防病毒程序是我们在新计算机上安装的第一件事,这是理所当然的。虽然少数人花很多钱来获得值得信赖的防病毒程序,但我们中的大多数人依靠 Malwarebytes 等免费程序来满足我们的安全需求。虽然是免费的,但Malwarebytes在保护我们的系统免受恶意软件和病毒攻击方面做得非常出色。Malwarebytes 还有一个付费版本(高级版),可以解锁预定扫描、实时保护等功能,但免费版本对大多数用户来说已经足够了。查看我们关于如何使用 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 删除恶意软件的指南以(How to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove Malware)获取更多详细信息。
然而,科技界没有一件事是没有错误和问题的。Malwarebytes 也不例外,并且不时出现故障。我们已经介绍了一个更广泛遇到的 Malwarebytes 实时 Web 保护无法打开(Turn)的问题,在本文中,我们将介绍另一个问题,即 Malwarebytes 无法连接服务错误。(Malwarebytes Unable to Connect the Service error.)
如何修复 Malwarebytes 无法连接服务错误(How to Fix Malwarebytes Unable to connect the Service error)
当您单击应用程序图标将其打开时会发生错误,但您会看到一个蓝色的旋转圆圈,然后是错误消息,而不是启动。该错误完全阻止用户启动 Malwarebytes,如果您立即需要扫描您的计算机以查找Malware ,这可能会非常令人恼火。
以下是为解决 Malwarebytes 的“无法连接服务”错误而报告的所有解决方案。
方法一:检查 Malwarebytes 服务状态(Check Malwarebytes Service Status)
解决大多数 Malwarebytes 错误( resolve most Malwarebytes errors)的第一个解决方案是检查Malwarebytes服务的状态。为避免出现任何问题,该服务需要在每次启动时自动启动;如果没有,请按照以下说明更改其启动类型:
1.通过 在运行命令框中键入 services.msc ( Windows key + R服务 (Services )应用程序,然后按 OK。您还可以通过直接在Windows搜索栏中查找服务来访问服务(Windows键 + S)。
2. 浏览本地(Local) 服务(Services)列表并找到Malwarebytes 服务(Malwarebytes service)。要更轻松地查找所需服务,请单击窗口顶部的名称并按字母顺序对所有服务进行排序。
3.右键单击 (Right-click ) Malwarebytes服务(Malwarebytes Service)并从随后的上下文菜单中选择 属性 。(Properties )(或者,双击服务以访问其属性)
4. 在常规选项卡下,单击(General)启动(Startup)类型旁边的下拉菜单,然后选择自动(Automatic)。
5. 接下来,检查服务(Service)状态。如果显示正在运行,(Running,)请单击应用(Apply)保存更改,然后单击确定退出。但是,如果服务状态(Service Status)显示已停止,请单击下方的开始 按钮以启动服务。(Start )
“ Windows 无法在本地计算机上启动安全中心服务。错误 1079:为此服务指定的帐户与为在同一进程中运行的其他服务指定的帐户不同。(Windows could not start the Security Center service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service differs from the account specified for other services running in the same process.)“
1. 再次打开Malwarebytes Service的(Malwarebytes Service)Properties 窗口(Properties window)(上述方法的步骤 1 到 3)并切换到Log On 选项卡。
2. 单击浏览(Browse )按钮。如果该按钮显示为灰色,请单击此帐户(This account)旁边的单选按钮 以启用它。
3.在“输入(Enter)要选择的对象名称”下的文本框中输入您的计算机名称(用户名)(Computer’s Name (username)) ,然后单击右侧的“检查名称”按钮。(Check Names )您的计算机名称将在几秒钟内得到验证。
注意:(Note:)如果您不知道您的用户名,请单击“高级”按钮(Advanced button),然后单击“立即查找”( Find Now)。从列表中选择您的用户名,然后单击确定。(Select your username from the list and click OK.)
4. 点击,确定(OK)。已设置密码的用户将被提示输入密码。只需(Simply)输入您的密码即可完成。
5.返回常规(General)选项卡并启动 (Start )Malwarebytes(Head)服务。
重新启动计算机以获得好运并打开 Malwarebytes 以检查无法连接服务错误是否已解决。(Unable to Connect the Service error has been resolved.)
方法 2:将 Malwarebytes 添加到您的防病毒例外(Antivirus Exception)列表
Malwarebytes 已被宣布与其他防病毒(Antivirus)程序配合良好,但由于两者之间的冲突,用户继续报告错误。这些问题主要由防病毒程序 F-Secure 用户报告。
您可以通过简单地将 Malwarebytes 添加到您的防病毒软件的排除或例外列表中(adding Malwarebytes to the exclusion or exception list of your antivirus)来解决此冲突 。将应用程序添加到例外列表的过程对于每个防病毒软件都是唯一的,可以通过执行简单的谷歌搜索找到。当您需要执行恶意软件扫描时,您还可以选择 暂时禁用防病毒软件 <span data-preserver-spaces=”true”>。(temporarily disable the antivirus )(temporarily disable the antivirus )
方法 3:重新安装 Malwarebytes
即使更改了Malwarebytes Service的启动类型,某些用户仍会继续收到错误消息。这些用户可以尝试完全重新安装 Malwarebytes(reinstalling Malwarebytes altogether)以解决无法永久连接服务的错误。
使用免费版本的反恶意软件程序的个人可以直接进入重新安装过程,首先卸载应用程序,然后下载并安装最新版本的Malwarebytes。但是,高级用户首先需要检索他们的激活 ID 和密码(activation IDs and passkeys)才能在重新安装时享受其高级功能。
可以通过查看他们的 Malwarebytes 帐户上的收据或从他/她在购买应用程序的高级版本后收到的邮件中找到激活 ID 和密钥。您还可以通过Windows(Windows)注册表编辑器获取凭据。
要检索您的 Malwarebytes 高级帐户的激活 ID 和密钥:
1、打开运行命令框(Windows key + R),在文本框中输入 regedit ,回车,打开Windows注册表编辑器(Windows Registry Editor)。与Services类似(Similar),您也可以只在Windows搜索栏中搜索注册表编辑器。(Registry Editor)
无论(Irrespective)访问模式如何,都会出现一个用户帐户控制弹出窗口,询问您是否要允许应用程序对您的设备进行更改。单击(Click)“ 是” (Yes )授予所需的权限。
3. 接下来,双击SOFTWARE 将其展开。
4. 根据您的系统架构,您会在不同的位置找到您的激活 ID 和密钥:
对于 32 位版本:(For 32-bit versions:) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMalwarebytes
对于 64 位版本:(For 64-bit versions:) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMalwarebytes
现在我们已经检索了您的 Malwarebytes 高级帐户的激活 ID 和密钥,我们可以进入卸载过程:
1. 在我们卸载之前,双击桌面图标启动 Malwarebytes,然后点击我的帐户(My Account) ,然后 点击停用(Deactivate)。
2.接下来,打开高级安全设置( Advanced Security Settings) 并 取消选中( uncheck )“启用自我保护模块”(‘Enable self-protection module’.)旁边的框。
3. 我们完成了预卸载过程。关闭(Close)应用程序并右键单击系统托盘中的Malwarebytes图标并选择Close。
4、点击以下超链接MBAM-Clean.exe 下载官方卸载工具。
5. 为了更加谨慎并避免发生任何意外,请关闭当前正在运行的所有程序并暂时禁用您的防病毒软件。
6. 现在, 打开 MBAM-Clean 工具 (open the MBAM-Clean tool )并按照屏幕上的说明/提示从您的计算机中删除所有 Malwarebytes 痕迹。 ( remove every trace of Malwarebytes from your computer. )
7. 卸载过程完成后,将要求您重新启动 PC(restart your PC)。遵守请求并重新启动(转到您的桌面,按Alt + F4 ,然后按向下箭头,然后输入)。
8. 打开您首选的浏览器,前往Malwarebytes Cyber(Malwarebytes Cybersecurity) security 并下载最新可用版本的安全程序。
9. 下载后,单击MBSetup.exe并按照说明再次安装 Malwarebytes, (install Malwarebytes again, )当询问时取消选中试用旁边的框。(When asked uncheck the box next to Trial.)
10. 启动应用程序并单击激活许可证 (Activate license )按钮。
11. 在以下屏幕中,仔细输入您的激活 ID 和(enter your activation ID and the passkey)我们之前检索到的密码以激活您的高级许可证。
方法 4:在安全模式下(Safe Mode)卸载 Malwarebytes
如果错误的根源比我们想象的要深,那么您将在按照上述指南正确卸载 Malwarebytes 应用程序(properly uninstalling the Malwarebytes application)时遇到问题。这些不幸的用户需要先启动进入安全模式(boot into Safe Mode),然后卸载程序。要启动到安全模式:
1.在“运行”(Run)命令框或 Windows 搜索栏中键入MSconfig ,然后按 Enter。(MSconfig )
2. 切换到以下窗口的Boot 选项卡。(Boot )
3. 在 Boot options 下,check/tick the box next to Safe boot。
5. 单击应用 (Apply ),然后 单击确定 (OK )以保存修改并重新启动计算机以进入安全模式(Safe Mode)。
6. 计算机以安全模式(Safe Mode)重新启动后,单击开始(Start)按钮,然后单击齿轮设置(Settings)图标(电源(Power)选项上方)或使用键盘组合Windows键 + I打开Windows 设置 。(Windows Settings )
7. 单击应用程序(Apps)。
8. 扫描Malwarebytes的(Malwarebytes)应用程序(Apps)和功能(Features)列表并单击它以展开相应的应用程序选项。
9.点击卸载 (Uninstall )按钮摆脱它。
10. 您将无法访问互联网,因此无法在安全模式下(Safe Mode)下载最新版本的 Malwarebytes 的安装文件。所以回到MSConfig窗口的Boot选项卡(步骤 1 到 3)并uncheck/untick the box next to Safe boot。
一旦您的计算机正常启动,访问Malwarebytes 的官方网站(Malwarebytes’ official website)并下载该程序的.exe文件,安装该应用程序,您将不会再次收到 Unable to Connect the Service 错误。( Unable to Connect the Service error again.)
如果您在更新到特定版本的Malwarebytes后开始遇到 Malwarebytes Unable to Connect the Service 错误(Unable to Connect the Service error),则该错误可能是由于构建中的固有错误引起的。如果是这种情况并且上述方法都没有解决问题,您将不得不等待开发人员发布修复了错误的新版本。您也可以随时联系Malwarebytes 技术团队寻求支持或在评论部分与我们联系。 (Malwarebytes tech team for support or connect with us in the comment section. )
Fix Malwarebytes Unable to Connect the Service error
An antivirus program is one of the first things we install on a new computer, and rightfully so. While a few pay a good amount of money to get a trusted antivirυs program, the majority of us rely on free programs such as Malwarebytes for our security needs. Although free, Malwarebytes does an excellent job of protecting our systems from malware and virus attacks. Malwarebytes also has a paid version (premium) that unlocks features such as scheduled scans, real-time protection, etc. but the free version suffices for most users. Check out our guide on How to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove Malware for more details.
However, not a single thing in the tech world is void of errors and problems. Malwarebytes is no different and malfunctions from time to time. We have already covered one of the more widely encountered Malwarebytes Real-Time Web Protection Won’t Turn on the issue, and in this article, we will be covering another issue, Malwarebytes Unable to Connect the Service error.
How to Fix Malwarebytes Unable to connect the Service error
The error occurs when you click on the application icon to open it, but instead of launching, you see a blue rotating circle followed by the error message. The error prevents the user from launching Malwarebytes at all and can be quite infuriating if you immediately need to scan your computer for Malware.
As the message implies, the error is primarily caused due to some problems with the Malwarebytes service. Other reasons for the error include an internal bug in the current version of Malwarebytes, conflict with other antivirus programs you might have installed on your system, installation errors, etc.
Below are all the solutions reported to solve the Malwarebytes’ Unable to Connect the Service’ error.
Method 1: Check Malwarebytes Service Status
Like most applications, Malwarebytes also has a background service associated with it that helps in its functionality. According to the error message, Malwarebytes is unable to launch because of a poor connection or communication problems with the service. This occurs when the Malwarebytes service has stopped running in the background because of some unknown reason.
The first solution to resolve most Malwarebytes errors is to check the status of the Malwarebytes service. To avoid any problems, the service needs to start automatically on every boot-up; follow the below instructions to change its startup type if it doesn’t:
1. Open the Windows Services application by typing services.msc in the run command box (Windows key + R) and then pressing OK. You can also access Services by directly looking it up in the Windows search bar (Windows key + S).
2. Go through the list of Local Services and locate the Malwarebytes service. To make looking for the required service easier, click on Name at the top of the window and sort all the services alphabetically.
3. Right-click on the Malwarebytes Service and select Properties from the ensuing context menu. (Alternatively, double-click on the service to access its properties)
4. Under the General tab, click on the drop-down menu next to Startup type and select Automatic.
5. Next, check the Service status. If it reads Running, click on Apply to save the changes and then OK to exit. However, if the Service Status displays stopped, click on the Start button underneath to start the service.
A couple of users will receive an error message when they try to start the Malwarebytes service. The error message will read:
“Windows could not start the Security Center service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service differs from the account specified for other services running in the same process.“
To resolve the above error and start the Malwarebytes service, follow the below steps:
1. Open the Properties window of the Malwarebytes Service again (Steps 1 to 3 of the above method) and switch to the Log On tab.
2. Click on the Browse button. If the button is greyed out, click on the radio button next to This account to enable it.
3. Enter your Computer’s Name (username) in the textbox under ‘Enter the object name to select’ and click on the Check Names button on the right. Your computer name will be verified in a couple of seconds.
Note: If you don’t know your username then click on the Advanced button, then click on Find Now. Select your username from the list and click OK.
4. Click on, OK. Users who have set a password will be prompted to enter it. Simply enter your password to finish.
5. Head back to the General tab and Start the Malwarebytes service.
Restart your computer for good luck and open Malwarebytes to check if the Unable to Connect the Service error has been resolved.
Method 2: Add Malwarebytes to your Antivirus Exception list
Many users couple their existing antivirus programs with Malwarebytes for an additional layer of security. While this may seem like a good strategy on paper, there are a few things that can go wrong. First up, Antivirus and Antimalware programs are infamous for hogging up a lot of resources (memory) and having two of them active at the same time can lead to some serious performance problems. Second, since these applications perform similar tasks, a conflict may arise, causing issues in their operation.
Malwarebytes has been proclaimed to play well with other Antivirus programs, but users continue to report errors due to a conflict between the two. The issues have been predominantly reported by F-Secure users, an antivirus program.
You can resolve this conflict by simply adding Malwarebytes to the exclusion or exception list of your antivirus. The procedure to add an application to the exception list is unique to each antivirus software and can be found by performing a simple google search. You can also choose to temporarily disable the antivirus <span data-preserver-spaces=”true”>when you need to perform a malware scan.
Method 3: Reinstall Malwarebytes
Some users will continue to receive the error even after changing the startup type of the Malwarebytes Service. These users can try reinstalling Malwarebytes altogether to solve the unable to connect the service error permanently.
Individuals using the free version of the Anti-malware program can jump straight into the reinstallation process by first uninstalling the application and then downloading and installing the latest version of Malwarebytes. However, premium users will first need to retrieve their activation IDs and passkeys in order to enjoy their premium features on reinstallation.
One can find the activation ID and key by checking the receipt on their Malwarebytes account or from the mail he/she received after purchasing the premium build of the application. You can also get a hold of the credentials through the Windows registry editor.
To retrieve the activation ID and key for your Malwarebytes premium account:
1. Open the Run command box (Windows key + R), type regedit in the text box, and press enter to open the Windows Registry Editor. Similar to Services, you can also just search for the Registry Editor in the Windows search bar.
Irrespective of the mode of access, a user account control pop-up asking whether you want to allow the app to make changes to your device will appear. Click on Yes to grant the required permissions.
2. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE present in the left panel.
3. Next, double-click on SOFTWARE to expand it.
4. Depending on your system architecture, you will find your activation ID and key at different locations:
For 32-bit versions: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes
For 64-bit versions: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes
Now that we have retrieved the activation ID and key for your Malwarebytes premium account, we can advance to the uninstallation process:
1. Before we uninstall, launch Malwarebytes by double-clicking on its desktop icon and click on My Account and then Deactivate.
2. Next, open Advanced Security Settings and uncheck the box next to ‘Enable self-protection module’.
3. We are done with the pre-uninstallation process. Close the application and also right-click on the Malwarebytes icon in your system tray and select Close.
4. Click on the following hyperlink MBAM-Clean.exe to download the official uninstallation tool.
5. Just to be a little more cautious and avoid any mishaps from occurring, close any and all programs that are currently running and also temporarily disable your antivirus.
6. Now, open the MBAM-Clean tool and follow the on-screen instructions/prompts to remove every trace of Malwarebytes from your computer.
7. Once the uninstallation process is complete, you will be requested to restart your PC. Comply with the request and restart (Go to your desktop, press Alt + F4 followed by the downward-facing arrow, and then enter).
8. Open your preferred browser, head over to Malwarebytes Cybersecurity, and download the latest available version of the security program.
9. Once downloaded, click on the MBSetup.exe and follow the instructions to install Malwarebytes again, When asked uncheck the box next to Trial.
10. Launch the application and click on the Activate license button.
11. In the following screen, carefully enter your activation ID and the passkey we retrieved earlier to activate your premium license.
Method 4: Uninstall Malwarebytes in Safe Mode
If the roots of the error are deeper than we perceive, you will have problems following the above guide and properly uninstalling the Malwarebytes application. These unlucky users will need to first boot into Safe Mode and then uninstall the program. To boot into Safe Mode:
1. Type MSconfig in either the Run command box or windows search bar and press enter.
2. Switch to the Boot tab of the following window.
3. Under Boot options, check/tick the box next to Safe boot.
4. Once you enable Safe boot, the options beneath it will also be open for selection. Check the box next to Minimal.
5. Click on Apply followed by OK to save the modifications and restart your computer to enter Safe Mode.
6. Once the computer boots back in Safe Mode, open Windows Settings by either clicking on the Start button and then the cogwheel Settings icon (above the Power options) or using the keyboard combination Windows key + I.
7. Click on Apps.
8. Scan the list of Apps & Features for Malwarebytes and click on it to expand respective app options.
9. Click on the Uninstall button to get rid of it.
10. You won’t be able to access the internet and, therefore won’t be able to download the installation file for the latest version of Malwarebytes in Safe Mode. So head back to the Boot tab of MSConfig window (steps 1 to 3) and uncheck/untick the box next to Safe boot.
Once your computer boots back normally, visit Malwarebytes’ official website and download the .exe file for the program, install the application and you won’t receive the Unable to Connect the Service error again.
If you have started experiencing the Malwarebytes Unable to Connect the Service error after updating to a certain version of Malwarebytes, the error is likely caused due to an inherent bug in the build. If that’s the case and none of the above methods resolved the issue, you will have to wait for the developers to release a new version with the bug fixed. You can also always contact the Malwarebytes tech team for support or connect with us in the comment section.