第一次使用时,每个人都喜欢他们的Android智能手机,因为它们的速度非常快。您总是希望您的手机速度快并保持相同的性能水平。但是,由于性能会随着时间的推移而下降,因此设备不可能执行相同的操作,如果您的设备感觉速度很慢或对输入响应迟缓,这里是“如何加快速度较慢的 Android 手机的速度” 。(“how you can speed up a slow Android phone” )
手机变慢的主要原因是什么?(What are some of the main reasons behind your phone getting slow?)
1. 内存 (RAM) 不足(1. Insufficient Memory (RAM))–每个 Android(Every Android)智能手机的内存量都是有限的。应用程序在运行时会使用此内存。如果后台运行的应用程序太多,很快就会用完所有的RAM。如果您尝试玩需要大量RAM的特定游戏,它可能会耗尽所有可用内存并使您的手机变得非常慢。
2. 内部存储不足(2. Insufficient Internal Storage)——这是手机变慢的主要原因之一。如果您的设备上有太多的应用程序或数据,那么它很快就会用完内部存储空间。每个应用程序都需要在内存上预留一定的空间来保存数据文件;如果该空间不可用,则应用程序必然会崩溃。
3. 电池损坏(3. Damaged Battery)- Android智能手机使用可充电电池,使用寿命取决于用户的使用情况。在一定次数的充电和放电后,电池会失去其效力,因此,电池开始迅速耗尽。由于无法为硬件组件提供足够的电力,它还会使您的设备变得缓慢和迟缓。
4. 旧 Android 版本(4. Old Android version)– 您应始终将设备更新到最新的Android版本。使用旧的和过时的Android版本可能会降低您的手机速度,因为这些应用程序经过优化以在最新的Android版本上运行,而不是在旧版本上运行。
5. 未使用的应用程序和膨胀软件(5. Unused Apps and Bloatware )——我们的手机上都有我们不使用的应用程序。这些应用程序会耗尽内存,因此设备性能会下降。虽然其中一些应用程序可以直接卸载,但其他应用程序是预安装的(称为Bloatware),不能直接删除。您需要使用特殊的应用程序或根您的设备来摆脱Bloatware。
如何加快速度慢的 Android 手机(How to Speed up a Slow Android Phone)
方法 1:释放空间(Method 1: Free Up Space)
1.备份您的个人文件(1. Backup your Personal Files)
如果您没有外部存储卡,那么您的所有媒体文件(如照片、视频和音乐)都会存储在您的内部存储器中。这构成了您内部记忆的很大一部分。如果您面临存储空间不足的问题,那么将您的媒体文件传输到计算机或云存储(如Google Drive、One Drive等)总是一个好主意。为您的照片和视频备份可以增加很多好处也是如此。即使您的手机丢失、被盗或损坏,您的数据也将保持安全。选择云存储服务还可以防止数据被盗、恶意软件和勒索软件。除此之外,这些文件将始终可供查看和下载。您需要做的就是登录您的帐户并访问您的云驱动器。为了Android用户,照片和视频的最佳云选项是Google 照片(Google photos)(Google photos)。其他可行的选项是Google Drive、 One Drive、Dropbox、MEGA等。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 备份 Android 手机数据的 10 种方法(10 Ways To Back Up Your Android Phone Data)
2. 通过删除未使用的应用程序及其数据来加速运行缓慢的 Android 手机(2. Speed Up A Slow Android Phone By Removing Unused Apps and their Data)
2. 在这里,在已安装应用程序列表中查找Facebook并点击它。
3. 现在点击存储(Storage)选项。
4. 之后,点击清除缓存(Clear Cache )和清除数据( Clear Data)按钮,该应用程序的数据文件将从您的设备中删除。
5.如果您不再需要该应用程序,也可以在退出时点击“卸载”按钮。(Uninstall button)
要删除所有缓存(Cache)文件,您必须从引导加载程序中擦除缓存分区(Wipe Cache Partition)。在早期的Android版本中,可以从设置本身中清除所有(Settings)缓存(Cache)文件,但现在无法清除。请按照以下步骤在 Android 手机上擦除缓存分区。(Wipe Cache Partition)
- 您需要做的第一件事是关闭您的手机(switch off your mobile phone)。
- 要进入引导加载程序(bootloader),您需要按下组合键(combination of keys)。对于某些设备,它是电源按钮和降低音量键,而对于其他设备,它是电源按钮和两个音量键。
- 请注意,触摸屏在引导加载程序模式下不起作用,因此当它开始使用音量键滚动选项列表时。
- 转到恢复(Recovery)选项,然后按电源按钮(power button)将其选中。
- 现在遍历到Wipe Cache Partition选项,然后按电源按钮将其选中。
- 删除缓存文件后,重新启动您的设备(reboot your device)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何清除 Android 手机上的缓存(How to Clear Cache on Android Phone)
方法 2:禁用或卸载 Bloatware(Method 2: Disable or Uninstall Bloatware)
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在单击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3. 这将显示您手机上安装的所有应用程序(apps installed on your phone)的列表。选择您不想要的应用程序并单击它们。
4. 现在,您将找到Disable 而不是 Uninstall(Disable instead of Uninstall)的选项。如前所述,某些应用程序无法完全删除,您必须禁用它们而不是卸载它们。
5. 如果两个选项都不可用,并且卸载/禁用按钮显示为灰色,则表示无法直接删除该应用程序。您将不得不使用System App Remover(System App Remover)或No Bloat Free等第三方应用程序来摆脱这些应用程序。
6. 但是,只有在您绝对确定删除该特定应用程序不会干扰您的Android(Android)智能手机的正常运行时,才继续执行上述步骤。
方法三:更新安卓操作系统(Method 3: Update Android Operating System)
2. 现在点击系统(System)选项。
3. 在这里,选择软件更新(Software update)选项。
4. 您的手机现在将自动寻找任何新的Android 操作系统更新(Android Operating system updates)。
5.如果显示任何待处理的更新,请点击更新按钮。(Update button)
方法4:切换到精简版应用程序(Method 4: Switch to Lite versions of Apps)
许多流行的应用程序和游戏都有单独的Lite版本的应用程序。这些应用程序专为规格不高的设备而设计。这些应用程序消耗的数据更少,因此它们非常适合互联网连接有限的人。Facebook和Twitter等社交媒体应用程序在Play 商店(Play Store)中提供了精简版应用程序。这是非常需要的,因为这些应用程序在很大程度上使您的手机变慢。
例如,Facebook在安装时只有大约 100 MB,但它节省了大量数据,并在几周内开始占用近 1GB 的空间。对于内部存储空间较低的旧设备和廉价手机来说,这是一个严重的问题。除此之外,这些应用程序会不断在后台运行,扫描任何新消息、帖子或通知。结果,仅几个应用程序就消耗了大量的RAM 。对于廉价手机,这对减慢手机速度有很大影响,让体验感觉迟钝和迟缓。
简单的解决方案是摆脱主应用程序并将其替换为精简版。(The simple solution is to get rid of the main app and replace them with their lite versions.)它们不仅占用更少的空间,而且不占用RAM或其他硬件资源。您甚至不必在功能上妥协。Facebook或Twitter的精简版允许您在普通应用程序上做所有可能的事情。就像普通应用程序一样,可以在Lite应用程序上滚动浏览您的提要、发帖、与朋友交谈等。
方法 5:通过禁用动画来加速慢速 Android 手机(Method 5: Speed up a slow Android phone by disabling Animations)
动画通过提供美感来改善用户体验。不同(Different)种类的过渡,打开和关闭应用程序,在不同屏幕之间切换等等,都有一些与之相关的动画。然而,当设备变旧时,这些动画对于手机来说变得有点难以处理。简单的操作,例如滚动浏览应用程序库,会让人感觉迟钝和迟钝。因此,最好手动禁用所有动画。这将减少GPU的负载并使您的手机响应更快。但是,要禁用动画,您首先需要启用 Developer options(enable the Developer options)。请按照以下步骤禁用Android手机上的动画:
2. 在系统选项卡下,(System tab,)点击开发人员(Developer) 选项(options)。
3. 在这里,寻找Windows 动画比例(Windows animations scale)并点击它。
4. 现在,选择“动画关闭”(“Animation off”)选项。
5. 同样,寻找任何其他带有单词动画(look for any other option with the word animation)的选项,例如Transition动画比例和Animator持续时间比例,并为它们关闭动画。
方法六:优化Chrome加速慢速安卓手机(Method 6: Optimize Chrome to speed up a Slow Android phone)
谷歌浏览器是(Google Chrome)安卓(Android)用户最常用的浏览器。很多人在使用Chrome时会遇到延迟。在使用Chrome(Chrome)浏览互联网时,感觉好像手机变得非常慢。此外,如果您的互联网连接速度较慢,则影响会加倍,并且感觉就像永远打开网站或观看视频一样。
因此,Chrome为互联网连接速度慢和硬件限制的设备提供了专用的流量节省程序(Data Saver)模式。在流量节省程序模式下(Data Saver mode),Chrome会自动将网站压缩 30%,将视频压缩 50%。这显着提高了浏览速度,让您的设备感觉更快。请按照以下步骤启用Chrome的(Chrome)流量节省程序(Data Saver)模式。
1. 首先,在手机上打开 Chrome 。(open Chrome)
2. 现在点击屏幕右上角的三按钮菜单。(three-button menu)
3. 从下拉菜单中,选择设置(Settings),然后点击数据保护程序(Data Saver)选项。
4. 之后,启用Data Saver选项旁边的切换开关。(toggle switch next to the Data Saver)
如果这些方法都不能加速您的Android设备,您可以尝试将其重置为出厂设置(reset it to factory settings)。这样,手机将开箱即用,恢复到原始状态。但是,由于它将完全删除您的所有应用程序和数据,因此请确保在选择恢复出厂设置之前备份所有重要数据。(make sure that you backup all your essential data before opting for a factory reset.)
6 Simple Tips to Speed Up A Slow Android Phone
Everyone lоves their Android smartphones when used for the first time as they are incredibly fast. You would always want your phone to be fast and maintain the same level of perfоrmance. However, it is not possible for the device to perform the same аs the performance deteriorates over time, and here’s “how you can speed up a slow Android phone” if your device feels slow or responds late to inputs.
As said above, no matter how expensive or high-end your phone is, it will become slower at one point in time or another. After prolonged usage, the performance of any smartphone deteriorates to some extent. As the number of apps and data keeps increasing, the pressure on the device’s hardware resources escalates. This, in turn, makes the device feel slow and sluggish. The only difference is that a budget phone starts showing signs of slowing down much earlier than a premium one.
The problem is universal and is faced by everyone who owns a smartphone but the good thing here is it can be easily fixed. When your device starts getting slow and feels laggy, you need to make some small changes in the way you use your phone. To boost your smartphone’s performance, you need to cut some corners. Simple acts like getting rid of unused apps, freeing up space, shifting to a light version of some apps, etc. can significantly speed up a slow Android phone. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail the various factors that contribute to the slowing down of an Android phone. We will also furnish you with some useful tips that will help you to speed up your slow Android phone.
What are some of the main reasons behind your phone getting slow?
Several factors could be responsible for your device to perform slow and this might be due to hardware related or software-related issue. When your phone gets old, then the device hardware might not be good enough to run the latest apps and games. Let us take a quick look at some of the reasons behind your phone’s weak performance.
1. Insufficient Memory (RAM) – Every Android smartphone has a limited amount of memory. This memory is used by apps when they are running. If there are too many apps running in the background, then it will soon use up all the RAM. If you are trying to play a particular game that requires a lot of RAM, it might use up all the available memory and make your phone extremely slow.
2. Insufficient Internal Storage – This is one of the main reasons behind phones getting slow. If there are too many apps or data on your device, then it will soon be out of internal storage space. Every app requires a certain amount of reserved space on the internal memory to save data files; if that space isn’t available, then the app is bound to crash.
3. Damaged Battery – Android smartphones use a rechargeable battery and the life span depends on the usage of the user. After a certain number of charges and discharges, the battery loses its potency and as a result of that, the battery starts draining rapidly. It also renders your device slow and sluggish as it is unable to provide enough power to the hardware components.
4. Old Android version – You should always keep your device updated to the latest Android version. Using an old and outdated Android version can slow down your phone as the apps are optimized to run on the latest Android version and not on the old ones.
5. Unused Apps and Bloatware – We all have apps on our phones that we do not use. These apps use up internal memory and as a result of this, the device performance drops. While some of these apps can be uninstalled directly, others are pre-installed (known as Bloatware) and cannot be removed directly. You need to use special apps or root your device to get rid of Bloatware.
How to Speed up a Slow Android Phone
Since we have a clear idea of the important factors that can make your phone slow, fixing them won’t be that difficult. As mentioned earlier, there are several small changes that you can make to improve the performance of your device. In this section, we are going to discuss these tips and tricks in detail so that you can speed up your phone in no time.
Method 1: Free Up Space
Insufficient internal memory is probably the biggest culprit behind your phone getting slow. The solution is as simple as freeing up space. There are many ways in which you can do that. Let’s start from the top and discuss the various ways to reduce the load on the internal memory.
1. Backup your Personal Files
If you do not have an external memory card, then all your media files like photos, videos, and music get stored on your internal memory. This makes up a significant portion of your internal memory. If you are facing the problem of insufficient storage, then it is always a good idea to transfer your media files to a computer or cloud storage like Google Drive, One Drive, etc. Having a backup for your photos and videos has a lot of added benefits as well. Your data will remain safe even if your mobile gets lost, stolen, or damaged. Opting for a cloud storage service also protects against data theft, malware, and ransomware. Apart from that, the files will always be available for viewing and download. All that you need to do is log in to your account and access your cloud drive. For Android users, the best cloud option for photos and videos is Google photos. Other viable options are Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, MEGA, etc.
You can also choose to transfer your data to a computer. It won’t be accessible at all times, but it offers much more storage space. In comparison to cloud storage that offers limited free space (you need to pay for extra space), a computer offers almost unlimited space and can accommodate all your media files irrespective of how much it is.
Also Read: 10 Ways To Back Up Your Android Phone Data
2. Speed Up A Slow Android Phone By Removing Unused Apps and their Data
Everyone has at least a couple of apps that they never use. It is always good to uninstall apps that you do not need to make more room for the essential ones. In addition to that, all apps store data on internal storage. Social media apps are one of the main contributors to clog up your internal memory. Therefore, in addition to clearing these apps, you can also delete the cache and data files for some apps or all apps to significantly free up the internal memory. Follow the steps given below to clear cache and data files for any app (let’s take Facebook, for example).
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device and go to the Apps section.
2. Here, look for Facebook among the list of installed apps and tap on it.
3. Now tap on the Storage option.
4. After that, tap on the Clear Cache and Clear Data buttons, and the data files will be removed for that app from your device.
5. You can also tap on the Uninstall button on the way out if you no longer need that app.
To delete all Cache files, you will have to Wipe Cache Partition from the bootloader. In earlier Android versions, it was possible to clear all Cache files from the Settings itself, but now it is not possible. Follow the steps given below to Wipe Cache Partition on an Android phone.
- The first thing that you need to do is to switch off your mobile phone.
- To enter the bootloader, you need to press a combination of keys. For some devices, it is the power button along with the volume down key while for others, it is the power button along with both the volume keys.
- Take note that the touchscreen does not work in the bootloader mode, so when it starts using the volume keys to scroll through the list of options.
- Traverse to the Recovery option and press the power button to select it.
- Now traverse to the Wipe Cache Partition option and press the power button to select it.
- Once the cache files get deleted, reboot your device.
Also Read: How to Clear Cache on Android Phone
Method 2: Disable or Uninstall Bloatware
Bloatware refers to the pre-installed apps and system apps that are present on your phone from the very beginning. These apps could have been added by the manufacturer, your network service provider, or could even be specific companies that pay the manufacturer to add their apps as a promotion. These could be system apps like weather, health tracker, calculator, compass, etc., or some promotional apps like Amazon, Spotify, etc.
While some of these apps can be uninstalled, others cannot be removed. Follow the steps given below to uninstall/disable Bloatware in order to speed up your slow Android phone:
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Now click on the Apps option.
3. This will display the list of all the apps installed on your phone. Select the apps that you don’t want and click on them.
4. Now, you will find the option to Disable instead of Uninstall. As mentioned earlier, some apps can’t be removed completely, and you have to make do with disabling them instead of uninstalling them.
5. In case, neither of the options is available, and the Uninstall/Disable buttons are greyed out, then it means that the app cannot be removed directly. You will have to use third-party apps like System App Remover or No Bloat Free to get rid of these apps.
6. However, proceed with the above-mentioned step only if you absolutely certain that deleting that particular app won’t interfere with the normal functioning of your Android smartphone.
Method 3: Update Android Operating System
As mentioned earlier, an old and outdated Android version can make your device slow as it is not optimized to handle the latest apps. Therefore, you should always update your operating system to the latest version that is available. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. The first thing that you need to do is to open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the System option.
3. Here, select the Software update option.
4. Your phone will now automatically look for any new Android Operating system updates.
5. Tap on the Update button if it shows any pending updates.
Method 4: Switch to Lite versions of Apps
A lot of popular apps and games have separate Lite versions of their apps. These apps are designed specifically for devices that aren’t that great in terms of specifications. These apps consume fewer data and thus they are perfect for people having a limited internet connection. Social media apps like Facebook and Twitter have their lite version apps available on the Play Store. It is much needed as these apps contribute in a big way to make your phone slow.
For example, Facebook is only around 100 MB at the time of installation, but it saves a lot of data and starts occupying almost 1GB of space in a couple of weeks. This is a serious cause of concern for old devices and budget phones having lower internal memory space. In addition to that, these apps are constantly running in the background scanning for any new message, post, or notification. As a result, a significant amount of RAM is being used up by a couple of apps alone. For budget phones, this has a major effect in slowing down the phone and make the experience feel laggy and sluggish.
The simple solution is to get rid of the main app and replace them with their lite versions. Not only do they occupy less space but also do not hog RAM or other hardware resources. You won’t even have to compromise with the functionalities. The lite version of Facebook or Twitter allows you to do everything possible on the normal app. Scrolling through your feed, making a post, talking to your friends, etc. is possible on the Lite app just like the regular app.
Method 5: Speed up a slow Android phone by disabling Animations
Animations improve the user experience by providing an aesthetic feel. Different kinds of transitions, opening and closing an app, switching between different screens, etc. all have some animation associated with it. However, when the device gets old, these animations become a little too much for the phone to handle. Simple actions, like scrolling through the app gallery, feels sluggish and laggy. Therefore, it is a good idea to disable all animations manually. This will reduce the load on GPU and make your phone responsive and snappier. However, to disable animations, you first need to enable the Developer options. Follow the steps given below to disable animations on Android phone:
1. Firstly, open the Settings on your phone then tap on the System tab.
2. Under the System tab, tap on Developer options.
3. Here, look for the Windows animations scale and tap on it.
4. Now, select the “Animation off” option.
5. Similarly, look for any other option with the word animation in it like the Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale, and turn off the Animation for them.
Method 6: Optimize Chrome to speed up a Slow Android phone
Google Chrome is the most popularly used browser by Android users. A lot of people experience lags while using Chrome. It feels as if the phone has become extremely slow while using Chrome to browse the internet. Furthermore, if you have a slow internet connection, it doubles the impact, and it feels like forever to open a website or watch a video.
Therefore, Chrome has a dedicated Data Saver mode for devices having a slow internet connection and hardware limitations. In the Data Saver mode, Chrome automatically compresses websites by 30 percent and videos by 50 percent. This significantly improves the browsing speed and makes your device feel faster. Follow the steps given below to enable the Data Saver mode for Chrome.
1. Firstly, open Chrome on your phone.
2. Now tap on the three-button menu on the top-right corner of the screen.
3. From the drop-down menu, select Settings and then tap on the Data Saver option.
4. After that, enable the toggle switch next to the Data Saver option.
With that, we come to the end of this article and we hope that you find this information helpful. There is nothing quite frustrating as struggling with a slow and sluggish phone. Since most of the work is carried out on our phones, they must be fast and responsive.
If none of these methods can speed up your Android device, you can try to reset it to factory settings. This way, the phone will go back to its original state out of the box. However, since it will completely remove all your apps and data, make sure that you backup all your essential data before opting for a factory reset.