Taking a screenshot on Snapchat without being detected is hard, but don’t worry in this guide we will discuss 12 ways to take a Screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing!
Snapchat 允许其用户上传图片和视频,就像几乎任何其他社交媒体平台一样。与众不同的地方在于,无论您向这里的某人发送什么内容,内容都会在几秒钟后消失,最多十个。这甚至更多地将隐私和控制权交到了用户手中。您可以分享您的有趣和奇怪的图片或视频,而不必担心它们会永远存储在另一个人的手机上,除非他们选择删除它。
如何在别人不知道的情况下在 Snapchat 上截屏?(How to take a screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing?)
1.使用其他设备(1.Using Another Device)
是的,你没听错。您需要做的就是用另一部智能手机或标签记录Snapchat 。当然,最终结果不会是最高质量的。但是,如果您仍然想记录您收到的任何东西,这是一个很好的方法。
2.延迟截图通知(2.Delaying the Screenshot Notification)
如果您不按住主页按钮,会发生什么只是延迟有关其他人将要获得的屏幕截图的通知。他们不会去接收任何有人捕捉到他们的快照的弹出通知。除此之外,他们在几分钟内都不会看到Snapchat 的屏幕截图指示器——这是一个双箭头图标,您将在屏幕上找到它。(Snapchat –)
3.清除应用数据(3.Clearing App Data)
你问怎么做?这正是我现在要告诉你的。首先(First),打开Snapchat。进入内部后,请等到您想要捕获的快照完全自行加载。然后(Afterward),关闭Wi-Fi、蜂窝数据或任何其他使您的智能手机保持连接的功能。作为替代路径,您还可以切换到飞行(Airplane)模式,然后再次打开快照。完成后,继续并截取屏幕截图。但是,请记住暂时不要重新打开连接。该过程的下一步也是最后一步也是最重要的一步。转到系统设置> Apps > Snapchat > Storage> 清除缓存(Cache)和清除数据(Clear Data)。
另请阅读:2020 年 8 款最佳 Android 相机应用(8 Best Android Camera Apps of 2020)
4.使用屏幕录像机应用程序(Android 和 iOS)(4.Using a Screen Recorder App (Android and iOS))
现在,在其他人不知道的情况下在Snapchat上截取屏幕截图的下一种方法是简单地使用屏幕录像机应用程序(screen recorder app)来保存您想要存储的任何图像或视频。您需要做的就是从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store –)安装屏幕录像机应用程序(如果您使用的是Android智能手机)并开始使用它。
另一方面,如果您使用的是使用iOS 操作系统(iOS operating system)的 iPhone,那对您来说就更容易了。内置的屏幕录像机功能足以执行任务。您需要做的就是通过点击选项从控制中心启用该功能。(Control Centre)如果该功能未包含在Control Center(Control Centre)中,您可以通过以下步骤进行操作。
转到设置选项以查找控制中心(Control Centre)功能。点击该功能,然后在下一步中选择自定义控件(Customise Controls)选项。完成后,只需添加屏幕录像机选项。就是这样,你们都完成了。该功能现在将负责其余的工作。
5.使用 QuickTime(仅限 Mac 用户)(5.Using QuickTime (Only if you are a Mac user))
首先(First),您必须将您正在使用的 iPhone 连接到您的Mac。在下一步中,打开QuickTime播放器。接下来,转到File > New Movie Recording。到达那里后,将鼠标悬停在记录选项上。现在,当箭头出现在屏幕上时,单击它,然后选择 iPhone 作为您的相机输入。此时,您的 iPhone 屏幕将在您的Mac屏幕上可见。现在,您需要做的就是记录您想要存储的任何快照。
您完全可以将视频保存到Mac上。但是,如果您想截取几张不同的图片,请使用Command Shift-4。
6.使用谷歌助手(6.Using the Google Assistant)
现在,在其他人不知道的情况下在Snapchat上截取屏幕截图的下一个方法是使用(Snapchat)Google Assistant。因此,在Snapchat(Snapchat)修补之前尽可能多地使用它。
您需要做的就是打开Snapchat。然后转到您要截取屏幕截图的快照。在下一步中,通过按住主页按钮或说“Ok Google”来呼叫Google 助理。(Google Assistant)现在,通过说“截屏”让Google 助理(Google Assistant)截屏。作为替代方法,您也可以将其键入。就是这样,你们都完成了。
这个过程既简单又快速。除此之外,您也不需要安装任何第三方应用程序。但是,不利的一面是,您无法将照片直接保存到图库中。相反,您可以将它们上传到Google 照片(Google Photos)或与其他人分享。
(7.Using the Airplane Mode of the Smartphone
另一种在他人不知情的情况下在Snapchat上截取屏幕截图的方法是使用智能手机中的(Snapchat)飞行(Airplane)模式。您需要做的就是打开Snapchat并等待以确保您想要截屏的快照已加载。但是,此时不要查看它。在下一步中,关闭Wi-Fi、蜂窝数据、蓝牙(Bluetooth)或其他任何使您的手机保持连接的设备。现在,打开飞行(Airplane)模式。完成后,打开Snapchat再来一次。转到您要保存的快照,截取屏幕截图,仅此而已。现在,只需在 30 秒或整分钟后打开互联网连接,其他人就永远不会知道你做了什么。
8.使用第三方应用程序(8.Using Third-party Apps)
现在,在别人不知道的情况下在Snapchat上截取屏幕截图的另一种好方法是使用第三方应用程序。这些应用程序的工作方式与您用于保存WhatsApp状态的应用程序非常相似。如果您使用 iPhone,可以从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)或直接从 Play商店(Store)下载这些应用程序。
为此目的,最受欢迎的两个应用程序是适用于Android的(Android)SnapSaver和适用于 iOS的Sneakaboo 。借助这些应用程序,您可以在其他人不知道的情况下在Snapchat上(Snapchat)截取屏幕截图。(take a screenshot)
要使用此应用程序,您必须从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载并安装它。完成后,打开应用程序。在下一步中,从给定的选项中选择您想要的选项(它们是Screenshot、Burst Screenshot、Screen Recording和Integrated)。完成后,前往Snapchat。
此应用程序仅适用于 iOS 用户。与SnapSaver类似,您必须先安装它。然后,使用Snapchat(Snapchat)的凭据登录。现在,每个新的Snapchat故事都将出现在应用程序上。保存它们所需要做的就是在这些故事播放时捕获屏幕截图。这样,您将获得图像或视频,而其他人对此一无所知。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中获取滚动屏幕截图(Take Scrolling Screenshots In Windows 10)
11.在Android上使用镜像功能(11.Using the Mirror feature on Android)
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,在其他人不知道我将要与您讨论的情况下,在Snapchat上截取屏幕截图的最后一种方法是使用(Snapchat)Android上的镜像功能。该功能 - 称为屏幕镜像功能 - 使用户能够将设备投射到任何其他外部设备上,例如智能电视。您可以通过转到您正在使用的智能手机的设置来访问该功能。
现在,完成这一步后,您需要做的就是在手机上打开Snapchat 。完成后,只需使用另一台设备录制您想要录制的任何照片或视频。除此之外,在您进行一些编辑后,您将获得所需的结果,而其他人甚至根本不知道。
12.注意事项(12.Word of Caution)
既然我们已经讨论了在其他人不知道的情况下在Snapchat上截取屏幕截图的所有方法,让我们非常清楚一件事。我不 - 以任何形式 - 支持出于任何恶意目的使用这些方法。仅在它们是为了以后保存和珍惜记忆或只是为了好玩时才尝试它们。但是请记住,您始终有责任不越界以及尊重他人的隐私
How to Take Screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing?
Taking a screenshot on Snapchat without being detected is hard, but don’t worry in this guide we will discuss 12 ways to take a Screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing!
In this era of the digital revolution, social media is one of the biggest influencers in our life. We talk to our family and friends there, make new friends on these platforms, and even showcase our talents and quirks here. Snapchat is one of the most popular names in the world of social media.
Snapchat enables its users to upload pictures as well as videos, just like almost any other social media platform. Where it stands out from the rest is that no matter what you send to someone here, the content is going to disappear after a few seconds, ten being the maximum. This puts, even more, privacy and control into the hands of the users. You can share your funny as well as weird pictures or videos without the fear of them getting stored on the phone of another person forever unless they choose to delete it.
Do I hear you laugh at it? We have the screenshot just for this very purpose, you are saying, right? Well, you would be surprised. Snapchat has also got that in its mind. So, it comes with a feature that makes it impossible to take a screenshot without the other person knowing. How is that possible, you are asking? Well, every time you take a screenshot, the other person is going to be notified of the same.
However, do not let that fact disappoint you, my friend. In case you are wondering how then can you take a screenshot or whether it is possible at all, you have come to the right place. I am here to help you with precisely that. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the ways you can take a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person knowing. I am also going to give you detailed information about each one of these processes. By the time you finish reading the article, you would not need to know anything about the processes at all. So make sure to stick to the end. Now, without wasting any more time, let us dive deeper into the subject. Keep on reading.
How to take a screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing?
Below mentioned are the ways in which you can take a screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing. Keep on reading to find out the minute details about each one of these ways.
1.Using Another Device
First of all, the first way of taking a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person knowing is quite simple actually. You do not even need any technical knowledge at all. All you need to do is simply use another device.
Yes, you have heard that right. All you need to do is to take a recording of Snapchat with another smartphone or tab. Of course, the end result is not going to be of the highest quality. However, in case you would still like a record of whatever it is that you have received, it is quite a good way.
However, keep in mind to do thorough research prior to taking this step. Try to think about what kind of snap you are after – is it an image or is it a video? Is there a time limitation?
On the other hand, Snapchat has also come up with a feature that loops the content so that the story is not going to vanish after a set number of seconds. In addition to that, you can also replay a snap a day. Therefore, you are going to need to use it very wisely. However, keep in mind that the other person is going to know about this.
2.Delaying the Screenshot Notification
Another way to take a screenshot on Snapchat without letting the other person know is delaying the screenshot notification. What do you need to do for this? Simply open Snapchat. Once you are inside, head over to the snap you would like to capture and wait till it loads fully. You can make sure of it from the little swirl around the icon beside the name.
After that is done, turn off the Wi-Fi, cellular data, Bluetooth, and any other feature that keeps the phone you are using connected. On the next step, simply turn on the Airplane mode. Now, all you need to do is go back to the snap-in question, tap on the same, and take the screenshots that you would like to take.
Keep in mind that you are going to have to perform an important task in case you want to stay in the shadow. As soon as you take the screenshots, all you need to do is press and hold the power button and in a few moments, the phone is going to restart. What it is going to do is the Snapchat that you have captured is going to reload back to normal. As a result, the person is never going to know about the same.
In case you do not press and hold the home button, what happens is it simply delays the notification regarding the screenshot that the other person in question is going to get. They would not go to receive any pop-up notification that someone has captured their snap. In addition to that, they are not going to see the screenshot indicator of Snapchat – which is a double-arrow icon you are going to find the screen – for a matter of a few minutes.
So, in case the person is not observant enough, then you are probably going to get away with it. However, keep in mind that it is entirely possible for them to find out what you did further down the line.
3.Clearing App Data
Now, the next way of taking a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person knowing is clearing the app data. Of course, this is one of the most tedious processes in this list. However, you do not have to install any of the third-party apps or sideload in any way at all.
The idea behind the process is quite easy – all you need to do is open Snapchat, wait for the image or video that you want to capture load on its own, turn off the internet connection, and then take the screenshot. On the next step, prior to Snapchat sends any kind of notification to the other person, all you need to do is clear the app cache as well as data from the settings option.
How to do it, you ask? That is exactly what I am going to tell you now. First of all, open Snapchat. Once you are inside, wait till the time the snap that you would like to capture loads fully on its own. Afterward, turn off the Wi-Fi, cellular data, or any other feature that keeps your smartphone connected. As an alternate path, you can also switch to Airplane mode and then open up the snap once again. Once that is done, go ahead and take the screenshot. However, keep in mind not to turn the connectivity back on just yet. The next and final step of the process is also the most important one. Go the system settings > Apps > Snapchat > Storage > Clear Cache and Clear Data.
One of the biggest benefits of this process is the other person would not even know that you have viewed their snap, let along knowing that you have taken a screenshot. In addition to that, you do not need to install any third-party app either. On the other hand, every time you try this process and clear the app cache as well as data, you are going to get logged out. So, you are going to have to log in back again every time afterwards, which is boring and somewhat tedious.
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4.Using a Screen Recorder App (Android and iOS)
Now, the next way to take a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person knowing is simply using a screen recorder app for saving any image or video that you would like to store. All you need to do is install the screen recorder apps from the Google Play Store – in case you are using an Android smartphone – and begin using it.
On the other hand, in case you are using an iPhone that makes use of the iOS operating system, it is even easier for you. The built-in screen recorder feature is more than enough to perform the task. All you need to do is enabling the feature from the Control Centre via tapping on the option. In case the feature is not included in the Control Centre, you can do so by the following steps.
Go to the settings option for finding the Control Centre feature. Tap on the feature and in the next step, choose the option Customise Controls. After that is done, simply add the screen recorder option. That is it, you are all done. The feature is now going to take care of the rest.
5.Using QuickTime (Only if you are a Mac user)
Another way to take a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person in question knowing anything about it is by using QuickTime. However, keep in mind that this method is only for those who use a Mac. Now, let us get into the details of the process.
First of all, you are going to have to connect the iPhone you are using to your Mac. In the next step, open the QuickTime player. Next, head over to File > New Movie Recording. Once you are there, hover over the record option. Now, as the arrow appears on the screen, click on it, and then choose the iPhone as your camera input. At this point, the screen of your iPhone is going to be visible on your Mac screen. Now, all you need to do is record any snaps that you would like to store.
It is entirely possible for you to save the video to the Mac. However, in case you would like to screenshot several different pictures, use Command Shift-4.
6.Using the Google Assistant
Now, the next way to take a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person knowing is using the Google Assistant. So, make use of it as much as you can prior to Snapchat patching it.
All you need to do is open Snapchat. Then go to the snaps that you would like to take a screenshot of. On the next step, call the Google Assistant by holding down the home button or by saying “Ok Google.” Now, ask the Google Assistant to take a screenshot by saying “Take a screenshot.” As an alternative method, you can also type it out. That is it, you are all done.
The process is easy as well as fast. In addition to that, you do not need to install any of the third-party apps either. However, on the downside, you cannot save the photos directly to the gallery. Instead, you can either upload them to Google Photos or share them with someone else.
7.Using the Airplane Mode of the Smartphone
Another way of taking a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person knowing is by using the Airplane mode in your smartphone. All you need to do is open Snapchat and wait to make sure the snap that you would like to take a screenshot of is loaded. However, do not view it at this point. On the next step, turn off the Wi-Fi, cellular data, Bluetooth, or anything else that keeps your mobile connected. Now, turn the Airplane mode on. After that is done, open Snapchat once again. Head over to the snap that you would like to save, take a screenshot, and that is it. Now, simply turn on the internet connection after 30 seconds or a full minute and the other person is never going to know what you did.
8.Using Third-party Apps
Now, another great way to take a screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing is using the third-party apps. These apps work in a way that is quite similar to those apps you use for saving a WhatsApp status. These apps can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or simply Play Store in case you use an iPhone.
Two of the most widely loved apps for this purpose are SnapSaver for Android and Sneakaboo for iOS. With the help of these apps, you can take a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person ever knowing.
For using this app, you are going to have to download it from the Google Play Store and then install it. Once that is done, open the app. In the next step, choose the option you want to from the given ones (which are Screenshot, Burst Screenshot, Screen Recording, and Integrated). After that is done, head over to Snapchat.
Simply open the snap that you would like to save. Once you are there, tap on the SnapSaver camera icon that you are going to find on your mobile screen. That is it, the app will take care of the rest and capture a screenshot. The other person is, of course, not going to know anything about it.
This app is designed only for iOS users. Similar to SnapSaver, you are going to have to install it first. Then, login into it by using the credentials of Snapchat. Now, each one of the new Snapchat stories is going to appear here on the app. All you need to do to save them is capturing the screenshot when these stories play. This way you are going to get the image or video and the other person would not know anything about it.
Also Read: Take Scrolling Screenshots In Windows 10
11.Using the Mirror feature on Android
Last but not the least, the final way of taking a screenshot on Snapchat without others knowing that I am going to talk to you about is using the mirror feature on Android. The feature – known as the screen mirroring feature – enables the users to cast the device on any other external device such as a smart TV. You can access the feature by going to the settings of the smartphone you are using.
Now, after you have done the step, all you will need to do is open up Snapchat on your phone. Once that is done, simply use another device for recording whatever photo or video that you do want to record. In addition to that, after you have made a few edits, you are going to get the desired result and the other person would not even know it at all.
12.Word of Caution
Now that we have discussed all the methods of taking a screenshot on Snapchat without the other person knowing, let us get one thing very clear. I do not – in any form whatsoever – endorse using these methods for any malicious intent. Only try them in case they are for saving and cherishing a memory later or just for fun. Keep in mind, however, that it is always your responsibility not to cross the line as well as respecting the privacy of the other person
So, guys, we have come towards the end of this article. It is now time to wrap it up. I sincerely hope the article has provided you with the much-needed value that you have been craving for all this while, and that it was well worth of your time as well as attention. Now that you have the necessary knowledge, make sure to put it to the best possible use you can think of. In case you have a specific question in mind, or if you think I have missed any particular point, or in case you would like me to talk about something else entirely, please do let me know. I would love to oblige to your requests as well as answering your questions.