在开始阶段,亚马逊(Amazon)只是一个只销售书籍的网络平台。这些年来,该公司已经从一个小型的在线书商网站发展成为一家几乎销售所有东西的国际商业公司。亚马逊(Amazon)现在是世界上最大的电子商务平台,拥有从头到尾的所有产品。(Intelligence)亚马逊(Z. Amazon)现在是网络服务、电子商务以及包括人工智能(Artificial) 基础Alexa在内的更多企业的领先企业之一。数百万人在亚马逊(Amazon)下订单以满足他们的需求。因此,亚马逊(Amazon)在大多数领域都表现出色,并已成为电子商务领域的领先组织之一。除此之外,亚马逊(Amazon)还销售自己的产品。亚马逊的一款如此出色的产品是 Fire TV Stick(Amazon is the Fire TV Stick)。

这是什么消防电视棒?(What is this Fire TV Stick?)
亚马逊(Amazon)的Fire TV Stick是一款基于Android平台的设备。它是一个基于HDMI的棒,您可以连接到电视的HDMI端口。那么,这款Fire TV Stick有什么魔力呢?这使您可以将普通电视转换为智能电视。您还可以在设备上玩游戏甚至运行Android应用程序。它允许您通过互联网从各种流媒体服务(包括Amazon Prime、Netflix等)流式传输内容。
您(Are)打算购买亚马逊消防电视棒(Amazon Fire TV Stick)吗?您有购买这款亚马逊 Fire TV Stick(Amazon Fire TV Stick)的计划吗?以下是您在购买Amazon Fire TV Stick(Amazon Fire TV Stick)之前应该了解的一些事项。
购买亚马逊消防(Amazon Fire)电视棒(Stick)之前应该知道的 6 件事
1. 你的电视应该有一个 HDMI 端口(1. Your TV should have an HDMI port)
是的。该电子设备通过高清多媒体接口(Definition Multimedia Interface)端口连接。只有当您的电视上有HDMI(HDMI)端口时,亚马逊 Fire TV Stick(Amazon Fire TV Stick)才能连接到您的电视。否则,您将无法使用Amazon Fire TV Stick。因此,在选择购买Amazon Fire TV Stick之前,请确保您的电视具有HDMI端口并且它支持HDMI。
2.您应该配备强大的Wi-Fi(2. You should be equipped with a Strong Wi-Fi )
Amazon Fire TV Stick需要 Wi-Fi 访问才能从互联网流式传输内容。此Fire TV Stick没有以太网(Ethernet)端口。您应该配备强大的 Wi-Fi 连接,以便 TV Stick正常工作。所以移动热点在这种情况下似乎没有多大用处。因此(Hence),您需要宽带 Wi-Fi 连接。
标清 (SD) 视频流至少需要 3 Mbps(兆字节/秒),而来自互联网的高清(Definition)(HD)(High-Definition (HD))流需要至少 5 Mbps(兆字节/秒)。
3. 不是每部电影都是免费的(3. Not Every Movie is Free)
您可以使用Fire(Fire) TV Stick流式传输最新的电影和电视节目。但并非所有电影和节目都是免费的。其中很多可能会让你花钱。如果您是Amazon Prime的会员,您可以访问 Prime 上提供的内容(Prime)。可通过互联网在Amazon Prime 上流(Amazon Prime)式传输的电影横幅包含Amazon Prime横幅。但是,如果一部电影的横幅不包含这样的横幅(“ Amazon Prime ”),则意味着它不能在Prime上免费流式传输,您必须为此付费。
4.支持语音搜索(4. Support for Voice Search)
Fire TV Sticks对语音搜索功能的支持可能因您使用的型号而异。取决于此,一些Fire TV Sticks支持语音搜索功能,而有些则不具备这种兼容性。
5. 某些订阅需要会员资格(5. Some Subscriptions Require Membership)
亚马逊的Fire TV Stick带有许多视频流应用程序,例如Netflix。但是,您应该在此类流媒体平台上拥有一个会员计划帐户。如果您没有Netflix帐户,则必须通过支付会员费订阅Netflix才能流式传输(Netflix)Netflix内容。
6. 您购买的(6. Your Purchased )iTunes 电影或音乐无法播放(iTunes Movies or Music won’t Play)
iTunes是用于购买或租借音乐专辑和歌曲的常用服务之一。如果您从 iTunes 购买了内容,则无需下载即可在 iPhone 或 iPod 设备上流式传输内容。
不幸的是,您的Fire TV Stick不支持 iTunes 内容。如果您想要特定内容,则必须从与您的Fire TV Stick设备兼容的服务中购买。
如何设置消防电视棒(How to Set up a Fire TV Stick)
任何人都可以在家中购买和安装Fire TV 棒。设置您的Fire TV Stick真的非常简单,
将电源适配器(Plug the power adaptor)插入设备并确保它处于“开启(On)”状态。
- 现在,使用电视的 HDMI 端口将 TV Stick 连接到电视。(connect the TV Stick to your TV using your television’s HDMI port.)
- 将您的电视更改为HDMI 模式(HDMI mode)。您可以看到Fire TV Stick 的加载屏幕。
- 将(Insert)电池插入 TV Stick的遥控器,它会自动与 TV Stick连接。如果您认为您的遥控器未配对,请按住主屏幕按钮至少 10 秒钟( Home button and hold the button for at least 10 seconds)。这样做会使其进入发现模式,然后它会轻松与设备配对。
- 您可以在电视屏幕上看到一些连接互联网的说明。无线网络(Wi-Fi)。
- 然后,按照电视屏幕上的说明注册您的Amazon Fire TV Stick。完成该过程后,您的 TV Stick将注册到您的亚马逊(Amazon)帐户。

亚马逊消防电视棒的特点(Features of Amazon Fire TV Stick)
除了看电影和听音乐之外,您还可以使用Fire TV Stick做一些其他事情。让我们看看你能用这个电子奇迹做什么。
1. 便携性(1. Portability)
Amazon TV Stickswork在全球 80 多个国家/地区运行良好。您可以将 TV Stick连接到任何兼容的电视以流式传输您的数字内容。
2. 镜像您的智能手机设备(2. Mirroring your Smartphone Device)
Amazon Fire TV Stick可让您将智能手机设备的屏幕镜像到电视机。将两个设备(您的Fire TV Stick和您的智能手机设备)连接到Wi-Fi网络。两台设备都应设置为访问同一个Wi-Fi网络。在 TV Stick的遥控器上,按住主屏幕按钮( Home button),然后从显示的快速访问菜单中选择镜像选项。(mirroring option)
3.启用语音控制(3. Enabling Voice Control)
尽管某些旧版本的电视棒无法使用此功能,但较新的型号提供了如此出色的选择。您可以使用语音控制某些型号的 TV Stick(Alexa提供的TV Stick设备)。(Stick)
4. 电视频道(4. TV channels)
您可以通过 TV Stick(Stick)下载频道列表。但是,某些应用程序可能需要订阅或会员资格。
5.能够跟踪数据使用情况(5. Ability to track data usage)
您可以记录Fire TV Stick使用的数据。您还可以设置您喜欢的视频质量来管理您的数据使用。
6.家长控制(6. Parental Controls)
您可以使用家长控制设置Fire TV Stick,以防止孩子访问面向成熟观众的内容。
7.蓝牙配对(7. Bluetooth Pairing)
您的Fire TV Stick配备了蓝牙(Bluetooth)配对选项,因此您可以将蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备(例如蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器)与 TV Stick配对。
我们希望本指南“购买亚马逊消防电视棒之前应该知道的事情(Things You should know Before You Buy an Amazon Fire TV Stick)”对您有所帮助,您能够解决您的困惑并决定是否购买消防(Fire)电视棒(Stick)。如果您需要更多说明,请通过您的评论告诉我们。
6 Things You should know Before You Buy an Amazon Fire TV Stick
At the beginning stages, Amazon was just a web platform that sold only books. Thrоughout these years, the company has evolved from a small-scale online bookseller website to an international business firm that sells almоst everything. Αmazon is now thе largest e-cоmmerce platform in the world that has every product from A to Z. Amazon is now one оf the lеading enterprises in web serviceѕ, e-commerce, and a lot more buѕinesses including the Artificial Intelligence baseѕ Alexa. Millions of people place their orders in Amazon for their needs. Thus, Amazon has excеlled in most of thе fields and has come out as one of the leаdіng organizationѕ in the e-commerce field. Apart from this, Amazon sells its own products. Onе such greаt product from Amazon is the Fire TV Stick.

What is this Fire TV Stick?
The Fire TV Stick from Amazon is a device built on the Android platform. It is an HDMI based stick that you can connect to the HDMI port of your TV. So, what magic does this Fire TV Stick do? This lets you convert your normal television to a smart television. You can also play games or even run Android apps on the device. It lets you stream content over the internet from a variety of streaming services, including Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc.
Are You Planning to Buy an Amazon Fire TV Stick? Do you have a plan to buy this Amazon Fire TV Stick? Here are some things you should know before you buy an Amazon Fire TV Stick.
6 Things You should know Before You Buy an Amazon Fire TV Stick
Before you buy anything, you should think about whether it would be useful for you and whether it has any prerequisites for its smooth functioning. Without doing that, many people end up buying things but could not use them effectively.
1. Your TV should have an HDMI port
Yes. This electronic device connects via a High Definition Multimedia Interface port. Amazon Fire TV Stick can be connected to your television only if your TV has an HDMI port on it. Else there is no way in which you can use an Amazon Fire TV Stick. So before opting to buy an Amazon Fire TV Stick, ensure that your television has an HDMI port and it supports HDMI.
2. You should be equipped with a Strong Wi-Fi
The Amazon Fire TV Stick needs Wi-Fi access to stream content from the internet. This Fire TV Stick does not have an Ethernet port. You should be equipped with a strong Wi-Fi connection for the TV Stick to function properly. So Mobile Hotspots do not seem to be much useful in this case. Hence, you would need a broadband Wi-Fi connection.
Standard Definition (SD) video streaming would require a minimum of 3 Mbps (megabytes per second) whereas High-Definition (HD) streaming from the internet requires at least 5 Mbps (megabytes per second).
3. Not Every Movie is Free
You can stream the latest movies and TV shows using the Fire TV Stick. But not all movies and shows are available for free. A lot of them might cost you money. If you are a member of Amazon Prime, you can access content that is available on Prime. The banners of the movies that are available to stream over the internet on Amazon Prime contains an Amazon Prime banner. However, if a movie’s banner doesn’t contain such a banner (“Amazon Prime”), then it means that it is not available for free streaming on Prime, and you have to pay for it.
4. Support for Voice Search
The support for the voice search feature in Fire TV Sticks may differ upon which model you use. Depending upon that, some Fire TV Sticks support voice search features while some do not come with such compatibilities.
5. Some Subscriptions Require Membership
Amazon’s Fire TV Stick comes with many video streaming applications such as Netflix. However, you should have an account with a membership plan on such streaming platforms. If you don’t have an account with Netflix, you would have to subscribe to Netflix by paying the membership charges, to stream Netflix content.
6. Your Purchased iTunes Movies or Music won’t Play
iTunes is one of the common services used to purchase or rent music albums and songs. If you have purchased content from iTunes, you can stream the content on your iPhone or iPod device without downloading it.
Unfortunately, your Fire TV Stick would not support iTunes content. If you want a particular content, you would have to purchase it from a service that is compatible with your Fire TV Stick device.
How to Set up a Fire TV Stick
Anyone can buy and set up a Fire TV stick in their home. It is really, very simple to set up your Fire TV Stick,
Plug the power adaptor into the device and make sure that it is “On”.
- Now, connect the TV Stick to your TV using your television’s HDMI port.
- Change your TV to the HDMI mode. You can see the Fire TV Stick’s loading screen.
- Insert batteries into your TV Stick’s remote, and it would automatically connect with your TV Stick. If you think that your remote is not paired, press the Home button and hold the button for at least 10 seconds. Doing so would make it enter the discovery mode, and then it would pair easily with the device.
- You can see some instructions on your TV screen to connect to the internet via. Wi-Fi.
- Then, follow the steps as instructed on your TV screen to register your Amazon Fire TV Stick. Once you complete the process, your TV Stick would be registered to your Amazon account.
Hurray! You have set up your TV Stick, and you are ready to rock. You can stream millions of digital content from the internet using your TV stick.

Features of Amazon Fire TV Stick
Other than watching films and listening to music, you can do some other things with your Fire TV Stick. Let us see what you can do with this electronic marvel.
1. Portability
Amazon TV Stickswork fine in over 80 nations across the world. You can connect the TV Stick to any compatible TV to stream your digital content.
2. Mirroring your Smartphone Device
Amazon Fire TV Stick lets you mirror your smartphone device’s screen to your television set. Connect both the devices (Your Fire TV Stick and your smartphone device) to a Wi-Fi network. Both devices should be set up to access the same Wi-Fi network. On your TV Stick’s remote controller, hold down the Home button and then select the mirroring option from the quick-access menu that shows up.
Set up the mirroring option on your smartphone device to mirror your screen. This would display your smartphone’s screen on your television.
3. Enabling Voice Control
Though some older versions of the TV stick cannot use this feature, the newer models come with such great options. You can control some models of the TV Stick (TV Stick devices that are provided with Alexa) using your voice.
4. TV channels
You can download a list of channels through the TV Stick. However, some apps might require subscription or membership.
5. Ability to track data usage
You can keep a record of the data used up by the Fire TV Stick. You can also set your preferred video quality to manage your data usage.
6. Parental Controls
You can set up your Fire TV Stick with parental controls to prevent kids from accessing content that is meant for a mature audience.
7. Bluetooth Pairing
Your Fire TV Stick is equipped with options for Bluetooth pairing, and hence you can pair Bluetooth devices such as a Bluetooth speaker with your TV Stick.
We hope this guide “Things You should know Before You Buy an Amazon Fire TV Stick” was helpful and you were able to resolve your confusion and decided whether to buy a Fire TV Stick or not. If you want some additional clarifications, let us know through your comments.