Windows 10工作组是一种将少量计算机和设备链接在一起的简单方法,这使其成为家庭网络以及小型办公室和企业的理想选择。如果您想促进与同一网络上的其他设备共享资源(文件、打印机等),请确保它们属于Windows 10中的同一工作组。继续阅读以获得诸如“什么是工作组?”之("What is a workgroup?")类的问题的答案。并了解有关工作组名称或如何在Windows 10中更改工作组的更多信息:
网络上的计算机可以是工作组或域的一部分,这会改变网络上资源的管理方式。工作组是小型对等局域网,其中每台计算机都有自己的一组规则和设置,由该设备的管理员管理,并且在该工作组中具有唯一的(Workgroups are small peer-to-peer local area networks, where each computer has its own set of rules and settings, managed by the administrator of that device, and a unique) 计算机名称(computer name) 。(in that workgroup.)要从同一网络轻松访问另一台计算机并与其共享资源,两台计算机必须属于同一工作组。由于工作组中的每台计算机都单独处理安全性,因此一种选择是在您要访问的计算机上定义一个用户帐户。或者,用户可以将他们的设备设置为与工作组中的每个人共享资源。如果您需要一些帮助,请阅读如何在 Windows 中与网络共享文件夹、文件和库(How to share folders, files, and libraries with the network in Windows)。

安装 Windows 10 时,会默认创建工作组,并将其命名为WORKGROUP。
工作组名称不能使用以下字符:/ [ ] " : ; | > < + = , ? * (斜线、反斜线、方括号、引号、冒号、分号、竖线、小于、大于、加号、等号、逗号、问号和星号)。工作组名称不能超过 15 个字符;Windows不允许您插入更多字符。但是,工作组名称在Windows 10中可以包含空格。
注意:(NOTE:)运行Windows 10 家庭(Home)版的计算机默认位于工作组中,但无法加入域。
如何查看Windows 10工作组
要查看现有的Windows 10工作组,请在任务栏的搜索(Search)字段中搜索(search)“工作组”("workgroup"),然后单击或点击“显示此计算机所在的工作组”。("Show which workgroup this computer is on.")

另一种方法是使用老式方法并打开控制面板(open the Control Panel)。然后,单击或点击“系统和安全("System and Security)”,然后转到“系统(System)” 。

接下来,您可以“查看有关您的计算机的基本信息("View basic information about your computer)”。在“计算机名称、域和工作组设置”("Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings")部分中,您设备的Windows 10工作组显示在(Windows 10)工作组(Workgroup)条目旁边。

如何从系统属性更改Windows 10中的工作组(Windows 10)
要更改Windows 10中的工作组,您必须首先访问其设置。最快的方法是在任务栏的搜索栏中输入(Search bar)“工作组”("workgroup"),然后单击或点击“更改工作组名称("Change workgroup name)”。

另一种方法是使用“控制面板”中的(Control Panel)“查看有关您的计算机的基本信息”("View basic information about your computer")窗口。在您看到现有工作组的地方,按右侧的更改设置。(Change settings)

“系统属性”窗口打开,您可以在“(System Properties)计算机名称”(Computer Name)选项卡的相应部分中看到您当前的 Windows 10 工作组。要修改您所在的工作组,您所要做的就是更改工作组名称。单击(Click)或点击更改(Change)。

这将打开"Computer Name/Domain Changes"窗口。您可以在底部看到Workgroup字段 - 在我们的例子中,名称是默认的(Workgroup)WORKGROUP。




您将返回到“系统属性(System Properties)”窗口。在底部,您可以看到一条注释,提醒您必须重新启动计算机才能使工作组更改生效。单击(Click)或点击关闭(Close)。

Windows 10 会询问您是现在还是以后重新启动计算机。在单击或点按立即重新启动(Restart Now)之前,请保存您的工作并关闭所有打开的应用程序或文件。

如何从命令提示符更改(Command Prompt)Windows 10中的工作组(Windows 10)
一些用户更喜欢使用命令行环境来更改Windows 10工作组。如果您是其中之一,请以管理员身份打开 CMD(open CMD as administrator)并运行以下命令:
wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call joindomainorworkgroup name="Workgroup_Name"

新的工作组名称替换旧的名称。关闭Command Prompt,重新启动计算机,并应用更改。
如何从PowerShell更改(PowerShell)Windows 10中的工作组(Windows 10)
如果您是PowerShell的粉丝,您也可以使用此工具来更改Windows 10工作组。首先(First),以管理员身份启动 PowerShell(launch PowerShell as administrator)。二(Second)、输入以下命令:Add-Computer -WorkGroupName " Workgroup_Name "

您(Did)是否成功更改了Windows 10中的工作组?
在Windows 10(Windows 10)中更改工作组并不复杂。在组成网络的计算机上拥有不同的工作组是许多网络问题的根本原因,因此请确保您的 macOS 设备上(workgroup on your macOS devices)也拥有相同的工作组。通过简单的更改,大多数问题都可以解决,您可以轻松共享文件、互联网访问、打印机、库和任何连接的资源。在您关闭本教程之前,请让我们知道更改工作组时是否一切正常。在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
The Windows 10 workgroup and how to change it
Τhе Windows 10 workgroup is a simple way to link together a small number of computers and devices, which makes it ideal for home networks, as well as small оffices and businеsses. If you want to faсilitate shаring resources (files, printers, etс.) with other devices on thе same network, make sure they are part of the sаme wоrkgroup in Windows 10. Contіnue readіng to get answers to questions like "What is a workgroup?" and learn more about the workgroup name or how to change workgroup in Windows 10:
What is a workgroup? How is it different from a network domain?
Computers on a network can be part of either a workgroup or a domain, and that changes how resources are managed on the network. Workgroups are small peer-to-peer local area networks, where each computer has its own set of rules and settings, managed by the administrator of that device, and a unique computer name in that workgroup. To easily access another computer from the same network and share resources with it, both computers must be part of the same workgroup. Since every computer in a workgroup handles security separately, one option is to have a user account defined on the computer you want to access. Alternatively, users can set their devices to share resources with everyone in their workgroup. If you need some help with that, read How to share folders, files, and libraries with the network in Windows.

In contrast, domains are used in big networks, which include servers alongside desktop computers, laptops, network printers, and many other devices. In network domains, everything is managed and configured by the network administrator(s). The domain has a standard set of rules and settings that apply to all network computers and devices. To access a computer from a domain, you don't need a user account defined on that specific computer. You need a user account created for that domain, assigned to you by the network administrator. Therefore, you can log to any computer from the domain, using the same domain user account. Domains are a better fit for enterprise networks, while home, school, and small business networks can work very well using a workgroup.
When you install Windows 10, the workgroup is created by default, and it is named WORKGROUP.
The workgroup name cannot use the following characters: / [ ] " : ; | > < + = , ? * (slash, backslash, square brackets, quotation marks, colon, semicolon, pipe, less-than, greater-than, plus, equals, comma, question mark, and asterisk). The workgroup name can't have more than 15 characters; Windows does not allow you to insert more than that. However, the workgroup name can include spaces in Windows 10.
NOTE: Computers running Windows 10 Home are in a workgroup by default, but can't join a domain.
How to view the Windows 10 workgroup
To view your existing Windows 10 workgroup, search for "workgroup" in your taskbar's Search field, and then click or tap on "Show which workgroup this computer is on."

An alternative is to use the old-school way and open the Control Panel. Then, click or tap on "System and Security," and go to System.

Next, you can "View basic information about your computer." In the "Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings" section, the Windows 10 workgroup of your device is displayed next to the Workgroup entry.

How to change workgroup in Windows 10 from System Properties
To change workgroup in Windows 10, you must first access its settings. The fastest way is to type "workgroup" in the taskbar's Search bar, and then click or tap on "Change workgroup name."

An alternative is to use the "View basic information about your computer" window from the Control Panel. Where you see the existing workgroup, press on Change settings on the right.

The System Properties window opens, where you see your current Windows 10 workgroup in the appropriate section of the Computer Name tab. To modify the workgroup you're in, all you have to do is change the workgroup name. Click or tap on Change.

This opens the "Computer Name/Domain Changes" window. You can see the Workgroup field at the bottom - in our case, the name is the default WORKGROUP.

Type the name of the workgroup you want to join instead, and click or tap OK.

It might take a few seconds, and a pop-up welcomes you to the new workgroup. Click or tap OK.

Another pop-up window lets you know that your device requires a restart in order for the changes to be applied. Press OK again.

You are returned to the System Properties window. At the bottom, you can see a note, reminding you that the computer must be restarted in order for the workgroup change to take effect. Click or tap Close.

Windows 10 asks if you want to restart your computer now or later. Before you click or tap Restart Now, save your work and close any open apps or files.

After the restart, your computer joins the new workgroup. It is now able to interact with other computers and devices that are part of the same workgroup.
How to change the workgroup in Windows 10 from Command Prompt
Some users prefer using a command-line environment to change the Windows 10 workgroup. If you're one of them, open CMD as administrator and run the following command:
wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call joindomainorworkgroup name="Workgroup_Name"
Replace Workgroup_Name with the name of the workgroup you want to join or create, as seen below.

The new workgroup name replaces the old one. Close Command Prompt, restart your computer, and the change is applied.
NOTE: When you insert a new name, remember the restrictions regarding workgroup names discussed in the first section of this tutorial.
How to change workgroup in Windows 10 from PowerShell
If you're a fan of PowerShell, you can use this tool as well to change the Windows 10 workgroup. First, launch PowerShell as administrator. Second, enter the following command: Add-Computer -WorkGroupName "Workgroup_Name"
Replace Workgroup_Name with the name of the workgroup you want to join or create, as you can see in the next image.

NOTE: Don't forget about the restrictions regarding workgroup names, discussed in the first section of this tutorial, when you insert the new name.
Did you succeed in changing the workgroup in Windows 10?
Changing the workgroup in Windows 10 is not complicated. Having a different workgroup on the computers that make up your network is the root cause of many networking issues, so be sure you have the same workgroup on your macOS devices also. With a simple change, most problems can be solved, and you can easily share files, internet access, printers, libraries, and any connected resource. Before you close this tutorial, let us know if everything worked well when changing the workgroup. Comment below and let's discuss.