SSD或固态硬盘(Solid-State Drive)是一种基于闪存的内存驱动器,可确保提高计算机的性能。SSD(SSDs)不仅有助于提高电池寿命,还有助于以更高的速度执行写入/读取操作。此外,它确保更快的数据传输和系统重启。这意味着在启动/重新启动计算机后,您可以在几秒钟内开始使用它。SSD(SSDs)对游戏玩家尤其有益,因为它有助于以比普通硬盘更快的速度加载游戏和应用程序。
技术日新月异,SSD(SSDs)正在取代HDD(HDDs),这是理所当然的。但是,如果您打算在 PC 上安装SSD,则需要考虑一些要点,例如SSD 健康检查(SSD health check)、性能和寿命检查。它们比普通硬盘驱动器 ( HDD ) 更精致,因此需要定期进行健康检查以确保其正常运行。在本文中,我们列出了一些检查SSD健康状况的最佳免费工具。您可以根据自己的要求轻松地从此列表中选择任何人。这些工具中的大多数都在SMART 系统(S.M.A.R.T. system)上运行,即自我监控(Self-Monitoring)、分析(Analysis)和报告技术(Reporting Technology)系统。此外,为了您的方便,我们已经提到了哪些工具适用于哪些操作系统。所以,读到最后,选择最好的!
11 个检查SSD 健康(SSD Health)和性能的免费工具(Performance)
1.水晶盘信息(Crystal Disk Info)
这是一个开源SSD工具,可显示有关您正在使用的SSD的所有信息。您可以使用 Crystal Disk Info监控固态硬盘和其他类型硬盘的健康状态和温度。在您的计算机上安装此工具后,您可以 在系统上工作时实时检查(real-time)SSD性能。您可以轻松检查读写速度以及磁盘错误率(disk error rates)。Crystal Disk Info对于检查SSD的健康状况和所有固件更新非常有帮助。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 您会收到警报邮件(alert mail)和警报选项。
- 该工具支持(supports)几乎所有 SSD 驱动器。
- 它提供SMART 信息,(info,)包括读取错误率、寻道时间性能、吞吐量性能、电源循环计数等。
- 您不能使用此工具执行自动固件更新(automatic firmware updates)。
- 它不是为Linux操作系统设计的。
Smartmonotools向驱动器存在潜在风险的用户提供警告信息。这样,用户可以防止他们的驱动器崩溃。您也可以使用Live CD(live CD)在您的系统上使用或运行此工具。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 您可以实时监控(real-time monitoring)SSD 和 HDD。
- Smartmonotools为磁盘故障或潜在威胁提供警告警报。(warning alerts)
- 该工具支持操作系统(supports OS)环境,例如Windows、Mac OS X、Linus、Cygwin、eComstation、FreeBSD、NetBSD、OpenBSD、OS/2、Solaris和QNX。
- 它支持(supports)当今可用的大多数SSD驱动器。
- 它提供了调整命令(option to tweak commands)以更好地检查 SSD 性能的选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是硬盘驱动器 (HDD)?(What is a Hard Disk Drive (HDD)?)
3.硬盘哨兵(Hard Disk Sentinel)
顾名思义,Hard Disk Sentinel是一款硬盘监控工具,非常适合SSD监控。您可以轻松地使用此工具查找、测试、诊断、修复和生成所有SSD相关问题的报告。硬盘(Hard)哨兵还会显示您的SSD健康状况。这是一个很棒的工具,因为它适用于通过USB或 e-SATA连接的内部和外部 SSD 。(both internal and external SSDs)一旦安装在您的系统上,它就会在后台运行(runs in the background)以提供实时 SSD 健康检查(SSD health checks) 和性能。此外,您还可以使用此工具了解磁盘传输速度(disk transfer speed),这进一步有助于检测磁盘故障和潜在威胁。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 此工具提供一般错误报告(general error reports)。
- 当工具在后台运行时,它提供实时性能(real-time performance) 检查。(check)
- 您会收到降级和故障警报(failure alerts)。
- 它支持(supports)Windows 操作系统、Linux 操作系统和 DOS。
- 这个工具是免费的(free of cost)。此外,该工具还提供价格合理的高级版本。
4.英特尔内存和存储工具(Intel Memory and Storage Tool)
自 2020 年底以来,英特尔固态硬盘工具箱已停产(Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox has been discontinued)。但是,同样的产品已被英特尔内存和存储工具(Intel Memory & Storage Tool)所取代。该工具基于SMART系统,用于监控和检查驱动器的运行状况和性能。该工具是一款出色的驱动器管理软件,可提供快速且完整的诊断扫描,以测试您的(quick and full diagnostic scans)英特尔固态(Intel SSD)盘的写入/读取功能。它使用Trim功能优化(optimizes)了您的英特尔 SSD的性能。(Intel SSD)为了能效、最佳英特尔 SSD(Intel SSD)性能和耐用性,您还可以微调系统设置(fine-tune system settings)在这个工具的帮助下。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 您可以轻松监控SSD的运行状况和性能,并确定SSD寿命的估计值。
- 此工具为英特尔和非英特尔驱动器提供(Intel and non-Intel drives)SMART特征。
- 它还允许固件更新(firmware updates)并推动 RAID 0 的提升。
- 英特尔(Intel)固态硬盘工具箱具有性能(performance) 优化(optimization)功能。
- 此工具为您的辅助英特尔 SSD提供安全擦除功能。(secure erase)
5.水晶圆盘标记(Crystal Disk Mark)
Crystal 磁盘标记是一个开源工具,用于根据其读写性能检查单个或多个磁盘。这是用于测试固态驱动器和硬盘驱动器的出色基准测试工具。此工具可让您检查SSD健康状况,并将 SSD 性能和(compare SSD performance and the) 读/写速度与其他设备制造商进行比较。此外,您可以确认您的SSD是否在制造商指定的最佳水平上运行。(optimum levels)借助此工具,您可以监控驱动器的实时(real-time) 性能(performance)和峰值性能(peak performance)。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 此工具支持(supports) Windows XP、Windows 2003和更高版本的Windows。
- 您可以使用此工具 轻松比较 SSD 性能。(compare SSD performance)
- 您可以通过在软件中修改缩放比例、字体比例、类型和面部来轻松自定义面板外观。(customize panel appearance)
- 此外,您可以测量网络驱动器(network drive)的性能。
如果您想使用 Crystal 磁盘标记来测量您的网络驱动器,请在没有管理权限的情况下运行它。但是,如果测试失败,则启用管理员权限,然后重新运行检查。
- 这个程序的唯一缺点是它只支持 Windows 操作系统(only supports Windows OS)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中检查您的驱动器是 SSD 还是 HDD(Check If Your Drive is SSD or HDD in Windows 10)
6.三星魔术师 (Samsung Magician )
Samsung Magician是检查SSD健康状况的最佳免费工具之一,因为它提供了简单的图形指示器(simple graphical indicators)来告知SSD健康状况。此外,您可以使用此基准测试软件来比较(compare)SSD的性能和速度。
该工具具有三个(three) 配置文件(profiles)来优化您的三星 SSD(Samsung SSD),即最大性能、最大容量和最大可靠性。这些配置文件配备了每个操作系统设置的详细说明。您还可以检查随机(random) 和(and) sequential read/write speeds。三星魔术师可帮助优化您的(optimize)SSD性能,并确保您的系统快速流畅地运行。此外,要评估SSD(SSD)的整体运行状况和剩余寿命,您可以检查TBW或Total Bytes Written。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 您可以轻松监控、了解(easily monitor, understand)、比较(compare) 和优化(and optimize)SSD的健康状态、温度和性能。
- 三星魔术师允许用户评估其 SSD 的剩余寿命(assess the remaining lifespan)。
- 您可以使用系统兼容性检查来检查( a system compatibility check.)SSD的潜在威胁。(SSD)
- 三星魔术师提供安全擦除(secure erase)功能,可安全擦除SSD而不会丢失任何敏感数据。
- 与 Crystal Disk Mark 一样,它也只支持 Windows(only supports Windows)操作系统。
- 此工具的大部分功能都适用于三星 SSD(available for Samsung SSDs)。
7.关键存储主管(Crucial Storage Executive)
检查 SSD 健康状况(free tools to check SSD health)的最佳免费工具之一 是 Crucial Storage Executive,因为它会更新SSD固件并执行SSD 健康状况检查(SSD health checks)。为确保您的SSD操作运行速度提高 10 倍,Crucial Storage Executive 提供Momentum Cache。此外,您可以使用此工具访问SMART 数据。(S.M.A.R.T data)用户可以使用此工具管理和监控关键的 MX 系列、BX 系列(BX-series)、M550和M500 SSD(M500 SSDs)。
借助(W)此软件,您可以轻松设置或重置磁盘加密密码(disk encryption password),以防止数据丢失并维护数据安全。或者,您可以使用它来执行SSD的安全擦除(secure erase)。您可以选择将SSD健康检查数据保存到ZIP 文件(ZIP file)中,然后将其发送给技术支持团队,以便对您的驱动器进行详细分析。这将帮助您找出并解决潜在问题。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- Crucial Storage Executive提供自动固件更新(automatic firmware updates)功能。
- 使用此工具监控(monitor)SSD的工作温度和存储空间。
- 此工具提供实时(real-time) SSD 健康检查(SSD health checks)。
- 借助此工具,您可以设置或重置(set or reset)磁盘加密密码。
- 它允许您保存 SSD 性能数据(save the SSD performance data)以供分析。
- 与许多其他工具一样,它仅支持(only supports)Windows 7 和更高版本的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)。
8.东芝SSD实用程序 (Toshiba SSD Utility )
顾名思义,东芝 SSD(Toshiba SSD)实用程序适用于东芝(Toshiba)驱动器。这是一个图形用户界面或基于 GUI 的工具(GUI-based tool),可用于管理OCZ SSD(OCZ SSDs)。它实时提供SSD 健康检查、(SSD health checks, )系统状态、接口、健康等等。您可以选择多种预设模式(pre-set modes)来优化驱动器性能和健康状况。此外,如果您使用东芝 SSD(Toshiba SSD)实用程序,您将检查您的SSD是否连接到合适的端口(suitable port)。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 它是检查SSD健康状况的顶级免费工具之一,因为它实时提供整体SSD健康状况详细信息以及(SSD)定期固件更新(regular firmware updates)。
- 它支持(supports)Windows、MAC和Linux操作系统。
- 您将获得一项独特的功能来调整您的SSD不正确模式,以延长使用寿命并提高性能(longer life and enhanced performance)。
- 您可以在东芝 SSD(Toshiba SSD)实用程序 的帮助下评估SSD 的使用寿命(assess the lifespan)。(SSD)
- 用户可以将该软件用作优化工具(optimization tool)和驱动管理器(drive manager)。
- 本软件仅适用于东芝硬盘(only for Toshiba drives)。
- 但是,如果您想获得SSD的准确读数,请确保以管理员权限(administrator privileges)运行该软件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是固态硬盘 (SSD)?(What is a Solid-State Drive (SSD)?)
9.金士顿 SSD 管理器(Kingston SSD Manager)
很明显,此应用程序用于监控金士顿 SSD(Kingston SSD)驱动器的性能和健康状况。您可以使用这个神奇的工具来更新SSD固件、检查磁盘使用情况、验证磁盘过度配置等等。此外,您可以安全轻松地擦除(erase)SSD中的数据。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 您可以使用此工具更新 SSD 固件(update SSD firmware )并检查磁盘使用情况。(check disk usage.)
- 金士顿 SSD 管理器在软件仪表板的固件选项卡下提供(Firmware)SSD 驱动器识别信息(SSD drive identification information),例如型号名称、固件版本、设备路径、卷信息等。
- 它提供 实时 SSD 健康检查。(SSD health checks)
- 您也可以使用此工具管理(managing)TCG Opal 和 IEEE 1667。
- 您可以选择导出(exporting)SSD的健康检查报告以供进一步分析。
- 它仅支持(only supports)Windows 7、8、8.1 和 10。
- 该软件专为金士顿 SSD(Kingston SSD)设计。
- 要顺利运行此软件,您需要管理员权限(administrator privileges)和一台在 BIOS 中以 AHCI 模式(AHCI mode in BIOS)启动的计算机。
10.固态硬盘寿命(SSD Life)
SSD life 是 检查 SSD 健康状况的最佳免费工具之一。 (free tools to check SSD health. )SSD Life 提供 SSD 的实时概览(real-time overview),并检测 SSD 的所有(SSD)潜在威胁(detects all potential threats)。因此(Hence),您将能够尽快解决这些问题。您可以轻松了解 SSD 的完整信息(SSD),(complete information)例如可用磁盘空间量、总吞吐量等。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 它适用于几乎所有SSD 驱动器制造商(SSD drive manufacturers),例如金士顿(Kingston)、OCZ、Apple和MacBook Air内置SSD(SSDs)。
- 您可以获得SSD 详细信息(SSD details)以及修剪支持、固件等。
- 此应用程序显示一个健康栏(Health Bar),指示您的SSD的健康状况和使用寿命。
- SSD Life 提供从 SSD备份(option to back up )所有数据的选项。
- 只有获得付费专业版(paid, professional version)SSD Life 后,您才能访问SMART参数和附加功能进行深入诊断。
- 使用此工具的免费版本,您将能够查看并保留报告30 天(30 days)。
SSD Ready是另一个值得关注的定期 SSD健康检查工具,可帮助您确定SSD的使用寿命。通过优化SSD的性能,您可以延长其使用寿命(extend its life)。该工具非常易于使用和理解,因为它具有用户友好的(user-friendly) 界面(interface)。
如果您想每天(daily)跟踪 SSD 的写入和总使用量,它是必备工具。SSD Ready不会消耗太多系统资源。该工具可以非常准确地预测(accurate predictions)SSD的使用寿命,以便您始终知道何时购买新的。为了向您提供最准确的读数,SSD Ready预装了所有必要的第三方组件(third-party components)。
主要特点:(Key features:)
- 此工具提供所有SSD 详细信息(SSD details),如固件、修剪支持、更新等,以及SSD健康检查。
- 您可以使用此工具来检查和延长 SSD 的使用寿命(check and extend the lifespan of your SSD)。
- 该工具支持来自多家制造商的大多数SSD 驱动器。(SSD drives)
- 它提供免费和付费版本(free and paid versions)供您选择。
- SSD Ready支持 Windows(supports Windows) XP 及更高版本。
我们希望您能充分利用我们的 免费工具列表来检查 SSD 健康状况,以检查(free tools to check SSD health )SSD的健康状况和整体性能。由于上述某些工具还可以评估您的 SSD 的使用寿命,(SSD)因此当您计划为您的系统购买新的SSD时,此信息将派上用场。如果您有任何疑问/建议,请将它们放在下面的评论部分。
11 Free Tools to Check SSD Health and Performance
SSD or Solid-State Drive is a flash-based memory drive that enѕures thе imprоved performance of yоur computer. SSDs not only hеlp improve the battery life but also help pеrform write/read operations at a higher speed. Furthеrmore, іt ensures quiсker data transfer and system reboot. This means that after bоoting/restarting your computer, you can start working on it within a few seconds. SSDs are еspeciаlly, beneficial for gamers as it helps load games and applications at much faster speeds than a regular hard disk.
Technology is advancing day by day, and SSDs are now replacing HDDs, rightfully so. However, if you plan to install SSD on your PC, there are a few points to consider, such as SSD health check, performance, and life check. These are more delicate than the normal hard disk drive (HDD), so they need regular health checks to ensure their proper functioning. In this article, we have listed down some of the best free tools to check SSD health. You can easily choose anyone from this list, as per your requirements. Most of these tools function on the S.M.A.R.T. system, i.e., Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology systems. Moreover, for your convenience, we have mentioned which tools work on which operating systems. So, read till the end to choose the best of the best!
11 Free Tools to Check SSD Health and Performance
This is an open-source SSD tool that displays all information about the SSD that you are using. You can use Crystal Disk Info to monitor the health status and temperature of the solid-state drive and other types of hard disks. After installing this tool on your computer, you can check SSD performance in real-time while working on your system. You can easily check the read and write speed along with disk error rates. Crystal Disk Info is pretty helpful for checking the health of SSD and all firmware updates.
Key features:
- You get alert mail and alarm options.
- This tool supports almost all SSD drives.
- It provides S.M.A.R.T info, which includes read error rate, seeks time performance, throughput performance, power cycle count, and more.
- You cannot use this tool to perform automatic firmware updates.
- It is not designed for Linux operating systems.
As the name suggests, it is a S.M.A.R.T tool that provides real-time monitoring of the health, life, and performance of your SSD and HDD. This tool comes with two utility programs: smartctl and smartd for controlling and monitoring your hard disk.
Smartmonotools gives warning information to users whose drive is at potential risk. In this way, users can prevent their drives from crashing. You may also use or run this tool on your system by using a live CD.
Key features:
- You get real-time monitoring of your SSD and HDD.
- Smartmonotools provides warning alerts for disk failure or potential threats.
- This tool supports OS environments such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linus, Cygwin, eComstation, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, OS/2, Solaris, and QNX.
- It supports most of the SSD drives available today.
- It provides the option to tweak commands for better SSD performance checks.
Also Read: What is a Hard Disk Drive (HDD)?
As the name suggests, Hard Disk Sentinel is a hard disk monitoring tool, which is great for SSD monitoring. You can easily use this tool to find, test, diagnose, fix and generate reports for all SSD-related problems. Hard disk sentinel also displays your SSD health. This is a great tool as it works for both internal and external SSDs that are connected with USB or e-SATA. Once installed on your system, it runs in the background to provide real-time SSD health checks and performance. Moreover, you can also use this tool to know the disk transfer speed, which further helps detect disk failures and potential threats.
Key features:
- This tool provides general error reports.
- It provides a real-time performance check as the tool runs in the background.
- You get degradation and failure alerts.
- It supports Windows OS, Linux OS, and DOS.
- This tool is free of cost. In addition, there are premium versions of this tool available at affordable rates.
Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox has been discontinued since the end of 2020. However, the same was replaced by Intel Memory & Storage Tool. This tool is based on the S.M.A.R.T system for monitoring and checking the health and performance of your drives. This tool is a great drive management software, which provides quick and full diagnostic scans for testing the write/read functions of your Intel SSD. It optimizes the performance of your Intel SSD as it uses Trim functionality. For power efficiency, optimal Intel SSD performance, and endurance, you can also fine-tune system settings with the help of this tool.
Key features:
- You can easily monitor SSD health and performance and also determine an estimate of SSD life.
- This tool offers S.M.A.R.T traits for both Intel and non-Intel drives.
- It also allows for firmware updates and drives a boost in RAID 0.
- Intel solid-state drive toolbox has a performance optimization feature.
- This tool features a secure erase for your secondary Intel SSD.
Crystal disk mark is an open-source tool to check single or multiple disks based on their read-write performance. This is a great benchmarking tool for testing your solid-state drive and hard-disk drive. This tool enables you to check SSD health and compare SSD performance and the read/write speed with other device manufacturers. Moreover, you can confirm whether your SSD is performing at optimum levels as specified by the manufacturer. With the help of this tool, you can monitor the real-time performance and peak performance of your drives.
Key features:
- This tool supports Windows XP, Windows 2003, and later versions of Windows.
- You can easily compare SSD performance with this tool.
- You can easily customize panel appearance by modifying the zoom ratio, font scale, type, and face in the software.
- Additionally, you can measure the performance of the network drive.
If you want to use a Crystal disk mark for measuring your network drive, then run it without administrative rights. However, if the test fails, then enable the administrator rights, and rerun the check.
- The only drawback of this program is that it only supports Windows OS.
Also Read: Check If Your Drive is SSD or HDD in Windows 10
Samsung Magician is one of the best free tools to check SSD health as it provides simple graphical indicators to inform about the SSD health status. Moreover, you can use this benchmarking software to compare the performance and speed of your SSD.
This tool features three profiles to optimize your Samsung SSD viz maximum performance, maximum capacity, and maximum reliability. These profiles are equipped with detailed descriptions of the settings of each operating system. You can also check the random and sequential read/write speeds. Samsung magician helps optimize the performance of your SSD and ensures that your system functions fast and smoothly. Furthermore, to assess the overall health and the remaining lifespan of your SSD, you can check the TBW or Total Bytes Written.
Key features:
- You can easily monitor, understand, compare and optimize the health status, temperature, and performance of your SSD.
- Samsung magician allows users to assess the remaining lifespan of their SSDs.
- You can check for potential threats to your SSD using a system compatibility check.
- Samsung magician offers a secure erase feature for safely wiping the SSD without any loss of sensitive data.
- Like Crystal Disk Mark, it too only supports Windows operating system.
- Most of the features of this tool are available for Samsung SSDs.
One of the best free tools to check SSD health is the Crucial Storage Executive, as it updates SSD firmware and performs SSD health checks. To ensure that your SSD operations run 10 times faster, Crucial Storage Executive offers Momentum Cache. Furthermore, you can access the S.M.A.R.T data using this tool. The users can use this tool for managing and monitoring crucial MX- series, BX-series, M550, and M500 SSDs.
With the help of this software, you can easily set or reset a disk encryption password to prevent data loss and maintain data security. Alternatively, you can use it to perform a secure erase of SSD. You get the option of saving the SSD health check data to a ZIP file and sending it to the technical support team for a detailed analysis of your drive. This will help you to figure out and fix potential problems.
Key features:
- Crucial Storage Executive provides the feature of automatic firmware updates.
- Use this tool to monitor the operating temperature and storage space of your SSD.
- This tool provides real-time SSD health checks.
- With the help of this tool, you can set or reset disk encryption passwords.
- It allows you to save the SSD performance data for analysis.
- Like many other tools, it only supports Windows 7 and later versions of Windows OS.
As the name suggests, the Toshiba SSD utility is for Toshiba drives. This is a graphical user interface or GUI-based tool that you can use for managing OCZ SSDs. It provides SSD health checks, system status, interface, health, and much more, in real-time. There are various pre-set modes that you can choose from to optimize drive performance and health. Moreover, if you use the Toshiba SSD utility, you will check if your SSD is connected to a suitable port.
Key features:
- It is one of the top free tools to check SSD health because it provides overall SSD health details in real-time along with regular firmware updates.
- It supports Windows, MAC, and Linux operating systems.
- You get a unique feature to tune your SSD incorrect mode for longer life and enhanced performance.
- You can assess the lifespan of your SSD with the help of the Toshiba SSD utility.
- The users can make use of this software as an optimization tool and a drive manager.
- This software is only for Toshiba drives.
- However, if you want accurate readings for your SSD, ensure that you run the software with administrator privileges.
Also Read: What is a Solid-State Drive (SSD)?
Quite evidently, this application is for monitoring the performance and health of Kingston SSD drives. You can use this amazing tool to update SSD firmware, check disk usage, verify disk over-provisioning, and much more. Moreover, you can erase the data from your SSD with safety and ease.
Key features:
- You can use this tool to update SSD firmware and check disk usage.
- Kingston SSD manager provides SSD drive identification information such as model name, firmware version, device path, volume information, etc., under the Firmware tab in the software dashboard.
- It offers SSD health checks in real-time.
- You can use this tool for managing TCG Opal and IEEE 1667 as well.
- You get the option of exporting the health check reports of your SSD for further analysis.
- It only supports Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.
- This software is designed for Kingston SSD.
- To run this software smoothly, you need administrator privileges and a computer to boot in AHCI mode in BIOS.
SSD life is one of the best free tools to check SSD health. SSD life provides a real-time overview of your SSD and detects all potential threats to your SSD. Hence, you will be able to fix these problems as soon as possible. You can easily learn the complete information about your SSD, like the amount of free disk space, total throughput, and more.
Key features:
- It works with almost all SSD drive manufacturers such as Kingston, OCZ, Apple, and MacBook Air built-in SSDs.
- You get SSD details as well as for trim support, firmware, etc.
- This app displays a Health Bar that indicates the health and the lifespan of your SSD.
- SSD Life provides the option to back up all your data from your SSD.
- You can get access to S.M.A.R.T parameters and additional features for in-depth diagnosis only after getting the paid, professional version of SSD Life.
- With the free version of this tool, you will be able to view and keep the reports for a period of 30 days.
SSD Ready is another noteworthy tool for regular SSD health checks which helps you to determine the lifespan of your SSD. By optimizing the performance of your SSD, you can extend its life. This tool is pretty easy to use and understand as it has a user-friendly interface.
It is a must-have tool if you want to track the writes and total usage of your SSD daily. SSD Ready does not consume much of your system resources. This tool makes pretty accurate predictions about the life of your SSD so that you always know when to buy a new one. To provide you with the most accurate readings, SSD Ready comes pre-installed with all necessary third-party components.
Furthermore, you get the option to run this tool automatically every time during Windows start-up. Or else, you can always launch it manually.
Key features:
- This tool provides all SSD details like firmware, trim support, updates, etc., along with SSD health checks.
- You can use this tool to check and extend the lifespan of your SSD.
- This tool supports most of the SSD drives from several manufacturers.
- It is available in free and paid versions for you to choose from.
- SSD Ready supports Windows versions XP and above.
We hope you make good use of our list of free tools to check SSD health to check the health and overall performance of your SSD. Since some of the above tools also assess the lifespan of your SSD, this info will come in handy when you are planning to buy a new SSD for your system. If you have any queries/suggestions, drop them in the comment section below.