虽然Windows 10会随着新功能、应用程序和改进而定期增长和发展,但它的某些方面并不是那么好。我们并不是想成为完美主义者,但微软可以在(Microsoft)Windows 10中改变或改进的不仅仅是几件事。我们的一些投诉很小,而另一些则很重要。是的,我们每天都在使用Windows 10,我们写了很多关于它的文章,我们很感激我们可以用它做些什么。但是,许多人认为Windows 10很糟糕,而且是有充分理由的。原因如下:
1.质量差的更新对(Poor)Windows 10 PC造成严重破坏
随着Windows 10的更新,微软(Microsoft)似乎迷失了方向。该公司定期向其用户推送错误更新,这会破坏随机事物。有Windows 10更新使蓝牙设备消失,显示奇怪的警告,引发异常的处理器尖峰(unusual processor spikes),使 Windows 10 无缘无故地运行缓慢等等。大更新更糟糕,似乎微软(Microsoft)更不小心把它们搞砸了。上一次2020 年 5 月更新被许多用户和(May 2020 Update)技术网站(tech websites)视为官方灾难:打印机停止工作,存储空间(Storage Spaces)损坏,驱动器(包括SSD(SSDs)) 碎片整理过于频繁。用户还遇到了全新启动失败(Fresh Start fails)、Windows 10 将您从谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)中注销、平板电脑模式自行开启(Tablet Mode turning on)且未提出任何问题等等。
此外,人们并非没有抱怨这些问题:一些Windows Insider(Insiders)指出了许多由Windows 10更新引起的问题,而这些问题尚未推出给用户。然而,微软(Microsoft)似乎并没有在听人们在说什么,或者它只是表面上听,这就是为什么这些天Windows 10更新如此糟糕的原因。
如果您不希望Windows 10更新出现问题,或者您希望至少限制有问题的更新的影响,您可以选择推迟更新。阅读如何延迟 Windows 10 更新(delay Windows 10 updates)。您还可以从Windows 10中删除不良更新。请参阅卸载 Windows 10 更新的 3 种方法(3 ways to uninstall Windows 10 updates)。
2. Windows 10 很烂,因为它充满了英国媒体报道
Windows 10 捆绑了许多大多数用户不想要的应用和游戏。过去在硬件厂商中比较常见的就是所谓的臃肿软件,但这并不是微软(Microsoft)自己的政策。当您执行 Windows 10 的全新安装时,您希望它是干净的,只有基础知识,但事实并非如此。(When you perform a clean install of Windows 10, you expect it to be clean, with just the basics, but it's not.)在Windows 10中,您不仅可以获得操作系统,还可以获得未经您明确同意而由Microsoft预装的第三方应用程序和游戏。该列表包括应用程序和游戏,例如帝国时代:(Age)围攻城堡(Castle Siege)、泡泡女巫 3(Bubble Witch 3) 传奇(Saga)、糖果粉碎朋友传奇(Candy Crush Friends Saga)、Candy Crush Saga、FarmVille 2:Country Escape、Gardenscapes、Phototastic Collage、PicsArt Photo Studio:拼贴制作(Maker)和图片编辑器(Pic Editor)、Seekers Notes:隐藏(Hidden Mystery)的谜团、秘密(Secret)社团:隐藏的谜团(Hidden Mystery)等。对于许多人来说,这些应用程序和游戏只是占用宝贵的存储空间和带宽的垃圾。
不幸的是,微软试图从(Microsoft)Windows 10用户身上榨取更多的钱,即使他们为许可证付费。如果您对英国媒体报道以及如何摆脱它感到好奇,请阅读Windows 10 有多少英国媒体报道?(How much bloatware does Windows 10 have?)和删除 Windows 10 膨胀软件的最快方法(The fastest way to remove Windows 10 bloatware)。
3. 您为Windows 10(Windows 10)付费。为什么你会看到到处都是广告?
Microsoft在整个操作系统中显示广告。有时,Windows 10(Windows 10 shows ads)会在开始菜单(Start Menu)、锁定屏幕(Lock Screen)、任务栏、通知(Notifications)甚至文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中显示广告!那是怎么回事?
您不讨厌在您支付的产品中看到广告吗?如果问题“如何在 Windows 10 上停止弹出广告?” ("How do I stop pop up ads on Windows 10?")是安装Windows 10(Windows 10)后首先想到的事情之一,请阅读Windows 10 广告:如何从任何地方关闭它们(Windows 10 ads: How to turn them off from everywhere)。
4. Windows 10 处理你的隐私的方式可以改进
就像任何其他主要的互联网公司,例如谷歌(Google)或Facebook一样,微软(Microsoft)并不是你所说的“隐私第一”实体。Windows 10 存在隐私问题(privacy issues),这使得用户在安装和使用它时采取了保留立场。这并不是说 Windows 10 不允许您启用或禁用所有与隐私相关的方面(privacy-related aspects)。问题是它收集的所有数据都由一系列(all the data it gathers is controlled by a series of switches that are turned on by default)在 Windows 10 中默认打开的开关控制。
您知道有多少人了解所有这些开关和设置,并且会费心通过设置(Settings)应用程序或Windows 10设置中的所有内容,以便他们获得尽可能私密的用户体验?
提示:(TIP:)如果您想查看 Windows 10 发送给Microsoft的数据,请使用诊断数据查看器(Diagnostic Data Viewer)。
5.家庭组从(HomeGroup)Windows 10中消失了,这太糟糕了!
微软决定从(Microsoft decided to remove the) 2018 年 4 月更新(April 2018 Update)开始从 Windows 10中删除(feature from Windows 10)家庭组(Homegroup) 功能。他们为什么选择这样做?因为微软(Microsoft)想要推广OneDrive。听到这个消息我们感到很失望,因为我们依靠使用家庭组(HomeGroups)轻松与本地网络中的Windows计算机共享文件和文件夹。(Windows)当然,OneDrive是一项出色的服务,与之共享内容也很容易。但是,如果您在家中没有互联网连接,或者您只是不想使用它怎么办?
6.设置(Settings)应用程序没有控制面板中的所有功能(Control Panel)
Microsoft已将Windows 10开发为一种统一的体验,这意味着您应该能够在任何类型的设备上轻松使用它,无论是成熟的 PC、笔记本电脑还是平板电脑。为此,他们需要重新设计Windows界面的几乎每个方面,使其更易于触摸。我们都可以看到,Windows 10自 2015 年推出以来已经走过了漫长的道路,但仍有许多事情要做。最重要的改进之一是,并非旧控制面板(Control Panel)中的所有功能都已移植到新的、触摸友好的设置(Settings)应用程序中。
自 Windows 10 推出以来已经过去了五年多,仍然有一些设置和选项没有移到(More than five years since the launch of Windows 10 have passed, and there are still settings and options that haven't been moved to the)设置app!
7.进入Windows 10安全模式(Mode)的最快方法是从普通模式(Mode)!
是的,你没听错!The quickest way to get into Safe Mode on a Windows 10 PC is from Normal Mode!最简单的方法是从所有地方的设置应用程序中进行。(Settings)是否有意义?不是我们。毕竟,这有什么意义?安全模式的(Safe Mode's)目的是在计算机无法正常工作时帮助您修复它,并且在大多数情况下,这意味着它也无法正常启动。当然,还有一些其他方法可以在 Windows 10 中进入安全模式(methods to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10),例如连续三次中断 PC 的启动过程或从Windows 10 USB恢复驱动器启动(您必须事先创建)。但是,它们都不是很快。不是Windows 7 中的旧 F8 方法(F8 method from Windows 7)方便多了?
8. 不同的虚拟桌面上不能有不同的主题和视觉元素
我们还使用Linux发行版,其中虚拟桌面是一项旧功能,可高度配置且运行顺畅。虽然我们对Windows 10(Windows 10)中存在虚拟桌面(virtual desktops)感到高兴,但我们并不欣赏无法为每个虚拟桌面使用不同的主题和视觉效果(the inability to use different themes and visuals for each virtual desktop)。
9.开始菜单(Start Menu)在设备之间不同步
在不同设备之间同步开始屏幕布局是(Start)Windows 8中首次引入的一项重要功能。这意味着您可以从一台设备跳到另一台设备,Start看起来也一样。但是,微软(Microsoft)并未在Windows 10中保留此功能。这个决定的动机似乎是许多用户希望能够在他们的设备上拥有不同的开始菜单。(Start Menus)这可能是真的,但为什么选择删除一个可以改进的功能呢?Windows 10 可以让您选择是否要同步“开始”菜单(Start Menu),并为那些觉得它有用的人提供这种选择。
10. 您无法轻松配置文件资源管理器(File Explorer)以在“快速访问”或“这台电脑”中启动
文件资源管理器(File Explorer)可让您更改启动方式以及启动时加载的位置。但是,您只能选择让它在这台电脑(start in This PC)或快速访问(Quick access)中启动。我们不明白的是,为什么微软(Microsoft)没有让这个功能更加可定制。为什么不允许用户将OneDrive设置为他们的启动文件夹?或者他们的图书馆(Libraries)之一?
我们并不是说你不能这样做,但所涉及的步骤并不完全简单。要了解有关此内容的更多信息,请阅读如何使 Windows 10 的文件资源管理器在您想要的任何位置启动(How to make Windows 10's File Explorer start in any location you want)。
11. 您无法从“开始”菜单调整应用程序列表的大小(Start Menu)
开始菜单是可调整大小的(The Start Menu is resizeable),还可以让您更改固定到它的任何图块的尺寸。(dimensions of any tile)但是,无论您多么努力,都无法调整应用程序列表的大小。如果您的应用程序(Apps)列表能够包含两个或更多列,那就太好了。我们希望微软(Microsoft)将在未来的Windows 10更新中添加此功能。
12. Cortana(Cortana)没有国际版,在所有国家都可以使用,英文版(English)
Cortana本来可以很神奇的。然而,她只会说几种语言。即使微软(Microsoft)承诺Cortana会随着时间的推移不断发展并学习新语言,但这并没有像它应有的那样快。这也并不意味着不受支持的国家/地区应该远离Cortana。例如,对于微软(Microsoft)来说,更好的方法是让世界上任何人都可以使用 Cortana(make Cortana available for anyone in the world),即使她只会说英语(English)。或者法语……或者她能理解的任何其他语言。
为什么你认为 Windows 10 很烂?
这些是我们对Windows 10的最大不满。如果这些问题得到解决,我们会更开心,并享受更多使用此操作系统的体验。在您继续结束本文之前,请告诉我们:Windows 10中最让您失望的是什么?您不喜欢Windows 10的哪些方面,以及您想改变什么?
Windows 10 sucks! Here are 12 reasons why!
While Windows 10 is regularly growing and evolving with new features, apps, and improvements, some things abоut it are not ѕo great. We are not trying to be perfectionists, but there are more than jυst a fеw things that Microsoft could change or improve in Windows 10. Somе of our complaints are small, while оthers are significant. Yes, we use Windows 10 daily, wе write mаny articles аbout it, and we apprеciate what we can do with it. Howeνer, many people think that Windows 10 sucks, аnd for good reason. Here's why:
1. Poor quality updates wreak havoc on Windows 10 PCs
With Windows 10's updates, Microsoft seems to have lost its way. The company regularly pushes buggy updates on its users, which break random things. There are Windows 10 updates that make Bluetooth devices disappear, show strange warnings, provoke unusual processor spikes that make Windows 10 run slow for no apparent reason, etc. Big updates are even worse, and it seems that Microsoft messes them up even more carelessly. The last May 2020 Update was deemed as an official disaster by many users and tech websites: printers stopped working, Storage Spaces were broken, and drives (including SSDs) were defragged too often. Users also encountered Fresh Start fails, Windows 10 logging you out from Google Chrome, Tablet Mode turning on by itself with no questions asked, and so on.
Furthermore, it is not like people did not complain about these problems: some Windows Insiders pointed out many of the issues caused by Windows 10 updates before they were rolled out to users. However, Microsoft does not seem to listen to what people are saying, or it does so superficially, which is why Windows 10 updates suck so much these days.
If you don't want to have problems with Windows 10 updates, or you wish to at least limit the impact of problematic updates, you can choose to postpone them. Read how to delay Windows 10 updates. You can also remove bad updates from Windows 10. See 3 ways to uninstall Windows 10 updates.
2. Windows 10 sucks because it's full of bloatware
Windows 10 bundles a lot of apps and games that most users do not want. It is the so-called bloatware that was rather common among hardware manufacturers in the past, but which was not a policy of Microsoft itself. When you perform a clean install of Windows 10, you expect it to be clean, with just the basics, but it's not. In Windows 10, you do not only get the operating system, but you also get third-party apps and games that are pre-installed by Microsoft without your explicit consent. The list includes apps and games such as Age of Empires: Castle Siege, Bubble Witch 3 Saga, Candy Crush Friends Saga, Candy Crush Saga, FarmVille 2: Country Escape, Gardenscapes, Phototastic Collage, PicsArt Photo Studio: Collage Maker and Pic Editor, Seekers Notes: Hidden Mystery, The Secret Society: Hidden Mystery, and others alike. For many people, these apps and games are just garbage using precious storage space and bandwidth.
Unfortunately, Microsoft tries to squeeze even more money out of Windows 10 users, even if they paid for their licenses. If you're curious about bloatware and how to get rid of it, read How much bloatware does Windows 10 have? and The fastest way to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
3. You paid for Windows 10. Why should you see ads all over the place?
Microsoft shows advertisements all over the operating system. From time to time, Windows 10 shows ads in the Start Menu, on your Lock Screen, on the taskbar, in the Notifications, and even in File Explorer! What's up with that?
Don't you hate seeing ads in a product that you paid for? If the question "How do I stop pop up ads on Windows 10?" is one of the first things that comes to your mind after installing Windows 10, read Windows 10 ads: How to turn them off from everywhere.
4. The way Windows 10 handles your privacy can be improved
Just like any other major internet company, such as Google or Facebook, Microsoft is not what you would call a "privacy-first" entity. Windows 10 had its share of privacy issues that made users take a reserved stand when it came to installing and using it. That's not to say that Windows 10 does not let you enable or disable all privacy-related aspects. The problem is that all the data it gathers is controlled by a series of switches that are turned on by default in Windows 10.
How many people do you know who understand all these switches and settings, and would bother to go through all the bits from the Settings app or the Windows 10 setup, so that they get the most private user experience possible?
TIP: If you want to see what data Windows 10 sends to Microsoft, use Diagnostic Data Viewer.
5. The HomeGroup is gone from Windows 10, and that sucks!
Microsoft decided to remove the Homegroup feature from Windows 10, starting with the April 2018 Update. Why did they choose to do that? Because Microsoft wants to promote OneDrive. We were disappointed to hear that, as we relied on using HomeGroups to easily share files and folders with the Windows computers found in our local networks. Sure, OneDrive is an excellent service, and sharing things with it is also easy. But what if you do not have internet connectivity at home or if you just don't want to use it?
6. The Settings app doesn't have all the features found in the Control Panel
Microsoft has developed Windows 10 to be a unifying experience, meaning that you should be able to use it just as easily on any kind of device, be it a full-fledged PC, a notebook, or a tablet. To do that, they needed to redesign almost every aspect of the Windows interface to make it touch-friendly. We can all see that Windows 10 has come a long way since its launch date in 2015, but there are still things left to be done. One of the most significant improvements is the fact that not all the features found in the old Control Panel have been ported to the new, touch-friendly, Settings app.
More than five years since the launch of Windows 10 have passed, and there are still settings and options that haven't been moved to the Settings app!
7. The fastest way to enter Windows 10's Safe Mode is from Normal Mode!
Yes, you heard it right! The quickest way to get into Safe Mode on a Windows 10 PC is from Normal Mode! The easiest method is to do it from the Settings app of all places. Does it make sense? Not to us. What's the point, after all? Safe Mode's purpose is to help you repair your computer when it does not work well, and, in most cases, that means it doesn't boot properly either. Sure, there are some other methods to enter Safe Mode in Windows 10, such as interrupting your PC's boot process three times in a row or booting from a Windows 10 USB recovery drive (which you must create beforehand). However, none of them is fast. Wasn't the old F8 method from Windows 7 much more convenient?
8. You can't have different themes and visual elements on different virtual desktops
We also use Linux distributions, where virtual desktops are an old feature that is highly configurable and works smoothly. While we are happy that virtual desktops are present in Windows 10, we do not appreciate the inability to use different themes and visuals for each virtual desktop.
Making each desktop look the way they want helps users be more productive and figure out more easily which virtual desktop they're in. It would be nice to be able to use different icon sets in each virtual desktop, different wallpapers, and so on.
9. The Start Menu doesn't sync between devices
Syncing the Start screen layout between different devices was a great feature that was first introduced in Windows 8. It meant that you could jump from one device to another, and Start would have looked the same. However, Microsoft did not keep this feature in Windows 10. The motive for this decision seems to be that many users want to be able to have different Start Menus on their devices. That may be true, but why choose to remove a feature when you could have improved it? Windows 10 could have offered you the option to decide if you want to sync your Start Menu or not and provide this alternative for people who find it useful.
10. You cannot easily configure File Explorer to start anywhere else but in "Quick access" or "This PC"
File Explorer lets you change the way it starts and which location is loaded at startup. However, you can only choose to make it start in This PC or Quick access. What we do not understand is why Microsoft did not make this feature even more customizable. Why not allow users to set OneDrive as their startup folder? Or one of their Libraries?
We are not saying that you can't do it, but the steps involved are not exactly straightforward. To learn more about this, read How to make Windows 10's File Explorer start in any location you want.
11. You cannot resize the apps list from the Start Menu
The Start Menu is resizeable and also lets you change the dimensions of any tile you pin to it. But you cannot resize the apps list, no matter how hard you try. It would have been nice to be able to have two or more columns for your Apps list. We hope that Microsoft will add this feature in a future update to Windows 10.
12. There is no international version of Cortana, one that works in all countries, in English
Cortana could have been amazing. However, she only understands and speaks a few languages. Even if Microsoft promised that Cortana would evolve and learn new languages over time, that didn't happen as fast as it should have. It also does not mean that the non-supported countries should have been kept away from getting access to Cortana. A better approach would have been for Microsoft to make Cortana available for anyone in the world, even if she spoke only English, for instance. Or French... or any other language that she understands.
Many people all over the world can speak other languages on top of their native ones. So why not include an option for making Cortana available in English for anyone in the world who's interested in using her?
Why do you think Windows 10 sucks?
These are our top dissatisfactions when it comes to Windows 10. If they were to be resolved, we'd be much happier, and enjoy more of our experience with this operating system. Before you go on and close this article, do tell us: what disappoints you most in Windows 10? What is it that you don't like about Windows 10, and what would you want to change?