每当您想到华硕(ASUS)时,您首先想到的可能不是他们的智能手机系列。虽然这家台湾电子公司主要以笔记本电脑和电脑硬件(computer hardware)而闻名,但他们也生产智能手机和平板电脑。我们设法获得了他们最新的中端智能手机之一,华硕 ZenFone Selfie(ASUS ZenFone Selfie),这是一款主要为青少年和自拍一代设计的Android 设备。(Android device)在这篇评论中,让我们看看华硕(ASUS)在这款智能手机上的表现如何:
智能手机大多采用标准化的华硕包装(ASUS packaging):它是一个白色纸板箱(cardboard box),上面印有制造商的名称、智能手机的品牌和一些最重要的功能。
ZenFone Selfie有皮革黑(Leather Black)、纯白(Pure White)、别致粉红色(Chic Pink)、水蓝色(Aqua Blue)、冰川灰和纯金颜色(Glacier Gray and Sheer Gold color variants)可供选择- 这绰绰有余。我们确信任何人都能找到他或她喜欢的颜色,无论他们想要更俏皮、多彩的变体还是优雅的风格。我们有一个冰川灰设备(Glacier Gray device)进行测试,它应该会吸引几乎所有人,因为它是一种更低调的颜色。
在智能手机和纸板盖(cardboard lid)下,可以找到用户手册、保修单(warranty slip)、充电器头(charger head)、microUSB 数据线(microUSB cable)和一对有线耳机。耳机的添加是一个非常好的奖励,主要是因为它在中端设备中并不常见。而且我们正在谈论带有一组额外耳塞的入耳式耳机 - 感谢您的奖金!
关于智能手机的规格,华硕 ZenFone Selfie(ASUS ZenFone Selfie)(也以其型号(model number)ZD551KL 着称(ZD551KL))具有巨大的 5.5 英寸IPS电容式触摸屏,分辨率为 1080 x 1920像素,像素密度为 403 ppi,所有这些都受到康宁的保护Gorilla Glass 4(Corning Gorilla Glass 4) 疏油涂层(oleophobic coating). 这个尺寸让ZenFone Selfie更像是一部平板手机,而不仅仅是一部智能手机——如果你有一双大手,在与这个婴儿打交道时,这肯定是一个优势。
这款智能手机高 156.5 毫米(6.16 英寸),宽 77.2 毫米(3.04 英寸),厚 10.8 毫米(0.43 英寸),重 170 克(6.00 盎司)。
引擎盖下有一个八核Snapdragon 615 ( MSM8939 ) 芯片组,带有两个四核Cortex-A53 CPU,每个 CPU 频率为 1.7 GHz。支持DirectX 11.2、OpenCL 1.2和OpenGL ES 3.0的(OpenGL ES 3.0)Adreno 405 GPU进一步增强了这种处理能力。至于RAM,您可以获得 2 或 3 GB,具体取决于具体型号(我们有一个具有 3 GB 内存的型号),而存储空间(storage space)可以是 16 或 32 GB。我们的测试设备(test device)有 32GB 的存储空间(storage space),其中 24.88 GB 可免费用于用户数据和其他应用程序。如果这还不够,ZenFone Selfie支持 microSD,您可以安装最大 128 GB的存储卡。(memory card)
该设备还有两个 micro- SIM 卡槽(SIM slot),工作在双待模式下(standby mode),这意味着当您使用一张SIM 卡通(SIM card)话时,另一张处于待机状态,无法接听电话。两个SIM 卡插槽都(SIM slot)支持 3G(support 3G)和4G 网络,但一次只能连接到这些高速网络。尽管如此,如果您想使用microSD 卡(microSD card),两个插槽都符合 4G 标准特别好,因为这需要插入第一个SIM 插槽(SIM slot)。
智能手机的电池是 3000 mAh锂聚合物(Li-Polymer model)电池,可更换 - 这在高端智能手机中非常罕见,在这里非常受欢迎,因为如果需要,这样人们(way one)就可以随时拥有备用电池。(backup battery)
ZenFone Selfie的前后摄像头(rear camera)都有5棱镜大立光(5-prism Largan)镜头,分辨率为 13 MP,东芝(Toshiba)传感器,蓝色玻璃滤镜和双色LED闪光灯,唯一的区别是它们的光圈大小(aperture size):后置摄像头(rear camera)有一个f/2.0光圈,而前置摄像头的光圈大小(aperture size)为f/2.2,也有88度的广角视野。
在连接方面,智能手机支持 2G ( EDGE/GPRS/GSM )、3G WCDMA (850MHz/900MHz/1900MHz/2100MHz) 和 4G LTE网络,理论最大速度为 5.76 Mbps上传和 42 Mbps下载HSPA+和 50在LTE网络上,上传速度为Mbps,下载速度为 150 Mbps 。该智能手机还支持 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac WiFi(WiFi support),并且可以连接到 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz无线网络。除了 4.0蓝牙模块(Bluetooth module)(带A2DP 和 EDR(A2DP and EDR)),ZenFone Selfie具有 GPS、A-GPS 和 GLONASS 支持(A-GPS and GLONASS support)、NFC 芯片(NFC chip)和microUSB 2.0端口。现在大多数智能手机正在消失的另一个功能是FM 收音机(FM radio)- Selfie拥有它,如果您将耳机插入 3.5毫米插孔端口(mm jack port),它就会工作。
完整的硬件规格可以在这里找到:ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL) 规格(ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL) specifications)。
华硕 ZenFone Selfie 的技术规格显示了一款坚固的中端设备,具有一些值得注意的奖励,这些奖励在这个价格类别中并不常见。此外,可更换电池或入耳式耳机等小配件使智能手机成为中档地区的更好选择。(The ASUS ZenFone Selfie's technical specifications reveal a solid mid-range device with some noteworthy bonuses that are not that frequently seen in this price category. Also, the small extras like the replaceable battery or the in-ear headphones make the smartphone an even better choice in the mid-range area.)
ZenFone Selfie继承了(ZenFone Selfie)ZenFone 系列(ZenFone line)智能手机的大部分主要设计特点:这意味着优雅时尚的外观,以及相当简约的设计模式(design pattern)。最明显的特点当然是非常大的 5.5 英寸屏幕,它占据了智能手机正面的大部分空间:它的边框很小,所以这里没有很多未使用的区域。
屏幕正上方是 13 MP前置摄像头(front camera),这是ZenFone Selfie的(ZenFone Selfie)标志性功能(signature feature)。这对于前置摄像头(front camera)来说当然是异常大的,这表明图像质量(image quality)高于通常的水平。相机辅以双色闪光灯,除此之外我们还可以看到前置扬声器(front speaker)。
在正面的底部,就在屏幕下方,智能手机具有默认的Android 软键(Android softkeys):返回(Back)、主页和最近使用的应用程序键(Home and Recent Apps keys)。我们很遗憾地看到它们没有任何背光,这使得它们在光线不足的区域更难使用。触摸键下方有拉丝金属饰面,这是对设计的一个很好的补充,就像ZenFone 2 Laser一样,我们真的希望在更多部件上看到这种饰面。
设备的顶部边缘装有电源键(power key)- 通常将其放置在这里,但由于ZenFone Selfie是一个相当大的设备,将(ZenFone Selfie)电源键(power key)放在一侧可能更明智,因为它可以一只手使用智能手机时有点难以够到它。我们还可以看到按键附近的 3.5毫米插孔连接器(mm jack connector)和麦克风。
设备底部还有另一个麦克风,附带一个microUSB 2.0端口,用于将Selfie连接到计算机并用于充电。两侧完全是空的,虽然右侧有一个小凹口,可以用来取下后面板。
当我们在后面板时:中间印有一个醒目的华硕标志,而(ASUS logo)Zenfone字样在底部,就在相当大的后置扬声器上方。有趣的是,品牌名称(brand name)在设备和包装上拼写为Zenfone ,而在华硕网站上写为ZenFone,大写F。
背板最重要的特点是在最上面的区域(topmost area),在这里我们可以看到 13MP后置摄像头(rear camera)、双色LED 闪光灯(LED flash)和激光自动对焦传感器(laser autofocus sensor)。在这些下方,我们可以看到音量键,它们的位置非常符合人体工程学,易于触及,但很难意外按下。此外,后置摄像头(rear camera)非常靠近它们,您肯定会经常触摸它 - 手头有一块清洁布(cleaning cloth)。
至于智能手机的整体制造质量(build quality),我们需要称赞主屏幕:Gorilla Glass 4非常适合防止划痕,而且 - 令人惊讶的是 - 触摸屏也没有指纹磁铁。IPS面板(IPS panel)具有良好的对比度,非常漂亮的色彩和良好的视角(viewing angle)。
后面板采用弯曲设计,我们非常喜欢,因为它与许多其他真正扁平的智能手机不同,尽管它使设备更加笨重。面板由中等质量的塑料制成(medium quality plastic),具有哑光(matte finish)效果,看起来有点脆弱,因此除非必要,否则我们不建议将其取下。除此之外,该设备组装得很好,在处理它时我们真的听不到任何吱吱声或吱吱声。
华硕 ZenFone Selfie 具有美观且相当独特的设计,特定于 ZenFone 系列。智能手机中使用的材料从正面的非常好的材料到背面的中等质量的塑料,但整体印象相当不错,这要归功于设备正确组装。(The ASUS ZenFone Selfie has a good-looking and fairly unique design, specific of the ZenFone line. The materials used in the smartphone range from really good ones on the front to medium quality plastics on the back, but the overall impression is rather good, thanks to the device being properly assembled.)
华硕 ZenFone Selfie(ASUS ZenFone Selfie)的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
当我们拿到中端智能手机(mid-range smartphone)时,通常会有一些降低的期望:平庸的屏幕质量(mediocre screen quality)、有点慢或有些过时的软件、时不时的滞后、不是很好的相机等等。幸运的是,华硕 ZenFone Selfie(ASUS ZenFone Selfie)在几乎所有使用领域的表现都要好得多。
首先(First),让我们看看显示器:颜色非常漂亮,不像许多其他制造商的设备那样过于饱和,但在某种程度上更自然。我们甚至可以说图像质量(image quality)是完美的:高分辨率和像素比(resolution and pixel ratio)使屏幕非常好看,您可能会觉得您使用的是价格更高的智能手机。
至于速度,我们真的没有太多可抱怨的。Selfie在我们的日常任务中没有任何问题,一点也不迟钝:网络浏览和应用程序(web browsing and apps)都表现良好,而且我们没有遇到严重的减速。有时,在浏览更复杂的网站时,滚动时会出现明显但不烦人的延迟。此外,安装和更新应用程序花费了异常长的时间 - 与其他还好的速度相比,这很奇怪。没有重大的稳定性问题,虽然设备曾经意外关闭 - 我们不知道这是什么原因,因为它再也没有发生过。
在通话过程中,音质(sound quality)很好,但缺少在 3G 和 4G 网络上通话时可能期望的那种水晶般清晰的声音感觉。这与其说是抱怨,不如说是一个音符,因为我们总是能完美地听到对方的声音,没有音量问题,而且我们也被其他人很好地听到了。
与 2G 和 3G 网络的连接完美无缺,但在某些地方ZenFone Selfie没有切换到 4G,尽管其他设备可以。当在室外以更好的 4G 覆盖使用它时,智能手机连接到 4G 网络没有问题。很高兴知道两个SIM 卡(SIM)插槽都支持 4G LTE网络,因此如果您打算将第一个插槽用于 microSD 卡,则不必放弃使用 4G。
智能手机提供的一个有趣的好处是能够记录通话。尽管我们之前已经看到应用程序通过将所有通话放在扬声器上来做到这一点,但ZenFone Selfie实际上在不使用扬声器的情况下记录了通话双方。在进行电话采访时,此功能可能对记者非常有用,但对其他人也非常方便。但是,请记住,在某些国家/地区,您有义务在录制通话之前通知对方。
我们也尝试过使用导航,GPS 模块(GPS module)工作完美:即使在室内使用,它也能快速连接,并且永远不会失去连接。这与真正的大屏幕一起,使ZenFone Selfie成为一个很好的导航伴侣(navigation companion)。
根据智能手机的规格,使用 3000 mAh 锂聚合物电池充满电后,我们应该可以期待大约 23 小时的通话时间或 255 小时的待机时间。(talk time)在测试期间(test period),我们一直将Selfie作为我们唯一的智能手机,并且与我们使用自己的方式一样:自动亮度、始终开启WiFi、蓝牙(Bluetooth)关闭、位置设置为省电模式、平均通话次数、SMS消息和电子邮件,以及一些浏览。通过这种使用,我们设法在Selfie中剩余大约 30-35% 的电池寿命完成了一天(battery life):这意味着我们可以在第二天轻松开始而无需再次为电池充电,但它不会持续两天。这主要是由于 5.5 英寸的屏幕,我认为我们可以说这是一个可以接受的电池寿命(battery life):即使你用智能手机生活和呼吸,它仍然会持续一天。你也可以得到它工作两天,如果少用的话。
其主要功能、电池寿命和通信能力都使华硕 ZenFone Selfie 成为一款中端智能手机,它有起有落,但它肯定是这个价位的有力竞争者。它的设计也比大多数中端智能手机优雅得多。(Both its main features, the battery life and its communication capabilities make the ASUS ZenFone Selfie a mid-range smartphone, which has its ups and downs, but it surely is a strong contender in this price category. Also it has a much more elegant design than most mid-range smartphones.)
ASUS ZenFone Selfie review - How to take a better look at yourself?
Whenever you think of ASUS, the first thing that comes into your mіnd might not be their line of smаrtphones. Αlthough the Taiwanese electronics cоmpany is mostly known for thеir notebooks and computer hardware, they manufacture smartphones and tablets аs well. We managed to get oυr hands on one of their latest mіd-rаnge smartphones, the ASUS ZenFone Selfie, an Android dеvice created moѕtly for teеns and the selfie-generation. Let's see how good a job ASUS did with this smartрhоne, in this rеview:
Hardware specifications and packaging
The smartphone comes in mostly standardized ASUS packaging: it is a white cardboard box, featuring the manufacturer's name, the smartphone's branding and some of its most important features printed on its side.
The box slides open to reveal its most important contents: the smartphone itself. On a more personal note, I was a bit surprised upon opening the box, as I ha d not read anything about this smartphone before and, based on its name, I expected a much smaller device. It was a pleasant surprise to see a rather elegantly designed smartphone, with sleek curves and a rather large screen - it seems that buyers of mid-range devices are getting their share of quality as well, which is a welcome fact.
The ZenFone Selfie is available in Leather Black, Pure White, Chic Pink, Aqua Blue, Glacier Gray and Sheer Gold color variants - this is more than enough. We are sure that anyone can find a color he or she likes, whether they want a more playful, colorful variant or an elegant style is preferred. We had a Glacier Gray device for testing, which should appeal to almost everyone, as it is a more low-key color.
Under the smartphone and a cardboard lid, one can find the user's manual, a warranty slip, the charger head, a microUSB cable and a pair of wired headphones as well. The addition of the headsets is a very nice bonus, mostly because it's not very frequently seen along mid-range devices. And we're talking about in-ear ones with a set of additional earplugs as well - thanks for the bonus!
Regarding the smartphone's specifications, the ASUS ZenFone Selfie (also known by its model number, ZD551KL) has a huge, 5.5" IPS capacitive touchscreen with a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels and a pixel density of 403 ppi, all this protected with a Corning Gorilla Glass 4 oleophobic coating. This size makes the ZenFone Selfie more of a phablet than just a smartphone - if you have big hands, that's surely an advantage, when dealing with this baby.
The smartphone is 156.5 mm (6.16 in) tall, 77.2 mm (3.04 in) wide, has a thickness of 10.8 mm (0.43 in) and weighs 170 grams (6.00 oz).
Under the hood there is an octa-core Snapdragon 615 (MSM8939) chipset with two quad-core Cortex-A53 CPU's, each ticking at 1.7 GHz. This processing power is further enhanced by an Adreno 405 GPU with DirectX 11.2, OpenCL 1.2 and OpenGL ES 3.0 support. As for RAM, you can get 2 or 3 Gigabytes, depending on the exact model (we had one with 3 GB of memory), while the storage space can be 16 or 32 GB. Our test device has 32GB of storage space, with 24.88 GB being free for user data and additional applications. If that's not enough, the ZenFone Selfie has microSD support and you can install a memory card with a maximum of size of 128 GB.
The device also has two micro-SIM slots, working in dual standby mode, meaning that while you're talking on one SIM card, the other one is in standby, not able to receive calls. Both SIM slots support 3G and 4G networks as well, although only one can connect to these high-speed networks at a time. Still, it is especially good that both slots are 4G-compliant if you want to use a microSD card, as this needs to be inserted in the first SIM slot.
The smartphone's battery is a 3000 mAh Li-Polymer model, which is replaceable - this is something very rare with high-end smartphones and is hugely welcome here, as this way one can always have a backup battery, if need be.
Both the front and rear camera on the ZenFone Selfie have 5-prism Largan lenses, a resolution of 13 MP, Toshiba sensors, blue glass filters, and dual-tone LED flashes, the only difference being their aperture size: the rear camera has an f/2.0 aperture, while the front camera's aperture size is f/2.2 and also has an 88-degree wide-angle field of view.
As for connectivity, the smartphone supports 2G (EDGE/GPRS/GSM), 3G WCDMA (850MHz/900MHz/1900MHz/2100MHz) and 4G LTE networks, the theoretical maximum speeds being 5.76 Mbps for upload and 42 Mbps for download on HSPA+ and 50 Mbps for upload and 150 Mbps for download on LTE networks. The smartphone also has 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac WiFi support and can connect to both 2.4 GHz and 5GHz wireless networks. Besides a 4.0 Bluetooth module (with A2DP and EDR), the ZenFone Selfie has GPS, A-GPS and GLONASS support, an NFC chip, and a microUSB 2.0 port as well. Another feature that is disappearing from most smartphones nowadays is the FM radio - the Selfie has it and it works if you plug a headphone in the 3.5 mm jack port.
The full set of hardware specifications can be found here: ZenFone Selfie (ZD551KL) specifications.
The ASUS ZenFone Selfie's technical specifications reveal a solid mid-range device with some noteworthy bonuses that are not that frequently seen in this price category. Also, the small extras like the replaceable battery or the in-ear headphones make the smartphone an even better choice in the mid-range area.
Design and build quality
The ZenFone Selfie inherits most of its main design features from the ZenFone line of smartphones: this means an elegant and stylish look, with a rather minimalistic design pattern. The most obvious feature is of course the very large, 5.5" screen, which takes up most of the smartphone's front: this has a small frame, so there aren't many unused areas here.
Right above the screen is the 13 MP front camera, the signature feature of the ZenFone Selfie. This is of course unusually large for a front camera, which suggests a higher than usual image quality. The camera is supplemented by a dual-tone flash, and besides these we can also see the front speaker.
On the bottom of the front part, just below the screen, the smartphone has the default Android softkeys: the Back, Home and Recent Apps keys. We were very sorry to see that these don't have any backlight, which makes them much harder to use in low-light areas. Below the touch keys there is a brushed metallic finish, which is a nice addition to the design, and, just like in the case of the ZenFone 2 Laser , we would really like to see this finish on more parts.
The top edge of the device houses the power key - it is common to place it here, but due to the ZenFone Selfie being a rather large device, it might have been wiser to put the power key on one of the sides, as it can be a bit hard to reach it when using the smartphone in one hand. We can also see the 3.5 mm jack connector and a microphone near the key.
On the bottom of the device there is another microphone, accompanied by the microUSB 2.0 port that is used for connecting the Selfie to a computer and also for charging. The two sides are completely empty, although there is a small notch on the right, which you can use to take off the back panel.
While we're at the back panel: there is a prominent ASUS logo printed right on its middle, while the word Zenfone is on the bottom, just above the rather large back speaker. It's interesting to note that the brand name is spelled Zenfone on the device and the packaging, while it's written as ZenFone , with a capital F on the ASUS website.
The most important features of the back panel are in the topmost area, where we can see the 13MP rear camera, the dual-tone LED flash and the laser autofocus sensor. Below these we can see the volume keys, which are quite ergonomically placed and are easy to reach, but hard to press accidentally. Also, the rear camera is really close to them, you will surely be touching it a lot - keep a cleaning cloth at hand.
As for the smartphone's general build quality we need to praise the main screen: the Gorilla Glass 4 is great for keeping away scratches, and - surprisingly - the touchscreen is no fingerprint-magnet either. The IPS panel has decent contrast, very nice colors and a good viewing angle too.
The back panel has a curved design, which we really liked, as it sets it apart from many other, really flat smartphones, even though it makes the device a bit more bulky. The panel is made of medium quality plastic, has a matte finish and it looks a bit fragile, so we don't recommend taking it off, unless necessary. Aside from that, the device is rather well assembled, we couldn't really hear any squeaks or creaks while handling it.
The ASUS ZenFone Selfie has a good-looking and fairly unique design, specific of the ZenFone line. The materials used in the smartphone range from really good ones on the front to medium quality plastics on the back, but the overall impression is rather good, thanks to the device being properly assembled.
The smartphone experience on the ASUS ZenFone Selfie
When taking a mid-range smartphone into our hands, we usually tend to have some lowered expectations: mediocre screen quality, a bit slow or somewhat outdated software, lags here and there, not a very good camera and so on. Fortunately, the ASUS ZenFone Selfie fares much better in almost all areas of use.
First of all, let's see the display: the colors are very nice, not overly saturated like on many other manufacturers' devices, but more natural in a way. We might even say that the image quality is perfect: the high resolution and pixel ratio make the screen very good to look at, you might get the feeling that you're using a much higher priced smartphone.
As for speed, we really don't have very much to complain about. The Selfie had no problems in our day-to-day tasks, it wasn't sluggish at all: web browsing and apps were all performing well and we didn't experience major slowdowns. Sometimes, when browsing more complex websites, there was a noticeable, but not annoying lag during scrolling. Also, installing and updating apps took an unusually long time - this was quite strange, compared to the otherwise okay speed. There were no major stability issues, although the device once turned off unexpectedly - we don't know the reason for this, as it never happened again.
During calls the sound quality was good, but it was missing that certain crystal clear sound feeling you might expect when talking on 3G and 4G networks. This is more of a note than a complaint, as we always heard the other party perfectly, there were no volume problems and we were also heard well by others.
Connection to 2G and 3G networks worked flawlessly, but there were some places where the ZenFone Selfie didn't switch to 4G, although other devices did. When using it outside at even better 4G coverage, the smartphone had no problems connecting to the 4G network. It's good to know that both SIM slots support 4G LTE networks, so if you plan on using the first slot for a microSD card, you won't have to give up on using 4G.
An interesting bonus the smartphone offers is the ability to record calls. Although we have previously seen apps do that by putting all calls on the loudspeaker, the ZenFone Selfie actually records both talking parties without using the loudspeakers. This feature is probably very useful to journalists when making phone interviews, but it can be really handy for others too. However, keep in mind that in some countries you are obliged to notify the other party prior to recording a call.
We tried using navigation too, and the GPS module worked flawlessly: it connected rapidly, even when used indoors, and never lost connection. This, along with the really large screen, makes the ZenFone Selfie a good navigation companion.
Being a kind of multimedia-centered smartphone, one might expect awesome sound quality too: the built-in speakers are loud enough, but of course the plastic casing doesn't really allow for any spectacular parties. Still, the bundled earphones are of a rather good quality: if you want to listen to music, you should stick to them, or use your own pair of headphones.
Based on the smartphone's specifications, we should expect about 23 hours of talk time or 255 hours of standby time with one full charge from the 3000 mAh Li-Po battery. We have been using the Selfie as our only smartphone during the test period, and just the way we use our own: with automatic brightness, always-on WiFi, Bluetooth turned off, location set to battery saving mode, an average number of phone calls, SMS messages and emails, and a bit of browsing as well. With this usage we managed to finish a day with about 30-35 percent of battery life left in the Selfie: this means that we could have easily started the next day without charging the battery again, but it wouldn't have lasted two days. This is mostly due to the 5.5" screen, and I think we can say that this is a really acceptable battery life: even if you live and breathe with your smartphone, it will still keep going for a day. You can also get it to work for two days, if used sparingly.
Both its main features, the battery life and its communication capabilities make the ASUS ZenFone Selfie a mid-range smartphone, which has its ups and downs, but it surely is a strong contender in this price category. Also it has a much more elegant design than most mid-range smartphones.