如果您的计算机不断崩溃并且您想知道为什么会发生这种情况,那么您来对地方了!我们为您带来了一个完美的指南,将帮助您修复Windows 10上的计算机不断崩溃的问题。本指南不仅可以帮助您了解崩溃的原因,还可以讨论如何修复计算机崩溃的各种方法。阅读(Read)到最后以了解更多信息!
修复(Fix )Windows 10计算机不断崩溃
(Computer Keeps Crashing
为什么我的电脑老是死机?(Why Does My Computer Keep Crashing?)
损坏的注册表文件:(Corrupt Registry Files: )当注册表文件放错地方、损坏或丢失时,这种干扰会导致计算机崩溃。
文件组织不当:(Improper File Organization: )这些文件的混乱导致计算机不断崩溃的问题。
内存空间不足:(Inadequate Memory Space: ) Windows PC 内存空间不足也会导致计算机崩溃。因此(Therefore),删除不必要的文件,如临时 Internet 文件,并缓存文件以释放磁盘空间。此外,您可以使用 PC 清理应用程序。
PC过热:(Overheating of PC: )有时,CPU风扇可能无法根据系统使用情况工作,您的设备可能会过热。
恶意软件:(Malicious Software: )恶意软件旨在破坏您的系统、窃取私人数据和/或监视您。
注意:(Note:) 请勿(DO NOT )打开可疑电子邮件或单击未经验证的链接,因为恶意代码会侵入您的系统。
方法 1:重启你的电脑
(Method 1: Restart Your PC
1. 按Windows 键(key)并单击电源图标。(Power icon.)
2. 在这里,单击Restart,如突出显示的那样。
方法2:启动进入安全模式(Method 2: Boot into Safe Mode)
您可以通过在安全模式下(Safe Mode)启动 Windows 10 PC并卸载似乎有问题的应用程序或程序来修复计算机不断崩溃的问题。此外,您可以在此处从我们的教程中了解何时以及如何使用安全模式(When & How to Use Safe Mode from our tutorial here)。
1.按住Shift 键(Shift key)的同时单击Windows icon > 电源图标(Power icon) > Restart 。
2. 在这里,点击疑难解答(Troubleshoot)。
3. 现在,选择高级选项(Advanced options ),然后选择启动设置。(Startup Settings.)
4. 单击重新启动(Restart )并等待启动设置(Startup Settings )屏幕出现。
5. 按(数字)4 键((number) 4 key)进入安全模式(Safe Mode)。
注意:(Note:)要启用具有网络访问权限的安全模式,请点击(Mode)数字 5(number 5)。
6. 搜索添加或删除程序(Add or remove programs)并单击打开(Open)以启动它。
7. 选择第三方程序或最近安装的可能有麻烦或恶意的应用程序,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)。例如,我们已经解释了名为AnyDesk的应用程序的步骤。
9. 最后,按照Windows 10 中退出安全模式的 2 种方法退出安全模式(2 Ways to Exit Safe Mode in Windows 10)。
方法 3:更新驱动程序
(Method 3: Update Drivers
要解决Windows PC 中计算机不断崩溃的问题,请尝试更新系统驱动程序,如下所示:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)并键入设备管理器(device manager)。然后,单击设备管理器(Device Manager)以启动它,如图所示。
2. 双击您要更新其驱动程序的设备类型(device type)(例如显示适配器)。(Display adapters)
3. 现在,右键单击驱动程序(driver )(例如NVIDIA GeForce 940MX)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver),如图所示。
4. 在这里,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers )以自动下载并安装最新的驱动程序。
5. 对音频、网络和其他设备驱动程序(Audio, Network & other Device Drivers)执行相同操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是设备驱动程序?它是如何工作的?(What is a Device Driver? How Does It Work?)
方法 4:重新安装驱动程序(Method 4: Reinstall Drivers)
1.按照方法 3(Method 3)中的说明进入设备管理器(Device Manager) > Display adapters 。
2. 右键单击驱动程序(driver )(例如NVIDIA GeForce 940MX)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device),如图所示。
3. 选中删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)选项,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)确认。
5. 下载完成后,运行下载的安装文件(downloaded setup file)并按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)进行安装。
注意:(Note:)在您的设备上安装显卡驱动程序时,您的 PC 可能会重新启动几次。
6. 对音频(Audio)、网络(Network) 和其他设备驱动程序(& other Device drivers)也执行相同操作。
方法 5:运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(Method 5: Run SFC & DISM Scan)
注册表文件是小文件的几个组成部分的集合,有助于加快Windows操作系统的整体性能和操作。如前所述,这些文件的任何问题都会导致计算机崩溃。但是,可以通过运行系统文件检查器(System File Checker)扫描和部署映像服务(Deployment Image Servicing)和管理(Management)扫描来简单地修复它,这将自动扫描和修复此类问题。
注意:(Note:)在运行扫描之前,按照方法 2(Method 2)中的说明以安全模式(Safe mode)引导系统。
1.通过搜索cmd并单击Run as administrator 以管理员身份启动(Run as administrator)命令提示符(Command Prompt ),如图突出显示。
2.输入sfc /scannow并按Enter 键(Enter)。
3. 等待Verification 100 % completed 语句出现。
4. 现在,如图所示键入Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth并按Enter键。
5. 然后,键入下面给出的命令并按Enter:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
注意:(Note:) ScanHealth命令执行更高级的扫描并确定Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)映像是否有任何问题。
6. 最后,执行DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth 命令修复损坏的文件。
7. 完成后,重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Windows 10 中的 DISM 错误 87(Fix DISM Error 87 in Windows 10)
方法 6:运行防病毒扫描(Method 6: Run Antivirus Scan)
如果您的系统有任何恶意软件,则更有可能经常崩溃。有几种类型的恶意软件,如病毒、蠕虫、错误、机器人、间谍软件、特洛伊木马(Trojan)、广告软件和 rootkit。您可以通过观察以下迹象来确定您的系统是否受到威胁:
- 您会经常收到不受欢迎的广告,其中包含(unwanted ads containing links)将您重定向到恶意网站的链接。
- 每当您通过互联网冲浪时,您的浏览器都会反复重定向。(browser is redirected)
- 您将收到来自未知应用程序的未经验证的警告。(unverified warnings)
- 您可能会在您的社交媒体帐户上看到奇怪的帖子(strange posts over your social media accounts)。
- 您可能会收到来自未知用户的赎金要求(ransom demands),以取回从您的设备中被盗的私人照片和视频。
- 如果您的管理员权限被禁用,并且您收到提示“此功能已被管理员禁用”(This feature has been disabled by your administrator),这意味着您的系统正被其他用户或可能是黑客控制。
1.通过同时按下Windows + I键(keys)导航到 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,点击更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 现在,单击左窗格中的Windows 安全性。(Windows Security )
4. 接下来,选择保护区域下的(Protection areas)病毒和威胁保护(Virus & threat protection )选项。
5A。所有的威胁都将在这里列出。单击(Click)当前威胁(Current threats)下的开始操作(Start Actions )以针对这些威胁采取措施。
5B。如果您的系统中没有任何威胁,系统将显示无需操作(No actions needed )警报,如下所示。在这种情况下,最好按照步骤 6(Step 6)中的说明运行全面扫描。
6. 在病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection)下,单击扫描选项(Scan options)。然后,选择完全扫描(Full scan)并单击立即扫描(Scan now),如下图所示。
7. 重复步骤 5A(Step 5A)以消除威胁(如果发现)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 随机崩溃(Fix Windows 10 Crashing Randomly)
方法 7:清洁计算机硬件并确保适当通风(Method 7: Clean Computer Hardware & Ensure Proper Ventilation)
让系统休息(Let the System Rest):在这种情况下,建议您让系统休息。然后,一段时间后继续你的工作。
确保适当的通风(Ensure Proper Ventilation):避免用布或封闭的表面阻塞空气流通。相反,请将您的系统放在开放的平面上以确保适当的通风。
确保风扇正在运行(Ensure Fans are Running):检查风扇是否处于运行状态,没有任何缺陷。如果它们有故障,请更换或修理它们。
清洁您的计算机机箱(Clean the Case of your Computer):定期在内部和外部清洁您的系统是一个很好的做法。例如,使用鼓风机清理风扇气流腔内积聚的灰尘。
专业提示:(Pro Tip:)还建议您每月运行磁盘碎片整理实用程序以避免此类问题。(Disk Defragmentation Utility)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复(fix computer keeps crashing)Windows PC 中的计算机不断崩溃的问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您仍有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
7 Ways to Fix Computer Keeps Crashing
If yoυr computer keeрs crashing and you want tо know why this happens, then you are at the right place! We bring to you a perfect gυіde that will help you fix computer keeps crashing problem on Windows 10. This guide will not only help you understand the causes of the crash but alѕo, discuss vаrious methods on how to fix a computer crash. Read till the end to know more!
Fix Windows 10 Computer Keeps Crashing
Why Does My Computer Keep Crashing?
There can be several reasons behind a computer crash; a few significant ones being:
Corrupt Registry Files: When the registry files get misplaced, corrupt, or lost, then this disturbance causes a computer crash.
Improper File Organization: Disorganization of these files leads to computer keeps crashing issue.
Inadequate Memory Space: Lack of memory space in your Windows PC also crashes the computer. Therefore, remove unnecessary files like temporary internet files, and cache files to free up disk space. In addition, you can use a PC cleanup app.
Overheating of PC: Sometimes, the CPU fan might not work according to system usage and your device may get overheated.
Malicious Software: Malicious software intends to damage your system, steal private data, and/or spy on you.
Note: DO NOT open suspicious emails or click on unverified links as malicious codes will intrude into your system.
Method 1: Restart Your PC
In most cases, a simple restart will fix the problem.
1. Press the Windows key and click on Power icon.
2. Here, click on Restart, as highlighted.
Method 2: Boot into Safe Mode
You can fix computer keeps crashing issue by booting your Windows 10 PC in Safe Mode and uninstalling applications or programs that seem problematic. Additionally, you can learn When & How to Use Safe Mode from our tutorial here.
1. Click Windows icon > Power icon > Restart while holding the Shift key.
2. Here, click on Troubleshoot.
3. Now, select Advanced options followed by Startup Settings.
4. Click on Restart and wait for the Startup Settings screen to appear.
5. Press the (number) 4 key to enter Safe Mode.
Note: To enable Safe Mode with network access, hit number 5.
6. Search for Add or remove programs and click on Open to launch it.
7. Select a third-party program or recently installed app that may be troublesome or malicious and click on Uninstall. For example, we have explained the step for an app named AnyDesk.
8. Click on Uninstall in the pop-up prompt too.
9. Lastly, exit Safe Mode as per 2 Ways to Exit Safe Mode in Windows 10.
Method 3: Update Drivers
To resolve the computer keeps crashing issue in your Windows PC, try updating your system drivers, as follows:
1. Press the Windows key and type device manager. Then, click on Device Manager to launch it, as shown.
2. Double-click on the device type (e.g. Display adapters) whose driver you want to update.
3. Now, right-click on the driver (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce 940MX) and select Update driver, as depicted.
4. Here, click on Search automatically for drivers to download and install the latest driver automatically.
5. Do the same for Audio, Network & other Device Drivers.
Also Read: What is a Device Driver? How Does It Work?
Method 4: Reinstall Drivers
If updating drivers does not help, try reinstalling drivers to fix computer keeps crashing issue. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. Go to Device Manager > Display adapters as instructed in Method 3.
2. Right-click on the driver (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce 940MX) and select Uninstall device, as shown.
3. Check the Delete the driver software for this device option and click Uninstall to confirm.
4. After uninstalling, visit the official driver website i.e. NVIDIA and download the latest version of the video card driver, as illustrated below.
5. After the download is complete, run the downloaded setup file and follow the on-screen instructions to install it.
Note: While installing video card driver on your device, your PC may reboot several times.
6. Do the same for Audio, Network & other Device drivers as well.
Method 5: Run SFC & DISM Scan
Registry files are collections of several integral components of small files that help to speed up the overall performance and operation of Windows operating system. As discussed earlier, any problem with these files causes the computer to crash. However, it can be fixed simply, by running a System File Checker scan and Deployment Image Servicing & Management scan which will automatically, scan and repair such issues.
Note: Boot your system in Safe mode as instructed in Method 2 before running the scan.
1. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator by searching for cmd and clicking on Run as administrator, as shown highlighted.
2. Type sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
3. Wait for the Verification 100 % completed statement to appear.
4. Now, type Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth as shown and press Enter key.
5. Then, type the command given below and hit Enter:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Note: ScanHealth command performs a more advanced scan and determines if the Windows OS image has any problems.
6. Lastly, execute DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth command to repair corrupt files.
7. Once done, restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix DISM Error 87 in Windows 10
Method 6: Run Antivirus Scan
If your system has any malicious software, it is more likely to crash frequently. There are several types of malicious software like viruses, worms, bugs, bots, spyware, Trojan horses, adware, and rootkits. You can identify if your system is under threat by observing these signs:
- You will receive frequent unwanted ads containing links that redirect you to malicious websites.
- Whenever you surf through the internet, your browser is redirected repeatedly.
- You will receive unverified warnings from unknown applications.
- You may come across strange posts over your social media accounts.
- You may receive ransom demands from an unknown user to get back your private photos and videos stolen from your device.
- If your admin rights are disabled and you receive a prompt stating This feature has been disabled by your administrator, it means that your system is being controlled by another user or possibly, a hacker.
Anti-malware programs routinely scan and safeguard your system. Therefore, to fix computer keeps crashing issue, run an antivirus scan using in-built Windows security feature:
1. Navigate to Windows Settings by pressing Windows + I keys together.
2. Here, click on Update & Security, as shown.
3. Now, click on Windows Security in the left pane.
4. Next, select the Virus & threat protection option under Protection areas.
5A. All the threats will be enlisted here. Click on Start Actions under Current threats to take action against these threats.
5B. If you do not have any threats in your system, the system will show the No actions needed alert, as highlighted below. In this case, it is better to run a comprehensive scan as explained in Step 6.
6. Under Virus & threat protection, click on Scan options. Then, select Full scan and click on Scan now, as illustrated below.
7. Repeat Step 5A to get rid of threats, if any are found.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Crashing Randomly
Method 7: Clean Computer Hardware & Ensure Proper Ventilation
There might be also be hardware-related problems such as overheating and accumulation of dust. Usually, your computer uses fans to cool down the system when it is heated or overloaded. But, if the fan does not work well or has worn down, consider buying a new fan to replace the existing one.
Let the System Rest: In this case, you are advised to leave your system to rest. Then, continue your work after a while.
Ensure Proper Ventilation: Avoid blocking the air circulation with a cloth or a closed surface. Instead, place your system on an open flat surface to ensure proper ventilation.
Ensure Fans are Running: Check if the fans are in running condition without any flaws. If they are faulty, get them replaced or repaired.
Clean the Case of your Computer: It is a good practice to clean your system both, internally and externally on a routine basis. For example, use blowers to clean the dust accumulated in the airflow chamber of the fan.
Pro Tip: You are also suggested to run the Disk Defragmentation Utility every month to avoid such issues.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix computer keeps crashing issue in your Windows PC. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you still have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.