VPN(VPNs)或虚拟专用网络(Private Networks)已成为广泛使用的工具,可帮助人们安全地访问专用网络并通过公共网络共享敏感数据。主要思想是VPN(VPNs)可以生成虚拟P2P(点对点)连接,或所谓的加密隧道,允许您使用互联网作为传输第三方难以拦截和访问的数据的媒介。它还允许您欺骗您的物理位置,因为VPN提供商替换了您的真实 IP 地址。幸运的是,Windows 10 使用户可以轻松创建、配置和使用VPN连接。如果本教程带给您的问题是“如何手动添加 VPN?”("How do I manually add a VPN?"),继续阅读并了解如何使Windows 10和VPN(VPNs)协同工作:
注意:(NOTE:)本文中共享的功能和屏幕截图可在带有2020 年 5 月更新的(May 2020 Update)Windows 10中找到。如果您使用的是旧版本的Windows 10,我们提供的某些功能可能不可用,或者它们可能有不同的名称。
如果您想在Windows 10中设置VPN ,您需要的东西(VPN)
为了能够连接到虚拟专用网络 (VPN)(Virtual Private Network (VPN)),无论它是由您工作的公司拥有还是您设置的自定义连接,您都必须了解以下详细信息:
- 您要连接的VPN服务器的IP 地址;(IP address)
- 连接名称和您的VPN帐户详细信息:用户名和密码;
- 建立与该VPN(VPN)的安全连接可能需要执行的任何自定义配置。
如果您拥有所有这些特定的详细信息,那么您唯一需要的另一件事就是正常运行的互联网连接。只是指出一个明显的问题,如果您还没有连接到互联网,就不可能连接到VPN服务器。(VPN)如果您设法收集了所有正确的凭据,请随时在本指南的帮助下继续使用VPN服务。(VPN)让我们看看如何在Windows 10中创建和配置(Windows 10)VPN连接:
如何在Windows 10中添加(Windows 10)VPN连接
在创建VPN连接之前,请确保您已使用管理员帐户登录Windows 10 。然后,打开设置应用程序(open the Settings app)。一种快速的方法是在开始菜单(Start Menu)中单击或点击其快捷方式。

Windows 10开始菜单(Start Menu)中的设置(Settings)按钮
在“设置”(Settings)窗口中,单击或点击标有网络和 Internet(Network & Internet)的部分。

Windows 10设置中的网络(Network)和Internet类别
在“网络和 Internet(Network & Internet) ”部分,窗口左侧有几个子部分。单击(Click)或点击名为VPN的那个。

在网络和互联网中选择 VPN
在VPN小节中,单击或点击顶部标记为"+ Add a VPN connection."

选择添加 VPN 连接
设置(Settings)应用程序会启动一个名为“添加 VPN 连接”("Add a VPN connection,")的向导,您可以在其中输入您的VPN连接详细信息。通常,在您开始在Windows 10(Windows 10)中设置VPN连接之前,您应该已经知道可以用来保护您的在线状态的正确VPN提供商。(VPN)
注意:(NOTE:)根据每个特定的提供商,您可能会收到一个类似于任何标准网站(如vpn.example.com )的(vpn.example.com)URL地址,或一个数字 IP 地址,如 111.222.333.444。但是,您应该知道VPN服务在质量和价格方面差异很大,您必须有很大的耐心才能找到适合您的在线习惯和互联网连接速度的服务。
回到教程和VPN连接设置窗口,您必须首先选择VPN提供商。在“添加 VPN 连接”("Add a VPN connection")向导的第一个字段(标记为VPN 提供程序(VPN provider))中,从下拉菜单中选择“Windows(内置)”选项(无论如何它是唯一可用的选项)。("Windows (built-in)")

在下一个标有“连接名称”("Connection name,")的字段中,输入您正在创建的VPN连接的名称。(VPN)你可以选择任何你喜欢的名字。我们决定将其命名为Digital Citizen VPN。

添加 VPN 连接:键入连接名称
(Enter)在“服务器名称或地址”中("Server name or address.")输入VPN服务器地址。确保(Make)您仔细检查它是否与您的VPN服务提供的完全匹配。

添加 VPN 连接:输入服务器(Server)名称或地址
在“VPN 类型”("VPN type" )字段中,选择您正在创建的VPN连接的类型。(VPN)我们选择了SSTP(安全套接字隧道协议),因为这是在(Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol)Windows上实现虚拟专用网络最常用的方法之一。如果您不知道您的VPN连接是什么类型,请将此选项设置为“自动”,(Automatic,) Windows 10 应自行确定。

所有VPN提供商都要求您使用预定义的身份验证方法连接到他们的虚拟专用网络。在下一个字段中,称为“登录信息类型”,("Type of sign-in info,")您应该选择一种与VPN提供商提供的方法相匹配的方法。我们用于本教程的服务为其用户提供了用户名和密码,因此我们从列表中选择了此选项。

请注意,用户(Username)名和密码(Password)字段是可选的,这意味着如果您将这些字段留空,则每次连接到VPN服务时都会提示您输入用户名和密码。您是否(Whether)选择保存此信息完全取决于您。归根结底,这只是您希望系统有多安全的问题。如果您选择输入用户名和密码,您还应该选中标有“记住我的登录信息”("Remember my sign-in info")的框,让操作系统存储您的凭据。

添加 VPN 连接:输入用户(User)名和密码(Password)

注意:(NOTE: )如果您是技术人员并且喜欢使用脚本,您还可以使用PowerShell在(PowerShell)Windows 10中添加和使用(Windows 10)VPN连接。不幸的是,该过程对于普通用户来说有点过于复杂,因此超出了我们指南的范围。如果您想了解更多信息,请查看此 GitHub 页面(this GitHub page)。它解释了你必须做什么:安装一个名为VPNCredentialsHelper的(VPNCredentialsHelper)PowerShell模块,这样你就可以运行Add-VpnConnection和Set-VpnConnectionUsernamePassword 之类的命令(Set-VpnConnectionUsernamePassword)。
如何在Windows 10中连接到(Windows 10)VPN
成功创建新的VPN连接后,Windows 10 会将您返回到VPN子部分的(VPN )“网络和 Internet”("Network & Internet")窗口。在那里,单击或点击窗口右侧的新虚拟专用网络连接。

选择 VPN 连接
选中后,VPN连接会显示几个按钮:连接(Connect)、高级选项(Advanced options,)和删除(Remove)。单击(Click)或点击第一个按钮Connect ,以使用提供的详细信息和凭据连接到VPN服务器。(VPN)

在 Windows 10 中连接到 VPN
如果您选择不让Windows记住您的用户名和密码,系统会提示您输入它们。然后,VPN连接启动,几秒钟后,它应该会启动并运行。发生这种情况时,Windows 10 会显示您已连接。

Windows 10 已连接到 VPN
如果您愿意,您还可以从桌面右下角的Windows 10系统托盘连接到(Windows 10)VPN 。单击(Click)或点击网络图标,然后在显示的网络弹出窗口中,您应该会看到刚刚创建的VPN连接。(VPN)单击(Click)或点击它,然后按连接(Connect)按钮。

从Windows 10的网络弹出连接到VPN
如何在Windows 10中断开与(Windows 10)VPN的连接(VPN)

在Windows 10中与(Windows 10)VPN断开连接

如果您需要管理其他与VPN相关的配置,例如VPN连接的代理设置,请打开设置(Settings)应用程序并转到"Network & Internet" -> VPN。单击(Click)或点击您的VPN连接,然后按“高级选项”("Advanced options")按钮。

在Windows 10中打开VPN的(VPN)高级(Advanced)选项
然后,您可以调整VPN连接的设置,而无需重新创建它。您可以更改其所有属性,例如其名称、服务器地址、用户名等,还可以根据需要配置网络(configure network)和防火墙设置(firewall settings)。

在Windows 10(Windows 10)中编辑VPN连接
如何从 Windows 10中删除VPN连接(VPN)
如果您不再需要在 Windows 10 PC 上创建的VPN连接之一,您可以将其删除。为此,请打开“设置”(Settings)应用并转到"Network & Internet" -> VPN。然后,单击或点击VPN连接,然后按删除(Remove )按钮。

选择从Windows 10 PC中删除VPN连接
您是否(Are)经常在 Windows 10 PC 上使用VPN连接?
如您所见,在Windows 10中创建(Windows 10)VPN连接很容易,不需要高级计算机技能。如果您发现了一个出色的VPN服务,您可以在(VPN)Windows 10中设置后几分钟内使用它。输入连接详细信息时要小心,因为任何错误的数据都会使您无法连接到VPN服务器。您是否在Windows 10(Windows 10)计算机和设备上使用VPN连接?你为什么要使用它们?使用评论部分分享您的原因或对此主题的任何问题。
How to add and use a VPN in Windows 10 (all you need to know) -
VPNs, or Virtual Private Netwоrks, have becоme widеly used toоls that help people securely access a private network and share sensіtive data through public networks. The main idea is that VPNs cаn generate virtual P2P (point-to-рoint) connections, or sо-сalled encryptеd tunnels, that allow you to use the intеrnet as a medium for transporting data that is hard to intercept and access bу third partiеs. It also allоws you to ѕpoof your physical location becаuse the VPN provider replaces your real IP address. Luckily, Windows 10 makes it easy for users to create, configure, and υse VPN connections. If the question that brought yоu this tutorial is "How do I manually add a VPN?", read on and see how to make Windows 10 and VPNs work together:
NOTE: The features and screenshots shared in this article are found in Windows 10 with May 2020 Update. If you are using an older version of Windows 10, some of the features we present might not be available, or they may have different names.
Things you need if you want to set up a VPN in Windows 10
To be able to connect to a Virtual Private Network (VPN), regardless of whether it is owned by the company you work for or if it is a custom connection that you have set up, you have to know the following details:
- The IP address of the VPN server to which you are going to connect;
- The connection name and your VPN account details: username and password;
- Any custom configuration you might need to perform to establish a secure connection to that VPN.
If you have all these particular details, the only other thing you need is a functioning internet connection. Just pointing out the obvious, it is impossible to connect to a VPN server if you are not already connected to the internet. If you managed to gather all the proper credentials, feel free to continue on your journey towards using a VPN service with this guide's help. Let's see how to create and configure a VPN connection in Windows 10:
How to add a VPN connection in Windows 10
Before creating a VPN connection, make sure that you have logged into Windows 10 with an administrator account. Then, open the Settings app. A quick way to do it is to click or tap on its shortcut from the Start Menu.

The Settings button from Windows 10's Start Menu
In the Settings window, click or tap the section labeled Network & Internet.

The Network & Internet category from the Windows 10 Settings
In the Network & Internet section, several subsections are found on the left side of the window. Click or tap on the one called VPN.

Selecting VPN in Network & Internet
In the VPN subsection, click or tap the button on top, labeled "+ Add a VPN connection."

Choosing to Add a VPN connection
The Settings app launches a wizard called "Add a VPN connection," in which you get to enter your VPN connection details. Usually, before you start setting up a VPN connection in Windows 10, you should already know the right VPN provider that you can use to secure your online presence.
NOTE: Depending on each particular provider, you might either receive an URL address that is similar to any standard website like vpn.example.com, or a numerical IP address, like 111.222.333.444. However, you should know that VPN services differ a lot in terms of quality and price, and you must have a lot of patience to find one that works well with your online habits and internet connection speed.
Coming back to the tutorial and the VPN connection setup window, you must first choose a VPN provider. In the first field of the "Add a VPN connection" wizard, which is labeled VPN provider, select the "Windows (built-in)" option from the drop-down menu (it's the only one available anyway).

Add a VPN connection: Select Windows as a VPN provider
In the next field, labeled "Connection name," enter a name for the VPN connection that you are creating. You can choose to call it anything you like. We decided to call it Digital Citizen VPN.

Add a VPN connection: Type a Connection name
Enter the VPN server address in the "Server name or address." Make sure that you double-check that it matches precisely the one offered by your VPN service.

Add a VPN connection: Enter the Server name or address
In the "VPN type" field, select the type of VPN connection that you are creating. We chose SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) because this is one of the most commonly used methods of implementing virtual private networks on Windows. If you do not know what type your VPN connection is, leave this option set to Automatic, and Windows 10 should determine it on its own.

Add a VPN connection: Select the VPN type
All VPN providers require you to use a predefined method of authentication to connect to their virtual private networks. In the next field, the one called "Type of sign-in info," you should select a method that matches the one offered by the VPN provider. The service we used for this tutorial supplies a username and password for its users, so we selected this option from the list.

Add a VPN connection: Choosing how the VPN handles signing in
Note that the Username and Password fields are optional, meaning that if you leave these fields blank, you will be prompted to enter your username and password each time you connect to the VPN service. Whether you choose to have this information saved or not is entirely up to you. It ultimately is just a matter of how secure you want your system to be. If you have chosen to enter a username and a password, you should also check the box labeled "Remember my sign-in info" to have the operating system store your credentials.

Add a VPN connection: Enter the User name and Password
Once you have entered all the required information, click or tap the Save button from the bottom-right corner.

Add a VPN connection: Saving the VPN connection
The VPN connection is created and saved, and you are brought back to the Settings app. You can now start using the VPN connection. Read the next sections of this guide to see how to connect to a VPN, change its advanced settings, disconnect from the VPN, and delete the VPN connection when you no longer need to use it.
NOTE: If you're a technical person and like working with scripts, you can also add and use a VPN connection in Windows 10 using PowerShell. Unfortunately, the procedure is a bit too complex for regular users, so it's outside the scope of our guide. If you want to know more, check this GitHub page. It explains what you have to do: install a PowerShell module named VPNCredentialsHelper, so that you can then run commands like Add-VpnConnection and Set-VpnConnectionUsernamePassword.
How to connect to a VPN in Windows 10
After you have successfully created the new VPN connection, Windows 10 returns you to the "Network & Internet" window at the VPN subsection. There, click or tap on the new virtual private network connection on the window's right side.

Selecting a VPN connection
When selected, the VPN connection shows a few buttons: Connect, Advanced options, and Remove. Click or tap on the first button, Connect, to connect to the VPN server using the provided details and credentials.

Connecting to a VPN in Windows 10
If you opted out of having Windows remember your username and password, you are prompted to enter them. Then, the VPN connection is started, and after a few seconds, it should be up and running. When that happens, Windows 10 shows you that you are connected.

Windows 10 is connected to a VPN
If you prefer, you can also connect to the VPN from the Windows 10 system tray at the bottom-right corner of your desktop. Click or tap on the network icon and, in the network flyout that is displayed, you should see the VPN connection that you have just created. Click or tap on it and then press the Connect button.

Connecting to a VPN from Windows 10's networks flyout
How to disconnect from a VPN in Windows 10
If you want to disconnect from a running VPN connection, click or tap on its Disconnect button from the Settings app, and the connection is shut down immediately.

Disconnecting from a VPN in Windows 10
If you prefer a faster way to do it, you can also disconnect from the VPN directly from your desktop. Click or tap on the network icon from your system tray, and, in the network flyout that is displayed, you should see the VPN connection to which you are presently connected. Click or tap on it, and then press the Disconnect button.

Disconnecting from a VPN from the networks flyout
How to change the advanced settings of your VPN connection
If you need to manage other VPN related configurations, such as the proxy settings for your VPN connection, open the Settings app and go to "Network & Internet" -> VPN. Click or tap on your VPN connection, and then press the "Advanced options" button.

Opening the Advanced options of a VPN in Windows 10
Then, you can adjust the settings of your VPN connection without having to recreate it. You can change all its properties, such as its name, server address, username, and so on, and you can also configure network and firewall settings if you want to.

Editing a VPN connection in Windows 10
How to delete a VPN connection from Windows 10
If you no longer need one of the VPN connections you created on your Windows 10 PC, you can remove it. To do that, open the Settings app and go to "Network & Internet" -> VPN. Then, click or tap on the VPN connection and press the Remove button.

Choosing to Remove a VPN connection from a Windows 10 PC
The VPN connection disappears immediately, and it can no longer be used.
Are you using VPN connections on your Windows 10 PC regularly?
As you can see, creating a VPN connection in Windows 10 is easy and does not require advanced computer skills. If you have found an excellent VPN service, you can use it in a matter of just a few minutes after setting it up in Windows 10. Be careful when entering the connection details because any erroneous data makes it impossible for you to connect to the VPN server. Are you using VPN connections on your Windows 10 computers and devices? Why are you using them? Use the comments section to share your reasons or for any questions on this subject.