JavaScript是世界上最流行的编程语言之一。事实上,在设计网站或为基于 Web 的程序开发应用程序时,Java Script是大多数开发人员和编码人员的首选。由于Native Script等技术和渐进式 Web 应用程序的存在,JavaScript是一种具有成本效益的前端开发工具。
然而,今天我们的主要关注点将是Node.js,一个强大的JavaScript运行时。这篇文章将解释为什么它在主流市场中变得越来越流行,并吸引了IBM、雅虎(Yahoo)、沃尔玛(Walmart)、SAP等。我们还将讨论对IDE(IDEs)的需求并列出Node.js的前 11 个IDE(IDEs)。现在,事不宜迟,让我们从顶部开始。

什么是 Node.js?(What is Node.js?)
Node.js基本上是一个适用于(Node.js)JavaScript的开源运行时环境。它主要用于开发网络和服务器端应用程序。Node.js最好的地方在于它能够轻松处理异步和并发连接。它是事件驱动的,并且有一个非常有用的非阻塞 I/O 模型。这些特性使其成为开发快速和高性能实时应用程序的理想选择。结果,它受到了IBM(IBM)、SAP、雅虎(Yahoo)和沃尔玛(Walmart)等技术市场的知名人士的欢迎. 它的诸多优点使其成为绝对粉丝的最爱,并得到了开发人员、编码人员、程序员和精通技术的人的积极响应。
但是,为了开发任何程序或构建应用程序,不断审查、测试和编辑代码非常重要。使用Node.js开发的任何基于 Web 的应用程序也是如此。您需要拥有良好的调试和编辑工具,以确保您的程序完美运行。这就是IDE(集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment))发挥作用的地方。
什么是 IDE?(What is an IDE?)
IDE代表集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment)。它融合了各种综合工具和设施,使开发人员能够成功地创建他们的应用程序或网站。IDE基本上是代码编辑器、调试器、编译器、代码完成功能、构建动画工具等的组合,打包到单个多功能软件应用程序中。现代 IDE(Modern IDEs)具有图形用户界面,使其更易于工作,并且具有吸引人的美感(在处理数千行代码时非常有用)。除此之外,它们甚至可以满足您的高级编码需求,例如创作、编译、部署和调试软件代码。
市场上有数以千计的IDE(IDEs)。虽然其中一些价格昂贵并且具有非常吸引人的功能,但其他一些是免费的。然后是专门为单一编程语言构建的IDE(IDEs),而另一些则支持多种语言(例如Eclipse、CodeEnvy、Xojo等)。在本文中,我们将列出可用于Node.js 应用程序开发的 11 个(Node.js Application Development)IDE(IDEs)。
要使用Node.js(Node.js)制作这样的实时应用程序,您显然需要一个IDE。市场上有许多可用的IDE(IDEs),其中前 10 名如下所示。
Node.js 开发人员的 11 个最佳 IDE
1.Visual Studio 代码(1. Visual Studio Code)

从Microsoft Visual Studio Code开始,这是一个免费的开源IDE,它支持Node.js,允许开发人员轻松编译、调试和编辑他们的代码。它可能是一个轻量级的软件,但这并没有使它变得不那么强大。
它内置了对JavaScript和Node.js的支持。除此之外(Apart),它还兼容所有操作系统,无论是Windows、Linus还是Mac OS。这些功能使 Visual Studio Code成为Node.js的前 10 大(Node.js)IDE(IDEs)列表中的理想选择。
微软(Microsoft)添加了各种插件和扩展来支持其他编程语言,如 C++、Python、Java、PHP等,为开发人员的项目工作创造了理想的环境。Visual Studio(Studio)的其他一些值得注意的功能包括:
- 预装的命令行参数
- 实时分享
- 集成终端拆分视图
- 禅宗模式
- Git 集成
- 强大的架构
- 助手(上下文菜单(Context Menus)和智能感知(Intenllisense))
- 片段
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2.云9(2. Cloud 9)

Cloud 9 是一个非常流行的免费、基于云的IDE。使用基于云的IDE的好处是您可以自由地运行各种流行语言(如Python、C++、Node.js、Meteor等)的代码,而无需在计算机上下载任何东西。一切都在线,因此,它不仅确保了多功能性,而且使其充满活力和强大。
Cloud 9允许您轻松编写、调试、编译和编辑代码,非常适合Node.js开发人员。键绑定编辑器、实时预览、图像编辑器等功能使Cloud 9在开发人员中非常受欢迎。Cloud 9的其他一些特征包括:
- 有助于无服务器开发的集成工具
- 内置图像编辑器
- 在编辑代码和聊天功能时进行协作
- 集成调试器
- 内置终端
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3. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA是 JetBrains 在(IntelliJ IDEA)Java和Kotlin的帮助下开发的流行IDE。它支持多种语言,如Java、JavaScript、HTML、CSS、Node.js、Angular.js、React等等。此代码编辑器因其广泛的开发辅助工具、数据库工具、反编译器、版本控制系统等列表而受到开发人员的高度青睐。这使得IntelliJ IDEA 成为(IntelliJ IDEA one)Node.js应用(Node.js)程序开发的最佳IDE之一。(IDE)
虽然您需要为Node.js(Node.js)应用程序开发下载额外的插件,但绝对值得。这是因为这样做可以让您充分利用代码辅助、语法突出显示、代码完成等功能。它的构建还牢记开发人员的人体工程学,它可以提高生产力并改善用户体验。IntelliJ IDEA最好的一点是它允许您在IDE本身内编译、运行和调试代码。
IntelliJ IDEA的其他值得注意的特性包括:
- 智能代码完成
- 提高(Enhanced)生产力和良好的用户体验
- 内联调试器
- 构建和数据库工具
- 基于框架的援助
- 内置终端
- 版本控制
- 跨语言重构
- 消除重复
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4.网络风暴(4. WebStorm)

WebStorm是由JetBrains开发的强大而智能的JavaSript IDE。它非常适合使用Node.js进行服务器端开发。IDE支持智能代码完成、错误识别、导航、安全重构和其他功能。此外,它还具有调试器、VCS、终端等功能。除了JavaScript,WebStorm还支持HTML、CSS和React。
WebStorm 的显着特点是:
- 无缝工具集成
- 导航和搜索
- 内置终端
- UI 自定义和主题
- 强大的内置工具
- 智能编码辅助
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5.科莫多IDE(5. Komodo IDE)

在Komodo IDE(Komodo IDE)的帮助下,您可以运行命令、跟踪更改、使用快捷方式、创建自定义配置,并使用多项选择快速完成工作。
Komodo IDE 的显着特点是:
- 内置浏览器
- 语法高亮
- 支持拆分视图和多窗口编辑的可定制 UI
- 重构
- 自动完成
- 版本管理
- Markdown 和 DOM 查看器
- 多个附加组件的可用性
- 代码智能
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6. 日食(6. Eclipse)

Eclipse是另一个基于云的IDE,被认为是Node.js 应用程序(Node.js Application)开发的最佳选择之一。它为开发人员提供了一个理想的工作空间,可以作为一个团队以有组织和高效的方式同时工作。Eclipse是一个开源JavaScript IDE,它还包括一个 RESTful API服务器和用于插件和程序集开发的SDK 。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 PC 上运行 iOS 应用程序(How to Run iOS Apps On Windows 10 PC)
- Git 集成
- Maven 集成
- Eclipse Java 开发工具
- SSH 终端
- 允许(Allows)自定义内置插件
- 代码推荐工具
- (Choose)在基于浏览器和基于软件的IDE之间进行(IDE)选择
- 轻主题
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7.网络矩阵(7. WebMatrix)

WebMatrix也是一个基于云的IDE,但它来自Microsoft之家。它是Node.js 应用程序(Node.js Application)开发的最佳IDE之一。(IDE)它是轻量级的,这意味着它不会占用您计算机的资源(RAM、处理能力等),最重要的是,它是免费的。它是一种快速高效的软件,使开发人员能够在截止日期之前交付高质量的应用程序。云发布、代码完成和内置模板等功能使WebMatrix在 Web 开发人员中广受欢迎。WebMatrix的其他主要功能包括:
- (Code)具有集成界面的代码编辑器
- 简化的编码和数据库
- 内置 Node.js 模板
- 优化
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8.崇高的文字(8. Sublime Text)

Sublime Text被认为是用于Node.js应用程序开发的最先进的IDE 。这是因为它具有非常强大和高级的功能,可让您在项目之间快速切换、执行拆分编辑等等。由于其可定制的 UI, Sublime Text(Sublime Text)非常适合编写标记、散文和代码。使用Sublime Text ,您可以使用基本的(Sublime Text)JSON文件自定义几乎所有内容。
除此之外,Sublime Text还带有多个选择选项,可加快文件操作的过程,从而极大地提高您的性能。Sublime Text的最佳功能之一是其出色的响应能力,这是使用自定义组件构建的结果。
Sublime Text还与(Sublime Text)Windows、Mac OS和Linux等多种操作系统兼容。其他特征包括:
- 强大的 API 和包生态系统
- 跨平台兼容性
- 即时项目切换
- 拆分编辑
- 命令面板
- 多项选择
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9. 原子(9. Atom)

Atom是一个允许跨平台编辑的开源IDE,即您可以在任何操作系统(Windows、Linux或MAC OS)上使用它。它适用于预装了四个 UI 和八个语法主题的电子框架。
Atom支持多种编程语言,如HTML、JavaScript、Node.js和CSS。使用Atom(Atom)的另一个额外好处是,如果您下载GitHub包,则可以选择直接使用Git和GitHub 。
- 文件系统浏览器
- 内置包管理器
- 智能自动完成
- 跨平台编辑
- 多个窗格
- 查找和替换工具
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10. 括号(10. Brackets)

Brackets 是由Adob e 开发的(Adobe)IDE ,广泛用于JavaScript开发。它是一个可以通过 Web 浏览器访问的开源IDE 。Node.js开发人员的主要吸引力在于能够运行多个Node.js进程、gulp 脚本和Node.js平台。括号支持多种编程语言,如 HTML、Node.js、JavaScript、CSS 等(programming languages like HTML, Node.js, JavaScript, CSS, etc)。这使它成为开发人员和程序员的理想选择。
内联编辑、命令行集成、预处理器支持、实时查看等一流功能添加到您应该使用 Brackets 创建Node.js应用程序的原因列表中。
- 在线编辑器
- 拆分视图
- 实时预览
- 预处理器支持
- 用户友好的用户界面
- 自动代码完成
- (Quick)使用LESS和SCSS文件进行快速编辑和实时突出显示(Live Highlight)
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11. Codenvy

Codenvy 的其他重要特性:
- 一键式 Docker 环境。
- SSH 访问。
- DevOps 工作区平台。
- 调试器。
- 团队入职和协作。
- 语言相关服务
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我希望本教程对您有所帮助,并且您能够找到最适合 Node.js 开发人员的 IDE( best IDE for Node.js Developers)。如果您想在本指南中添加内容或有任何疑问,请随时使用评论部分与我们联系。
11 Best IDEs For Node.js Developers
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In fact, when it comes to deѕigning a website or deνeloping an app for a web-based program, Java Script is the first choice for mоst of the developers and coders. Owing to technologies like Native Script and the presence of progressive web aрplications, JaνaScriрt is a cоst-effective front-end development tool.
However, today our main focus is going to be Node.js, a powerful JavaScript runtime. This post will explain why it is becoming increasingly popular in the mainstream market and turning heads at IBM, Yahoo, Walmart, SAP, etc. We are also going to discuss the need for IDEs and list down the top 11 IDEs for Node.js. Now, without further ado, let’s start from the top.

What is Node.js?
Node.js is basically an open-source runtime environment that works on JavaScript. It is mainly used for developing network and server-side applications. The best thing about Node.js is that it is capable of handling asynchronous and concurrent connections with ease. It is event-driven and has a very useful non-blocking I/O model. These features make it ideal for developing fast and high-performing real-time applications. As a result, it became popular with big names in the technology market like IBM, SAP, Yahoo, and Walmart. Its many benefits make it an absolute fan-favourite and have received a positive response from developers, coders, programmers, and tech-savvy people.
However, in order to develop any program or build an application, it is very important to constantly review, test, and edit your code. The same goes for any web-based application developed using Node.js. You need to have good debugging and editing tools to ensure that your program works perfectly. This is where an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) comes into play.
What is an IDE?
IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is an amalgamation of various comprehensive tools and facilities that make it possible for developers to successfully create their applications or website. An IDE is basically a combination of code editor, debugger, compiler, code completion feature, build animation tool, and more packed into a single multi-purpose software application. Modern IDEs have a graphical user interface which makes it easier to work and also has an appealing aesthetic (very helpful when dealing with thousands of lines of code). Apart from that, they even cater to your advanced coding needs like authoring, compiling, deploying, and debugging software code.
There are thousands of IDEs available in the market. While some of them are expensive and have really attractive features, others are free. Then there are IDEs built specifically for a single programming language while others support multiple languages (for e.g. Eclipse, CodeEnvy, Xojo, etc.). In this article, we are going to list down the top 11 IDEs that you can use for Node.js Application Development.
To make such real-time applications using Node.js, you will obviously require an IDE. There are many IDEs available in the market out of which the top 10 are given below.
11 Best IDEs For Node.js Developers
1. Visual Studio Code

Starting off the list with Microsoft Visual Studio Code, a free open-source IDE that supports Node.js and allows developers to compile, debug, and edit their code with ease. It might be a lightweight software but that doesn’t make it one bit less powerful.
It comes with in-built support for JavaScript and Node.js. Apart from that, it is also compatible with all operating systems, be it Windows, Linus, or Mac OS. These features make Visual Studio Code an ideal candidate for featuring in the list of top 10 IDEs for Node.js.
The addition of various plugins and extensions by Microsoft to support other programming languages like C++, Python, Java, PHP, etc. has created an ideal environment for developers to work on their projects. Some of the other noteworthy features of Visual Studio include:
- Pre-installed Command Line Argument
- Live Share
- Integrated Terminal Split View
- Zen mode
- Git Integration
- Robust architecture
- Helpers (Context Menus and Intenllisense)
- Snippets
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2. Cloud 9

Cloud 9 is a very popular free, cloud-based IDE. The benefit of using a cloud-based IDE is that you have the liberty to run codes in various popular languages like Python, C++, Node.js, Meteor, etc. without downloading a thing on your computer. Everything is online and thus, it not only ensures versatility but also makes it dynamic and powerful.
Cloud 9 allows you to write, debug, compile, and edit your code easily and is quite suitable for Node.js developers. Features like key binding editor, live previewing, image editor, and more make Cloud 9 extremely popular among developers. Some of the other characteristic features of Cloud 9 are:
- Integrated tools that assist in serverless development
- In-built image editor
- Collaboration while editing code and chatting capability
- Integrated debugger
- In-built terminal
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3. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular IDE developed by JetBrains with the help of Java and Kotlin. It supports multiple languages like Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Angular.js, React, and many more. This code editor is highly preferred by developers owing to its extensive list of development aids, database tools, decompiler, version control system, and so on and so forth. This makes IntelliJ IDEA one of the best IDEs for Node.js application development.
Although you need to download an additional plug-in for Node.js app development, it is absolutely worth the while. This is because doing so allows you to make the best use of features like code assistance, syntax highlighting, code completion, etc. It is also built keeping in mind developer ergonomics which act as a productivity booster and improve user experience. The best thing about IntelliJ IDEA is that it allows you to compile, run, and debug the code within the IDE itself.
Other noteworthy features of IntelliJ IDEA include:
- Smart code completion
- Enhanced productivity and favourable user experience
- Inline debugger
- Build and database tools
- Framework-based assistance
- Built-in terminal
- Version control
- Cross-language refactoring
- Elimination of duplicates
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4. WebStorm

WebStorm is powerful and intelligent JavaSript IDE developed by JetBrains. It is perfectly equipped for server-side development using Node.js. The IDE supports intelligent code completion, error identification, navigation, safe refactorings, and other features. Furthermore, it also has features like debugger, VCS, terminal, etc. Apart from JavaScript, WebStorm also supports HTML, CSS, and React.
Salient Features of WebStorm are:
- Seamless tool integration
- Navigation and search
- Built-in terminal
- UI customization and themes
- Powerful built-in tools
- Intelligent coding assistance
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5. Komodo IDE

Komodo is a versatile cross-platform IDE that offers support for various programming languages like Node.js, Ruby, PHP, Perl, etc. You have at your disposal powerful utilities that make it easier to develop Node.js applications.
With the help of Komodo IDE, you can run commands, track changes, use shortcuts, create custom configurations, and get your job done quickly using multiple selections.
Salient Features of Komodo IDE are:
- In-built browser
- Syntax highlighting
- Customizable UI that supports split view and multi-window editing
- Refactoring
- Auto-complete
- Version management
- Markdown and DOM viewer
- Availability of multiple add ons
- Code Intelligence
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6. Eclipse

Eclipse is another cloud-based IDE that is considered to be one of the best options for Node.js Application development. It provides an ideal workspace for developers to work simultaneously as a team in an organized and efficient manner. Eclipse is an open-source JavaScript IDE that also includes a RESTful API server and SDK for plugin and assembly development.
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Features like code refactoring, error checking, IntelliSense, key binding, code automatic build, and source code generation make Eclipse an extremely powerful and useful IDE. It also has an in-built debugger and a ready to go stack that makes it easier for developers to create Node.js applications.
Other salient features of Eclipse are:
- Git Integration
- Maven Integration
- Eclipse Java Development Tools
- SSH terminal
- Allows customization of in-built plugins
- Code recommenders tools
- Choose between browser-based and software-based IDE
- Light theme
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7. WebMatrix

WebMatrix is also a cloud-based IDE but it comes from the house of Microsoft. It is one of the best IDEs for Node.js Application development. It is lightweight, meaning it does not hog your computer’s resources (RAM, processing power, etc.) and most importantly, free. It is a fast and efficient software that enables developers to deliver quality applications way ahead of the deadline. Features like cloud publishing, code completion, and built-in templates make WebMatrix popular among web developers. Other key features of WebMatrix include:
- Code editor with an integrated interface
- Simplified coding and database
- In-built Node.js templates
- Optimization
The only shortcoming of WebMatrix is that its services are restricted only to Windows users, i.e. it is not compatible with any other operating system apart from Windows.
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8. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is considered to be the most advanced IDE for Node.js application development. This is because it has very powerful and advanced features that allow you to quickly switch between projects, perform split editing and so much more. Sublime Text is ideal for writing markups, prose and code owing to its customizable UI. With Sublime Text, you can customize almost everything using basic JSON files.
Apart from that, Sublime Text also comes with multiple selection options that expedite the process of file manipulation, thus, giving a great boost to your performance. One of the best features of Sublime Text is its excellent responsiveness which is a result of being built using custom components.
Sublime Text is also compatible with multiple operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Other characteristic features include:
- Powerful API and package ecosystem
- Cross-platform compatibility
- Instant project switching
- Split editing
- Command Palette
- Multiple Selections
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9. Atom

Atom is an open-source IDE that allows cross-platform editing, i.e. you can use it on any operating system (Windows, Linux, or MAC OS). It works on an electronic framework that comes with four UI and eight syntax themes pre-installed.
Atom supports multiple programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, and CSS. Another added benefit of using Atom is the option to directly work with Git and GitHub if you download the GitHub package.
The salient features of the Atom are:
- File system browser
- Built-in package manager
- Smart auto-complete
- Cross-platform editing
- Multiple panes
- Find and replace tools
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10. Brackets

Brackets is an IDE that has been developed by Adobe and is widely used for JavaScript development. It is an open-source IDE that can be accessed via a web browser. The key attraction for Node.js developers is the ability to run multiple Node.js processes, gulp script, and Node.js platform. Brackets support multiple programming languages like HTML, Node.js, JavaScript, CSS, etc. and this makes it an ideal choice of developers and programmers.
Top-notch features like inline editing, command line integration, preprocessor support, live viewing, etc. add to the list of reasons why you should use Brackets to create Node.js applications.
Key features of Brackets are:
- In-line editors
- Split view
- Live preview
- Preprocessor support
- User-friendly UI
- Automatic code completion
- Quick edit and Live Highlight with LESS and SCSS files
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11. Codenvy

Codenvy is a cloud-based IDE that is designed for members of a project development team to work simultaneously. It has a portable Docker which makes it easier for teams to work on Node.js projects. It is also highly customizable that makes it suitable for Node.js developers to work on their projects in just the way they like.
In addition to that Codenvy offers various tools like version control and issue management that proves to real handy in case of a blunder.
Other important characteristics of Codenvy:
- One-click Docker environment.
- SSH access.
- DevOps workspace platform.
- Debugger.
- Team-onboarding and collaboration.
- Language related services
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I hope the tutorial was helpful and you were able to find the best IDE for Node.js Developers. If you want to add something to this guide or if you have any questions then feel free to reach out using the comment section.