高清多媒体接口(High-Definition Multimedia Interface )或HDMI支持未压缩的媒体流,因此您可以查看更清晰的图片并听到更清晰的声音。此外,您只需一根电缆即可在显示器或电视上享受支持环绕声音频的流式视频内容和 4K 内容。此外,您可以同时将数字视频和音频从电视或计算机传输到投影仪或另一台计算机/电视。
一些用户抱怨说,虽然使用HDMI共享和查看视频内容,但音频并未伴随视频。如果您也遇到同样的问题,那么您来对地方了。我们提供了一个完美的指南,可帮助您修复Windows 10连接到电视时出现HDMI 无声音(HDMI No Sound)的问题。因此,请继续阅读以了解如何操作。
(Fix HDMI No Sound)修复连接到电视时Windows 10中(Windows 10)HDMI 没有声音的问题
“HDMI 电缆在电视上没有声音(HDMI Cable No Sound)”问题背后的原因
“连接到电视时Windows 10中的 HDMI 没有声音”问题背后有多种原因。
1. 首先是用于连接计算机、电视或显示器的HDMI电缆。(HDMI)将HDMI 线(HDMI cable)插入另一PC/TV并检查您是否能听到任何声音。如果是,那么您要投影到的显示器或电视有问题。(monitor or TV)您需要将其配置为接收HDMI。
2. 如果音频问题仍然存在,则表明HDMI 线(HDMI cable)有问题。因此,请尝试使用新的、正常工作的电缆进行连接。
3. PC 的音频(Audio)问题可能由以下几个原因引起:
- 选择了错误的音频驱动程序或不正确的播放设备(incorrect playback device)。
- 扬声器声卡设置为默认(default),而不是将音频输出切换到HDMI。
未配置(Not configured)为量化和接收HDMI音频数据。
- 正确插入(Plug-in)HDMI电缆。确保HDMI 电缆(HDMI cable)没有损坏或故障。
- 确保显卡(Graphics Card )(NVIDIA 控制面板(NVIDIA Control Panel))配置正确。
NVIDIA 卡(NVIDIA cards)(GeForce 200 系列之前)不支持HDMI音频。
Realtek 驱动程序(Realtek drivers)也面临兼容性问题。
重新启动设备(Reboot the devices),因为简单的重新启动通常可以解决小问题和软件故障,大部分时间。
方法一:设置HDMI为默认播放设备(Default Playback Device)
每当一台 PC 安装了两个或更多声卡时,通常会出现冲突。由于计算机内部存在的扬声器声卡被读取为默认设备,因此很可能未自动启用HDMI音频输出。(HDMI)
以下是将HDMI设置为(HDMI)Windows 10 PC上的默认播放设备的方法:
1. 转到Windows 搜索(Windows search)框,键入控制面板(Control Panel)并打开它。
2. 现在,单击声音(Sound )部分,如下图所示。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make)选择“查看方式”作为大(Large)图标。
3. 现在,声音(Sound )设置窗口出现在带有播放(Playback )选项卡的屏幕上。
4.插入(Plug in)HDMI线。它将与您的设备名称一起显示在屏幕上。参考给定的图片。
注意:(Note:)如果设备名称未出现在屏幕上,请右键单击空白处。检查是否启用了Show Disabled Devices和Show Disconnected Devices选项。参考(Refer)上图。
5. 现在,右键单击音频设备并检查它是否已启用。如果没有,请单击启用,(Enable, )如图所示。
6. 现在,选择您的HDMI设备并单击设置默认值,(Set Default, )如下所示。
7. 最后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK )以保存更改并退出窗口。
方法 2:更新已安装的驱动程序
系统上安装的设备驱动程序如果不兼容,可能会在连接到电视时触发HDMI声音在Windows 10中无法正常工作。(Windows 10)通过将系统驱动程序更新到最新版本来快速解决此问题(Fix)
您可以从制造商的网站手动更新您的设备驱动程序。在您的 PC 上查找(Find)并下载与(Download)Windows版本对应的驱动程序。下载后,双击下载的文件(downloaded file)并按照给定的说明进行安装。对所有设备驱动程序(如音频、视频、网络等)执行相同的步骤。
您还可以通过设备管理器(Device Manager)更新设备驱动程序:
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入devmgmt.msc如图所示,然后单击 OK。
2. 现在,双击展开声音、视频和游戏控制器。(Sound, video and game controllers.)
3. 现在,右键单击HDMI 音频设备(HDMI audio device),然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver),如图所示。
4. 单击您想如何搜索(How do you want to search for drivers?)驱动程序下的自动搜索驱动程序?(Search automatically for drivers)
方法 3:回滚图形(Graphics)驱动程序
如果HDMI工作正常并在更新后开始出现故障,则回滚图形驱动程序(Graphics Drivers)可能会有所帮助。驱动程序的回滚(rollback of drivers)将删除系统中当前安装的驱动程序并替换为之前的版本。此过程应消除驱动程序中的任何错误,并可能修复Windows 10连接到电视时HDMI 没有声音(HDMI No Sound)的问题。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入设备管理器(Device Manager),然后从搜索结果中打开它。
2. 双击左侧面板中的显示( Display) 适配器并展开它。(adapters )
3. 右键单击您的显卡(Graphics)名称,然后单击属性(Properties),如图所示。
4. 切换到驱动程序(Driver)选项卡并选择回滚驱动程序( Roll Back Driver),如图所示。
注意:(Note:)如果您的系统中“回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)”选项显示为灰色(greyed out),则表示您的系统没有预装驱动程序文件或缺少原始驱动程序文件。在这种情况下,请尝试本文中讨论的替代方法。
5. 单击确定(OK)以应用此更改。
6、最后在确认提示中点击是,(Yes )重启(restart)系统,使回滚生效。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将同轴电缆转换为 HDMI(How to Convert Coaxial Cable to HDMI)
方法 4:启用音频控制器
如果您的系统的音频控制器被禁用,则会出现“连接到电视时(Audio)Windows 10中的 HDMI 没有声音”问题,因为音频输出交换的正常功能将被折叠。应该启用设备上的所有音频控制器,尤其是当您安装了多个音频驱动程序时。
1.按照前面的方法打开设备管理器。(Device Manager )
2. 现在,单击View > 显示隐藏(Show hidden devices )的设备,如下图所示。 如果已选中,请转到下一步。(Move)
3. 现在,双击展开系统设备。(System Devices )
4. 在这里,搜索音频控制器(audio controller ),即High-Definition Audio Controller,然后右键单击它。然后,点击Properties,如下图所示。
5. 切换到驱动程序(Driver )选项卡并单击启用设备。(Enable Device.)
注意:(Note:)如果音频控制器驱动程序已启用,屏幕上将出现禁用设备选项。(Disable Device )
6. 最后,重新启动(restart )系统以保存更改。
方法 5:重新安装音频驱动程序
如果更新驱动程序或回滚驱动程序无助于修复HDMI声音在(HDMI)Windows 10上不起作用的问题,最好重新安装音频驱动程序(reinstall the audio drivers)并一次性解决所有此类问题。这样做的方法如下:
1. 如前所述,启动设备管理器。(Device Manager.)
2. 向下滚动,搜索,然后双击展开声音、视频和游戏控制器。(Sound, video and game controllers)
3. 现在,右键单击高清音频设备( High Definition Audio Device)。
4. 点击卸载设备(Uninstall device ),如下图所示。
5. 屏幕上会出现警告提示。单击(Click)卸载(Uninstall )以继续。
6. 接下来,通过双击展开系统设备。(System Devices )
7. 现在,重复步骤 3-4(steps 3-4)以卸载High Definition Audio Controller。
8. 如果您的Windows(Windows)系统中有多个音频控制器,请使用相同的步骤将它们全部卸载(uninstall)。
9.重新启动(Restart )您的系统。Windows将自动从其存储库安装最新的驱动程序。(install )
如果这无助于修复Windows 10连接到电视时(Windows 10)HDMI 无声音(HDMI No Sound)问题,请尝试下一个解决方案。
方法 6:使用 Windows疑难解答(Troubleshooter)
Windows 疑难解答(Troubleshooter)是一个非常有用的内置工具,可帮助解决Windows计算机系统的几个常见问题。在这种情况下,将测试硬件组件(音频、视频等)的功能。将找到并解决造成此类差异的问题。
注意:(Note:)在继续之前,请确保您以管理员身份登录。(administrator )
1. 按键盘上的Windows 键(Windows key )并键入故障排除(troubleshoot),如图所示。
2. 单击右侧窗格中的打开(Open)以启动故障排除设置(Troubleshoot settings)窗口。
3. 在这里,单击其他疑难解答(Additional troubleshooters)的链接。
4. 接下来,单击启动并运行(Get up and running )部分下的播放音频。(Playing Audio )参考给定的图片。
5. 现在,单击运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter ),如下图所示。
6.屏幕(On-screen instructions)上将显示说明。按照他们运行疑难解答并应用推荐的修复程序。
7. 如果出现提示,请重新启动系统。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复三星智能电视上的黑屏问题(Fix Black Screen Issue on Samsung Smart TV)
方法 7:检查TV/Monitor Sound Properties
1. 导航到监视器或电视菜单(Menu )。
2. 现在,选择设置(Settings ),然后选择音频(Audio)。
3. 确保音频已启用(Enabled)并且音频编码设置为Automatic/ HDMI。
4. 关闭杜比音量模式(Dolby Volume Mode ),因为它是一个久经考验的解决方案。
5. 现在,将音频范围(Audio Range)设置为以下任何一项:
Android TV的重启过程将取决于电视制造商和设备型号。以下是重新启动Android TV 的步骤:
2. 现在,选择重新启动。(select Restart.)
1. 按遥控器上的HOME 。
2. 现在,导航到Settings > Device Preferences > About > Restart > Restart。
方法 9:使用正确的 HDMI 电缆(Correct HDMI Cable)和端口(Port)
某些(Certain)设备具有多个HDMI端口。在这种情况下,请始终确保将正确的端口对连接到HDMI电缆。如果HDMI(HDMI)电缆和计算机电缆不匹配,您可以选择购买适配器。(purchase adapters, )
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Windows 10 连接到电视时修复 HDMI 无声音问题。( fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV.)让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/评论,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV
The High-Definition Multimedia Interface or HDMI supports uncompressed media streaming so that you can view clearer pictures and hear sharper sounds. Furthermore, you can enjoy streaming video content with surround-sound audio support and 4K content on your display monitor or Television using just one cable. Moreover, you can simultaneously transmit digital video and audio from a TV or a computer to a projector or another computer/TV.
Some users complained that while the video content was being shared and viewed using HDMI, the audio was not accompanying the video. If you too are experiencing the same problem, you are at the right place. We bring a perfect guide that will help you fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to the TV issue. So, continue reading to learn how.
Fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV
Reasons behind ‘HDMI Cable No Sound on TV’ Issue
There is a wide range of reasons behind the ‘HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV’ issue.
1. It starts with the HDMI cable you use to connect to the computer, TV, or monitor. Plug the HDMI cable into another PC/TV and check whether you can hear any sound. If yes, then there is a problem with the monitor or TV you are projecting to. You will need to configure it to receive HDMI.
2. If the audio issue still persists, it indicates a problem with the HDMI cable. Hence, try to connect with a new, functioning cable.
3. Audio problems with your PC can be caused by several reasons:
- Selection of the wrong audio driver or the incorrect playback device.
- Speaker Soundcard set as default instead of switching the audio output to HDMI.
Not configured to quantify and receive HDMI audio data.
Before moving forward to solve the HDMI cable no sound on TV problem, here is a list of basic checks to be performed:
- Plug-in the HDMI cable properly. Make sure that the HDMI cable is not damaged or faulty.
- Ensure the Graphics Card (NVIDIA Control Panel) is configured correctly.
NVIDIA cards (pre-GeForce 200 series) do not support HDMI audio.
Realtek drivers also face compatibility issues.
Reboot the devices as a simple restart usually fixes minor problems & software glitches, most of the time.
Explained below are various methods that will help you enable HDMI audio to send the audio to the TV. Read till the end to find the one that suits you.
Method 1: Set HDMI as Default Playback Device
Whenever a PC has two or more sound cards installed, a conflict usually arises. It’s quite likely that the HDMI audio output is not enabled automatically since the soundcard of speakers present internally in your computer is being read as the default device.
Here’s how to set HDMI as the default playback device on Windows 10 PCs:
1. Go to the Windows search box, type Control Panel and open it.
2. Now, click on the Sound section as depicted below.
Note: Make sure to select “View by” as Large icons.
3. Now, the Sound settings window appears on the screen with the Playback tab.
4. Plug in the HDMI cable. It will be displayed on the screen with the name of your device. Refer given pic.
Note: If the device name does not appear on the screen, then right-click on the empty space. Check whether Show Disabled Devices and Show Disconnected Devices options are enabled. Refer above picture.
5. Now, right-click on the audio device and check if it is enabled. If not, click on Enable, as shown.
6. Now, select your HDMI device and click on Set Default, as shown below.
7. Finally, click Apply followed by OK to save the changes and exit the window.
Method 2: Update Installed Drivers
The device drivers installed on your system, if incompatible, might trigger HDMI sound not working in Windows 10 when connected to the TV issue. Fix this problem quickly, by updating system drivers to their latest version
You can manually update your device drivers from the manufacturer’s website. Find and Download the drivers corresponding to the Windows version on your PC. Once downloaded, double click on the downloaded file and follow the given instructions to install it. Follow the same steps for all device drivers such as audio, video, network, etc.
You can also update device drivers through Device Manager:
1. Press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc as shown and click OK.
2. Now, double-click to expand Sound, video and game controllers.
3. Now, right-click on the HDMI audio device and click on Update driver, as depicted.
4. Click on Search automatically for drivers under How do you want to search for drivers?
Note: Clicking on ‘Search automatically for drivers’ will allow Windows to search for the best available drivers and install them on your computer.
Method 3: Rollback the Graphics Drivers
If the HDMI had been working correctly and began to malfunction after an update, then rolling back the Graphics Drivers might help. The rollback of drivers will delete the current driver installed in the system and replace it with its previous version. This process should eliminate any bugs in the drivers and potentially, fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV issue.
1. Type Device Manager in the Windows search bar and open it from the search results.
2. Double-click on the Display adapters from the panel on the left and expand it.
3. Right-click on your Graphics card name and click on Properties, as depicted.
4. Switch to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver, as shown.
Note: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out in your system, it indicates that your system does not have the pre-installed driver files or the original driver files are missing. In this case, try alternative methods discussed in this article.
5. Click on OK to apply this change.
6. Finally, click on Yes in the confirmation prompt and restart your system to make the rollback effective.
Also Read: How to Convert Coaxial Cable to HDMI
Method 4: Enable Audio Controllers
If the Audio controllers of your system are disabled, then the ‘HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV’ issue will occur because the normal function of audio output swapping will be collapsed. All the audio controllers on your device should be enabled, especially when you have more than one audio driver installed.
Thus, you need to ensure the audio controllers are not disabled by following these steps:
1. Open Device Manager as explained in the previous method.
2. Now, click View > Show hidden devices as depicted in the picture below. Move to the next step, if it is already checked.
3. Now, expand System Devices by double-clicking on it.
4. Here, search for the audio controller i.e High-Definition Audio Controller, and right-click on it. Then, click on Properties, as shown below.
5. Switch to the Driver tab and click on Enable Device.
Note: If the audio controller drivers are already enabled, an option to Disable Device will appear on the screen.
6. Finally, restart the system to save changes.
Method 5: Reinstall Audio Drivers
If updating the drivers or rolling back the drivers doesn’t help fix HDMI sound not working on Windows 10 issue, its best to reinstall the audio drivers and get rid of all such issues in one-go. Here’s how to do so:
1. As instructed earlier, launch the Device Manager.
2. Scroll down, search & then, expand Sound, video and game controllers by double-clicking on it.
3. Now, right-click on the High Definition Audio Device.
4. Click on Uninstall device as depicted below.
5. A warning prompt will appear on the screen. Click on Uninstall to proceed.
6. Next, expand System Devices by double clicking on it.
7. Now, repeat steps 3-4 to uninstall High Definition Audio Controller.
8. If you have more than one audio controller in your Windows system, uninstall all of them using the same steps.
9. Restart your system. Windows will automatically install the latest drivers from its repository.
If this doesn’t help fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV issue, try the next solution.
Method 6: Use Windows Troubleshooter
Windows Troubleshooter is an extremely useful in-built tool that helps sort out several common issues with Windows computer systems. In this scenario, the functionality of hardware components (audio, video, etc) will be tested. The issues responsible for such discrepancies will be found and resolved.
Note: Make sure you log in as an administrator before proceeding.
1. Hit the Windows key on the keyboard and type troubleshoot, as depicted.
2. Click on Open from the right pane to launch the Troubleshoot settings window.
3. Here, click the link for Additional troubleshooters.
4. Next, click on Playing Audio under the Get up and running section. Refer given pic.
5. Now, click on Run the troubleshooter as depicted below.
6. On-screen instructions will be displayed. Follow them to run the troubleshooter and apply the recommended fixes.
7. Restart your system, if and when prompted.
Also Read: Fix Black Screen Issue on Samsung Smart TV
Method 7: Check the TV/Monitor Sound Properties
Always check and correct the TV/Monitor sound properties to make sure that the obvious requirements are being met. This includes ensuring proper seating of HDMI cable on its port, cable in working condition, TV not on mute and set to optimum volume, etc. Follow the below-mentioned steps to check the TV/Monitor sound properties:
1. Navigate to the Menu of Monitor or Television.
2. Now, select Settings followed by Audio.
3. Ensure the audio is Enabled and audio coding is set to Automatic/ HDMI.
4. Toggle OFF Dolby Volume Mode as it’s a tried & tested solution.
5. Now, set the Audio Range as any of these:
- Between WIDE and NARROW
- Stereo
- Mono
- Standard etc.
Note: Often, HDMI graphics card does not support HDMI audio rather than HDMI video. In this case, the connection can be established by connecting the audio cable between the computer and the system.
Confirm if the HDMI sound not working on TV issue is fixed.
Method 8: Restart Android TV
The restart process of Android TV will depend on the TV manufacturer and device model. Here are the steps to restart your Android TV:
On the remote,
2. Now, select Restart.
1. Press HOME on the remote.
2. Now, navigate to Settings > Device Preferences > About > Restart > Restart.
Method 9: Use the Correct HDMI Cable & Port
Certain devices have more than one HDMI port. In such cases, always ensure that you connect the correct pair of ports to the HDMI cable. You can opt to purchase adapters, if there is a mismatch between the HDMI cable and computer cable.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you were able to fix HDMI No Sound in Windows 10 When Connected to TV. Let us know which method worked for you best. Also, if you have any queries/comments regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.