click on Change UAC Settings > Launch as depicted.

4. Choose Never notify me when:
- Apps try to install software or make changes to your computer.
- I (user) make changes to Windows settings.

5. Finally, click on OK and exit the window.
Also Read: How to View User Account Details in Windows 10
How to Enable User Account Control in Windows 7
Here are the steps to enable User Account Control in Windows 7 system using Control Panel:
1. Type UAC in the Windows search box, as shown below.

2. Now, open Change User Account Control settings.
3. As discussed earlier, select any setting from the listed options.
3A. Always notify me when:
- I (user) try to make changes in Windows settings.
- Programs try to install software or make changes to the computer.
This setting will notify a prompt on the screen which you can confirm or deny.
Note: This setting is recommended if you install new software and surf online frequently.

3B. Default- Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer
This setting will notify you only when the programs try to make changes to your computer, and will not allow notifications when you make changes to Windows settings.
Note: This setting is recommended if you use familiar programs and visit familiar websites and are at a lower security risk.

3C. Notify me only when programs try to make changes to your computer (do not dim my desktop)
When programs try to make changes to your computer, this setting gives you a prompt. It won’t provide notifications when you make changes to Windows settings anymore.
Note: Choose this only if it takes a long time to dim the desktop.

4. Finally, click on OK to enable UAC in Windows 7 system.
How to Disable User Account Control in Windows 7
Disabling UAC is not recommended. If you still wish to do so, follow the given steps to disable User Account Control in Windows 7 system using Control Panel.
1. Open Change User Account Control settings as explained previously.
2. Now, change the setting to:
Never notify me when:
- Programs try to install software or make changes to my computer.
- I (user) make changes to Windows settings.
Note: Choose this only if you use programs that are not certified for use on Windows 7 systems and need to disable UAC because they do not support User Account Control.

3. Now, click on OK to disable UAC in your Windows 7 system.
Also Read: How to fix Yes button grayed out in User Account Control
How to Verify if UAC is Enabled or Disabled
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows & R keys together.
2. Type regedit and click OK, as depicted below.

2. Navigate the following path
3. Now, double-click on EnableLUA as shown.

4. Refer to these values in the Value data field:
- If the Value data is set to 1, UAC is enabled in your system.
- If the Value data is set to 0, UAC is disabled in your system.

5. Finally, click on OK to save the registry key values.
As desired, User Account Control features will be enabled or disabled.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to enable or disable User Account Control in Windows 7, 8, or 10 systems. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.