Fallout 76是Bethesda Studios于 2018 年发布的一款流行的多人角色扮演动作游戏。该游戏可在Windows PC、Xbox One和Play Station 4上使用,如果您喜欢 Fallout 系列游戏,那么您会喜欢玩它。然而,许多玩家报告说,当他们试图在他们的电脑上启动游戏时,他们得到了Fallout 76与服务器断开连接的错误。贝塞斯达工作室(Bethesda Studios)声称该问题是由于服务器过载而发生的。这很可能是由于许多玩家试图同时访问它造成的。如果您也面临同样的问题,则您的 PC 设置或 Internet 连接可能存在问题。我们为您带来了一份完美的指南,将教您修复 Fallout 76 与服务器断开连接的(fix Fallout 76 disconnected from server)错误。所以,继续阅读!
如何修复与服务器断开连接的 Fallout 76(How to Fix Fallout 76 Disconnected from Server)
幸运的是,有许多方法可以修复Fallout 76与 PC 上的服务器断开连接错误。但是,在实施任何故障排除解决方案之前,最好检查Fallout服务器是否面临中断。请按照以下步骤检查是否有任何服务器中断。
1.查看Fallout的(Fallout)官方Facebook页面(Official Facebook Page)和Twitter页面(Twitter Page)以获取任何服务器中断公告。
2.您也可以查看官方网站(official website)是否有任何更新公告。
3. 搜索Fallout News等粉丝页面或分享游戏相关新闻和信息的聊天组,了解其他用户是否也面临类似问题。
如果Fallout 76服务器面临中断,请等到服务器重新上线,然后继续玩游戏。如果服务器工作正常,那么以下是修复Fallout 76(Fallout 76)与服务器断开连接错误的几种有效方法。
注意:(Note:)本文中提到的解决方案适用于Windows 10 PC上的Fallout 76游戏。
Method 1: Restart/Reset your Router
很可能不稳定或不正确的网络连接可能是启动游戏时发生Fallout 76与服务器断开连接错误的原因。因此(Hence),请按照下面列出的步骤重新启动或重置您的路由器。
1.关闭并(Turn off and Unplug your router)从墙上插座拔下路由器。
2. 60 秒后(after 60 seconds. )重新插入。(Plug it)
3.然后,打开它(switch it on),等待(wait)互联网指示灯闪烁(blink)。
4. 现在,连接(connect)您的WiFi并启动(launch)游戏。
检查Fallout 76与服务器断开连接错误是否已纠正。如果再次显示错误,请继续下一步以重置路由器。
5. 要重置您的路由器,请按住路由器上的Reset/RST按钮几秒钟,然后再次尝试上述步骤。
方法 2:重置 Windows 套接字以修复 Fallout 76
(Method 2: Reset Windows Sockets to fix Fallout 76
Winsock是一个 Windows 程序,用于管理您的 PC 上的数据,这些数据被程序用于Internet访问。因此(Therefore),Winsock应用程序中的错误可能导致 Fallout 76 与服务器断开连接错误。请按照以下步骤重置Winsock并可能解决此问题。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入命令提示符。(Command Prompt)选择以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如下图所示。
2. 接下来,在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中键入netsh winsock reset命令,然后(netsh winsock reset)按 Enter(Enter)键运行该命令。
3.命令运行成功后,重启你的电脑(Restart your PC)。
现在,启动游戏,看看你是否可以修复Fallout 76与服务器断开连接的错误。如果错误仍然存在,那么您需要关闭 PC 上所有其他占用 Internet 带宽的应用程序,如下所述。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上运行 Fallout 3?(How to Run Fallout 3 on Windows 10?)
方法 3:关闭使用网络带宽的应用程序(Method 3: Close Apps that Utilize Network Bandwidth)
您的计算机背景上运行着各种应用程序。您计算机上的那些后台应用程序可能会使用网络带宽。这可能是Fallout 76(Fallout 76)与服务器断开连接错误的另一个原因。因此,关闭那些不需要的后台应用程序可能会修复此错误。OneDrive、iCloud等应用程序以及Netflix、YouTube和Dropbox等流媒体网站可能会占用大量带宽。以下是如何关闭不需要的后台进程以使额外的带宽可用于游戏。
1. 如图所示,在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入任务管理器,然后从搜索结果中启动它。(Task Manager)
2. 在进程(Processes)选项卡的应用程序(Apps)部分下,右键单击使用您的网络连接的应用程序。(app)
3. 然后,单击结束任务(End Task)以关闭应用程序,如下所示。
注意:(Note:)下图是关闭Google Chrome应用程序的示例。
4.使用互联网连接对其他不需要的应用程序重复该过程。(Repeat the process)
现在,启动游戏,看看Fallout 76 disconnected from server 错误是否显示。如果错误再次出现,您可以按照下一个方法更新网络驱动程序。
方法 4:更新网络驱动程序(Method 4: Update Network Drivers )
如果安装在 Windows 台式机/笔记本电脑上的网络驱动程序已过时,那么Fallout 76将无法连接到服务器。按照给定的步骤更新您的网络驱动程序。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索设备管理器,将鼠标悬停到设备( Device Manage)管理器,(Device Manager,)然后单击打开(Open),如下图所示。
2.接下来,单击网络适配器(Network adapters)旁边的向下箭头(downward arrow)将其展开。
3. 右键单击网络驱动程序(network driver),然后单击更新驱动程序,( Update driver, )如图所示。
4. 在弹出窗口中,单击标题为自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)的第一个选项,如下所示。
5. Windows 将自动安装可用更新。安装后重新启动 PC(Restart your PC)。
现在,验证Fallout 76游戏是否正在启动。如果没有,请尝试下一个方法来修复Fallout 76与服务器断开连接错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Fallout 4 Mods 不起作用(Fix Fallout 4 Mods Not Working)
方法 5:执行 DNS 刷新和 IP 更新(Method 5: Perform DNS Flush and IP Renew)
如果您的 Windows 10 PC 上存在与DNS或 IP 地址相关的问题,则可能导致Fallout 76与服务器问题断开连接。以下是刷新DNS和更新 IP 地址以修复Fallout 76与服务器断开连接错误的步骤。
1. 以管理员身份启动命令提示符(Command Prompt),如方法 2 中所述。(Method 2.)
2.在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中输入 ipconfig /flushdns回车(Enter)执行命令。
注意:(Note:)此命令用于在Windows 10中刷新(Windows 10)DNS。
3. 上述过程完成后,键入 ipconfig /release 并按Enter键。
4. 然后,输入ipconfig/renew并按Enter更新您的 IP。
现在,启动游戏并检查Fallout 76 disconnected from server 错误是否消失。如果错误仍然存在,请按照下面给出的下一个方法。
方法6:更改DNS服务器以修复Fallout 76与服务器断开连接(Method 6: Change DNS Server to fix Fallout 76 disconnected from Server)
如果您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)( ISP ) 提供的(ISP)DNS(域名系统(Domain Name System))速度较慢或配置不正确,则可能导致在线游戏出现问题,包括 Fallout 76 与服务器断开连接错误。按照给定的步骤切换到另一个DNS服务器,希望能解决这个问题。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入控制面板。(Control Panel)点击Open,如下图所示。
2. 将View by选项设置为 Category并单击View network status and tasks,如图所示。
3. 现在,单击左侧边栏中的更改适配器设置(Change adapter settings)选项。
4. 接下来,右键单击当前活动的 Internet 连接并选择Properties,如突出显示的那样。
5. 在属性(Properties)窗口中,双击Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)。
6. 接下来,选中标题为“自动获取 IP 地址(Obtain an IP address automatically )”和“使用以下 DNS 服务器地址( Use the following DNS server addresses)”的选项,如突出显示的那样。
6a。对于首选 DNS 服务器,(Preferred DNS server,)输入Google 公共 DNS(Google Public DNS)地址:
6b。并且,在备用 DNS 服务器(Alternate DNS server)中,输入另一个Google 公共 DNS(Google Public DNS)为:
7. 最后,单击确定(OK)保存更改并重新启动系统。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且可以修复 Fallout 76 与服务器断开连接的(fix Fallout 76 disconnected from the server)错误。请让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何意见或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
Fix Fallout 76 Disconnected from Server
Fallоut 76 is a popular multiplayer rolе-plaуіng action gаme that Bethesda Studioѕ released in 2018. The game is aνailable on Windows PC, Xbox One, and Play Stаtion 4 and if you like Fallout series games then, you will enjoy playing it. However, many players have reported that when they tried to launch the gаme on their computer, they got Fallout 76 disconnected from server error. Bethesdа Studios claimed that the іssue had occurred becausе of an overloaded server. It was most probably, caused by numerous рlayers trying to access it at the same time. If you are also facing the same issuе, there might be a problem with your PC settings or internet conneсtiоn. We bring to you a perfeсt guide that will teach you to fix Fallout 76 disconnected from server error. So, continue reading!
How to Fix Fallout 76 Disconnected from Server
Fortunately, numerous methods are there that can fix Fallout 76 disconnected from server error on PC. But, before implementing any troubleshooting solutions, it would be best to check if the Fallout server is facing an outage. Follow the steps given below to check for any server outages.
1. Check the Official Facebook Page and Twitter Page of Fallout for any server outage announcements.
2. You can also check the official website for any update announcements.
3. Search for fan pages like Fallout News or chat groups that share the news and information related to the game to find out if other users are also facing similar issues.
If the Fallout 76 servers are facing an outage then, wait till the server comes back online and then continue to play the game. If the servers are working fine then, below are few effective methods to fix Fallout 76 disconnected from server error.
Note: The solutions mentioned in this article pertain to the Fallout 76 game on Windows 10 PC.
Method 1: Restart/Reset your Router
It is quite possible that an unstable or improper network connection may be the answer to why Fallout 76 disconnected from server error occurs while launching the game. Hence, follow the steps listed below to restart or reset your router.
1. Turn off and Unplug your router from the wall socket.
2. Plug it back in after 60 seconds.
3. Then, switch it on and wait for the indicator lights for the internet to blink.
4. Now, connect your WiFi and launch the game.
Check if Fallout 76 disconnected from server error is rectified. If the error is shown again then, continue to the next step to reset your router.
5. To reset your router, press the Reset/RST button on your router for few seconds and try the above steps again.
Note: After Reset, the router will switch back to its default settings and authentication password.
Method 2: Reset Windows Sockets to fix Fallout 76
Winsock is a Windows program that manages the data on your PC which is utilized by the programs for Internet access. Therefore, an error in the Winsock application might be causing Fallout 76 disconnected from server error. Follow the steps below to reset Winsock and potentially fix this issue.
1. Type Command Prompt in the Windows search bar. Choose Run as administrator, as shown below.
2. Next, type netsh winsock reset command in the Command Prompt window and hit Enter key to run the command.
3. After the command has run successfully, Restart your PC.
Now, launch the game and see if you could fix Fallout 76 disconnected from server error. If you error remains, then you need to close all other applications on your PC which are using up the internet bandwidth, as explained below.
Also Read: How to Run Fallout 3 on Windows 10?
Method 3: Close Apps that Utilize Network Bandwidth
There are various applications running on your computer background. Those background apps on your computer may use the network bandwidth. This is possibly another reason for Fallout 76 disconnected from server error. So, closing those unwanted background apps may fix this error. Applications like OneDrive, iCloud, and streaming websites like Netflix, YouTube, and Dropbox may utilize a lot of bandwidth. Here is how to close unwanted background processes to make additional bandwidth available for gaming.
1. Type Task Manager in the Windows search bar, as shown, and launch it from the search result.
2. In the Processes tab, under the Apps section, right-click on an app using your network connection.
3. Then, click on End Task to close the application as shown below.
Note: The image below is an example of closing the Google Chrome app.
4. Repeat the process for other unwanted apps using an internet connection.
Now, launch the game and see if Fallout 76 disconnected from server error is showing or not. If the error is showing again then, you can update your network drivers by following the next method.
Method 4: Update Network Drivers
If the network drivers installed on your Windows desktop/laptop are outdated, then Fallout 76 will have issues connecting to the server. Follow the given steps to update your network drivers.
1. Search for Device Manager in the Windows search bar, hover to Device Manager, and click on Open, as illustrated below.
2. Next, click on the downward arrow next to Network adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on the network driver and click on Update driver, as shown.
4. In the pop-up window, click on the first option titled Search automatically for drivers, as highlighted below.
5. Windows will automatically install available updates. Restart your PC after installation.
Now, verify that the Fallout 76 game is being launched. If not, try the next method to fix Fallout 76 disconnected from server error.
Also Read: Fix Fallout 4 Mods Not Working
Method 5: Perform DNS Flush and IP Renew
If there are issues pertaining to DNS or IP address on your Windows 10 PC then, it can lead to Fallout 76 disconnected from server issues. Below are the steps to flush DNS and renew IP address to fix Fallout 76 disconnected from server error.
1. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator, as explained in Method 2.
2. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the Command Prompt window and hit Enter to execute the command.
Note: This command is used to flush DNS in Windows 10.
3. Once the above process is complete, type ipconfig /release and press Enter key.
4. Then, type ipconfig/renew and hit Enter to renew your IP.
Now, launch the game and check Fallout 76 disconnected from server error is gone or not. If the error remains then follow the next method given below.
Method 6: Change DNS Server to fix Fallout 76 disconnected from Server
If the DNS (Domain Name System) that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides is slow or not configured correctly, it can lead to issues with online games, including Fallout 76 disconnected from server error. Follow the given steps to switch to another DNS server and hopefully, fix this problem.
1. Type Control Panel in the Windows search bar. Click on Open, as depicted below.
2. Set View by option to Category and click on View network status and tasks, as shown.
3. Now, click on the Change adapter settings option at the left sidebar.
4. Next, right-click on your currently active internet connection and select Properties, as highlighted.
5. In the Properties window, double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
6. Next, check the options titled Obtain an IP address automatically and Use the following DNS server addresses, as highlighted.
6a. For the Preferred DNS server, enter the Google Public DNS address as:
6b. And, In the Alternate DNS server, enter the other Google Public DNS as:
7. Lastly, click on OK to save the changes and reboot your system.
We hope this guide was helpful and could fix Fallout 76 disconnected from the server error. Do let us know which method worked out for you the best. Also, if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.