ASUS VivoWatch SP是一款新的健康追踪设备,它看起来像智能手表,但并非旨在成为智能手表,所以不要被它的外观所迷惑。这款可穿戴设备专为跑步、配速指导、速度监控、距离和路线图绘制而设计。甚至还为喜欢徒步旅行的人配备了一个高度计。VivoWatch SP的功能对于任何想要健身追踪器的人来说都很有吸引力,因此我们决定试一试,看看它提供了什么。如果您想了解有关ASUS VivoWatch SP的更多信息,请阅读我们的全球首发评论:
华硕 VivoWatch SP(ASUS VivoWatch SP):它对谁有好处?
- 想要获得大量健康和健身数据和统计数据的爱好者
- 需要一些基本智能手表功能和通知的用户
- 人们正在寻找具有GPS跟踪功能的健身设备
华硕 VivoWatch SP(ASUS VivoWatch SP)有很多优点:
- 优雅的手表式设计
- ECG和PPG传感器可提供大量关于您自己的有用数据
- 内置 GPS 和高度计
- ASUS HealthConnect应用程序是数据驱动用户的天堂
- 有用和谨慎的通知
- 您可以使用任何 22 毫米表带
- 它的收费相对较快
- 屏幕亮度可能会更好
- 计算步数的算法需要改进
- 电池自主性比宣传的要少,尽管没有问题
ASUS VivoWatch SP是一款有趣的健身和健康追踪设备,吸引了数据驱动的用户。它有许多有用的传感器,可以跟踪你的压力水平、睡眠质量、脉搏、血液中的氧气含量以及许多其他信息。它的移动应用程序对于普通用户来说看起来有点吓人,但使用起来并不难,而且它提供了大量的数据。如果您是热爱数据的健康和健身极客,华硕 VivoWatch SP(ASUS VivoWatch SP)是您应该考虑购买的可穿戴设备。
华硕 VivoWatch SP 拆箱
华硕 VivoWatch SP(ASUS VivoWatch SP) ( HC-A05 ) 采用白色大盒子,设备名称位于顶盖上。在侧面,您会看到一些谨慎的品牌元素,仅此而已。盒子底部有一张贴纸,上面有您刚购买的智能手表的确切型号、序列号和其他识别详细信息。
当您打开包装时,您会立即看到VivoWatch SP被放置在另一个盒子中。在它下面,还有其他较小的盒子。当您完成所有东西的拆箱后,您会发现以下物品:手表、用于较小手腕的第二条硅胶表带、充电器、充电线、清洁刷、用户手册和保修。
拆箱 ASUS VivoWatch SP 是一种快速而愉快的体验。在包装盒内,您可以获得立即开始使用该设备所需的一切。(Unboxing the ASUS VivoWatch SP is a quick and pleasant experience. Inside the box, you get everything you need to start using the device right away.)
VivoWatch SP不是智能手表,尽管它看起来很像。华硕将此设备作为智能可穿戴健康追踪器进行销售,原因很充分:该产品的重点是个人健康,而不是智能手表功能。它的设计类似于经典手表的设计,带有快速释放的 22 毫米表带。我们喜欢这种方法,而且您可以在VivoWatch SP上使用任何 22 毫米表带。您不必像其他此类设备一样购买任何专有表带。
不幸的是,华硕(ASUS)没有提供VivoWatch SP的详细技术规格。显示屏为高反射彩色液晶(LCD)显示屏。它不使用Gorilla Glass,也没有其他可用的具体技术信息。但是,屏幕看起来确实很耐用,并且对于大多数体育活动来说应该足够坚固。VivoWatch SP是防游泳的,它可以持续到 50 米的深度,持续 10 分钟,最大压力为 5 个大气压。
此健康追踪器使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)4.2 连接到您的Android智能手机或 iPhone。它与Android 4.4 或更高版本以及 iOS 11 或更高版本兼容。ASUS VivoWatch SP的有趣之处在于它捆绑的传感器:ECG(电图)和 PPG(光电体积描记术)(ECG (electricalgraphy) and PPG (photoplethysmography))、重力传感器、GPS和高度计。
一个 200 mA 的小型电池可为所有设备供电,并使用通过USB(USB)连接的专有充电夹进行充电。华硕(ASUS)承诺VivoWatch SP的正常使用时间最长为 10 天,使用省电模式时为 14 天。手表并不重:不带表带时,它重约 80 克(2.8 盎司),加上大表带,它重 140 克(4.9 盎司)。
如果您想进一步了解这款产品的官方规格,请前往此页面:ASUS VivoWatch SP (HC-A05)。
设置和使用ASUS VivoWatch SP
要设置和使用ASUS VivoWatch SP,您需要安装适用于Android或iOS的(iOS)ASUS HealthConnect应用程序并创建一个ASUS帐户。该应用程序帮助您使用VivoWatch SP的测量功能,查看和分析您的历史记录,并将您的数据备份到云端。
我们发现的一个缺点是华硕(ASUS)尚未使用两步验证(two-step verification)来保护用户帐户。考虑到VivoWatch SP(VivoWatch SP)收集了多少个人数据,这种帐户保护应该是可用的。
在开始使用ASUS VivoWatch SP之前,您应该做两件事:首先是自定义您的ASUS帐户,并提供有关您的性别、年龄、身高、体重和佩戴手表的手腕的信息。如果没有此信息,VivoWatch SP将无法进行准确测量并提供有效的健康建议。
第二件事是将其固件(firmware)升级到最新版本,以受益于最新的改进和错误修复。VivoWatch SP是一款新设备,华硕(ASUS)正在根据用户反馈和客户使用手表的方式积极改进其固件。为了尽可能获得最佳用户体验,必须升级固件。
完成初始设置和固件升级后,您可以开始使用VivoWatch SP和ASUS HealthConnect。该应用程序在后台收集您的健康和健身数据并将其显示在其主页上。如您所见,该应用程序具有非常受数据驱动且有点怪异的外观。您可以为每种类型的数据获得一个单独的磁贴,可以点击以获取更多详细信息。
在本次评测时,ASUS HealthConnect for Android提供九种语言版本,包括但不限于英语(English)、中文(Chinese)、德语(German)、西班牙语(Spanish)、法语(French)和意大利语。相比之下,iOS 应用程序有 17 种语言版本,非常棒。
佩戴和使用VivoWatch SP是一种愉快的体验。手表不会感觉太重,也不会刺激皮肤。运动、办公、睡觉时佩戴舒适。户外能见度还可以,但我们希望屏幕亮度稍高一些。
导航相对容易和直观。手表侧面的按钮用作Home和Back的快捷方式。按下侧面按钮后,您可以在屏幕上左右滑动以进入菜单或上下滑动。要进入一个部分,请在屏幕上点击它。所有选项加载速度快,没有延迟,这非常好。VivoWatch SP在导航时并没有感到缓慢和动力不足。虽然我们没有关于为该设备供电的特定硬件的信息,但它的性能足以提供流畅的用户体验。
您可以使用几个表盘,其中大多数看起来都不错。不过华硕(ASUS)提供的合集比较少,值得扩充。华硕 VivoWatch SP(ASUS VivoWatch SP)的最佳功能之一是通知。它们既离散又有用。此外,显示屏足够大,可以看到您收到的大部分消息或电子邮件的主题。关于它们的唯一缺点是它们不提供对表情符号的支持。
不幸的是,华硕(ASUS)承诺的自主权并不是你在现实生活中得到的。该公司表示,VivoWatch SP在正常使用期间应持续十天。我们发现情况并非如此,大多数用户的使用时间会在五到八天之间,具体取决于您设置手表收集数据的频率,以及您如何使用它来跟踪活动。这一点也不差,但比宣传的要少。幸运的是,电池充电的速度弥补了这一缺点。充满电大约需要 1 小时 20-30 分钟。
虽然并不完美,但华硕 VivoWatch SP 提供的用户体验非常令人愉悦,特别是如果您是一个喜欢大量详细统计数据和图表的数据驱动型用户。虽然它的自主性没有承诺的那么高,但对于普通用户来说还是够用了。(While not perfect, the user experience offered by the ASUS VivoWatch SP is quite pleasant, especially if you are a data-driven person who loves lots of detailed stats and graphs. Although its autonomy is not as high as promised, it is still good enough for the average user.)
ASUS VivoWatch SP的健康和健身功能
ASUS VivoWatch SP会自动收集有关您的大量健康数据。您可以随时在ASUS HealthConnect仪表板中查看它。此外,您还可以获得脉搏 O2 水平(Pulse O2 Level)、身体和谐(Body Harmony)或PPT 指数(PPT Index)等指标的手动快照。您从菜单开始手动测量,然后将手指按在VivoWatch SP侧面的传感器上。
以下是华硕 VivoWatch SP(ASUS VivoWatch SP)记录的数据摘要:
- 心率(Heart Rate)- 您的心脏每分钟的平均跳动次数,每隔几分钟测量一次。
- 脉搏传输时间 (PPT) 指数(Pulse Transit Time (PPT) Index)- 动脉僵硬度的指标。该指标是根据脉搏传播时间和佩戴者皮肤电阻变化的组合计算得出的。该指标还可用于评估个人的情绪状态(压力、焦虑、恐惧、快乐或放松)。
- 脉搏 O2 水平(Pulse O2 Level)- 估计血液中的氧气量。
- 减压水平- 根据(De-stress Level)VivoWatch SP收集的数据估计您的压力程度。
- 步(Steps)数 - 它计算你移动了多少。不幸的是,我们注意到VivoWatch SP往往报告的步骤往往比您采取的步骤少。测量步数的算法值得改进,以使其准确性更接近竞争的可穿戴设备。
- 锻炼(Exercise)- VivoWatch SP提供了一个简单的应用程序,可以开始跟踪您的锻炼,而无需提供有关您正在进行的特定锻炼的信息。如果您启用了GPS(GPS)跟踪,您将获得一份关于您运动量的报告,无论是有氧运动还是无氧运动,以及一张包含基本统计数据的地图。这是未来固件更新中值得改进的地方,以便VivoWatch SP更好地跟踪特定运动,如跑步、骑自行车、游泳等。
- 睡眠(Sleep)- 它分析您的睡眠方式、您的活动量以及睡眠期间您的心率如何变化。每天,您都会收到一份报告,告诉您在轻度睡眠、舒适睡眠(或深度睡眠)中花费了多少时间、您移动了多少以及您清醒了多少。您还可以看到您的Pulse O2 水平(Pulse O2 Level)在睡眠时是如何变化的。
ASUS HealthConnect还允许用户手动添加特定数据类型以全面跟踪其健康状况:女性的血糖水平、血压、药物和经期跟踪数据。如您所见,该应用程序试图像一个全面的仪表板一样存储和记录尽可能多的数据。如果您想全面跟踪尽可能多的健康数据,您将对所获得的结果感到满意。
你会买华硕 VivoWatch SP(ASUS VivoWatch SP)吗?
现在您知道我们喜欢和不喜欢ASUS VivoWatch SP的地方了。虽然它并不完美,但它绝对是一款很有前途的可穿戴设备,显示出很大的潜力。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的意见。您喜欢ASUS VivoWatch SP的产品吗?你会考虑买吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
ASUS VivoWatch SP review: Smart wearable health tracker for geeks!
ASUS VivoWatch SP is a new health-trаcking device that looks like a smartwatch but doesn't aim to be one, so don't be fooled by its looks. This wearablе device is designed for running, pace coаching, speed monitoring, distance, and route mapping. There's even an altimeter included for peoрle who like hiking. The features of the VivoWatch ЅР are compelling for anyone who wants a fitness tracker, so we decided to take it for a spin and see what it has to offer. If you want to know more about the ASUS VivoWatch SP, read our world premiere review:
ASUS VivoWatch SP: Who is it good for?
This intelligent health tracker is a great choice for:
- Enthusiasts who want lots of data and statistics about their health and fitness
- Users who need some basic smartwatch features and notifications
- People looking for a fitness device with GPS tracking
Pros and cons
There are many things to like about the ASUS VivoWatch SP:
- Elegant watch-like design
- ECG and PPG sensors that offer lots of useful data about yourself
- Built-in GPS and altimeter
- ASUS HealthConnect app is a heaven for data-driven users
- Useful and discreet notifications
- You can use any 22-millimeter watch straps
- It charges relatively fast
There are also some downsides to consider:
- The brightness of the screen could be better
- The algorithm for counting steps needs improvement
- The battery autonomy is less than advertised, although it is not problematic
ASUS VivoWatch SP is an interesting fitness and health tracking device that appeals to data-driven users. It has plenty of useful sensors that can track your stress levels, your sleep quality, pulse, amount of oxygen in your blood, and many other things. Its mobile app looks a bit intimidating for casual users, but it is not difficult to use, and it provides lots of data. If you are a health and fitness geek who loves data, ASUS VivoWatch SP is a wearable device that you should consider buying.
Unboxing the ASUS VivoWatch SP
ASUS VivoWatch SP (HC-A05) comes in a big white box, with the device's name on the top cover. On the sides, you see some discreet branding elements, and that's it. On the bottom of the box, there is a sticker with the exact model, serial number, and other identification details for the smartwatch that you just bought.
When you open the packaging, you immediately see the VivoWatch SP, placed in another box. Beneath it, there are other smaller boxes. When you finish unboxing everything, you find the following items: the watch, a second silicone strap for smaller wrists, the charger, the charging cable, a cleaning brush, the user manual, and the warranty.
Unboxing the ASUS VivoWatch SP is a quick and pleasant experience. Inside the box, you get everything you need to start using the device right away.
Design and hardware specifications
VivoWatch SP is not a smartwatch, even though it looks like one. ASUS markets this device as an intelligent wearable health tracker, and for a good reason: the product's focus is on personal health, and not on smartwatch features. Its design is similar to that of a classic watch, with quick-release 22mm watch straps. We like this approach and the fact that you can use any 22mm watch straps on the VivoWatch SP. You don't have to purchase any proprietary straps, as is the case with other devices of this type.
Unfortunately, ASUS does not offer detailed technical specs for the VivoWatch SP. The display is a high-reflective color LCD screen. It doesn't use Gorilla Glass, and there's no other specific technical information about it available. However, the screen does seem pretty durable, and it should be sturdy enough for most sports activities. VivoWatch SP is swim-proof, and it can last up to a depth of 50 meters, for 10 minutes, and a maximum pressure of 5 atmospheres.
This health tracker uses Bluetooth 4.2 to connect to your Android smartphone or iPhone. It is compatible with Android version 4.4 or later, and iOS version 11 or later. The interesting part about the ASUS VivoWatch SP is the sensors that it bundles: ECG (electricalgraphy) and PPG (photoplethysmography), gravity sensor, GPS, and altimeter.
A small 200 mA battery powers everything, and it is charged using a proprietary charging clip connected through USB. ASUS promises up to 10 days of autonomy for the VivoWatch SP, for regular usage, and 14 days, when using the power-saving mode. The watch is not heavy: without straps, it weighs about 80 grams (2.8 ounces), and with the large straps, it weighs 140 grams (4.9 ounces).
If you want to learn more about the official specifications of this product, go to this page: ASUS VivoWatch SP (HC-A05).
Setting up and using the ASUS VivoWatch SP
To set up and use the ASUS VivoWatch SP, you need to install the ASUS HealthConnect app for Android or iOS and create an ASUS account. The app helps you use the measurement functions of the VivoWatch SP, check your history and analyze it, and back up your data to the cloud.
One downside that we identified is that ASUS doesn't yet use two-step verification to protect user accounts. Considering how much personal data is collected by the VivoWatch SP, this kind of account protection should be available.
Before you start using the ASUS VivoWatch SP, you should do two things: the first is to customize your ASUS account and provide information about your sex, age, height, weight, and the wrist on which you are wearing the watch. Without this information, VivoWatch SP can't make accurate measurements and provide valid health recommendations.
A second thing to do is upgrade its firmware to the latest version to benefit from the latest improvements and bug fixes. VivoWatch SP is a new device, and ASUS is actively improving its firmware based on user feedback and how the watch is used by customers. For the best user experience possible, upgrading the firmware is a must.
After you are done with the initial setup and the firmware upgrades, you can start using the VivoWatch SP and ASUS HealthConnect. The app collects your health and fitness data in the background and displays it on its homepage. As you can see, the app has a very data-driven and somewhat geeky look. You get a separate tile for each type of data that can be tapped for more details.
Tap on a tile, and you get access to a daily report and a weekly one. The daily report includes detailed snapshots of the specific metric that you are browsing, taken at regular intervals throughout the day. There's so much data and graphs about so many things, that the app can feel overwhelming if you are not a data-driven person.
At the time of this review, ASUS HealthConnect for Android is available in nine languages, including but not limited to English, Chinese, German, Spanish, French, and Italian. In contrast, the iOS app is available in seventeen languages, which is excellent.
Wearing and using the VivoWatch SP is a pleasant experience. The watch doesn't feel too heavy, nor does it irritate the skin. It is comfortable to wear during exercise, office work, and sleep. Outdoors visibility is ok, but we would have liked a screen with slightly higher brightness.
Navigating is relatively easy and intuitive. The button on the side of the watch serves as a shortcut for Home and Back. You flick left and right on the screen to enter its menus or top and down, after pressing its side button. To enter a section, tap on it on the screen. All the options load fast, without lag, which is excellent. VivoWatch SP did not feel slow and underpowered when navigating it. While we don't have information about the specific hardware that's powering this device, it is performant enough to provide a fluid user experience.
There are a couple of watch faces that you can use, and most of them look good. However, the collection offered by ASUS is relatively small, and it deserves to be extended. One of the best features of the ASUS VivoWatch SP is the notifications. They are both discrete and useful. Also, the display is large enough to see most of the messages you receive or the subject of emails. The only downside about them is that they do not offer support for emoticons.
Unfortunately, the autonomy promised by ASUS is not what you get in real-life. The company says that VivoWatch SP should last for ten days during regular use. We found that this is not the case, and most users are going to get somewhere between five and eight days of use, depending on how often you set the watch to collect data, and how you use it for tracking activities. That's not bad at all, but it is less than what's advertised. Luckily, this downside is compensated by how fast the battery charges. A full charge was done in about an hour and 20-30 minutes.
While not perfect, the user experience offered by the ASUS VivoWatch SP is quite pleasant, especially if you are a data-driven person who loves lots of detailed stats and graphs. Although its autonomy is not as high as promised, it is still good enough for the average user.
The health and fitness features of the ASUS VivoWatch SP
ASUS VivoWatch SP collects lots of health data about you, automatically. You can view it at any time, in the ASUS HealthConnect dashboard. Furthermore, you can also get a manual snapshot for metrics like the Pulse O2 Level, Body Harmony, or the PPT Index. You start the manual measurement from the menus and you press your fingers on the sensors on the sides of the VivoWatch SP.
Here's a summary of the data ASUS VivoWatch SP keeps track of:
- Heart Rate - your heart's average beats per minute, measured once every couple of minutes.
- Pulse Transit Time (PPT) Index - an indicator of arterial stiffness. This indicator is calculated as a combination of pulse transit time and the changes in the wearer's skin resistance. This indicator can also be used to evaluate an individual's emotional states (stress, anxiety, fear, happiness, or relaxation).
- Pulse O2 Level - estimates the amount of oxygen in your blood.
- De-stress Level - estimates how stressed you are, based on the data collected by the VivoWatch SP.
- Steps - it calculates how much you move. Unfortunately, we noticed the VivoWatch SP tends to often report fewer steps than you take. The algorithms for measuring steps deserve some improvement to be closer in their accuracy to competing wearable devices.
- Exercise - VivoWatch SP offers a simple app that starts tracking your workout, without providing info about what specific exercise you are doing. You get a report about how much you exercised, whether it was aerobic or anaerobic exercise, and a map with basic statistics, if you enabled GPS tracking. This is an area worth improving in future firmware updates, so that the VivoWatch SP gets better at tracking specific exercises, like running, biking, swimming, and so on.
- Sleep - it analyzes how you sleep, how much you move, and how your heart rate evolves during sleep. For each day, you receive a report telling you how much time you spent in light sleep, comfort sleep (or deep sleep), how much you moved, and how much you were awake. You also get to see how your Pulse O2 Level has evolved while sleeping.
ASUS HealthConnect also allows users to manually add specific data types for complete tracking of their health: blood glucose levels, blood pressure, medication, and period tracking data for women. As you can see, the app tries to act like a comprehensive dashboard that stores and logs as much data as possible. If you want full tracking of as much health data as possible, you are going to be happy with what you get.
Would you buy the ASUS VivoWatch SP?
Now you know what we like and what we do not like about the ASUS VivoWatch SP. While it is not perfect, it is definitely a promising wearable device, that shows a lot of potential. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion. Do you like what ASUS VivoWatch SP has to offer? Would you consider buying it? Comment below and let's discuss.