有时,当您运行以前运行平稳的程序时,会提供与 .dll 扩展名相关的错误。出现一条错误消息,提示找不到 DLL 文件或缺少(DLL)DLL 文件。(DLL)它给用户带来了很多问题,因为大多数人不知道DLL文件是什么,它做了什么,最重要的是,如何处理这个错误。他们无法做任何事情,因为他们一看到错误消息就会恐慌。
但是请不要担心,因为在阅读完本文后,您对DLL文件的所有疑虑都会被清除,并且您还可以在Windows 10上修复(Windows 10)DLL not found 或丢失错误而不会出现任何问题。

DLL:DLL 代表动态链接库(Dynamic-Link Library)。它是Microsoft Windows操作系统中共享库概念的Microsoft实现(Systems)。这些库的文件扩展名为 .dll。这些文件是Windows的核心部分,允许程序运行不同的功能,而无需每次都从头开始编写整个程序。此外,这些文件包含的代码和数据一次可以由多个程序使用,从而使计算机的工作更加高效并减少 磁盘空间( disk space),因为不需要为每个程序保留重复的文件。
DLL 文件如何工作?(How DLL Files Works?)

修复 Windows 计算机上未找到或丢失的 DLL(Fix DLL Not Found or Missing on your Windows Computer)
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
注意: (Note: )如果您由于DLL错误而无法正常访问Windows ,您可以(Windows)进入安全模式(Enter Safe Mode)以按照下面列出的任何方法进行操作。
方法 1:检查更新(Method 1: Check For Updates)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)或单击开始按钮(Start button ),然后单击齿轮图标打开设置。(Settings.)

2. 单击设置窗口中的更新和安全(Update & Security)。

3. 现在点击检查更新。(Check for Updates.)

4. 将出现下面的屏幕,可用更新开始下载。

下载完成后,安装(Install)它们,您的计算机将成为最新的。看看您是否能够修复 DLL Not Found 或 Missing Error(Fix DLL Not Found or Missing Error),如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 2:重新启动计算机(Method 2: Restart Your Computer)
1. 单击开始菜单(Start Menu),然后单击左下角的电源按钮(Power button)。

2. 现在单击重新启动( Restart),您的计算机将自行重新启动。

方法 3:从回收站恢复已删除的 DLL(Method 3: Restore the deleted DLL from Recycle Bin)
您可能不小心删除了任何认为没有用的DLL,因为它已被删除且不可用,因此显示缺少错误。因此,只需从回收站中恢复它就可以修复 DLL Not Found 或 Missing Error。(fix DLL Not Found or Missing Error.)要从回收站 恢复已删除的DLL文件,请按照以下步骤操作:(DLL)
1.通过单击桌面上的回收站图标或使用搜索栏搜索来打开回收站。(Recycle bin)

2. 查找您误删除的DLL文件并(DLL)右键单击(right-click)它并选择恢复。

3. 您的文件将恢复到您删除它的同一位置。
方法 4:运行病毒或恶意软件扫描(Method 4: Run a Virus Or Malware Scan)
有时,某些病毒或恶意软件可能会攻击您的计算机,并损坏您的DLL文件。因此,通过对整个系统进行病毒或恶意软件扫描,您将了解导致DLL文件问题的病毒,并且可以轻松将其删除。因此,您应该扫描您的防病毒软件系统并立即清除任何不需要的恶意软件或病毒(get rid of any unwanted malware or virus immediately)。

方法 5:使用系统还原(Method 5: Use System Restore)
1. 在Windows Search(Windows Search)中键入 control,然后单击搜索结果中的“控制面板(Control Panel)”快捷方式。

2. 将“查看方式(View by)”模式切换为“小图标(Small icons)”。

3. 点击“恢复(Recovery)”。
4. 单击“打开系统还原(Open System Restore)”以撤消最近的系统更改。遵循所有需要的步骤。

5. 现在,从“还原系统文件和设置”(Restore system files and settings)窗口中单击“ 下一步”。(Next.)

6. 选择还原点(restore point)并确保在遇到 DLL Not Found 或 Missing Error 之前创建此还原点。(created before facing the DLL Not Found or Missing Error.)

7. 如果找不到旧的还原点,请勾选(checkmark)“显示更多还原点(Show more restore points)”,然后选择还原点。

8. 单击下一步(Next),然后查看您配置的所有设置。
9. 最后,单击完成(Finish)开始恢复过程。

方法 6:使用系统文件检查器(Method 6: Use System File Checker)
系统文件检查器(System File Checker)是识别和恢复损坏文件的实用程序。这是最有潜力的解决方案。它涉及命令提示符的使用。要使用系统文件检查器(System File Checker)解决DLL文件的问题,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 按Windows Key + X,然后选择命令提示符(管理员)。(Command Prompt (Admin).)

2. 在命令提示符下输入以下命令并按回车键:
sfc /scannow

3. 操作完成后,再次输入以下命令并按回车键。
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

如果您仍然遇到问题,那么您可能还需要运行Check Disk Scan。查看您是否能够修复 Windows 计算机上的 DLL 未找到或丢失错误。(fix DLL not found or missing error on your Windows Computer.)
方法 7:更新系统驱动程序(Method 7: Update System Drivers)
如果您仍然面临DLL错误,则问题可能与特定硬件有关,您应该更新相应的驱动程序。例如,您每次插入USB 鼠标(USB Mouse)或网络摄像头(Webcam)时都会看到该错误,然后更新鼠标(Mouse)或网络摄像头(Webcam)驱动程序可能会解决该问题。DLL错误很可能是由系统中的硬件或驱动程序故障引起的。更新和修复(Updating and repairing the drivers)硬件驱动程序有助于修复 DLL Not Found 或 Missing Error。
方法 8:Windows 的全新安装(Method 8: Clean Installation of Windows)
执行Windows的全新安装也可以解决此问题,因为全新安装将从硬盘驱动器中删除所有内容并安装全新的 Windows 副本。对于Windows 10,可以通过重置 PC 来执行Windows的全新安装。(Windows)要重置 PC,请按照以下步骤操作:
注意:这将从您的 PC 中删除所有文件和文件夹,因此请确保您理解这一点。(Note: This will delete all files & folders from your PC, so make sure you understand that.)
1.通过单击电源按钮 (power button )重新启动您的PC,然后选择重新启动(Restart),同时按下shift(press shift)按钮。

2. 现在从选择(Choose)一个选项窗口中,单击疑难解答。(Troubleshoot.)

3.接下来单击疑难解答屏幕下的重置您的PC 。(Reset your PC)

4.您将被要求从以下文件中选择一个选项,选择删除所有内容。(select Remove everything.)

5. 单击重置(Reset)以重置 PC。

我希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,您现在可以轻松修复 Windows 计算机上未找到或丢失的 DLL,(Fix DLL Not Found or Missing on your Windows Computer,) 但如果您对本指南仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix DLL Not Found or Missing on your Windows Computer
Sometimes, when you run a program, which was prevіously running smoothly, provides an error related to the .dll extension. An error message occurs which says DLL file not found or DLL file is missing. It creates a lot of problems for users as most people are not aware of whаt DLL file is, what іt does and most іmportantly, how to handle this error. And they are unable to do anything becаuse they panic as soon as they see the error message.
But don’t worry as after going through this article all your doubts regarding DLL files will be cleared, and you will also be able to fix DLL not found or missing error on Windows 10 without any issue.

DLL: DLL stands for Dynamic-Link Library. It is Microsoft implementation of the shared library concept in the Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. These libraries have file extension .dll. These files are a core part of Windows and allow programs to run different functions without writing the whole program from scratch every time. Also, the code and data contained by these files can be used by more than one program at a time, making the working of the computer more efficient and reducing disk space as there is no need to keep duplicate files for each program.
How DLL Files Works?
Most of the applications are not complete in themselves, and they store their code in different files so that those files can also be used by some other applications. When the said application runs, the related file is loaded into the memory and used by the program. If the Operating System or Software does not find the related DLL file or if the related DLL file is corrupted, you will face the missing or not found error message.

Since DLL files are an important part of all the programs and are very common, they are often the source of errors. Troubleshooting of DLL files and its error is difficult to understand because one DLL file is associated with many programs. Therefore, you will need to follow each & every method to find the root cause of the error and fix its problem.
Fix DLL Not Found or Missing on your Windows Computer
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Note: If you’re unable to access Windows normally due to DLL error, you may Enter Safe Mode to follow any of the below-listed methods.
Several ways are using which you can solve the problem of DLL missing or not found. Fixing a DLL error could take as long as one hour, depending on the problem’s error and cause. It takes a long time to solve the problem, but it is pretty easy to do so.
Below are the given ways by which you can solve the problem of DLL not found or missing. You can fix them, repair them, update them without downloading them from the Internet.
Method 1: Check For Updates
Sometimes a program does not run or shows such error because maybe your computer is missing a very crucial update. Sometimes, this problem can easily solve by just updating your software. To check if there are any updates available, follow the below steps:
1. Press Windows key or click on the Start button then click on the gear icon to open Settings.

2. Click on Update & Security from the Settings window.

3. Now click on Check for Updates.

4. Below screen will appear with updates available begin to download.

After the downloading is complete, Install them, and your computer will become up-to-date. See if you’re able to Fix DLL Not Found or Missing Error, if not then continue with the next method.
Method 2: Restart Your Computer
It is possible that DLL error that is occurring is due to some files and temporarily and restarting of the computer may solve the problem without going any deep to resolve the problem. To restart the computer follow the below steps:
1. Click on the Start Menu and then click on the Power button available at bottom left corner.

2. Now click on Restart and your computer will restart itself.

Method 3: Restore the deleted DLL from Recycle Bin
You may have accidentally deleted any DLL considering it as of no use as it is deleted and not available, so it is showing a missing error. So, simply restoring it from recycle bin can fix DLL Not Found or Missing Error. To restore deleted DLL file from recycle bin follow below steps:
1. Open the Recycle bin by clicking on the recycling bin icon present on the desktop or searching it using the search bar.

2. Look for the DLL file you have deleted by mistake and right-click on it and select Restore.

3. Your file will be restored at the same location from where you have deleted it.
Method 4: Run a Virus Or Malware Scan
Sometimes, some virus or malware may attack your computer, and your DLL file is damaged by it. So, by running a virus or malware scan of your whole system, you will get to know about the virus causing the problem to DLL file, and you can remove it easily. Therefore, you should scan your anti-virus software system and get rid of any unwanted malware or virus immediately.

Method 5: Use System Restore
DLL error can also occur due to any change made in the registry or other system configuration. Therefore, by restoring the changes, you have just made can help to resolve the DLL error. To Restore the current changes you have made, follow the below steps:
1. Type control in Windows Search then clicks on the “Control Panel” shortcut from the search result.

2. Switch the ‘View by’ mode to ‘Small icons’.

3. Click on ‘Recovery’.
4. Click on ‘Open System Restore’ to undo recent system changes. Follow all the steps needed.

5. Now, from the Restore system files and settings window click on Next.

6. Select the restore point and make sure this restored point is created before facing the DLL Not Found or Missing Error.

7. If you can’t find old restore points then checkmark “Show more restore points” and then select the restore point.

8. Click Next and then review all the settings you configured.
9. Finally, click Finish to start the restore process.

Method 6: Use System File Checker
System File Checker is the utility that identifies and restores corrupted files. It is the most potential solution. It involves the usage of the command prompt. To use System File Checker to solve the problem of DLL files follows the below steps:
1. Press Windows Key + X then select Command Prompt (Admin).

2. Enter the below command in command prompt and hit the enter button:
sfc /scannow

3. Once the operation has completed, again enter the below command and hit the enter button.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

This may take some time. But once the above steps are completed, again run your program and this time most probably your DLL problem will be resolved.
If you’re still facing the issue, then you may also need to run Check Disk Scan. See if you’re able to fix DLL not found or missing error on your Windows Computer.
Method 7: Update System Drivers
If you’re still facing DLL errors, then the problem may be related to a particular piece of hardware, and you should update the appropriate drivers. For example, you see the error every time you plug in USB Mouse or Webcam then updating the Mouse or Webcam drivers may fix the issue. A high chance that the DLL error has been caused by faulty hardware or driver in your system. Updating and repairing the drivers for your hardware can help in fixing DLL Not Found or Missing Error.
Method 8: Clean Installation of Windows
Performing a clean installation of Windows can also solve this problem as a clean installation will remove everything from the hard drive and install a fresh copy of windows. For Windows 10, clean installation of Windows can be performed by resetting your PC. To Reset the PC follow below steps:
Note: This will delete all files & folders from your PC, so make sure you understand that.
1. Restart your PC by clicking on the power button then select Restart and at the same time press shift button.

2. Now from the Choose an option window, click on Troubleshoot.

3. Next click on Reset your PC under Troubleshooter screen.

4. You will be asked to choose an option from below files, select Remove everything.

5. Click on Reset to reset the PC.

Your PC will start to reset. Once it resets completely, rerun your program, and your DLL error will be resolved.
I hope this article was helpful, and you can now easily Fix DLL Not Found or Missing on your Windows Computer, but if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.