一些 Windows 用户看到抱歉,在尝试将他们的 PC 升级到Windows 11或Windows 10时(Windows 10)Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 11/10错误消息。如果您尝试安装Windows 11/10但看到此错误消息,那么您需要了解以下内容。在从旧版本的Windows(Windows)升级到Windows 11/10之前运行兼容性测试时,错误消息可能会出现在您的 PC 上。这就是问题出现的原因以及如何解决它。
Something happened. Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 11/10. Please close Setup and try again.

抱歉(Sorry),我们无法确定您的电脑是否可以运行Windows 11/10
- 您的计算机不符合安装Windows 11/10的基本要求。
- 您有可用的磁盘空间,但这还不足以进行其他更新。
- 您错误地将 C 驱动器或系统驱动器设置为非活动驱动器。
- 手动检查系统要求
- 释放您的存储空间或磁盘空间
- 将分区标记为活动

1 ]手动检查系统要求(] Check)
每个软件都必须满足安装的最低系统要求。同样(Likewise),操作系统Windows 10也需要一些基本的硬件配置才能开始安装过程。如果您使用的是Windows 7、8(Windows 7)或 8.1,您应该能够毫无问题地安装Windows 10 。但是,最好在开始升级Windows 10之前验证您的硬件配置。安装Windows 10的最低系统要求如下:
- 处理器:(Processor: ) 1 GHz 或更快
- 硬盘存储大小:(Hard drive storage size:) 32GB或更多
- Memory/RAM: 32 位 1GB,64 位 2GB
- 显示分辨率:(Display resolution: ) 800×600像素
- 显卡:(Graphics card: )兼容DirectX 9或更高版本的WDDM 1.0驱动程序
这些是Windows 11 的最低硬件要求(minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11)。
如前所述,您的硬盘大小应为 32GB 或更大。您应该至少有 16GB 的可用存储空间来安装 32 位操作系统,以及 20GB 的存储空间来安装 64 位版本的Windows 11/10。当您拥有通过兼容性测试的最小存储空间但没有更多空间来安装更新时,可能会出现此问题。Windows会在安装过程中安装一些必需的更新,这需要超过 16/20GB 的存储空间。如果您当前的硬盘驱动器没有额外的存储空间,Windows设置过程可能会因显示错误消息而中断。
当您从旧版本的Windows(Windows)升级到Windows 11/10时收到此错误消息,您可能已经将系统驱动器标记为“活动(Active)”。默认情况下, Windows(Windows)使 C 驱动器处于活动状态,以便系统文件正确加载。但是,如果您在系统中进行了更改并错误地将 C 盘设置为非活动状态,则在升级时会发现此错误。有一种轻松的方法可以验证您的系统驱动器是否标记为活动。
- 按Win+R打开运行提示。
- 键入diskmgmt.msc并按Enter按钮。它应该会在您的屏幕上打开“磁盘管理(Disk Management)”窗口。
- 右键单击(Right-click)安装当前操作系统的系统驱动器,然后选择Mark Partition as Active。

请(Please)注意,屏幕截图是在Windows 10上捕获的,但界面在(Windows 10)Windows 11上看起来相同。
Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 11/10
Some Windows uѕers get to see Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 11/10 error message while trying to upgrade their PC to Windows 11 or Windows 10. If you are trying to install Windows 11/10 but seeing this error message, here’s what you need to know. The error message may appear on your PC when you run the compatibility test before upgrading from an older version of Windows to Windows 11/10. Here is why the problem appears and how you can solve it.
Something happened. Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 11/10. Please close Setup and try again.

Sorry, we’re having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 11/10
The main reasons why the Windows upgrading issue appears are mentioned below:
- Your computer doesn’t meet the basic requirements for installing Windows 11/10.
- You have free disk space, but that is not enough for additional updates.
- You made the C drive or system drive as inactive by mistake.
To resolve this problem, you need to follow the following solutions:
- Check system requirements manually
- Free up your storage or disk space
- Mark partition as active
Now, let’s take a look at the troubleshooting tips in detail.

1] Check system requirements manually
Every software must meet a minimum system requirement for installation. Likewise, the operating system, Windows 10, also needs some basic hardware configuration to begin the installation process. If you are using Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, you should be able to install Windows 10 without any problem. However, it is better to verify your hardware configuration before commencing Windows 10 upgradation. The minimum system requirements for installing Windows 10 is mentioned below-
- Processor: 1 GHz or faster
- Hard drive storage size: 32GB or more
- Memory/RAM: 1GB for 32-bit and 2GB for 64-bit
- Display resolution: 800×600 pixels
- Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
These are the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11.
It would be better to know your hardware before getting into the installation.
2] Free up your storage or disk space
As mentioned earlier, your hard drive size should be 32GB or more. You should have at least 16GB free storage for installing 32-bit OS and 20GB storage for installing the 64-bit version of Windows 11/10. This problem might occur when you have the minimum storage to pass the compatibility test, but you do not have any more space to install updates. Windows installs some required updates during the setup, and that requires more storage than 16/20GB. If your current hard drive doesn’t have the extra storage, Windows setup process might be disbanded by showing the error message.
There is a lot of ways to free up your disk space. For instance, you can find and delete large files, move some files to your external hard drive, transfer some data from Library folders to another hard drive (if you have one), etc.
3] Mark Partition as Active
As you are getting this error message while upgrading from an older version of Windows to Windows 11/10, chances are you have already marked the system drive as “Active.” Windows makes the C drive active by default so that the system files load properly. However, if you have done changes in your system and made the C drive as inactive by mistake, you can find this error while upgrading. There is an effortless way to verify if your system drive is marked as active or not.
- Press Win+R to open the Run prompt.
- Type diskmgmt.msc and hit the Enter button. It should open the Disk Management window on your screen.
- Right-click on the system drive where your current operating system is installed and select Mark Partition as Active.

Please note that the screenshot is captured on Windows 10 but the interface looks the same on Windows 11.
Now try to run the Setup.exe file. You should not get any problem passing the compatibility test.
All the best!