如果您有兴趣使用DVD 或蓝光驱动器将一些数据刻录到可以存储在(DVD or Blu-ray drive)保险箱中(deposit box)或出于其他原因的外部磁盘,那么格式和版本的绝对数量(sheer number)可以使任务变得相当令人困惑。
例如,DVD 有五种不同的格式,而蓝光光盘(DVDs and Blu-ray discs)有更多的格式!在本文中,我将尝试分解不同类型的格式,而不必担心您在阅读其他网站上的差异时会发现的许多技术细节。

开始之前,您应该首先了解创建这些不同DVD格式的实际顺序。1996 年开发了DVD-R AM,随后是1997 年的DVD-R ,随后是(DVD-R)DVD-RW,然后是DVD+RW,然后是 2002 年的DVD+R。因此,希望能消除一些关于时间的混乱。
那么现在,哪种格式更好?好吧,如果您想刻录与大量 DVD 播放器兼容的DVD ,(DVD)那么最好还是坚持使用较早发布的DVD-R 格式(DVD-R format)。DVD -RAM 基本上已经很旧了,除非你去 eBay,否则很难再找到它们了。
DVD+R在错误检查(error checking)、更好的跟踪和速度控制方面比(tracking and speed control)DVD-(DVD-R) R具有一些优势,从而产生更可靠的媒体,以及额外的会话链接方法,从而减少损坏的光盘。大多数差异本质上是非常技术性的,但允许更快的写入速度和更多的重写而不会出错。
当然,加到 + 或 – (+RW, -RW) 上的 W 仅表示光盘是可重写的。同样(Again),+ format更可靠,因为它是后来发布的,但更多驱动器与减号格式(minus format)兼容。但是,它已经足够长了,除非有人使用非常旧的DVD 驱动器(DVD drive),否则他们应该能够播放任何 plus(+) 格式的DVD(DVDs)。
DVD单层光盘(layer discs)最多可支持 4.7 GB(GBs)的数据,而双层光盘(layer discs)(DL) 最多可支持 8.5 GB(GBs)的数据。后一种格式只是在末尾添加一个 DL:DVD+RW DL or DVD-RW DL。

当谈到蓝光光盘(Blu-ray disc)格式时,它真的很令人困惑,所以我什至不会提及那些不重要的东西。基本上,作为消费者,您只需要担心几种格式,即BD-R(可刻录蓝光光盘(Blu-ray disc recordable))、BD-RE(可刻录可擦除蓝光光盘)、 (Blu-ray disc recordable)BDXL(可刻录多层光盘(disc recordable)) ) 和迷你 BD(Mini-BD)。
BD-R 格式只能写入一次,BD-RE可以多次擦除和重新记录。目前可用于蓝光光盘(Blu-ray discs)的最大速度约为 16 倍,远低于DVD 和 CD(DVDs and CDs)的 20 倍和 52 倍速度。
Mini-DB 光盘基本上是BD-R 和 BD-RE(BD-R and BD-RE)格式的蓝光光盘(Blu-ray discs),用于摄像机和其他小型数字记录设备。在过去的几年里,已经定义了一种称为BD-XL的新格式,它允许在一张光盘上制作三层和四层。(BD-XL)
这将BD-R XL 光盘(BD-R XL disc)的容量分别提高到 100 GB 和 128 GB。那是巨大的!BD-RE XL 光盘(BD-RE XL discs)目前最多可支持 100 GB 的数据。
较新的BDXL光盘与当前的蓝光光盘驱动器不兼容,尽管一些制造商能够发布固件升级(firmware upgrade),但驱动器必须相当新才能支持升级。
基本上,如果您打算使用BDXL 格式(BDXL format),则应该出于存档目的,因为您可能是唯一使用支持BDXL 格式的非常昂贵(BDXL format)的蓝光驱动器(Blu-ray drive)读取数据的人。
同样,这是对DVD 和 Blu-ray(DVD and Blu-ray)不同格式的一个非常基本的概述,但希望它能让您充分理解一切的含义,而不会被大量无用的细节所淹没。
Difference between BD-R, BD-RE, DVD-R, DVD+R
If you are interestеd in getting a DVD or Blu-rаy drive to burn some data off to an external disс that you can store in a safe deposit box or for some othеr reason, then the sheer number of formats and versions can make the task quite confusing.
For example, there are five different formats for DVDs and Blu-ray discs have even more formats! In this article, I’ll try to break down the different types of formats without worrying about a lot of technical details that you’ll find when you read about the differences on other sites.
I personally just want to know the main differences, what works better and what’s best suited for burning as a consumer.

To get started, you should first know the actual order that these different DVD formats were created. In 1996 DVD-RAM was developed, followed by DVD-R in 1997, followed by DVD-RW, then DVD+RW, followed by DVD+R in 2002. So that hopefully clears a little confusion as to the timings.
So now, what format is better? Well, if you want to burn a DVD that is compatible with a larger number of DVD players, then it’s best to stick with the earlier released DVD-R format. DVD-RAM is basically really old and it’s hard to even find those anymore unless you go on eBay.
DVD+R has some advantages over DVD-R in terms of error checking, better tracking and speed control resulting in more reliable media, and additional session linking methods, which results in fewer damaged discs. Most of the differences are very technical in nature, but allow for faster writing speeds and more rewrites without errors.
Of course, the W added to either + or – (+RW, -RW) just means that the disc is rewritable. Again, the + format is more reliable because it was released later, but more drives are compatible with the minus format. However, it’s been long enough that unless someone is using a really old DVD drive, they should be able to play any plus(+) format DVDs.
DVD single layer discs can support up to 4.7 GBs of data and double layer discs (DL) can support up to 8.5 GBs of data. The latter format just adds a DL to the end: DVD+RW DL or DVD-RW DL.

When it comes to Blu-ray disc formats, it’s really confusing, so I won’t even mention the stuff that’s not important. Basically, there are only a couple of formats you need to worry about as a consumer and those are BD-R (Blu-ray disc recordable), BD-RE (Blu-ray disc recordable erasable), BDXL (multi-layer disc recordable), and Mini-BD.
BD-R format can only be written to once and BD-RE can be erased and recorded on again multiple times. The max speed currently available for Blu-ray discs is about 16x, which is much lower than the 20x and 52x speeds of DVDs and CDs, respectively.
Mini-DB discs are basically BD-R and BD-RE formatted Blu-ray discs made for camcorders and other small digital recording devices. Within the last few years, a newer format called BD-XL has been defined that allows for triple and quadruple layers on a single disc.
This ups the capacity of a BD-R XL disc to 100 GB and 128 GB, respectively. That’s huge! BD-RE XL discs can support up to 100 GB of data at this time.
The newer BDXL discs are not compatible with current Blu-ray disc drives, though some manufacturers are able to release a firmware upgrade, but the drive has to be fairly new to support the upgrade.
Basically, if you plan on using the BDXL format, it should be archival purposes as you’ll probably be the only one to read the data back using your very expensive Blu-ray drive that supports the BDXL format.
Again, this is a very basic overview of the different formats for DVD and Blu-ray, but hopefully it gives you enough to understand what everything means without getting overloaded in lots of useless details.
Any other questions about what type of disc your should burn, post a comment here and I’ll try to help. Enjoy!