firestick 的功能类似于Plug-in box。只需将其插入电视 HDMI(TVs HDMI)端口,即可在电视上播放节目、照片、游戏、音乐、频道和应用程序(Apps)。Firestick最显着的优势是即使在移动时您也可以观看自己喜欢的节目。有很多功能,例如对Android应用程序的内置支持、4K 流媒体和Alexa支持,可以打包到Firestick中。
然而, Firestick(Firestick)上的Appstore不太有利于添加新的应用程序,但这绝不会妨碍我们自己获得漂亮和令人惊叹的应用程序。一些应用程序可在Amazon Appstore上获得,还有更多;我们将不得不从任何其他第三方Appstore侧载应用程序。
要在 firestick 上侧载第三方应用程序,我们必须更改以下设置,如下所示:
a)启用 ADB 调试(Enable ADB Debugging):首字母缩写词ADB代表Android Debug Bridge,它是一个命令行工具,可帮助与Firestick进行通信。要启用ADB 调试(ADB Debugging),我们必须打开设置并选择 My Firestick ''。选择“我的Firestick ”后返回并选择“开发人员选项”并检查“调试”下的“Android 调试”或“ USB(Debugging)调试(USB)”,然后选择“打开”。
b)未知来源:(Unknown Source:)要在firestick上安装来自未知来源的应用程序,我们必须转到设置选项并选择右上角的“菜单”,然后选择“特殊访问”。完成此操作后,选择“安装未知应用程序”并选择要从中安装APK文件的应用程序,最后将“允许来自此来源”选项切换为“开启”。
2020 年 Firestick 的 19 款最佳应用(19 Best Apps for Firestick in 2020)
完成上述步骤后,您就可以从Amazon Appstore和未知来源安装应用程序了。2020 年可供下载的最佳Firestick应用程序如下:(Firestick)
a) 用于安全的 Firestick 应用程序:(a) Firestick Apps for security:)
1.快速VPN(1. Express VPN)
Express VPN应用程序保证在线隐私和保护您的身份。它隐藏了您的连接,使黑客、互联网服务提供商、政府或网络上的其他入侵者无法察觉或看不见它。
许多互联网服务提供商为了规范网络流量和减少带宽拥塞,降低了互联网的速度。Express VPN应用程序有助于绕过此问题,将无缓冲体验保存到在线流媒体。
Express VPN还有助于绕过所有地理限制连接到世界任何地方的任何服务器,并允许访问网络上的任何内容。
b) 用于电影和电视节目的 Firestick 应用程序:(b) Firestick apps for Movies and TV Shows:)
2.科迪(2. Kodi)
此应用程序在Amazon Appstore(Amazon Appstore)上不可用,因此必须将其侧载到 firestick 上。另请阅读如何从 Windows PC 投射到 Firestick(how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC) .. 另请阅读如何从 Windows PC 投射到 Firestick(how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC) .. 它可以免费下载和安装。它可以轻松安装在Amazon Firestick上,是一款非常安全可靠的应用程序。这个应用程序有助于观看您选择的在线免费电影、直播(Live)电视节目(Shows)。如果您越狱,您可以使用Kodi(Kodi)观看更多节目,这意味着删除Apple施加的软件限制,这类似于在 android 设备上生根。
在安装Firestick(Firestick)之前,您需要越狱或 root才能访问Kodi附加组件和Kodi构建,这可以在网络上提供无限的内容池。使用 All-in-one 插件,您可以找到免费的影视节目、地方和国家新闻、体育、音乐、儿童内容、宗教话题等。
3.电影院APK(3. Cinema APK)
这是Firestick的另一个流媒体应用程序,在 terrarium TV 停产后变得非常流行。使用此应用程序,您可以连续数小时观看数百部电影和电视节目,而且您永远不会对可用的各种内容感到厌烦。
4.蜜蜂电视(4. Bee TV)
尽管这个应用程序相对较新,但它已在Firestick应用程序列表中变得非常流行。Bee TV 应用软件运行非常流畅,速度非常快,不会影响火棒的性能。可供选择的大量电影和电视节目进一步提高了它的受欢迎程度。尽管是新的,但它在流行度和功能上与Cinema APK等流行应用程序相当。
5. Cyberflix 电视(5. Cyberflix TV)
在Terrarium TV 关闭后,这是另一个广受欢迎的应用程序,据信它在形式和功能方面都是该应用程序的副本或克隆。凭借出色的光学和非凡的电影和电视节目收藏,它提供了整体出色的观看和娱乐体验。
使用网络抓取工具(web scraping tools),它为您选择的视频提供链接。从提供的链接列表中,您可以查看要观看的视频。在Cyberflix 上(Cyberflix),您还可以从 Real Debrid或Trakt TV帐户快速流式传输,从而增强其娱乐指数。
6.猫鼠APK(6. CatMouse APK)
另一个值得夸耀的功能是您可以将CatMouse主页设置为打开您选择的任何页面。您可以单击以选择您的收藏夹,并可以自动打开您最喜欢的类别。您也可以在CatMouse APK(CatMouse APK)应用程序上快速流式传输帐户。
7.解锁MyTV(7. UnlockMyTV)
在接管了Cinema HD应用程序并删除了广告并对应用程序进行了更多改进后,开发人员启动了它,将应用程序重新命名为UnlockMy TV应用程序。Cinema HD应用程序的用户界面功能在此次新发布中保持不变。
8. 媒体框(8. MediaBox)
9. TVZion
此应用程序的最佳功能是,与其他在网络上查找链接并为请求的视频提供多个流的应用程序不同,此应用程序具有简单的界面,可提供一键式/一键式播放。只要您选择要观看的电影或电视节目, (Movie)TVZion就会立即开始播放。
10. 茶电视(10. Tea TV)
随着Terrarium应用程序的大量停产,出现了许多不错的应用程序,Tea TV 也是其中之一。它在 terrarium 应用程序存在期间就开始显示其存在,但在关闭后,它作为一个优秀的应用程序浮出水面。
11. 台风电视应用(11. Typhoon TV app)
不用说,这个应用程序的存在也归功于 terrarium 应用程序的关闭。这就是说,它绝不会降低这个应用程序的重要性。它是最好的应用程序之一,可按需观看任何电影或电视节目。它拥有从最古老的电影和电视节目到迄今为止最著名的电影和电视节目的清单。
c) 用于直播电视节目的 Firestick 应用(c) Firestick apps for Live TV programs)
12. 网络电视直播(12. Live NetTV)
13. Mobdro 应用程序(13. Mobdro App)
(Mobdro)如果您想使用火棒直播电视节目,Mobdro是另一个值得考虑的应用程序。想通过互联网观看像 Hallmark 这样的有线电视频道(watch cable TV channels like Hallmark),这个应用程序是正确的选择。它可以在最短的时间内安装好您的存储空间。
14. 红盒电视(14. Redbox TV)
Redbox TV 应用程序带来了数百个频道,提供来自美国(USA)、英国、印度(India)和您选择或其他地区的许多其他地区的完整直播电视频道。(Live)
15. Sling TV 应用程序(15. Sling TV app)
美国(USA)著名的付费服务直播(Live)电视应用程序。您可以直接从Amazon Play 商店安装此应用程序,无需旁载。它使用提供多达 50 个频道的主要服务计划提供各种频道,每月订阅费用为 25 美元。(Channels)
与标准有线电视相比,它是一种通过互联网观看电视的非常划算的方式。除了上述常规计划外,您还可以通过支付额外费用查看您选择的任何其他计划。这完全由观众自行决定,例如Showtime;每月支付 10 美元的额外费用可获得非常规计划。如果您想选择您选择的特殊计划,则绝不会强迫您必须拥有标准套餐。
d) 其他应用程序(d) Miscellaneous Apps)
除了上述应用程序外,firestick 还支持某些实用程序应用程序,如下所述:
16. YouTube 应用(16. YouTube app)
由于亚马逊(Amazon)和谷歌(Google)之间存在某些分歧,YouTube在亚马逊(Amazon)商店有一段时间不可用,但截至目前,它也可以在那里使用。可以使用 firestick 上的下载器应用程序将其侧载。
YouTube应用程序也可以使用浏览器在firestick 上观看。您可以通过您的Google ID(Google ID)登录YouTube应用。请注意,此应用程序不访问YouTube提供的直播电视服务。
17. 鼠标切换应用(17. Mouse Toggle app)
这个应用程序在火棒上很重要。我们已经看到任何可以在 Firestick 上侧载的应用程序,(Firestick)但并非其中许多功能的所有功能都与电视屏幕兼容并且不能很好地工作。有些需要鼠标,它不是火棒遥控器的一部分。这些功能需要手指点击和其他操作。这是鼠标切换的帮助所在,并允许用户使用遥控器使用鼠标功能。
18. 下载器应用(18. Downloader App)
这个应用程序允许您轻松地将第三方应用程序加载到 firestick 上。尽管亚马逊商店(Amazon Store)仍然提供大量参考列表,但外部需要一些优秀的第三方应用程序。此过程称为侧载。问题是Firestick不允许第三方应用程序通过网络浏览器,例如Firestick不允许下载第三方Kodi应用程序。
在这种情况下,下载器会使用其轻型软件。该软件允许将APK软件文件从网络下载并安装到 firestick 上,以满足某些功能需求。
19. Aptoide 应用程序(19. Aptoide app)
Amazon Appstore有大量可用于Firestick的应用程序列表,但可能不是应用程序的全面要求。除了那些可能需要一些第三方优秀应用程序的应用程序之外,例如Kodi等。但是,下载器应用程序可以这样做,但它需要一个用于下载APK文件的源URL 。
然后Aptoide(Aptoide)来帮忙。它还拥有大量 firestick 和Android应用程序,并成为Amazon Appstore的替代品。它有任何应用程序,无论是流媒体应用程序还是实用工具,无论您正在寻找什么。经过(Being)专业设计,它使搜索任何应用程序变得非常容易。
总结一下这个话题,说上面是Firestick应用程序的全部列表是不合适的。Twitch、Spotify和TuneIn是一些音乐、广播和音频流应用程序,而Happy Chick和RetroArch是游戏应用程序的示例。
19 Best Firestick Apps for Movies, TV Shows, & Live TV
For viewing programs on Television, we eіthеr use the services of a cable TV operator or install a dish and watch TV directly υsing the Dish. In either cаse, we have to integrate the input signal with the TV through a ѕet-top box or a plug-in box. With technologіcal advancеment, the plug-inbox was replaced by a plug-in stіck сalled Firestick.
The firestick had functions similar to the Plug-in box. It merely had to be plugged into the TVs HDMI port for streaming shows, photos, games, music, channels, and Apps on TV. The most significant advantage of a Firestick is that you can watch your favorite programs even when on the move. There are a lot of features like the in-built support for Android apps, 4K streaming, and Alexa support which can be packed into the Firestick.
The Appstore on Firestick is, however not very conducive to the addition of new apps, but that does not in any way hinder us from getting nice and astonishing apps on our own. Some of the apps are available on Amazon Appstore, and for more; we would have to sideload apps from any other third-party Appstore.
To sideload third-party apps on the firestick we have to change the following setting as indicated below:
a) Enable ADB Debugging: The acronym ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge, which is a command-line tool that helps communicate with the Firestick. To enable ADB Debugging, we have to open settings and select My Firestick’’. After selecting ‘My Firestick’ go back and select ‘Developer options’ and check ‘Android debugging’ or ‘USB debugging’ under ‘Debugging and select ‘On’.
b) Unknown Source: To install apps from unknown sources on the firestick we have to go to the setting option and select ‘Menu’ at the upper-right corner & then choose ‘Special access’. After having done this, pick ‘Install unknown apps’ and choose the application you are installing the APK file from, and finally toggle the ‘Allow from this source’ option to ‘On’.
19 Best Apps for Firestick in 2020
Having undertaken the above steps, you are ready to install apps both from Amazon Appstore and an unknown source. The Best Apps for Firestick in 2020 available for downloading are list below:
a) Firestick Apps for security:
1. Express VPN
The Internet has become almost analogous to the air we breathe, as it has become next to impossible to think of a world without it. With so many people on the internet, there is always a lurking fear of someone spying on us.
Express VPN app guarantees online privacy and protection of your identity. It conceals your connection and makes it unnoticeable or invisible to the hackers, the internet service providers, the government, or other encroachers on the net.
Many internet service providers, to regulate the net traffic movement and reduce bandwidth congestion cut down the speed of the internet. Express VPN app helps bypass this issue to save from buffer-free experience to the online streamers.
Express VPN also helps to connect to any server anywhere in the world by-passing all geo-restrictions and giving access to any content on the net.
b) Firestick apps for Movies and TV Shows:
Movies and TV shows are watched by millions of people and form a big chunk of internet users. Firestick can help with the best apps for this purpose, as indicated below:
2. Kodi
This app is not available on Amazon Appstore, so it has to be sideloaded on the firestick. Also read how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC.. Also read how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC.. It is free to download and install. It installs easily on the Amazon Firestick and is a very safe and secure app. This app helps to watch online free films, Live TV Shows of your choice. You can watch many more programs using Kodi if you jailbreak, implying removal of software restrictions imposed by Apple, which is similar to rooting on an android device.
You will need to jailbreak or root your Firestick before you install it to have access to Kodi add-ons and Kodi builds, which could provide an unlimited pool of contents on the web. Using the All-in-one add-ons, you can find the free film and TV shows, local and national news, sports, music, children’s contents, religious topics, etc. etc.
3. Cinema APK
This is another streaming app of Firestick which became extremely popular after terrarium TV got discontinued. Using this app, you can watch hundreds of movies and TV shows for hours on end, and still, you will never get bored with the variety of content available.
With an active team of developers backing this app, new content is immediately added as soon as it is available. Any shortcomings or bugs are immediately fixed, making it a simple and highly functional app. You will immediately connect with this app as it is very user friendly even if you are new to streaming. It is one of the best apps because of its high compatibility with your firestick remote and the TV screen.
4. Bee TV
This app has become highly popular in the list of Firestick apps despite it being relatively new. The Bee TV app software works very smoothly and is exceedingly fast, without impairing the performance of the firestick. A huge list of movies and TV shows to choose from enhances its popularity further. Despite being new, it is at par if not above in popularity and functionality with popular apps like Cinema APK, etc.
5. Cyberflix TV
After Terrarium TV shutdown this is another app that gained in popularity believed to be a copy or clone of that app both in terms of form and function. With excellent optics and an extraordinary collection of movies and TV shows, it provides an overall excellent watching and entertaining experience.
Using web scraping tools , it provides links for the videos of your choice. From the list of links provided, you can view the video you want to watch. On Cyberflix you can also fast stream from Real Debrid or Trakt TV account enhancing its entertainment index.
6. CatMouse APK
This is another app believed to be a clone, but an improvised clone of the Terrarium app with tons of movies and TV shows you would like to watch, on its list. The best part is this app sans ads, which is a very nice feature, as ads in between a movie or a TV show are very annoying, act as a disturbance and kill the interest making it boring.
An interesting feature of this app is if you want to watch any show or movie is, it asks whether to play or download with sub-titles or copy stream links.
Another feature boasts of is that you can set the CatMouse homepage to open any page of your choice. You can click to select your favorites and can automatically have your most preferred category opened. You can fast stream the account on the CatMouse APK app also.
7. UnlockMyTV
After taking over the Cinema HD app and removing the ads and refurbishing the app with more improvements, the developers launched it re-naming the app as UnlockMy TV app. The user interface feature of the Cinema HD app was kept as it is in this new launch.
Having made provision for subtitles while watching movies and TV shows, has helped maintain interest while seeing a movie even in a noisy environment. It also helped by without having to pause your viewing, in case you want to put your small baby to sleep.
8. MediaBox
MediaBox app with a huge database of movies and TV shows is one of the most popular apps in the list of Firestick apps. Being an aggregator app without any contents of its own it keeps on regularly updating its contents with new videos. With a good streaming quality, it streams the latest movies and the most recently aired shows. It ensures quick and effortless playback of its scrapers.
9. TVZion
The best feature of this app is that unlike other apps that lookup for links on the web and provide multiple streams for the requested video, this app has a straightforward interface offering one-touch/one-click play. TVZion immediately begins to play as soon as you select the Movie or TV show you want to watch.
10. Tea TV
With the discontinuation of the Terrarium app lot, many good apps came up, Tea TV is also one of them. It had started to show its presence during terrarium apps existence, but after its closure, it surfaced as an excellent app.
It is rated amongst the best firestick app with a good user interface which allows quick switch over from movies to TV shows and vice-versa. Furthermore, the firestick remote operates efficiently, smoothly, and without any hassles due to its high compatibility with the app.
The scraper quality of the app pulls from a variety of different sources and lines up a number of streams, allowing you multiple choices at a click.
11. Typhoon TV app
Needless to say, this app also owes its existence to the closure of the terrarium app. This said, it in no way reduces the importance of this app. It is one of the best apps, for on-demand viewing of any movies or TV shows. It boasts of an inventory from the oldest of the old movies and TV shows to the most prominent ones as on date.
As compared to it being lightweight, with not too heavy software it has a lot of features and works without any issues on Firestick or any other device.
c) Firestick apps for Live TV programs
12. Live NetTV
This app as per its name, can help stream live TV programs using satellite TV through the internet. It gets rid of any cord or cable connection. You can directly stream from the net. If you watch live TV on Firestick, there is no better app than this for you. This app gives you the flexibility of hundreds of channels across the globe whether, in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, or any part of the world, you name it.
You can also have the viewership of a lot of HD channels across the world. The only issue observed is in case of a problem in the server of any transmitting station. In that case, no app will be able to stream that channel until the server problem is not resolved.
With multiple tabs and a user-friendly interface, you can view any channel of your choice like sports, TV shows, movies, news, entertainment channels, and any you can probably think of. It is a single click app, and you can view immediately any channel of your choice just by clicking on it.
13. Mobdro App
Mobdro is another app to reckon with if you want to stream a TV program live using your firestick. Want to watch cable TV channels like Hallmark over the internet this app is the right choice. It can be installed within no time with minimal use of your storage space.
A very smooth app with a user-friendly interface quickly locates the channel of your choice for immediate playback.
This app is free of cost with ad inclusion, but the premium version without any ads is available at a price. Further in-keeping with your location it offers region-specific channels also.
14. Redbox TV
The Redbox TV app brings hundreds of channels offering a complete range of Live TV channels from all across the globe from the USA, UK, India, and many other regions of your choice or beyond.
It’s a lightweight, bug-free app supported by ads. These ads need not get you worried as you can block them by just pressing the back button as the ad appears, and you will go back to your normal streaming.
It offers a lot of popular channels sacrificing on some of the premium ones. As the saying goes, ‘You can’t keep the cake and eat it too’, so some premium channels have to be sacrificed for the more popular ones. This app is, without a doubt, worth a try.
15. Sling TV app
A well known paid service Live TV app in the USA. You can install this app directly from the Amazon play store, without any need for sideloading. It offers a variety of Channels using primary service plans offering up to 50 channels, at a monthly subscription of $25.
It is, as compared to the standard cable TV, a very cost-effective way of viewing TV over the internet. Besides the regular plans as stated above, you can also view, by making extra payments, any additional plans of your choice. This is purely left to the discretion of the viewer, e.g. Showtime; a non-regular plan is available at an extra cost of $10 per month. There is, in no way, any compulsion of necessarily having a standard package if you want to go for a special plan of your choice.
Though this app limits its usage to the USA only, it can be accessed using a VPN app from anywhere in the world.
d) Miscellaneous Apps
Besides the above apps, firestick also supports certain utility apps as discussed below:
16. YouTube app
Due to certain disagreement between Amazon and Google, YouTube was not available on the Amazon store for some time, but as of now, it is available there too. It can be sideloaded using the downloader app on the firestick.
The YouTube app can also be watched on the firestick using a browser. You can sign in to the YouTube app through your Google ID. This app, it may be noted, does not access live TV service provided by YouTube.
17. Mouse Toggle app
This app is important to have on the firestick. We have seen any app that can be sideloaded on the Firestick, but not all features of many of them are compatible with the TV screen and do not work perfectly well. Some require a mouse, which is not a part of the firestick remote. These features require finger taps and other actions. This is where mouse toggle comes of help and allows the users a mouse function with the remote.
18. Downloader App
This app allows you to sideload third-party applications onto the firestick easily. In spite of a huge reference list available with Amazon Store still, some good third-party apps are required from outside. This process is known as sideloading. The problem is Firestick does not allow third-party apps through the web browser e.g. the third-party Kodi app is not allowed to be downloaded by Firestick.
In such a case downloader, with its light-duty software is used. This software allows downloading and installing the APK software files from the web on to the firestick for certain functional needs.
19. Aptoide app
Amazon Appstore has a huge list of apps available for Firestick but may not a comprehensive requirement of apps. In addition to those apps when some third party good apps may be required like Kodi, etc. However, the downloader app can do so, but it requires a URL of the source for downloading the APK file.
Aptoide then comes of help. It also has a huge list of firestick and Android apps and becomes an alternative to the Amazon Appstore. It has any app whether a streaming app or a utility tool whatever you are looking for. Being professionally designed it makes searching for any app very easy.
To conclude the topic, it would not be proper to say that the above is the all-in-all list of apps for Firestick. Twitch, Spotify, and TuneIn are some of the music, radio, and audio streaming apps, whereas Happy Chick and RetroArch are examples of gaming apps.
The list of Apps is inexhaustive, but we have limited our discussion to mainly security, Movie and TV show, i.e. entertainment apps, and lastly some utility apps. Testing of many new apps is an ongoing process, and if they usher well for the use of Firestick may be in the next list, they could also find a place for themselves.