Windows 10旨在成为有史以来最安全的操作系统。其中一种方法是让您使用Microsoft帐户对您的计算机或设备进行身份验证。不幸的是,此类帐户的密码往往很长且难以记住。这就是为什么Windows 10还提供其他身份验证方式的原因,包括使用PIN码、指纹、面部识别、物理安全密钥以及图片密码。后者是我们将在本教程中讨论的。如果您想知道创建Windows 10图片密码所需步骤的正确顺序,请继续阅读:
注意:(NOTE:)我们使用带有2020 年 5 月更新的(May 2020 Update)Windows 10创建了本指南。在旧版本的Windows 10中,情况可能会有所不同,我们将向您展示的某些功能和选项可能有不同的名称或可能不可用。在继续之前,请检查您的 Windows 10 版本(check your version of Windows 10)并在必要时进行更新。(update)
什么是 Windows 10 图片密码?
图片密码是一种登录Windows 10的方式,它涉及使用您选择的图片和在该图片上绘制的手势,而不是密码。这些手势可以是圆圈、直线以及点击或敲击的组合。图片密码是您在为此任务选择的图片上按特定顺序执行的三个手势的组合。
图片密码与您的用户帐户相关联,您可以用它来代替您的密码。但是,您不能拥有使用图片密码登录Windows 10并且没有与之关联的密码的用户帐户。
如何启用Windows 10图片密码
要在Windows 10(Windows 10)中为您的用户帐户创建图片密码,您必须首先启用此选项。打开设置应用程序(Open the Settings app),转到帐户(Accounts),然后选择窗口左侧的登录选项。(Sign-in options)然后,在“设置”(Settings)应用的右侧,您应该会看到与登录Windows 10相关的几个设置和按钮。

您可能已经从之前的屏幕截图中注意到,默认情况下,Windows 10 允许您在使用Windows Hello Face、Windows Hello 指纹(Windows Hello Fingerprint)、Windows Hello PIN和安全密钥(Security Key)之间进行选择。Windows 10图片密码选项未显示在该列表中。那是因为最新版本的操作系统不认为图片密码非常安全,所以它禁用了这个选项。但是,如果您想使用图片密码,以下是启用它的方法:
在登录选项(Sign-in options)页面上向下滚动,直到您到达名为“需要 Windows Hello 登录 Microsoft 帐户”的区域。("Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts.")在那里,你会找到一个默认打开的开关,上面写着“(On)为了提高安全性,只允许 Windows Hello 登录此设备上的 Microsoft 帐户(推荐)”。("For improved security, only allow Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts on this device (Recommended).")关闭(Off)此开关。

然后,重新启动“设置”应用程序并从“(Settings)帐户(Accounts)”部分返回“登录选项(Sign-in options)”页面。这一次,您应该看到作为选项列出的图片密码。(Picture Password)

如何创建Windows 10图片密码
下一步是创建您的Windows 10图片密码。在登录选项(Sign-in options)页面上,向下滚动到图片密码(Picture Password)选项,单击或点击它,然后按添加(Add)按钮。

Windows 10 现在启动“欢迎使用图片密码”("Welcome to picture password")向导。首先(First),您被要求输入您的用户帐户密码。输入您的密码,然后按OK。如果您不这样做,您将无法为您的帐户创建图片密码。

在屏幕左侧,单击或点击选择图片(Choose picture)按钮。

浏览(Browse)您的 Windows 10 计算机或设备以查找您要使用的图片。选择它并单击或点击打开(Open)。

在向导中加载图片后,您可以通过用鼠标或手指拖动图片将图片移动到您想要的位置(如果您使用的是触摸屏)。完成后,单击或点击“使用此图片”。("Use this picture.")

接下来,您必须“设置手势”("set up your gestures,"),这意味着您需要在图片上绘制三个手势。它们可以是线条、点击/点击和圆圈。


完成后,Windows 10 会告诉您已成功创建图片密码。按完成(Finish)。

回到“设置”(Settings)应用程序,Windows 10 现在还告诉您图片密码已创建,您可以使用它来“[...] 登录 Windows、应用程序和服务”("[...] sign in to Windows, apps, and services")。

您可以关闭“设置”(Settings)窗口。阅读本教程的下一部分,了解如何使用图片密码登录Windows 10 。
如何使用图片密码登录Windows 10
当显示登录或锁定屏幕时,Windows 10会自动选择上次使用的帐户和上次使用的登录方式。如果您创建了图片密码并且从未使用它登录,Windows 10会要求您输入密码。要改为输入图片密码,请单击或点击登录选项(Sign-in options),然后按下面突出显示的图片符号。

然后, Windows 10(Windows 10)会显示您选择用作图片密码的图片。使用鼠标或手指绘制您设置的手势,您就可以登录Windows 10了。

下次您要登录 Windows 10(log in to Windows 10)时,操作系统会要求您输入图片密码,而不是您的用户帐户的常规密码。
您(Are)是否使用图片密码登录 Windows 10?
现在您知道如何创建Windows 10图片密码了。您还知道为什么默认情况下Windows 10图片密码未在“设置”应用中显示为选项。(Settings)问题是:您是否使用图片密码登录 Windows 10 计算机或设备?您(Did)在创建一个时遇到任何问题吗?通过在下面留下评论与我们联系。
How to create and use a picture password in Windows 10
Windows 10 aіms to bе the most secure operаting system ever created. One of the ways it does thаt is by letting you use a Microsoft account to authenticate to yoυr computer or device. Unfortunately, passwords fоr such accounts tend to be long and hard to remember. Thаt's why Windows 10 also offers other means of authentication, including using a PIN cоde, a fingerprint, faсial recognition, physical security keys, and also picture passwords. The latter is the one that we're going to talk аbout in this tutorial. If you want to know the correct order of the steps necessary for creating a Windows 10 picture pаssword, read on:
NOTE: We created this guide using Windows 10 with May 2020 Update. In older versions of Windows 10, things might look different, and some of the features and options we're going to show you might have different names or might not be available. Before going any further, check your version of Windows 10 and update it if necessary.
What is a Windows 10 picture password?
A picture password is a way of logging into Windows 10 that involves using a picture of your choosing and gestures drawn on that picture, instead of a password. These gestures can be a combination of circles, straight lines, and clicks or taps. The picture password is the combination of three gestures that you perform in a specific order on the picture that you chose for this task.
The picture password is associated with your user account, and you can use it as a replacement for your password. However, you cannot have a user account that logs in to Windows 10 with a picture password and has no password associated with it.
How to enable Windows 10 picture passwords
To create a picture password for your user account in Windows 10, you must first enable this option. Open the Settings app, go to Accounts, and select Sign-in options on the left side of the window. Then, on the right side of the Settings app, you should see several settings and buttons that are related to signing into Windows 10.

As you might have noticed from the previous screenshot, by default, Windows 10 lets you choose between using Windows Hello Face, Windows Hello Fingerprint, Windows Hello PIN, and Security Key. The Windows 10 picture password option is not showing up on that list. That's because the latest versions of the operating system don't consider picture passwords to be very secure, so it disables this option. However, if you want to use a picture password, here's how to enable it:
Scroll down on the Sign-in options page until you reach the area called "Require Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts." There, you're going to find a switch that's On by default, which says that "For improved security, only allow Windows Hello sign-in for Microsoft accounts on this device (Recommended)." Turn this switch Off.

Then, restart the Settings app and go back to the Sign-in options page from the Accounts section. This time, you should see the Picture Password listed as an option.

How to create a Windows 10 picture password
The next step is to create your Windows 10 picture password. On the Sign-in options page, scroll down to the Picture Password option, click or tap on it, and then push the Add button.

Windows 10 now launches the "Welcome to picture password" wizard. First, you are asked to enter your user account password. Type your password and press OK. If you don't do this, you cannot create a picture password for your account.

On the left side of the screen, click or tap the Choose picture button.

Browse through your Windows 10 computer or device to find the picture that you want to use. Select it and click or tap on Open.

Once the picture is loaded in the wizard, you can move the picture to the position you want by dragging it with your mouse or finger (if you are using a touchscreen). When done, click or tap on "Use this picture."

Next, you have to "set up your gestures," which means that you need to draw three gestures on the picture. They can be lines, taps/clicks, and circles.

Draw the gestures that you want to use and then confirm them. For example, we have drawn a circle and two lines on our sample picture. You can draw any combination of three gestures you prefer.

After drawing the three gestures on the picture, confirm them by redrawing them in the same order as you did the first time.
When you're done, Windows 10 tells you that you've successfully created your picture password. Press Finish.

Back in the Settings app, Windows 10 now tells you also that your picture password was created, and you can use it to "[...] sign in to Windows, apps, and services".

You can close the Settings window. Read the next section of this tutorial to see how to sign in to Windows 10 using a picture password.
How to sign in to Windows 10 using a picture password
When the sign-in or the lock screen is shown, Windows 10 automatically selects the last used account and the last used login method. If you've created a picture password and you never used it to log in, Windows 10 asks you to enter your password. To enter the picture password instead, click or tap on Sign-in options, and then press the picture symbol highlighted below.

Windows 10 then shows you the picture you chose to use for your picture password. Use your mouse or finger to draw the gestures you've set, and you are logged into Windows 10.

The next time you're going to log in to Windows 10, the operating system will ask you for the picture password instead of your user account's regular password.
Are you using a picture password to sign in to Windows 10?
Now you know how to create a Windows 10 picture password. You also know why the Windows 10 picture password is not showing as an option in the Settings app by default. The question is: are you using a picture password to sign in to your Windows 10 computer or device? Did you have any problems creating one? Get in touch with us by leaving a comment below.