如果您已经是Windows的忠实用户一段时间了,那么您一定对“此(Windows)Windows副本不是正版”错误很熟悉。如果不立即解决它可能会很烦人,因为它会破坏您流畅的Windows操作过程。如果您的操作系统不是正版或产品到期密钥的有效期已过,通常会显示“ Windows不是正版”错误消息。(Windows)本文深入解决了修复(Fix) 此 Windows 副本不是正版错误。(This copy of Windows is not genuine error.)
“此 Windows 副本不是正版”错误的可能原因是什么?(What are the likely causes of the “This copy of Windows is not genuine” error?)
大多数人在安装 build 7600/7601 KB970133更新后都会遇到此错误。这个错误有几个已知的原因。
- 第一个解释是您没有购买Windows,并且很可能运行的是盗版版本。
- 您可能尝试使用已在另一台设备上使用过的密钥。
- 很可能,您使用的是过时版本,并且您的操作系统需要更新。
- 另一个原因可能是病毒或恶意软件破坏了您的原始密钥。
在开始之前,请确保创建一个还原点(create a restore point)以防万一出现问题。
注意:(Note:)以下方法仅供用户在直接从Microsoft或任何第三方授权经销商处购买的Windows上修复错误消息“此(Windows)Windows(Windows Is)不是正版”(Copy)。此方法不会将盗版 Windows 转换为正版,并且您将无法使用以下方法激活盗版 Windows 副本。( This method won’t convert a pirate copy of Windows to a genuine one and you won’t be able to activate pirated Windows copy using the below methods.)
Method 1: Uninstall/Remove the KB971033 update
在自动安装“ Windows 7 KB971033(Windows 7 KB971033) ”更新之前,您的 Windows 可能正在运行而不会出现问题。此更新安装有助于检测您的Windows 操作系统的“ (Windows OS)Windows 激活技术(Windows Activation Technologies)” 。当它发现你正在使用的Windows操作系统(Windows OS)的副本不是正版时,它会在桌面右下角显示消息提示“ Windows 7 build 7601这个Window副本不是正版(Windows 7 build 7601 this copy of Window is not genuine)”。您可以简单地决定卸载该更新并摆脱该问题。
1. 首先,单击开始(Start)按钮并在搜索框中键入控制面板(Control Panel)。
2. 在控制面板下,单击卸载程序。 (Uninstall a program. )
3. 在那里,单击左侧窗格中的查看已安装更新(View installed updates)链接以查看已在您的设备上安装的更新列表。
4. 如果您的列表中有大量程序,您应该使用搜索工具找到KB971033。允许它搜索片刻。
5. 现在右键单击KB971033并选择卸载(Uninstall)。系统将再次提示您选择是( Yes)。
6. 重启电脑保存修改,返回后问题就解决了。
方法二:使用 SLMGR-REARM 命令(Method 2: Use the SLMGR-REARM command)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)并在搜索框中输入CMD 。
2. 第一个输出是命令提示符(Command Prompt)。单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
3.只需(Simply)在命令框中输入以下命令,然后按 Enter(Enter):SLMGR-REARM。
4. 如果您在执行上述命令时遇到任何错误,请尝试以下命令:REARM/SLMGR。
5. 将出现一个弹出窗口,显示“命令已成功完成(Command completed successfully)”,您必须重新启动系统才能保存更改。
6. 如果您没有看到上面的弹出窗口,而是看到一条错误消息“已超出允许的最大重新武装数量(This maximum allowed number of rearms has been exceeded)”,请按照以下步骤操作:
a) 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入regedit并按Enter打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。
b) 导航到以下注册表项:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
c) 选择SoftwareProtectionPlatform,然后在右侧窗格中双击SkipRearm 键。(SkipRearm key.)
d)将值从 0 更改为 1(Change the value from 0 to 1),然后单击确定。
e) 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改。
重新启动后,您将能够再使用slmgr -rearm 命令(slmgr -rearm command)8 次,这将给您另外 240 天的时间来激活Windows。因此,总的来说,您可以使用Windows 1 年,然后才需要激活它。
方法 3:再次注册您的许可证密钥(Method 3: Register your License key again)
1. 从开始菜单中,键入激活 Windows。(Activate Windows.)
2.如果您有密钥,请单击“重新输入您的产品密钥”。(Retype your product key)
3. 现在在上面的框中输入您的许可证密钥(enter your license key),然后单击确定。
4. 几分钟后,您将看到Windows已激活,桌面上不会出现“ Windows not正版消息”。(Windows not genuine message)
1. 按 Windows 键 + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击“ Windows 未激活。立即激活 Windows(Windows isn’t activated. Activate Windows now) ”在底部。
2. 现在单击“激活 Windows(Activate Windows) ”下的激活。
3. 查看您是否能够使用当前安装的产品密钥激活 Windows。
4. 如果不能,您将看到错误“ Windows 无法激活。稍后再试。(Windows can’t activate. Try again later.)“
5. 单击更改产品密钥,然后输入 25 位产品密钥。(Change Product key and then enter 25 digit product key.)
6. 单击激活Windows屏幕上的(Activate Windows)下一步 以激活您的(Next )Windows副本。
这将成功激活您的 Windows 10,但如果您仍然卡住,请尝试下一种方法。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 检查 Windows 10 是否已激活的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Check if Windows 10 is Activated)
方法四:删除命令SLUI.exe(Method 4: Delete the Command SLUI.exe)
如果您仍然遇到此问题,那是因为上述选项对特定消费者无效。不要恐慌; 我们还有另一种方法,无疑可以让您摆脱困境。在这种情况下,您可以尝试以下操作:
1. 首先,在 Windows 搜索(或Windows Explorer )中找到(Windows Explorer)文件资源管理(File Explorer )器。
2. 在地址栏中,单击并粘贴以下地址:C:\Windows\System32
3. 找到一个名为slui.exe的文件。找到它后,将其从系统中删除。
方法五:启动即插即用服务(Method 5: Start Plug & Play Service)
您可以按照以下步骤使用RSOP工具尝试解决 Windows 屏幕上显示的错误:
1. 要打开运行( Run)应用程序,请按键盘上的Windows 键(Windows key )+ R。
2.输入services.msc并按 Enter。
3. 向下滚动并从列表中 找到即插即用服务。(Plug and Play)
4.( Properties)双击即插即用(Plug)打开属性(Play)窗口。
5. 从启动(Startup)类型下拉列表中选择自动(Automatic),然后单击启动(Start)按钮。接下来,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定。
6. 现在,按Window(Window) + R键进入运行(Run)对话框并输入gpupdate/force。
6. 重新启动计算机以保存更改。
方法 6:使用 Microsoft Genuine Advantage 诊断工具(Method 6: Use Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool)
Microsoft Genuine Advance 诊断工具(Microsoft Genuine Advance Diagnostic Tool)收集有关您设备上安装的Microsoft Genuine Advance组件和配置的全面知识。它可以轻松定位和修复错误。运行该工具,将结果复制到剪贴板,然后联系 Microsoft 的正版 Windows(Genuine Windows)技术支持。
下载该工具,运行MGADiag.exe,然后按继续(Continue)查看检查结果。可能会使用很少的重要细节,例如验证状态(Validation Status),它指示产品密钥是合法的还是可疑的商业密钥。
方法 7:关闭更新(Method 7: Turn Off Updates)
随着Windows 10的推出,您将无法像以前在早期版本的Windows中那样使用(Windows)控制面板启用或禁用(Control Panel)Windows更新。这对用户不起作用,因为无论他们喜欢与否,他们都被迫下载和安装Windows 自动(Windows Automatic)更新,但不用担心,因为有一种解决方法可以在 Windows 10 中禁用或关闭 Windows 更新( disable or turn off Windows Update in Windows 10)。
方法 8:确保您的 Windows 软件的副本是正版的(Method 8: Ensure the copy of your Windows software is genuine)
避免(Avoid)从第三方电子商务网站购买Windows操作系统。(Windows)如果您遇到困难并被收取手令费用,请通知卖家。仅当您从Microsoft网站购买了Windows 操作系统时, (Windows OS)Microsoft帮助才会帮助您解决问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在没有任何软件的情况下激活 Windows 10(How to Activate Windows 10 without any Software)
专业提示:切勿使用伪造的第三方应用程序(Pro-tip: Never use bogus third-party apps)
有传言称间谍软件被包含在损坏的Windows 7中。间谍软件(Spyware)会记录您的击键和浏览器历史记录,从而允许攻击者获取您的在线帐户用户名和密码。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何检测我的 Windows 不是正版?(Q1. How can I detect that my Windows is not genuine?)
1. 在任务栏的左下角,单击放大镜符号(Windows 搜索(Windows Search))并输入设置(Settings)。
2. 导航到Update & Security > Activation.
如果您的 Windows 10 安装是正版的,它将显示消息“ Windows 已激活(Windows is activated)”并为您提供产品 ID 。
Q2。“此 Windows 副本不是正版”声明意味着什么?(Q2. What does the statement “This copy of Windows is not genuine” imply?)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复此 Windows 副本不是正版错误(to fix This copy of Windows is not genuine error)。如果您发现自己在此过程中遇到困难,请通过评论与我们联系,我们将为您提供帮助。
Fix This copy of Windows is not genuine Error
Іf you have been a loyal Windows user for some time, then you must be acquainted with the error “This copy of Windows is not genuine.” It can get annoying if іt’s not resolved immediately as it dіsrupts yоur smooth Windows operation process. A “Windоws is not genuine” error messаge usually gets displayed if yоur operating system is not genuine or the validatіon period of your product expiration key has expired. This article goes an in-depth solution to Fix This copy of Windows is not genuine error.
Fix This copy of Windows is not genuine Error
What are the likely causes of the “This copy of Windows is not genuine” error?
The majority of people encounter this error after the installation of the build 7600/7601 KB970133 update. There are several known reasons for this mistake.
- The first explanation is that you did not purchase Windows and are most likely running a pirated version.
- You might have attempted to use a key that has already been used on another device.
- Most probably, you’re using an out-of-date version, and your operating system needs an update.
- Another reason could be that a virus or malware has compromised your original key.
Before starting, make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Note: The below method can only be used by the users to fix the error message “This Copy Of Windows Is Not Genuine” on Windows purchased directly from Microsoft or any third-party authorized re-seller. This method won’t convert a pirate copy of Windows to a genuine one and you won’t be able to activate pirated Windows copy using the below methods.
Method 1: Uninstall/Remove the KB971033 update
Possibly your Windows might be running without giving trouble until the ‘Windows 7 KB971033’ update got installed automatically. This update installs ‘Windows Activation Technologies’ that helps in detecting your Windows OS. The moment it finds the copy of the Windows OS you are using is not genuine, it shows the message on the lower right section of your desktop prompting that “Windows 7 build 7601 this copy of Window is not genuine”. You can simply decide to uninstall that update & get rid of the issue.
1. To begin, click the Start button and type Control Panel in the search box.
2. Under Control Panel, click on Uninstall a program.
3. Once there, click on the View installed updates link in the left pane to view a list of updates that have been installed on your device.
4. If your list has a large number of programs, you should use the search tool to locate KB971033. Allow a few moments for it to search.
5. Now right-click on KB971033 and select Uninstall. You will be prompted to choose Yes once more.
6. Restart your PC to save changes, and when you return, the issue will be resolved.
Method 2: Use the SLMGR-REARM command
1. Press the Windows key and type CMD into the search box.
2. The first output would be a Command Prompt. Click on Run as administrator.
3. Simply type the following commands into the command box and hit Enter: SLMGR-REARM.
4. Try the following command if you encounter any errors when making the commands mentioned above: REARM/SLMGR.
5. A pop-up window will appear showing “Command completed successfully” and you have to restart the system to save changes.
6. If you don’t see the above pop-up instead you face an error message saying “This maximum allowed number of rearms has been exceeded” then follow this:
a) Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Editor.
b) Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
c) Select SoftwareProtectionPlatform then in the right window pane double-click on the SkipRearm key.
d) Change the value from 0 to 1 and then click OK.
e) Reboot your PC to save changes.
After the restart, you will be able to use the slmgr -rearm command another 8 times, which will give you another 240 days to activate the Windows. So in total, you will be able to use Windows for 1 year before you will need to activate it.
Method 3: Register your License key again
Windows updates can revoke your PC’s original license key. It can also occur after a Windows restore or re-installation. You may then re-register the product key:
If you purchased a laptop with an initial authorization, the product key would be stuck to the bottom. After you’ve found it, note it down for safekeeping purposes.
1. From the Start menu, type Activate Windows.
2. Click “Retype your product key” if you have a key.
3. Now enter your license key in the above box and click OK.
4. After a few minutes you will see that the Windows is activated & the “Windows not genuine message” will not be there on the desktop.
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on “Windows isn’t activated. Activate Windows now” at the bottom.
2. Now click Activate under “Activate Windows“.
3. See if you’re able to Activate Windows with the currently installed product key.
4. If you can’t then you will see the error “Windows can’t activate. Try again later.“
5. Click on the Change Product key and then enter 25 digit product key.
6. Click Next on Activate Windows screen in order to activate your copy of Windows.
7. Once Windows is Activated, click Close.
This will successfully Activate your Windows 10 but if you’re still stuck then try the next method.
Also Read: 3 Ways to Check if Windows 10 is Activated
Method 4: Delete the Command SLUI.exe
If you still encounter this issue, it’s because the above options are ineffective for particular consumers. Don’t panic; we have another approach that can undoubtedly bring you out of trouble. In that scenario, you can attempt the following:
1. Firstly, locate File Explorer in the Windows search (or Windows Explorer).
2. In the address bar, click and paste the following address: C:\Windows\System32
3. Locate a file called slui.exe. Once you’ve located it, remove it from your system.
Method 5: Start Plug & Play Service
You may attempt to resolve the error shown on your Windows screen by using the RSOP tool by following the steps below:
1. To open the Run app, press the Windows key + R on the keyboard.
2. Type services.msc and hit Enter.
3. Scroll down and locate Plug and Play service from the list.
4. Double-click on Plug and Play to open the Properties window.
5. From the Startup type drop-down select Automatic then click on the Start button. Next, click on Apply followed by OK.
6. Now, go to the Run dialogue box by pressing the Window+R key and type gpupdate/force.
6. Restart the computer to save changes.
Method 6: Use Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool
The Microsoft Genuine Advance Diagnostic Tool gathers comprehensive knowledge regarding the Microsoft Genuine Advance components and configurations installed on your device. It can locate and fix errors easily. Run the tool, copy the results to your clipboard, and then contact Microsoft’s Genuine Windows technical assistance.
Download the tool, run MGADiag.exe, and then press Continue to see the results of the check. Few important details may be utilized, such as the Validation Status, which indicates whether the product key is legitimate or a suspicious commercial key.
Additionally, you will be informed if the LegitCheckControl.dll file has been modified, indicating that any kind of crack has been found on your Windows installation.
Method 7: Turn Off Updates
With the introduction of Windows 10, you won’t be able to enable or disable Windows updates using Control Panel as you used to be in the earlier version of Windows. This doesn’t work for users as they are forced to download and install the Windows Automatic updates whether they like it or not but don’t worry as there is a workaround for this problem to disable or turn off Windows Update in Windows 10.
Method 8: Ensure the copy of your Windows software is genuine
The most probable cause of the “This copy of Windows is not genuine error” is that you are running a pirated version of Windows. A pirated software may lack the functionality of a legitimate one. Most notably, there are vulnerability flaws that may jeopardize the machine. As a result, ensure that you are using authentic software.
Avoid purchasing Windows operating systems from third-party e-commerce sites. If you face difficulties and are charged for a warrant, notify the seller. Microsoft assistance will assist you in a problem only if you have purchased Windows OS from the Microsoft website.
Also Read: How to Activate Windows 10 without any Software
Pro-tip: Never use bogus third-party apps
You will find a plethora of resources and cracks to resolve the “This Copy Of Windows is not genuine” issue online. However, these tools can do significant harm to your device. Installing some sort of fix, hack, or activator not only does damage to the operating device but also has the potential to mount various forms of malware.
There have been rumors of spyware being contained inside broken Windows 7. Spyware will record your keystrokes and browser history, allowing attackers to obtain your online account usernames and passwords.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How can I detect that my Windows is not genuine?
Here’s how you can check if your Windows is genuine:
1. In the bottom left corner of the taskbar, click the magnifying glass symbol (Windows Search) and type Settings.
2. Navigate to Update & Security > Activation.
If your Windows 10 installation is authentic, it will show the message “Windows is activated” and provide you with the product ID.
Q2. What does the statement “This copy of Windows is not genuine” imply?
The “This copy of Windows is not genuine” error message is a nuisance for Windows users who “cracked” the OS update for free from a third-party source. This warning indicates that you are running a counterfeit or non-original edition of Windows and that the machine has detected this.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix This copy of Windows is not genuine error. If you find yourself struggling during the process, reach out to us through the comments, and we will help you out.