您的Word文档中是否有很多看起来很花哨的倒“P”,却不知道如何处理它们?好吧,你是在正确的地方学习如何摆脱它们。倒 P 符号实际上称为Pilcrow (¶),用于标记文本的新段落或新部分。它也被称为段落标记,Alinea,盲 P,但最流行的段落标记。
Pilcrow是非打印字符或格式标记,这意味着它是隐藏的,通常不会显示在Word或打印副本中。用最简单的术语来说,文档中的段落标记数等于您在键入时按 Enter 键的次数。

校对文档(proofreading a docum)时(nt)的一个很好的提示是阅读一次,不包含非打印字符,完全专注于内容,第二次阅读这些字符可见以解决任何格式问题。
如何删除 MS Word 中的段落符号 (¶)(How to remove the Paragraph Symbol (¶) in MS Word)
移除这些讨厌的Pilcrows非常容易。共有三种简单直接的方法,下面将逐步解释所有这些方法。方法范围从查找和替换单个Pilcrows到点击一个按钮并一次性删除所有 Pilcrows。每种方法都有自己的优点和缺点,仔细研究它们并根据您的要求和需求决定哪种方法最适合您。那么让我们看看如何(how to remove Paragraph Symbol (¶) in Word)使用以下方法删除Word中的段落符号(¶):
方法一:使用工具栏中的段落符号按钮隐藏(Method 1: Hide using the Paragraph Symbol button in the Toolbar)
带有Pilcrow图标的按钮控制(Pilcrow)MS Word中使用的大多数格式符号。
这些范围从段落标记到分节符以及可选的连字符、隐藏文本等等。这种方法是摆脱这些讨厌的 Pilcrows 的最简单方法。
首先,搜索“主页”(‘Home’ )选项卡并找到“¶”符号。您将能够在“段落”(‘Paragraph’)部分找到它。单击(Click)该按钮,所有可见的段落标记将与其余的格式标记一起隐藏。
您还可以使用快捷键 ‘Ctrl + Shift + 8’启用或禁用此选项。

换行符:(Line Breaks: )这些由指向左侧的直角箭头 (↲ ) 表示,当您按“Shift + Enter”时插入。
选项卡字符:这些显示可以使用(Tabbed Character:)箭头(Arrow)(→)插入文档的特殊字符。
空格:(Spaces:)两个单词之间的任何空格都用它们之间的小点 (·) 表示。
隐藏文本:(Hidden Text:) MS Word具有在显示或打印时隐藏或抑制文本的功能。在这里,所有隐藏的文本都将在其下方以虚线显示。
可选连字符:(Optional Hyphens:)可选连字符(Hyphen)(¬) 指示在行尾分隔单词的位置。这些不会打印,除非最后一个单词实际中断。If/When它们这样做时,它们将被打印为常规连字符。
对象锚:(Object Anchors:)这显示文档中的哪个段落具有关联的浮动对象。它用一个小锚符号 (⚓) 来表示。
分页符:(Page Breaks:)当您按“Ctrl + Enter”分页时出现。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 PDF 插入 Word 文档(How to Insert a PDF into a Word Document)
方法 2:使用 Word 选项删除段落符号(Method 2: Remove Paragraph Symbol using Word Options)
Word 选项(Word Options)可以帮助查看和更新设置。它允许用户修改他们的界面,从而根据他们的需要对其进行个性化设置,还可以更改MS Word的启动设置。这些是一些高级方法,可用于控制和自定义编辑任务、打印首选项、文档显示等。
1. 单击位于左上角的“文件”菜单。(‘File’)

2. 在以下菜单中找到“选项”( ‘Options’ ),然后单击相同。

3.现在屏幕上会弹出一个名为“ Word Options ”的新窗口。(Word Options)在Word 选项(Word Options)窗口中,找到左侧的“显示”设置。(‘Display’)

4. 在显示中,找到(Display)“段落标记(‘Paragraph marks)”旁边的框并取消勾选。您可以在“始终在屏幕上显示这些格式标记”部分下找到此选项。

5. 取消选择后,点击窗口底部的“确定”以保存更改。(‘OK’)

方法 3:查找和替换段落标记(Method 3: Find and replace the Paragraph Marks )
1. 首先,选择要从中删除段落符号的文本(或者默认情况下,它将从整个文档中删除)。
现在,在“主页”(‘Home’ )选项卡中,单击“编辑”组下的“替换”选项。(‘Replace’ )按“ Ctrl + H ”键也可以解决问题。

2. 弹出“查找和替换(Find and Replace)”对话框后,确保光标位于“查找(Find)内容”框中。然后点击左下角的‘More>>’。

3. 现在,点击“特别”(‘Special’)。这将打开可在文档中使用的特殊字符列表。

4.从列表中选择“段落标记” 。(Paragraph Mark’)

5. 选择后,‘^p’将出现在“查找内容”(‘Find what’)框中。

6. 确保“替换为”(‘Replace with’)旁边的框留空。按“全部替换”(‘Replace All’)以替换所选文本或整个文档中的符号。如果您只想删除特定的段落标记,则通过在每个实例中单击“替换”来单独替换( ‘Replace’)段落标记。(Paragraph)

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Word 中旋转图片或图像(How to Rotate a Picture or Image in Word)
如何仅在特定位置添加 Pilecrow(How to add the Pilecrow only in specific places)?
有时,您可能只需要在特定位置添加段落标记或“Pilecrow”符号,而保持文档的其余部分不变。这不会显示您文档的格式或显示任何其他格式标记(formatting marker)。请记住,正在添加一个符号,您可以将其视为在句子中添加一个简单的感叹号或问号。这不会影响字数,但会增加字符数。
1. 首先,将光标放在要添加段落标记符号的位置,然后切换到菜单栏中的“插入”选项卡。(‘Insert’)

2. 位于右侧,您将找到“符号”(‘Symbol’)选项。单击(Click)它旁边的箭头以启动下拉菜单。

3. 在下拉菜单中,单击“更多符号...”(‘More Symbols…’)

4. 现在,屏幕上会弹出一个“符号”(Symbol’)对话框。单击(Click)“符号”选项卡旁边的“特殊字符”选项卡。(‘Special Character’)

5. 浏览列表以找到位于“段落(Paragraph)”旁边的Pilecrow符号或“¶ ”并单击它。

6. 选择突出显示后,单击底部的“插入”按钮。(‘Insert’)


快速提示:(A quick tip:)当Word全屏显示时,您可以调整符号(Symbol)对话框的位置和大小(通过拖动窗口的角/边框),使文档在背景中可见。现在,您可以使用鼠标轻松快速地不断更改光标位置,将符号插入到各个位置。
或者,一旦插入一个段落标记,您可以退出弹出框并仅从一个位置复制Pilcrow符号并将其粘贴到另一个位置。快捷(Shortcut)键是“Ctrl + C”复制和“Ctrl + V”粘贴到不同的地方。
受到推崇的:(Recommended: )
我希望上述指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够成功删除 Microsoft Word 中的段落符号 (¶)。(remove the Paragraph Symbol (¶) in Microsoft Word.)但是,如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
3 Ways to Remove Paragraph Symbol (¶) in Word
Do you hаve a lot of fancу-looking іnνerted ‘P’s in your Word document and don’t know what to do about them? Well, you are in the right place to learn how to get rid of them. The inverted P symbol is actuallу сalled a Pilcrow (¶) and is used to mark a new рaragraph or a new section of a text. It is also called the paragraph sign, Αlinea, the blіnd P but mоst popularly the paragraph mark.
Pilcrow is a non-printing character or formatting marker, which means it is hidden and isn’t usually displayed in Word or in a printed copy. In the simplest of terms, the number of paragraph marks in a document is equal to the number of times you have hit the enter key while typing.

These symbols may look tacky and make the document look more confusing and complicated to an average reader. It may feel obsolete in the modern tech-driven minimalistic world, but when you need to check if there is a paragraph on an empty page or go through tonnes of paragraphs at once, this tool is your best friend. The symbol comes in handy when you need to fix a document with messy or wonky formatting.
A great tip while proofreading a document is to read it once without the nonprinting characters, completely focusing on the content and the second time with these characters visible to fix any formatting issues.
How to remove the Paragraph Symbol (¶) in MS Word
Removing these pesky Pilcrows is quite easy. There are three simple and straightforward methods, all of which are explained in a step by step manner below. The methods range from finding and replacing individual Pilcrows to tapping on a single button and removing all of them at one go. Each method has its own pros and cons, go through them and decide which one’s best for you as per your requirements and needs. So let’s see how to remove Paragraph Symbol (¶) in Word using the below methods:
Method 1: Hide using the Paragraph Symbol button in the Toolbar
The button with the Pilcrow icon controls most of the formatting symbols used in MS Word.
These range from paragraph marks to section breaks as well as optional hyphens, hidden text and many more. This method is the simplest one for getting rid of these pesky Pilcrows.
Firstly, search through the ‘Home’ tab and locate the ‘¶’ symbol. You will be able to find it in the ‘Paragraph’ section. Click on the button and all the paragraph marks once visible will be hidden along with the rest of the formatting markers.
You can also enable or disable this option by using the shortcut key ‘Ctrl + Shift + 8’.

This method might be super simple and straightforward but it is not specific to paragraph marks, one should remember that all formatting markers will disappear once disabled. These include:
Line Breaks: These are represented by a right-angle arrow pointing towards the left (↲ ), it is inserted when you press ‘Shift + Enter’.
Tabbed Character: These display special characters that can be inserted into a document with an Arrow (→).
Spaces: Any space between two words is represented with a tiny dot (·) between them.
Hidden Text: MS Word has the feature to hide or suppress text in the display or while printing. Here, all the hidden text will be displayed with a dotted line under it.
Optional Hyphens: Optional Hyphen symbol (¬) indicates where to divide a word at the end of a line. These are not printed unless a word actually breaks at the end. If/When they do, they are printed as regular hyphens.
Object Anchors: This displays which paragraph in the document has a floating object associated with. It is symbolized with a tiny anchor symbol (⚓).
Page Breaks: These appear when you have pressed ‘Ctrl + Enter’ to break the page.
Also Read: How to Insert a PDF into a Word Document
Method 2: Remove Paragraph Symbol using Word Options
Word Options can help view and update settings. It lets the user modify their interface & thus personalize it based on their needs and also change startup settings for MS Word. These are some advanced methods that can be used to control and customize editing tasks, printing preferences, document display, and etc.
This method is especially helpful when you don’t need paragraph makers but want the rest of the formatting tools to remain visible.
(For Example, you don’t need to view the paragraph marks but want to see the hidden text.)
1. Click on the ‘File’ menu located in the top-left corner.

2. Find ‘Options’ in the following menu and click on the same.

3. A new window titled ‘Word Options’ will now pop up on your screen. In the Word Options window, find the ‘Display’ setting on the left side.

4. In Display, locate the box next to ‘Paragraph marks’ and untick it. You can find this option located under the ‘Always show these formatting marks on the screen’ section.

5. Once unselected, tap on ‘OK’ at the bottom of the window to save the changes.

You will now be directed back to your document and the paragraph marks will be hidden while the rest of the text remains unaffected.
Method 3: Find and replace the Paragraph Marks
In this method, you simply find all the paragraph marks and replace them with a blank space thus, deleting them in the process. This method is especially helpful when you want to remove these paragraph symbol from a particular section of the text, and not the whole Word document.
1. Firstly, select the text you want the paragraph symbol removed from (or by default it will be removed from the whole document).
Now, in the ‘Home’ tab, click on the ‘Replace’ option under the ‘Editing’ group. Pressing ‘Ctrl + H’ keys will also do the trick.

2. Once the ‘Find and Replace’ dialogue box pops up, make sure the cursor is in the ‘Find what’ box. Then click on ‘More>>’ located at the bottom left corner.

3. Now, click on ‘Special’. This opens up a list of special characters available to use in a document.

4. Select ‘Paragraph Mark’ from the list.

5. Once selected, ‘^p’ will appear in the ‘Find what’ box.

(If ‘^p’ accidentally appears in the ‘Replace with’ section, there is no need to worry about repeating the process. You can simply cut and paste it into the ‘Find what’ box.)
6. Make sure that the box next to ‘Replace with’ is left blank. Press ‘Replace All’ to replace the symbol from the selected text or the whole document. If you want only specific paragraph marks to be gone then individually replace Paragraph marks by clicking ‘Replace’ at every instance.

Once replaced, you can quit the dialogue box and go back to editing the rest of your document.
Also Read: How to Rotate a Picture or Image in Word
How to add the Pilecrow only in specific places?
Sometimes, you might only need to add paragraph marks or the ‘Pilecrow’ symbol in specific places and leave the rest of the document untouched. This won’t reveal your document’s formatting or display any other formatting marker. Remember that a symbol is being added, you can think of this as adding a simple exclamation mark or question mark in a sentence. This won’t have an effect on the word count but will increase the character count.
The process for adding these markers is easy and as mentioned below:
1. Firstly, position your cursor in the place you want the paragraph mark symbol to be added in and switch to the ‘Insert’ tab in the menu bar.

2. Located on the right, you will find the ‘Symbol’ option. Click on the arrow next to it to launch a drop-down menu.

3. In the drop-down menu, click on ‘More Symbols…’

4. Now, a ‘Symbol’ dialogue box will pop up on the screen. Click on the ‘Special Character’ tab located next to the ‘Symbols’ tab.

5. Go through the list to find the Pilecrow symbol or ‘¶’ located next to ‘Paragraph’ and click on it.

6. Once the selection is highlighted, click on the ‘Insert’ button located at the bottom.

When you press the Insert button once, the pilcrow symbol will be added to the place where the cursor was placed. You can keep changing the cursor’s position and simultaneously pressing ‘Insert’ to add paragraph marks in various places throughout the document.

A quick tip: When the Word is in full screen, you can adjust the position and size of the Symbol dialogue box (by dragging on the corners/borders of the window) in such a way that the document is visible in the background. Now, you can easily and quickly keep changing the position of the cursor with your mouse to insert the symbol in various places.
Alternatively, once one paragraph marker is inserted, you can quit the pop-up box and copy only the Pilcrow symbol from one place and paste it in another. Shortcut keys being ‘Ctrl + C’ to copy and ‘Ctrl + V’ to paste it in various places.
I hope the above guide was helpful and you were able to successfully remove the Paragraph Symbol (¶) in Microsoft Word. But if you still have any queries regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment section.