您是否迫切需要打印文档,但由于(Are)Windows 10中的打印作业卡住而无法打印?以下是一些 (Here are some ways to )在 Windows 10 中轻松清除打印队列的方法。(clear the print queue in Windows 10 easily.)
打印机(Print)可能看起来很容易使用,但有时可能非常脆弱。当您急需使用打印机时处理打印队列可能会非常令人沮丧。(Queue)打印队列不仅阻止打印当前文档,而且阻止打印所有未来文档。这个问题也不难发现。如果即使纸张没有卡住并且墨水正确,消息“正在打印”仍然无限期存在,那么肯定存在(Printing)打印(Print)队列问题。有一些方法可用于清除 Windows 10 中的打印队列(clear the print queue in Windows 10)。

为什么打印作业卡在 Windows 10 中?(Why does a print job gets stuck in Windows 10?)
通常,您可以通过从队列中删除打印作业来解决错误。要 在 Windows 10 中删除卡住的打印作业, (delete a stuck print job in Windows 10, )请转到设置中的“打印机”,然后单击“打开队列(Open Queue)”。取消(Cancel)导致问题的打印作业,您就可以开始了。如果您无法删除特定的打印作业,请尝试删除整个打印队列。如果这也不起作用,请尝试重新启动所有设备。拔下所有连接并插入它们以完全重启您的设备。对于卡住的打印作业,这是您应该采用的第一种方法。如果这些传统方法不起作用,那么这里有一些其他在 Windows 10 中清除打印作业的详细(print job in Windows 10.)方法 。(methods for clearing a )
如何在Windows 10中清除(Windows 10)打印队列(Print Queue)?
有几种方法可用于清除Windows 10中的打印作业。清除并重新启动打印后台处理程序(Clearing and restarting the Print Spooler) 是修复卡住的打印作业的最佳方法之一。( is one of the best methods to use for fixing the stuck print job.)它不会删除您的文档,但会产生文档第一次发送到打印机的错觉。该过程是通过停止打印后台(Print Spooler)处理程序来完成的,直到您清除后台处理程序使用的整个临时缓存,然后再次启动它。这可以通过使用手动方法或制作批处理文件来完成。
方法 1:手动清除并重新启动后台打印程序(Method 1: Manually Clearing and Restarting the Print Spooler)
1. 输入“服务(Services)”。在Windows搜索栏中,打开“服务(Services)”应用。

2.在菜单中找到“ Print Spooler ”,双击(double-click)打开“属性(Properties)” 。

3. 单击“属性”选项卡中的“(Properties)停止(Stop)”并最小化窗口以便稍后再次使用。

4. 打开“文件资源管理器(File Explorer)”并转到以下地址位置:
C:\Windows\System 32\spool\PRINTERS

5. 您可能会被要求获得访问该位置的权限。点击(Click)“继续(Continue)”继续前进。
6. 到达目的地后,选择所有文件(select all the files)并按键盘上的Delete键。
7. 现在返回Spooler 属性(Spooler properties)窗口并单击“开始(Start)”。

8. 单击“确定(Ok)”并关闭“服务(Services)”应用程序。
9. 这将重新启动后台处理程序,所有文档将被发送到打印机进行打印。
方法 2:使用打印后台处理程序的批处理文件清除打印队列(Method 2: Clear Print Queue using a Batch File for the Print Spooler)
2.将下面的命令粘贴(Paste the commands)为单独的行。
Net stop spooler
Del/Q/F/S “%windir%\System32\spool\PRINTERS\*.*”
Net start spooler

3. 单击“文件(File)”并选择“另存为(Save as)”。以扩展名“ .bat ”命名文件,然后在“保存类型(Save as type)”菜单中选择“All files (*.*)单击Save,您就可以开始了。

4.只需双击批处理文件,工作就完成了(Simply double-click on the batch file, and the work will be done)。您可以将它放在桌面上最容易访问的位置,以便于访问。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中让您的打印机重新联机(How to Get Your Printer Back Online in Windows 10)
方法 3:使用命令提示符清除打印队列(Method 3: Clear Print Queue Using Command Prompt)
您也可以使用命令提示符删除(Command Prompt)Windows 10中卡住的打印作业。使用该方法将停止并再次启动打印后台处理程序。
1.在搜索栏中输入“ cmd ”。右键单击“命令提示符(Command Prompt)”应用程序并选择以管理员身份运行( run as administrator)选项。

2. 键入命令“net stop spooler ”,这将停止假脱机程序。

Del %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*/Q
4. 这将执行与上述方法相同的任务。
5. 通过键入命令“ net start spooler ”再次启动假脱机程序,然后按回车(enter)键。
方法 4:使用管理控制台(Method 4: Use the Management Console)
您可以使用管理控制台中的 service.msc 快捷方式来清除(clear the print queue)Windows 10中的打印队列。此方法将停止后台处理程序并清除它以删除卡住的打印作业:
1、同时按下Windows Key + R键,打开运行窗口。
2. 键入“ Services.msc ”并按Enter 键(Enter)。
注意:(Note:)您也可以通过Windows 管理访问“(Windows Management)服务(Services)”窗口。右键单击(Right-click)Windows图标并选择计算机管理(Computer Management)。选择服务和应用程序,然后双击服务。 (Choose Services and Application then double-click on Services. )

3. 在服务(Services)窗口中,右键单击打印后台(Print Spooler )处理程序并选择属性。(Properties.)

4. 单击“停止(Stop)”按钮停止打印后台(Print Spooler)处理程序服务。

5. 最小化窗口并打开文件资源管理器。键入地址‘C:\ Windows\ System32\ Spool\ Printers’或手动导航到该地址。
6. 选择文件夹中的所有文件并删除它们。它们是实例中打印队列中的文件。( They were the files that were in the print queue at the instance.)
7. 返回“服务(Services)”窗口并单击“开始(Start)”按钮。

我们希望上述指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够成功清除 Windows 10 中的打印队列。(clear the print queue in Windows 10.)如果您仍然卡住,则打印机和要打印的数据可能存在兼容性问题。过时的打印机驱动程序也可能是一个问题。您还可以运行Windows 打印机疑难解答(Windows Printer Troubleshooter)来确定正确的问题。它将帮助您修复打印作业中的错误。按照上述方法删除卡住的打印作业并清除Windows 10中的打印队列,您应该没有任何问题。
How To Clear Print Queue In Windows 10?
Are you in dire need of рrintіng a document but can’t do so because of a stuck рrint job in Windоws 10? Here are some ways to clear the print queue in Windows 10 easily.
Printers may appear easy to use but can be very flimsy at times. Handling print Queue when you urgently want to use a printer can be quite frustrating. The print queue not only prevents the present document but all future documents from printing. The problem is not hard to detect either. If the message ‘Printing’ remains indefinitely even though the paper is not stuck and the ink is right, then certainly there is a Print queue issue. There are certain ways that can be used to clear the print queue in Windows 10.

Why does a print job gets stuck in Windows 10?
The answer lies in the fact that the printing document isn’t directly sent for printing. The document is first received at the spooler, i.e., a program used to manage and queue the print jobs. This spooler is particularly helpful while rearranging the order of print jobs or deleting them entirely. A stuck print job prevents the documents in the queue from printing, which affects all the documents further down the queue.
Often you can solve the error by deleting the print job from the queue. To delete a stuck print job in Windows 10, go to ‘Printers’ in the setting and click on ‘Open Queue.’ Cancel the print job causing a problem, and you are good to go. If you can’t delete a particular print job, then try deleting the entire print queue. If this doesn’t work either, then try restarting all your devices. Unplug all your connections and plug them to reboot your device completely. This is the first approach that you should have for a stuck print job. If these traditional methods don’t work, then here are some other detailed methods for clearing a print job in Windows 10.
How To Clear Print Queue In Windows 10?
There are a few methods that can be employed to clear a print job in Windows 10. Clearing and restarting the Print Spooler is one of the best methods to use for fixing the stuck print job. It doesn’t delete your documents but creates an illusion that the documents are being sent for the first time to the printer. The process is done by stopping the Print Spooler until you clear the entire temporary cache used by the spooler and then starting it again. This can be accomplished by using a manual method or by making a batch file.
Method 1: Manually Clearing and Restarting the Print Spooler
1. Type ‘Services.’ in the Windows search bar and open the ‘Services’ app.

2. Find ‘Print Spooler’ in the menu and double-click to open the Properties.

3. Click on ‘Stop’ in the Properties tab and minimize the window to use it again later.

4. Open ‘File Explorer’ and go to the below address location:
C:\Windows\System 32\spool\PRINTERS

5. You may be asked for permission to access the location. Click on ‘Continue’ to move forward.
6. Once you reach the destination, select all the files and press Delete on your keyboard.
7. Now go back to the Spooler properties window and click on ‘Start.’

8. Click on ‘Ok’ and close the ‘Services’ app.
9. This will restart the spooler, and all the documents would be sent to the printer for printing.
Method 2: Clear Print Queue using a Batch File for the Print Spooler
Creating a batch file is a viable option if your print jobs frequently get stuck. Using the Services app every now and then can be a hassle that can be solved by a batch file.
1. Open a text editor like Notepad on your computer.
2. Paste the commands below as separate lines.
Net stop spooler
Del/Q/F/S “%windir%\System32\spool\PRINTERS\*.*”
Net start spooler

3. Click on ‘File’ and choose ‘Save as.’ Name the file with the extension ‘.bat’ at the end and choose ‘All files (*.*)’ in the ‘Save as type’ menu. Click on Save, and you are good to go.

4. Simply double-click on the batch file, and the work will be done. You can place it at the most accessible place on your desktop for easy access.
Also Read: How to Get Your Printer Back Online in Windows 10
Method 3: Clear Print Queue Using Command Prompt
You can delete a stuck print job in Windows 10 by using Command Prompt as well. Using the method will stop and start the print spooler again.
1. Type ‘cmd’ in the search bar. Right-click on the ‘Command Prompt’ app and choose the run as administrator option.

2. Type the command ‘net stop spooler’, which will stop the spooler.

3. Again type the following command and hit Enter:
Del %systemroot%\system32\spool\printers\*/Q
4. This will do the same task as the methods above.
5. Start the spooler again by typing the command ‘net start spooler’ and press enter.
Method 4: Use the Management Console
You can use the service.msc, shortcut in the management console to clear the print queue in Windows 10. This method will stop the spooler and clear it to delete a stuck print job:
1. Press the Windows Key + R key together to open the run window.
2. Type ‘Services.msc’ and hit Enter.
Note: You can also access the ‘Services’ window via Windows Management. Right-click the Windows icon and choose Computer Management. Choose Services and Application then double-click on Services.

3. In the Services window, right-click on Print Spooler and select Properties.

4. Click on the ‘Stop’ button to stop the Print Spooler service.

5. Minimize the window and open file explorer. Type the address ‘C:\ Windows\ System32\ Spool\ Printers’ or navigate to the address manually.
6. Select all the files in the folder and delete them. They were the files that were in the print queue at the instance.
7. Go back to the Services window and click on the ‘Start’ button.

We hope the above guide was helpful and you were able to successfully clear the print queue in Windows 10. If you’re still stuck, then there may be compatibility issues with the printer and the data to be printed. Outdated printer drivers can also be an issue. You can also run the Windows Printer Troubleshooter to identify the correct problem. It will help you fix the errors in the print jobs. Follow the methods above to delete a stuck print job and clear the print queue in Windows 10, and you shouldn’t have any problems.