您是否面临 Android Wi-Fi 连接问题?这似乎是世界末日?别担心,在本指南中,我们将讨论各种提示和技巧,它们可以帮助您解决 Android 设备上的 Wi-Fi 连接问题。(Are you facing Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems? Does it seem like the end of the world? Don’t worry in this guide we will talk about various tips & tricks which can help you resolve the Wi-Fi connectivity issue on Android devices.)
Wi-Fi连接(Connection)造成问题可能真的是灾难性的。这些看不见的无线电波已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,甚至跟随我们到办公室、学校和家中。看起来“Wi-Fi 在空中”比LOVE(或者,它可能是冠状病毒(Coronavirus))更重要。智能手机可能非常脆弱,在WiFi 硬件(WiFi Hardware)的情况下不能依赖。特别是,如果我们谈论Android 10,用户会面临很多关于 Wi-Fi 连接的问题。
修复 Android(Fix Androi)的 Wi-Fi 连接问题(d Wi-Fi Connection Problems)
方法一:忘记网络,重新连接(Method 1: Forget the Network and try connecting again)
如果您无法连接到手机上的WiFi网络,那么忘记该网络并重新连接会有所帮助。这种问题是在与IP有冲突(conflict with the IP)时引起的。除此之外,尝试重新启动您的设备和路由器。这肯定会解决你的问题。
1.从快速访问(Quick Access)栏打开您的 Wi-Fi。(Turn ON)
2. 现在,转到设置(Settings )并点击Wi-Fi设置。
3. 导航到Wi-Fi,然后单击有问题的SSID。
4. 单击忘记网络(Forget Network)并重新启动(Restart)您的设备。
5. 再次尝试连接到SSID并输入您的密码。
方法二:关闭省电模式(Method 2: Switch Off the Power Saving Mode)
顾名思义,省电模式通过关闭蓝牙(Bluetooth)、Wi-Fi、NFC等来降低电池消耗,从而最大限度地降低功耗。现在,当您看到省电模式打开时,无法访问Wi-Fi ,因此如果您遇到(Wi-Fi)Android Wi-Fi连接问题,您需要确保禁用省电模式。
1. 转到设置(Settings),然后点击“电池和性能(Battery & Performance)”。
2. 关闭Battery Saver旁边的开关。
3. 或者您可以在快速访问栏中找到(Quick Access Bar)省电模式(Power Saving Mode)图标并将其关闭。(Off.)
方法3:重启路由器(Method 3: Restart your Router)
此外,不要使用 WPA + WPA2 安全性(WPA2 security),而是坚持使用WPA安全性。同样,您也可以尝试完全禁用您的SSID的密码来试一试。但出于安全原因,不建议在没有密码的情况下使用路由器。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 和 iOS 上查找您的电话号码(How to Find Your Phone Number On Android & iOS)
方法四:暂时禁用蓝牙(Method 4: Disable Bluetooth Temporarily)
导航您的快速访问栏并关闭蓝牙。 (turn OFF Bluetooth. )这种奇怪的黑客可以创造奇迹。
方法 5:确保您的 Wi-Fi 密码正确(Method 5: Make sure your Wi-Fi Password is Correct)
如果您遇到Android WiFi 连接问题(Android WiFi Connection Problems),那么您应该做的第一件事是检查您是否使用正确的密码连接到WiFi。密码是Wi-Fi迫在眉睫的功能,因为它是保护您的WiFi免受未经授权访问的唯一方法。
如果您不小心使用了错误的密码,您将无法连接到Wi-Fi。因此,首先,您需要使用上述方法忘记您的WiFi网络,然后使用正确的密码再次连接。您应该做的另一件事是避免可能导致使用错误密码的错误。尝试按顺序使用适当大小写的数字和字母。此外,在连接到WiFi时,请确保您正确输入了数字或字母,以及Caps lock 是 On 还是Off。
方法6:禁用飞行模式(Method 6: Disable Airplane Mode)
这个简单的修复对许多用户都有效,所以不要浪费任何时间,让我们看看如何禁用Android 设备上的飞行模式:(Airplane)
1. 拉下您的快速访问栏(Access Bar)并点击飞行模式(Airplane Mode )以启用它。
2. 开启飞行(Airplane)模式后,会断开您的移动(Mobile)网络、Wi-Fi连接(Connections)、蓝牙(Bluetooth)等。
方法 7:将网络设置重置为默认值(Method 7: Reset Network Settings to Default)
如果上述所有方法都无法帮助您解决Android WiFi连接问题,那么可能会将网络设置(Network Settings)重置为默认值。但请记住,将网络设置重置为默认设置会删除您保存的所有WiFi网络(SSID)、密码、配对设备等。这会将网络设置重置为出厂默认设置。
请按照以下步骤将您的网络(Network) 设置(Settings)重置为默认值:
1.在您的 Android 设备上打开设置。(Settings)
2. 现在点击搜索栏并输入重置。(Reset.)
3. 从搜索结果中点击重置 Wi-Fi、手机和蓝牙。(Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth.)
4.接下来,点击底部的“重置设置”。(Reset settings)
方法八:从5GHz切换到2.4GHz频率(Method 8: Switch to 2.4GHz frequency from 5GHz)
最新版本的Android 操作系统(Android OS)中的一个错误似乎会导致与Wi-Fi连接发生冲突,直到用户将路由器切换到 2.4GHz 频率而不是 5GHz 频率之前,他们将无法解决该问题。
此外,请确保在连接时连接到正确的SSID,因为有时其他 Wi-Fi 网络可能与您的 Wi-Fi 连接同名。有时人们只是对具有相同名称的几个网络感到困惑。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复手机在 Android 上无法接收短信(Fix Phone Not Receiving Texts on Android)
方法九:关闭智能网络开关(Method 9: Turn Off Smart Network Switch)
当Wi-Fi信号较弱或当前Wi-Fi连接出现问题时,智能网络切换(Smart Network Switch)功能将使手机自动切换到移动数据而不是Wi-Fi网络。虽然这对您来说很容易,但如果您不想使用您的移动数据,那么您需要关闭智能网络开关(Smart Network Switch)功能。
关闭智能网络交换机功能的步骤如下:(Steps to turn off the Smart Network Switch feature are:)
1. 进入快速访问栏(Quick Access Bar),长按Wi-Fi图标。
2. 在 Wi-Fi 下,点击 其他设置(Additional settings)。
3. 在这里,您会找到智能网络交换机(Smart Network Switch),或者在这种情况下,是Wi-Fi 助手。(Wi-Fi assistant.)
4. 确保关闭Wi-Fi 助手或智能网络开关旁边的切换开关。(Wi-Fi assistant or Smart Network Switch.)
5. 完成后,您就可以开始了!
方法10:更新安卓操作系统(Method 10: Update Android OS)
如果您的操作系统不是最新的,则可能是Android WiFi 连接问题(Android WiFi Connection Problems)的原因。如果及时更新,您的手机将正常工作。有时错误可能会导致与Wi-Fi发生冲突,为了解决此问题,您需要检查Android手机上的最新更新。
有时,您的手机已连接到Wi-Fi,但仍显示“无互联网”标志。这是安卓(Android) 用户(users)非常普遍的问题。由于软件中报告的错误,您的Wi-Fi可能无法正常工作。(Wi-Fi)当此错误引起公司的注意时,它会发布更新以修复潜在问题。所以更新设备对大多数用户(users)来说都是奇迹,你为什么不试试呢?
1. 打开手机上的设置(Settings),然后点击关于设备(About Device)。
2. 点击关于手机下的系统更新。(System Update)
3. 接下来,点击“检查更新”(Check for Updates’)或“下载更新”(Download Updates’ )选项。
4. 下载更新时,请确保您已使用其他 Wi-Fi 网络或移动数据连接到(Mobile Data)Internet。
5. 等待安装完成并重新启动您的设备。
方法 11:在睡眠期间保持 Wi-Fi 开启(Method 11: Keep Wi-Fi On During Sleep)
1. 下拉快速访问栏(Quick Access Bar)并点击设置(Settings)图标。
2. 在设置下点击Wi-Fi选项。
3. 在最右上角,您会看到三个点(three-dots)或“更多”(ore’)选项,它可能因手机而异。
4. 现在点击菜单中的“高级”(‘Advanced’)。
5.接下来,向下滚动到高级设置(Advanced Settings),您将找到“在睡眠期间保持 Wi-Fi 开启”( Wi-Fi on During Sleep’)选项。
6. 您将找到三个选项Always、Only when(Always, Only when plugged) plugged和(in,)Never。
7. 从选项列表中选择始终( Always)并重新启动您的手机。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 使用 Android 手机从 PC 发送短信(Send Text Messages from PC using an Android phone)
方法 12:第三方应用程序导致中断(Method 12: Third-Party App causing Interruption)
有时第三方应用程序可能会导致与Wi-Fi连接发生冲突。为了解决Wi-Fi连接问题,您可以卸载最近安装的应用程序或任何不需要的第三方应用程序。但在你卸载手机上的每个第三方应用程序之前,你需要验证这个问题是否真的是由第三方应用程序引起的。最好的方法是在安全模式下(Safe Mode)启动手机,看看问题是否解决。如果问题得到解决,则问题是由第三方应用程序引起的,您可以对其进行故障排除。如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
要以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动手机,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 按住 Android 的电源按钮(Power button)。
2. 接下来,点击并按住关机。 (Power Off. )
3.将弹出一个屏幕询问您是否要重新启动到安全模式,点击确定。(reboot to safe mode)
4. 您的手机现在将启动进入安全模式(Safe Mode)。
5. 您应该会在主屏幕的左下角看到“安全模式”字样。(Safe Mode’)
方法 13:检查手机上的日期和时间(Method 13: Check Date & Time on your Phone)
1. 打开手机上的设置(Settings)并从顶部搜索栏中搜索“日期和时间” 。(Date & Time’ )
2. 从搜索结果中点击日期和时间。 (Date & time. )
3. 现在打开(turn ON)自动日期和时间和自动时区(Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone.)旁边的开关。
4. 如果已启用,则将其关闭并再次打开。
5. 您必须重新启动(reboot)手机才能保存更改。
方法 14:将您的设备重置为出厂设置(Method 14: Reset your Device to Factory Settings)
此步骤只能作为解决Android Wi-Fi连接问题的最后手段。虽然我们最后讨论了这种方法,但它是最有效的方法之一。但请记住,如果您将设备重置为出厂设置,您将丢失手机上的所有数据。因此,在继续之前,建议您创建设备的备份。
1. 将您的数据从内部存储备份到外部存储,如 PC 或外部驱动器。您可以将照片同步到谷歌(Google)照片或小米云(Mi Cloud)。
2. 打开设置,然后点击 关于手机(About Phone ),然后点击备份和重置。 (Backup & reset. )
3. 在重置下,您将找到“擦除所有数据(恢复出厂设置)(Erase all data (factory reset)) ”选项。
4.接下来,点击底部的“重置手机”。(Reset phone)
5. 按照屏幕上的说明将您的设备重置为出厂默认设置。
推荐:(Recommended: )如何删除 Android 设备上的浏览历史记录(How to Delete Browsing History on Android Device)
我希望上述步骤能够修复 Android Wi-Fi 连接问题(Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems),并且您能够解决有关 Wi-Fi 连接问题的任何问题。让我们知道您对我们的提示和技巧的看法。现在,你走吧!
Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems
Are you facing Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems? Does it seem like the end of the world? Don’t worry in this guide we will talk about various tips & tricks which can help you resolve the Wi-Fi connectivity issue on Android devices.
Wi-Fi Connection creating a problem can really be disastrous. These invisible radio waves have become an integral part of our lives and even follow us to our offices, schools, and homes. It seems like “Wi-Fi is in the air” more than LOVE (Or, it’s probably Coronavirus). Smartphones can be really fragile and cannot be relied upon in case of a WiFi Hardware. Especially, if we talk about Android 10, users are facing a lot of issues regarding the Wi-Fi connection.
The problem can be either with passwords or even disruptive distribution of radio waves. Along with that, the software and firmware updates can have a glitch and be the cause of the problem. At times, even if the Wi-Fi is connected to the phone, it cannot load the web pages and sites which can be quite annoying, to be honest.
Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems
But hey, we’re in this together. We have listed down a few amazing hacks than can solve these Wi-Fi issues, just like that.
Method 1: Forget the Network and try connecting again
If you’re not able to connect to the WiFi network on your phone then forgetting that network and connecting again can help. This kind of problem is caused when there is a conflict with the IP. Along with that, try to reboot your device and router. This will definitely solve your problem.
Here are a few steps to forget and reconnect to your Wireless Network:
1. Turn ON your Wi-Fi from the Quick Access bar.
2. Now, go to Settings and tap on Wi-Fi Settings.
3. Navigate to Wi-Fi, and then click on the SSID with an issue.
4. Click on Forget Network and Restart your device.
5. Try connecting to the SSID again and enter your password.
Method 2: Switch Off the Power Saving Mode
Just as the name suggests, power-saving mode reduces battery consumption by turning off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, etc to minimize power consumption. Now as you see when the power saving mode is ON, the Wi-Fi is not accessible, so you need to make sure power saving mode is disabled if you’re facing the Android Wi-Fi connection problems.
Steps to Turn Off Power Saving Mode:
1. Go to Settings and then tap on ‘Battery & Performance’.
2. Turn off the toggle next to Battery Saver.
3. Or you can locate the Power Saving Mode icon in your Quick Access Bar and turn it Off.
Method 3: Restart your Router
If you’re not able to connect your device to the router then, in that case, it is advisable to restart your router. And once the router restart, only connect your device instead of all the other devices. Restarting the modem seems to fix various issues with Wi-Fi connection on Android phones but if this step didn’t help then move to the next method.
Also, instead of using WPA + WPA2 security, just stick with WPA security. Similarly, you can also try to disable the passwords entirely for your SSID just to give it a try. But it is not recommended to use your router without a password because of security reasons.
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Method 4: Disable Bluetooth Temporarily
This might sound a little off but trust me this method does work. Sometimes, certain bugs on Android can conflict with Wi-Fi causing the connection problem. Now to verify this is not the case here, simply disable the Bluetooth and try connecting your network. If your device supports NFC, then it is recommended to disable it too.
Navigate your Quick Access Bar and turn OFF Bluetooth. This weird hack can work wonders.
Method 5: Make sure your Wi-Fi Password is Correct
If you’re facing Android WiFi Connection Problems then the first thing you should do is check if you’re using the correct password to connect to the WiFi. Passwords are imminent features of Wi-Fi because it’s the only way you can secure your WiFi from unauthorized access.
And if you are accidentally using the wrong password then you won’t be able to connect to Wi-Fi. So first, you need to forget your WiFi network using the above method and then again connect using the correct password. One more thing that you should do is to avoid mistakes that can lead to using incorrect passwords. Try to use numbers and alphabets in sequence with proper capitalization. Also, while connecting to the WiFi make sure you are entering the numbers or letters correctly and whether the Caps lock is On or Off.
Method 6: Disable Airplane Mode
This simple fix has worked for many users, so without wasting any time let’s see how to disable the Airplane mode on your Android device:
1. Bring down your Quick Access Bar and tap on Airplane Mode to enable it.
2. Once you enable the Airplane mode, it will disconnect your Mobile network, Wi-Fi Connections, Bluetooth, etc.
3. Wait for few seconds then again tap on it to turn off the Airplane mode. This may be able to resolve WiFi connection problems you are facing.
Method 7: Reset Network Settings to Default
If all the above methods were not able to help you in fixing Android WiFi connection problems then probably resetting the Network Settings to default will. But remember that resetting network settings to default will delete all your saved WiFi networks (SSID’s), passwords, paired devices, etc. This will reset the network settings to factory default.
Follow the steps below to reset your Network Settings to Default:
1. Open Settings on your Android Device.
2. Now tap on the search bar and type Reset.
3. From the search result click on Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth.
4. Next, click on the “Reset settings” at the bottom.
Your network settings will now be set to Default.
Method 8: Switch to 2.4GHz frequency from 5GHz
A bug in the latest version of Android OS seems to cause conflict with Wi-Fi connections and until the users switch to their router to 2.4GHz frequency instead of the 5GHz, they won’t be able to resolve the issue.
Also, make sure to connect to correct SSID while connecting as sometimes other Wi-Fi networks can have the same name as your Wi-Fi connection. Sometimes people simply get confused between several networks having the same names.
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Method 9: Turn Off Smart Network Switch
When the Wi-Fi signal is weak or if there are some issues with the current Wi-Fi connection then the Smart Network Switch feature will enable the phone to automatically switch to the mobile data instead of the Wi-Fi network. While this makes things easy for you, but if you don’t want to utilize your mobile data then you need to turn off the Smart Network Switch feature.
Steps to turn off the Smart Network Switch feature are:
1. Go to the Quick Access Bar and long press on the Wi-Fi icon.
2. Under Wi-Fi, tap on Additional settings.
3. Here, you will find Smart Network Switch or in this case, a Wi-Fi assistant.
4. Make sure to turn off the toggle next to the Wi-Fi assistant or Smart Network Switch.
5. Once done, you are good to go!
Method 10: Update Android OS
If your operating system is not up to date then it might the cause of the Android WiFi Connection Problems. Your phone will work properly if it is updated in a timely manner. Sometimes a bug can cause conflict with the Wi-Fi and in order to fix the issue, you need to check for the latest update on your Android phone.
At times, your phone is connected to the Wi-Fi but still shows the ‘No Internet’ sign. This is a very common problem among Android users. There is a possibility that your Wi-Fi is not working because of a reported bug in the software. When this bug catches the eye of the company, it releases an update to fix the underlying problem. So updating the device has worked wonders for most users, why don’t you give it a try?
To check whether your phone has the updated version of the software, follow these steps:
1. Open Settings on your phone and then tap on About Device.
2. Tap on System Update under About phone.
3. Next, tap on ‘Check for Updates’ or ‘Download Updates’ option.
4. When the updates are being downloaded make sure you are connected to the Internet either using some other Wi-Fi network or Mobile Data.
5. Wait for the installation to complete and restart your device.
Method 11: Keep Wi-Fi On During Sleep
If your Wi-Fi is still causing a problem, the next best thing you can do is, navigate to your Wi-Fi settings and disable the ‘keep Wi-Fi ON during sleep’ option.
1. Pull down the Quick Access Bar and tap on the Settings icon.
2. Under Settings tap on the Wi-Fi option.
3. On the extreme top right you will see three-dots or ‘More’ option, it may differ from phone to phone.
4. Now tap on the ‘Advanced’ from the menu.
5. Next, scroll down to the Advanced Settings and you will find the ‘keep Wi-Fi on During Sleep’ option.
6. You will find the three options Always, Only when plugged in, and Never.
7. Select Always from the list of options and restart your Phone.
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Method 12: Third-Party App causing Interruption
Sometimes third-party apps can cause a conflict with the Wi-Fi connection. And in order to resolve problems with Wi-Fi connection, you can uninstall recently installed apps or any unwanted third-party apps. But before you go uninstalling every third-party app on your phone, you need to verify if this problem is actually caused by third-party apps. The best way to do so is to boot your phone in Safe Mode and see if the problem resolves. If the problem resolves then the issue is caused by third-party apps and you can troubleshoot it. If not, then continue to the next method.
To boot your phone in Safe Mode, follow the below steps:
1. Press & hold the Power button of your Android.
2. Next, tap and hold Power Off.
3. A screen asking you if you want to reboot to safe mode will pop up, tap on OK.
4. Your phone will now boot into the Safe Mode.
5. You should see the words ‘Safe Mode’ written on your home screen at the extreme bottom left.
Method 13: Check Date & Time on your Phone
Sometimes, the date & time of your phone is incorrect and it doesn’t match with the date & time on the Router which will cause a conflict and you won’t be able to connect to the Wi-Fi. So, you need to make sure your phone’s date and time is correct. You can adjust the date & time of your Phone by following the below steps:
1. Open Settings on your phone and search for ‘Date & Time’ from the top search bar.
2. From the search result tap on Date & time.
3. Now turn ON the toggle next to the Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone.
4. If it is already enabled, then turn it off and again turn it ON.
5. You will have to reboot your phone to save the changes.
Method 14: Reset your Device to Factory Settings
This step should only be used as a last resort in order to fix the Android Wi-Fi connection problems. Although we are discussing this method at last but it is one of the most effective ones. But remember that you will lose all the data on your phone if you reset the device to factory settings. So before moving forward, it is recommended that you create a backup of your device.
If you’ve really made up your mind about this, follow these steps to reset your device to factory settings:
1. Backup your data from the internal storage to external storage such as PC or external drive. You can sync photos to Google photos or Mi Cloud.
2. Open Settings then tap on About Phone then tap on Backup & reset.
3. Under Reset, you will find the ‘Erase all data (factory reset)‘ option.
Note: You can also directly search for Factory reset from the search bar.
4. Next, tap on “Reset phone” at the bottom.
5. Follow on-screen instructions to reset your device to factory default.
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I hope the above steps were able to Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems and you were able to resolve any issues regarding the Wi-Fi connectivity problems. Let us know what you think about our tips and tricks. Now, off you go!