《无人深(Man)空》(Sky)是由Hello Games发行的一款冒险生存游戏,获得了全球成千上万人的关注。凭借其广阔的宇宙和出色的图形,它已成为跨平台发布的最受欢迎的游戏之一。
不幸的是,许多用户报告了这些问题:“无人深(No Man)空(Sky)崩溃”和“无人深(No Man)空(Sky)不断崩溃” 。崩溃可能会非常令人沮丧,因为它会阻碍游戏玩法并导致游戏失败。
继续阅读以了解更多关于《无人深(No Man)空(Sky)》为何不断在您的 PC 上崩溃以及如何阻止《无人深(No Man)空(Sky)》崩溃的信息。
如何修复无人深空在 Windows 10 上崩溃的问题(How to Fix No Man’s Sky crashing on Windows 10)
为什么无人深空会崩溃?(Why is No Man’s Sky Crashing?)
以下是《无人深空》在(Man)您(Sky)的 Windows PC 上崩溃的一些原因。
1.游戏未更新(1. Game not updated)
游戏开发者会频繁发布更新,修复可增强游戏体验的错误。如果您没有使用最新的补丁更新您的游戏,No Man 's Sky可能会一直崩溃。
2. 安装文件损坏或丢失(2. Corrupt or Missing Installation Files)
由于(Due)安装不当,您 PC 上的游戏可能会丢失某些文件或包含损坏的文件。您需要解决此问题以阻止No Man 's Sky崩溃。
3.损坏的保存文件(3. Corrupt Save Files )
每当您在游戏中保存进度时,游戏都会创建保存文件(Save files)。可能是No Man 's Sky存档文件已损坏,无法再成功加载。
4.损坏的Shader缓存(4. Corrupt Shader cache)
着色器负责在 PC 游戏中创建视觉效果,例如光、影和颜色。着色器缓存(shader cache)存储在您的计算机上,这样游戏就不必在每次启动游戏时加载新的着色器。如果着色器缓存损坏,这可能会导致 No Man 's Sky崩溃。
5. 过时的模组(5. Outdated Mods)
如果您使用模组来改善您的游戏体验,您需要确保模组不时更新。如果No Man(No Man) 's Sky的更新版本与安装的Mods不兼容,可能会导致No Man 's Sky崩溃。
检查游戏的最低要求(Check the Minimum Requirements of the Game)
在应用游戏崩溃问题的修复程序之前,您必须检查您的 PC 是否满足正常运行《无人深(No Man)空(Sky)》的最低要求。根据Steam发布的数据,以下是您的 PC 的最低要求:
- 64-bit Windows 7/8/10
- 英特尔酷睿 i3(Intel Core i3)
- 8 GB 内存(8 GB RAM)
Nvidia GTX 480或AMD Radeon 7870
1. 单击开始(Start)按钮,然后单击设置(Settings),如图所示。
2. 进入System > About.
3. 在这里,检查处理器(Processor)、已安装 RAM、系统类型( Installed RAM, System type, )和版本(Edition)下的 PC 规格,如下所示。
4. 确认最低要求以获得更清晰的想法。
5. 现在要检查您 PC 上安装的显卡版本,请按照以下步骤操作。
一种。在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入运行(Run),然后从搜索结果中启动它。请参阅给定的图片。
湾。在Run对话框中输入 dxdiag,然后按OK ,(dxdiag)如图(OK)所示。
C。DirectX 诊断工具(DirectX Diagnostic Tool)窗口打开。转到显示(Display)选项卡。
e. 确认(Confirm)所述值符合游戏的最低要求。
如果您的 PC 不满足最低系统要求,您可以在另一台计算机上运行游戏或升级您当前的系统以匹配相同的系统。
如果您的 PC 配备了所有四个必要功能,但《无人深空(Man)》(Sky)不断崩溃,请阅读下文。
修复无人深空在 Windows PC 上崩溃的问题(Fix No Man’s Sky crashing on Windows PC)
有几种解决方案可以阻止无人深(No Man)空崩溃(Sky)。一个一个地实施给定的方法,直到找到解决此问题的可能方法。
方法一:更新无人深空(Method 1: Update No Man’s Sky)
如前所述,如果您的游戏已过时,您的游戏可能会随机且频繁地崩溃。按照以下步骤通过Steam将(Steam)No Man 's Sky更新到最新版本。
1. 启动Steam并登录(log in)您的帐户(如果您尚未登录)。
2. 接下来,单击库(Library),如图所示。
3. 前往无人深空( No Man’s Sky )并右键单击它。
4. 接下来,从下拉菜单中选择属性。(Properties)
5. 现在,转到更新(Updates)选项卡。在这里,在Automatic Updates(Automatic Updates)下选择High Priority。
如果有可用的更新,Steam将更新您的游戏。此外,上述更新将优先自动安装在此处。更新完成后,启动No Man 's Sky并检查它是否成功运行而没有崩溃。
方法二:验证游戏完整性(Method 2: Verify Game Integrity)
游戏文件不应丢失或损坏,游戏才能成功运行。与游戏相关的所有文件都需要在您的系统上处于工作状态,否则,No Man 's Sky会不断崩溃。请按照以下步骤验证游戏的完整性。
1. 启动Steam应用程序并单击库(Library),如图所示。
2. 接下来,右键单击游戏并从下拉菜单中选择属性。(Properties )
3. 以下是名为Soulworker的游戏的示例。
4. 在“属性”窗口中,从左侧窗格中选择“本地文件”。( Local Files)
5. 现在点击验证游戏(Verify integrity of game )文件的完整性…(files…)按钮,如下所示。
完成后,启动游戏,看看这是否能阻止No Man 's Sky崩溃。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 GTA 5 游戏内存错误的 5 种方法(5 Ways to Fix GTA 5 Game Memory Error)
方法3:删除游戏保存文件(Method 3: Remove Game Save Files)
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make)在删除之前将保存的文件备份到其他位置。
1. 如图所示,从Windows 搜索(Windows search)结果中启动文件资源管理器。( File Explorer )
2.导航到C:\Users\(Your user name)\AppData\Roaming
注意:(Note:) AppData是一个隐藏的系统文件夹。您也可以通过在“运行”对话框中 键入%AppData%
3. 从漫游文件夹中,打开Hellogames。
4.接下来双击No Man's Sky进入游戏文件夹。
5. 同时按 CTRL + A键选择此文件夹中的所有内容。然后,右键单击并选择复制。(Copy.)
6. 转到您的桌面并创建一个新文件夹。将其重命名为No Man's Sky Save Files。
8. 现在,返回No Man's Sky文件夹并删除其中的所有内容。
9. 最后,启动游戏并检查它是否仍然崩溃。
方法四:删除着色器缓存(Method 4: Delete Shader Cache)
如果着色器缓存(Shader Cache)文件损坏,可能会导致《无人深空》崩溃(No Man’s Sky crashing)问题。在此方法中,我们将从Shader缓存中删除所有数据。这样做非常安全,因为游戏会在您下次启动时重新生成缓存。按照以下步骤删除No Man 's Sky的着色器缓存(Shader Cache):
1. 搜索文件资源管理器(File Explorer),然后从搜索结果中启动它,如图所示。
2. 从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)地址栏中导航到以下位置:
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\SHADERCACHE
3.使用Ctrl +A键选择SHADERCACHE中的所有文件。(SHADERCACHE)右键单击并选择删除(delete)。
4. 最后,启动游戏。着色器缓存(Shader Cache)将被更新。
检查游戏是否流畅运行。如果问题仍然存在,请按照下一个方法阻止No Man 's Sky崩溃。
方法 5:移除模组(Method 5: Remove Mods)
您可能已经安装了Mod(Mods)来改善图形、音频或整体游戏玩法。在这种情况下,您需要确保安装的Mods版本与No Man Sky版本兼容。否则,游戏将无法正常运行。按照给定的步骤删除所有Mod(Mods)并可能解决问题:
1. 启动文件资源管理器。(File Explorer.)请参阅上一个方法中给出的说明和图像。
2. 从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)地址栏中导航到以下位置:
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS
3. 从PCBANKS文件夹中,删除此处存在的所有Mod文件。
4. 现在,启动(launch)游戏。
确认无人深(No Man)空崩溃(Sky)问题是否已解决。如果没有,则在下一个方法中更新设备驱动程序。
方法 6:更新图形驱动程序
必须更新 PC 上的图形(Graphic) 驱动程序,以便游戏可以流畅运行,不会出现中断、故障或崩溃。(Drivers)按照此方法中列出的步骤手动更新计算机上的图形驱动程序(Graphics Drivers)。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入设备管理器(Device manager),然后从搜索结果中启动它。请参阅给定的图片。
2. 接下来,单击显示适配器(Display adapters )旁边的向下箭头(downward arrow)将其展开。
3. 然后,右键单击您的显卡(Graphics card),然后从下拉菜单中选择更新驱动程序,如下图所示。(Update driver )
4. 在随后的弹出框中,选择标题为自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件(Search automatically for updated driver software)的选项,突出显示。
5. 如有必要,Windows会将显卡驱动程序更新到最新版本。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 为什么玩游戏时电脑崩溃?(Why Computer Crashes While Playing Games?)
方法七:恢复CPU默认设置(Method 7: Restore CPU Default Settings)
如果您已调整CPU设置以以更高的速度运行处理器,那么您的计算机将面临更高的过度工作和过热的风险。这也可能是《无人深(Man)空(Sky)》在您的Windows系统上不断崩溃的原因。通过BIOS(BIOS)菜单 将CPU速度恢复到默认速度可以避免同样的情况。
1.关闭(Power off)您的台式机/笔记本电脑。
2. 接下来,按照本文( in this article)中的说明访问 BIOS。
3. 进入BIOS屏幕后,转到 Advanced Chipset Features > CPU Multiplier。
4. 然后,单击恢复默认设置( Restore Default Settings)或类似选项。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并帮助您解决无人深空崩溃(fix No Man’s Sky crashing )问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何问题或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
How To Fix No Man's Sky Crashing On PC
No Man’s Sky is an adventure sυrvivаl game relеased by Hello Games that has gained the attraction of thouѕands of people worldwide. With іts extensive universe and great graphics, it has become one of the most popular games released across platforms.
Unfortunately, many users reported these issues: ‘No Man’s Sky crashing’ and ‘No Man’s Sky keeps crashing. The crash can be pretty frustrating as it hampers gameplay and leads to losses in the game.
Read on to know more about why No Man’s Sky keeps crashing on your PC and how to stop No Man’s Sky from crashing.
How to Fix No Man’s Sky crashing on Windows 10
Why is No Man’s Sky Crashing?
Here are some reasons why No Man’s Sky is crashing on your Windows PC.
1. Game not updated
The developers of the game release frequent updates that repair bugs that enhance your gaming experience. If you have not updated your game with the most recent patch, No Man’s Sky may keep crashing.
2. Corrupt or Missing Installation Files
Due to an improper installation, the game on your PC might be missing some files or contain corrupt files. You need to fix this issue to stop No Man’s Sky from crashing.
3. Corrupt Save Files
Whenever you save your progress in a game, the game creates Save files. It might be possible that the No Man’s Sky save files have gotten corrupt and can no longer load successfully.
4. Corrupt Shader cache
Shaders are responsible for creating visual effects such as light, shadow, and color in PC games. A shader cache is stored on your computer so that the game does not have to load new shaders every time you launch the game. If the shader cache is corrupt, this might lead to No Man’s Sky crashing.
5. Outdated Mods
If you are utilizing Mods to improve your gaming experience, you need to make sure that the Mods are updated from time to time. If the updated version of No Man’s Sky is incompatible with the installed Mods, it may lead to No Man’s Sky crashing.
Check the Minimum Requirements of the Game
Before applying the fixes for the game crash issue, you must check whether your PC meets the minimum requirements to run No Man’s Sky properly or not. According to data released by Steam, here are the minimum requirements of your PC:
- 64-bit Windows 7/8/10
- Intel Core i3
- 8 GB RAM
Nvidia GTX 480 or AMD Radeon 7870
If you are unsure about the above values, follow these steps to check for system configuration:
1. Click on the Start button, and then click on Settings as shown.
2. Go to System > About.
3. Here, check your PC specifications under Processor, Installed RAM, System type, and Edition as shown highlighted below.
4. Corroborate with minimum requirements to get a clearer idea.
5. Now to check the graphics card version that is installed on your PC, follow the steps below.
a. Type Run in the Windows search bar and then launch it from the search result. Refer to the given pic.
b. Type dxdiag in the Run dialogue box, and press OK as shown.
c. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool window opens. Go to the Display tab.
d. Here, note the information under Name, as shown highlighted.
e. Confirm that the said value matches the minimum requirements for the game.
If your PC does not meet the minimum system requirements, you can either run the game on another computer or upgrade your current system to match the same.
If your PC is equipped with all four necessary features, but No Man’s Sky keeps crashing, read below.
Fix No Man’s Sky crashing on Windows PC
There are several solutions to stop No Man’s Sky from crashing. Implement the given methods, one by one, until you find a possible fix for this issue.
Method 1: Update No Man’s Sky
As mentioned earlier, if your game is outdated, your game may crash randomly and frequently. Follow the steps below to update No Man’s Sky to its latest version via Steam.
1. Launch Steam and log in to your account if you haven’t already.
2. Next, click on Library as shown.
3. Go to No Man’s Sky and right-click on it.
4. Next, select Properties from the drop-down menu.
5. Now, go to the Updates tab. Here, select High Priority under Automatic Updates.
If there are available updates, Steam will update your game. Also, the said updates will be prioritized to be installed automatically hereon. Once the update is complete, launch No Man’s Sky and check if it runs successfully without crashing.
Method 2: Verify Game Integrity
No game files should be missing or corrupt for the game to run successfully. All files associated with the game need to be present in working condition on your system, or else, No Man’s Sky keeps crashing constantly. Follow the steps below to verify the integrity of the game.
1. Launch the Steam app and click on Library as shown.
2. Next, right-click on the game and select Properties from the drop-down menu.
3. Provided below is an example for the game titled Soulworker.
4. In the Properties window, select Local Files from the left pane.
5. Now click on Verify integrity of game files… button as highlighted below.
The verification process will take a while.
Note: Do not close the window till the process is complete.
Once completed, launch the game and see if this could stop No Man’s Sky from crashing.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Fix GTA 5 Game Memory Error
Method 3: Remove Game Save Files
If the Save files of the game are corrupt, the game will not be able to load these save files and might experience crashes. To fix this issue, you need to delete these files.
Note: Make sure you back up the saved files in another location before deleting them.
1. Launch File Explorer from the Windows search result as shown.
2. Navigate to C:\Users\(Your user name)\AppData\Roaming
Note: AppData is a hidden system folder. You can also find it by typing %AppData% in the Run dialog box.
3. From the Roaming folder, open Hellogames.
4. Next, double-click on No Man’s Sky to enter the game folder.
5. Press CTRL + A keys together to select everything in this folder. Then, right-click and select Copy.
6. Go to your desktop and create a new folder. Rename it No Man’s Sky Save Files.
7. Open it, right-click and click on Paste to create a backup of the save files.
8. Now, go back to the No Man’s Sky folder and delete everything from it.
9. Finally, launch the game and check it is still crashing.
If No Man’s Sky keeps Crashing, then try the next fix.
Method 4: Delete Shader Cache
If the Shader Cache files are corrupt, it could lead to the No Man’s Sky crashing issue. In this method, we shall delete all data from the Shader cache. It is perfectly safe to do so as the game will regenerate the cache the next time you launch it. Follow these steps to delete the Shader Cache for No Man’s Sky:
1. Search for File Explorer and then launch it from the search result as shown.
2. Navigate to the following location from the File Explorer address bar:
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\SHADERCACHE
3. Select all the files in SHADERCACHE using Ctrl +A keys. Right-click and choose delete.
4. Lastly, launch the game. The Shader Cache will be renewed.
Check if the game is running smoothly. If the issue persists, follow the next method to stop No Man’s Sky from crashing.
Method 5: Remove Mods
You may have installed Mods to make the graphics, audio, or overall gameplay better. In such a scenario, you need to ensure that the version of installed Mods and the No Man Sky version are compatible. Otherwise, the game will not run properly. Follow the given steps to remove all Mods and potentially fix the issue:
1. Launch File Explorer. Refer to the instructions and images given in the previous method.
2. Navigate to the following location from the File Explorer address bar:
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS
3. From the PCBANKS folder, delete all the Mod files present here.
4. Now, launch the game.
Confirm if the No Man’s Sky crashing problem is solved. If not, then update the device drivers in the next method.
Method 6: Update Graphic Drivers
The Graphic Drivers on your PC must be updated so that games can run smoothly, without interruptions, glitches, or crashes. Follow the steps listed in this method to manually update the Graphics Drivers on your computer.
1. Type Device manager in the Windows search bar and then launch it from the search result. Refer to the given pic.
2. Next, click the downward arrow next to Display adapters to expand it.
3. Then, right-click on your Graphics card, and then select Update driver from the drop-down menu, as depicted below.
4. In the pop-up box that follows, select the option titled Search automatically for updated driver software, as highlighted.
5. If necessary, Windows will update the graphics drivers to the most recent version.
Once the Graphics driver is updated, launch the game and check if it’s still crashing.
Also Read: Why Computer Crashes While Playing Games?
Method 7: Restore CPU Default Settings
If you had tweaked the CPU settings to run the processor at higher speeds, your computer is at a higher risk of being overworked and overheated. It could also be the reason why No Man’s Sky keeps crashing on your Windows system. The same can be avoided by restoring the CPU speed to its default speed via the BIOS menu.
You can restore the CPU speeds to default settings as:
1. Power off your desktop/laptop.
2. Next, follow the instructions in this article to access BIOS.
3. Once you are on the BIOS screen, go to Advanced Chipset Features > CPU Multiplier.
Note: The options may be named differently depending on the device model and manufacturer. You need to look for similar options or titles in the menu.
4. Then, click on Restore Default Settings or a similar option.
5. Save the settings. Refer to the linked article or manufacturer website to learn about which key to use.
6. Restart your computer.
We hope that this guide was helpful and helped you fix No Man’s Sky crashing issue. Let us know which method worked out best for you. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.