如果您的 Android 手机丢失或被盗,您可以使用 Google 的“查找我的设备”选项找到您的手机。但不要担心,还有其他方法可以找到或跟踪被盗的 Android 手机,我们将在下面的指南中讨论这些方法。 (If your Android phone is lost or stolen then you locate your phone using Google’s Find My Device option. But don’t worry there are other ways to find or track your stolen Android phone which we will discuss in the guide below. )
如何查找或跟踪被盗的 Android 手机(Stolen Android Phone)
Android 的内置移动跟踪功能:Google 的 Find My Device(Android’s Built-in Mobile Tracking Features: Google’s Find My Device)
如果您使用的是Android智能手机,请花点时间感谢开发人员为您的手机内置的所有防盗措施。安全锁屏密码或 PIN 等简单功能可以证明(Simple features like a secure lock screen password or PIN can prove)对保护您的数据非常有效。几乎(Almost)所有现代智能手机都配备了先进的指纹传感器( fingerprint sensors),不仅可以用作锁屏密码,还可以作为应用程序的额外安全层。除此之外,一些设备甚至具有面部识别技术。但是,除非您使用的是高端Android智能手机之一,否则请避免使用面部识别作为您的主要密码(avoid using facial recognition as your primary passcode). 这是因为廉价Android智能手机上的面部识别技术不是那么好,并且可以通过使用您的照片来欺骗。因此,故事的寓意是为您的锁定屏幕设置一个强密码( set a strong password),并至少为您的银行和 数字 Android 移动钱包(digital Android mobile wallet)应用程序、社交媒体应用程序、联系人、图库等重要应用程序设置额外的安全层。
当您的手机丢失或被盗时,第二套Android安全功能就会发挥作用。其中最突出和最重要的是 Google 的“查找(Find)我的设备(Device)”功能。当您在Android设备上使用Google 帐户登录(Google Account)时,此功能就会被激活。它允许您远程跟踪您的设备并执行更多操作(稍后将讨论)。除此之外,您还可以使用各种智能设备(例如Google Home)来跟踪您的设备。如果这还不够,那么您可以随时从Play 商店(Play Store)提供的各种第三方跟踪应用程序中进行选择。您可能会感兴趣阅读,前 28 个最佳错误跟踪工具(Top 28 Best Bug Tracking Tools). 现在让我们详细讨论查找丢失的Android手机的各种方法。
选项 1:使用 Google 的“查找我的设备”服务跟踪您的手机(Option 1: Track your phone with Google’s Find my Device service)
如前所述,每台Android智能手机从使用(Android)Google 帐户(Google Account)登录的那一刻起就可以使用 Google 的Find my Device服务。它允许您检查设备的最后已知位置、播放提示音、锁定手机,甚至远程擦除设备上的所有数据。您只需要一台可以访问互联网的计算机或任何其他智能手机,然后登录“查找(Find)我的设备(Device)”网站并登录您的Google 帐户(Google Account)。
1. 跟踪您的设备(1. Tracking your Device) - 此服务/功能的主要目的是在地图上查明您的设备的确切位置。但是,为了显示实时位置,您的手机需要连接到互联网。如果发生盗窃,他们极不可能允许这种情况发生。因此,您唯一能看到的是设备在与互联网断开连接之前的最后一个已知位置。
2. 播放声音(2. Play Sound) ——您也可以使用“查找我的设备(Find My Device)”在您的设备上播放声音。即使您的设备设置为静音,您的默认铃声也会继续播放五分钟。
3. 安全设备(3. Secure Device )- 您拥有的下一个选项是锁定您的设备并退出您的Google 帐户(Google Account)。这样(Doing)做会阻止其他人访问您设备上的内容。您甚至可以在锁定屏幕上显示一条消息并提供备用号码,以便拥有您手机的人可以与您联系。
4. 擦除设备(4. Erase Device )——最后也是最后的手段,当所有寻找手机的希望都落空时,擦除设备上的所有数据。一旦您选择擦除设备上的所有数据,您将无法再使用“查找(Find)我的设备(Device)”服务对其进行跟踪。
如果您还没有丢失手机并阅读本文为世界末日到来做好准备,您需要确保已打开“查找(Find)我的设备”。(Device)尽管默认情况下始终启用它,但仔细检查并没有错。考虑这种活动类似于在离开前检查您的汽车或家中的锁。请按照以下步骤确保启用“查找我的设备”(Find My Device):
2. 现在选择安全和隐私(Security and privacy)选项。
3. 在这里,您将找到“查找我的设备(Find my Device)”选项,点击它。
4. 现在确保拨动开关已启用(toggle switch is enabled)并且“查找(Find)我的设备(Device)”服务已打开。
Option 2: Find your Phone using Google Home/Google Assistant
在不太严重的情况下,有时您会将手机放在家里的某个地方。虽然没有什么可害怕或担心的,但还是很令人沮丧的,尤其是当你上班迟到的时候。如果您的位置有Google Home扬声器,那么您可以借助Google Assistant找到您的手机。您只需说“Ok Google”或“Hey Google”即可激活Google Assistant并要求它找到您的手机。即使处于静音模式,Google Assistant现在也会播放您的铃声,从而使您能够找到您的手机。(Google Assistant)
除了拥有Google Home扬声器外,此方法的唯一要求是您的设备连接到与扬声器相同的Google帐户。只要您的手机连接到互联网,此方法就可以完美运行。本质上,此方法仍然使用“查找(Find)我的设备(Device)”功能在您的设备上播放声音。因此,启用“查找(Find)我的设备(Device)”服务非常重要。默认情况下,它始终处于打开状态,因此除非您专门将其关闭,否则您无需担心。
属于不同家庭成员的多个帐户很可能连接到Google Home扬声器。然而,这不会是一个问题。Google Home提供多用户支持,当您家里的任何人放错手机时,它随时准备提供帮助。语音(Voice)匹配功能允许Google Home识别用户并在他们的手机上播放声音,而不是在其他任何人的手机上播放。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 上禁用 Google Assistant(How to Disable Google Assistant on Android)
(Option 3: Find or Track your Stolen Phone using )选项 3:使用第三方应用(third-party apps)查找或跟踪被盗手机
您可以在Play 商店(Play Store)中找到各种可帮助您追踪丢失手机的应用程序。其中一些应用程序令人印象深刻,实际上信守诺言。让我们来看看一些可以用来查找或跟踪被盗Android手机的热门应用:
1. 猎物防盗(1. Prey Anti-Theft)
在跟踪丢失的设备方面, Prey Anti-Theft(Prey Anti-Theft)是一种流行的选择。它不仅适用于丢失的手机,还适用于笔记本电脑。该应用程序允许您使用其GPS跟踪您的设备、远程锁定您的手机、截取屏幕截图,甚至跟踪附近的Wi-Fi网络以确保更好的连接。该应用程序最好的部分是您最多可以添加三个设备,因此可以使用一个应用程序来保护您的智能手机、笔记本电脑和平板电脑。此外,该应用程序是完全免费的,并且没有任何应用程序内购买来解锁高级功能。
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2. 丢失的安卓(2. Lost Android)
Lost Android是一款免费但有用的移动追踪应用。它的特征与地狱犬(Cerberus)有些相似。您可以使用该应用程序来跟踪您的设备、拍摄谨慎的照片以及擦除设备上的数据。Lost Android的网站可能看起来非常基本和简陋,但这并不会破坏这个应用程序的出色服务和功能。该应用程序允许您执行的各种远程控制操作与一些昂贵的付费设备跟踪应用程序相当。安装和界面非常简单。您需要做的就是使用您的Google帐户登录应用程序,然后使用相同的Google帐户以在丢失手机时登录他们的网站。之后,您将拥有所有的移动跟踪工具,并且完全免费使用。
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3. 我的机器人在哪里(3. Where’s my Droid)
Where's my Droid有两组功能,免费的基本功能和付费的专业功能。基本功能包括GPS跟踪、播放铃声、创建新密码以锁定设备,最后是隐身模式。隐身模式可防止他人阅读收到的消息,并将消息通知替换为指示手机丢失或被盗状态的警告消息。
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4.地狱犬(4. Cerberus)
强烈推荐Cerberus(Cerberus)用于定位丢失的手机,因为它具有广泛的功能列表。除了GPS(GPS)跟踪外, Cerberus还允许您远程拍照(截图)、录制音频或视频、播放声音、擦除数据。Cerberus的另一个很酷的功能是您可以隐藏应用程序,并且它不会显示在应用程序抽屉中,因此几乎不可能找到和删除它。如果您使用的是根植于Android的智能手机,我们建议您使用可闪存ZIP文件安装Cerberus 。这将确保Cerberus即使犯罪者和不法分子决定将您的设备重置为出厂设置,它仍会安装在您的设备上。从本质上讲,您仍然可以在完全重置后跟踪您的设备。这使得Cerberus和非常有用的应用程序。
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另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Android GPS 问题的 8 种方法(8 Ways to Fix Android GPS Issues)
选项 4:如何找到丢失的三星智能手机(Option 4: How to Find a lost Samsung Smartphone)
如果您使用的是三星(Samsung)设备,那么您还有另一层安全保障。三星(Samsung)提供了自己的一套设备跟踪功能,这些功能被证明非常有效。为了找到丢失的三星(Samsung)智能手机,您需要使用网络浏览器在任何计算机或智能手机上访问findmymobile.samsung.com 。之后,登录您的三星(Samsung)帐户,然后点击您的设备名称。
您现在可以在地图上查看设备的位置。其他远程操作显示在屏幕右侧。您可以锁定您的设备以防止其他人使用它并访问您的数据。使用三星的查找我的移动服务,如果有人希望退回您的手机,您还可以显示个性化消息。此外,远程锁定您的设备会自动阻止您的三星支付(Samsung Pay)卡并阻止任何人进行任何交易。
除此之外,播放声音、擦除数据等标准功能是三星查找我的移动服务的一部分。为了确保在电池耗尽之前找到您的手机,您可以远程启用“延长电池寿命(Extend battery life)”功能。这样做将关闭除位置跟踪之外的所有后台进程。鉴于设备已连接到互联网,它将尝试提供设备位置的实时更新。取回手机后,您只需输入PIN即可解锁设备。
是时候阻止设备的 IMEI(Time to Block your Device’s IMEI)
丢失您的设备或更糟糕的是,被盗是一种非常可悲的情况。我们希望我们能够帮助您找到或追踪被盗的Android 手机(Android Phone)。尽管有许多跟踪应用程序和服务可以大大增加您找到手机的机会,但它们能做的只有这么多。有时,坏人只是比我们领先一步。您唯一能做的就是阻止您设备的 IMEI 号码并注册警方投诉。( block your device’s IMEI number and register a police complaint.)现在,如果你有保险,这将使这种情况变得容易一些,至少在经济上是这样。您可能需要联系您的运营商或网络服务提供商来开始保险索赔的整个过程。我们希望您从保存在云服务器上的备份中取回您的个人照片和视频。
How to Find or Track your Stolen Android Phone
If your Android phone is lost or stolen then you locate your phone using Google’s Find My Device option. But don’t worry there are other ways to find or track your stolen Android phone which we will discuss in the guide below.
Our mobile phones are a very important part of your lives. So much that it can be considered to be an extension of ourselves, all our personal and professional data, access to online accounts, social media handles, contacts, and so much more are enclosed in that little device. Our heart skips a beat even at the thought of losing it. However, in spite of taking extreme care and precaution, sometimes you have to part ways with your beloved phone. Chances of bumping into a pickpocket or simply being forgetful and leaving your phone on some counter are substantially high.
It is indeed a sad and unfortunate incident as getting a new phone is an expensive affair. Apart from that, the thought of losing a lot of memories in the form of personal photos and videos is quite disheartening. However, everything isn’t over yet. The true purpose of this article is to bring a ray of hope into your life and tell you that there is still hope. You can still find your lost Android phone, and we are going to help you in whatever ways we can.
How to Find or Track your Stolen Android Phone
Android’s Built-in Mobile Tracking Features: Google’s Find My Device
If you are using an Android smartphone, then take a moment to thank the developers for all the anti-theft measures that are built-in your phone. Simple features like a secure lock screen password or PIN can prove to be very effective in safeguarding your data. Almost all modern smartphones come with advanced fingerprint sensors that can be used not only as a lock screen password but also as an additional layer of security to your apps. In addition to that, some devices even have facial recognition technology. However, until and unless you are using one of the high-end Android smartphones, avoid using facial recognition as your primary passcode. This is because the facial recognition technology on budget Android smartphones aren’t that good and can be tricked by using your photo. Thus, the moral of the story is to set a strong password for your lock screen and an additional layer of security at least for important apps like your banking and digital Android mobile wallet apps, social media apps, contacts, gallery, etc.
When your phone gets lost or stolen, the second set of Android security features comes in to play. The most prominent and important of the lot is Google’s Find my Device feature. The moment you sign in with your Google Account on your Android device, this feature gets activated. It allows you to remotely track your device and do a lot more (will be discussed later). Apart from that, you can use various smart devices like Google Home, to track your device. If that is not enough, then you can always choose from a wide range of third-party tracking apps available on the Play Store. It might interest you to read, Top 28 Best Bug Tracking Tools. Let us now discuss the various ways to find your lost Android phone in detail.
Option 1: Track your phone with Google’s Find my Device service
As mentioned earlier, every Android smartphone can use Google’s Find my Device service from the moment they sign in with their Google Account. It allows you to check the last known location of your device, plays a tone, locks your phone, and even remotely erase all the data on your device. All that you need is a computer or any other smartphone with internet access and log on to Find my Device website and sign in to your Google Account.
The various operations that you can perform using Find my Device are:
1. Tracking your Device – The primary purpose of this service/feature is to pinpoint the exact location of your device on a map. However, in order to show the live location, your phone needs to be connected to the internet. In case of theft, it is highly unlikely that they will allow that to happen. So, the only thing that you will be able to see is the last known location of the device before getting disconnected from the internet.
2. Play Sound – You can also use Find My Device to play a sound on your device. Your default ringtone will continue to play for five minutes, even if your device is set to silent.
3. Secure Device – The next option that you have is to lock your device and sign out of your Google Account. Doing so will prevent others from accessing the contents on your device. You can even display a message on the lock screen and provide an alternate number so that person possessing your phone can contact you.
4. Erase Device – The last and final resort, when all hopes of finding your phone are lost, erases all the data on the device. Once you choose to erase all data on your device, you won’t be able to track it anymore using the Find my Device service.
One important thing that we would like to stress upon is your device’s importance of staying connected to the internet. Once your device is disconnected, the functionalities of Find my Device service is greatly reduced. The only information that you would get is the device’s last known location. Therefore, time is of the essence. It would help if you acted fast before someone intentionally switches off the internet connection on your device.
If you haven’t lost your phone yet and read this article to be prepared when the doomsday arrives, you need to make sure that Find my Device is turned on. Although by default, it is always enabled, there is nothing wrong with double-checking. Consider this activity similar to checking your car’s or home’s locks before leaving. Follow the steps given below to make sure Find My Device is enabled:
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device.
2. Now select the Security and privacy option.
3. Here, you will find the Find my Device option, tap on it.
4. Now make sure that the toggle switch is enabled and Find my Device service is turned on.
Option 2: Find your Phone using Google Home/Google Assistant
On a less serious note, there are times when you misplace your phone somewhere in your house itself. Although there is nothing to be scared or be worried about, it is quite frustrating, especially when you are getting late for work. If you have a Google Home speaker at your place, then you can take the help of Google Assistant to find your phone. All that you need to do is say “Ok Google” or “Hey Google” to activate Google Assistant and ask it to find your phone. Google Assistant will now play your ringtone even if it is in silent mode and thus enable you to find your mobile.
The only requirement for this method to work, apart from owning a Google Home speaker, is that your device is connected to the same Google account as that of the speaker. As long as your mobile is connected to the internet, this method works perfectly. In essence, this method still uses the Find my Device feature to play a sound on your device. Therefore, it is very important that Find my Device service is enabled. By default, it is always switched on and so unless you have specifically switched it off, you do not need to worry about it.
It is most likely that multiple accounts belonging to different family members are connected to the Google Home speaker. However, that won’t be an issue. Google Home comes with multi-user support and is always ready to help when anyone from your family misplaces their phones. The Voice match feature allows Google Home to recognize the user and play the sound on their mobile and not anyone else’s.
Also Read: How to Disable Google Assistant on Android
Option 3: Find or Track your Stolen Phone using third-party apps
You can find a wide range of apps on the Play Store that will help you to track your lost phone. Some of these apps are impressive and actually keep their promise. Let us take a look at some of the top apps using which you can find or track your stolen Android phone:
1. Prey Anti-Theft
Prey Anti-Theft is a popular choice when it comes to tracking lost devices. It works not only for lost mobile phones but also laptops. The app allows you to track your device using its GPS, remotely lock your phone, take screenshots, and even track nearby Wi-Fi networks to ensure better connectivity. The best part about the app is that you add up to three devices, and thus a single app can be used to protect your smartphone, your laptop, and your tablet. Additionally, the app is completely free, and there aren’t any in-app purchases to unlock the premium features.
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2. Lost Android
Lost Android is a free but useful mobile tracking app. Its features are somewhat similar to Cerberus. You can use the app to track your device, take discreet photos, and wipe the data on your device. Lost Android’s website might look pretty basic and rudimentary, but that does not undermine this app’s excellent service and features. The various remote-control operations that this app allows you to perform is at par with some of the expensive paid device tracking apps. The installation and the interface are pretty simple. All that you need to do is make is log in to the app with your Google account and then use the same Google account to log in to their website in the event of losing your phone. After that, you will have all the mobile tracking tools at your disposal and completely free to use.
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3. Where’s my Droid
Where’s my Droid has two sets of features the free basic ones and the paid pro features. The basic features include GPS tracking, playing your ringtone, creating a new password to lock your device, and finally, the stealth mode. The stealth mode prevents others from reading incoming messages, and it replaces the message notifications with a warning message that indicates the lost or stolen status of your phone.
If you upgrade to the paid version, then you will be able to wipe data from your device remotely. your device. It also allows you to access your phone using a landline.
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4. Cerberus
Cerberus comes highly recommended for locating your lost mobile owing to its extensive list of features. Cerberus allows you to remotely take pictures (screenshots), record audio or video, play a sound, erase your data in addition to GPS tracking. Another cool feature of Cerberus is that you can hide the app, and it won’t be displayed in the app drawer, thus making it nearly impossible to locate and delete it. In case you are using a rooted Android smartphone, we would recommend you install Cerberus using a flashable ZIP file. This will ensure that Cerberus stays installed on your device even if the perpetrators and miscreants decide to reset your device to factory settings. Essentially, you will still be able to track your device after a full reset. This makes Cerberus and extremely useful app.
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Also Read: 8 Ways to Fix Android GPS Issues
Option 4: How to Find a lost Samsung Smartphone
If you are using a Samsung device, then you have another added layer of security. Samsung provides its own set of device tracking features that proves very effective. In order to find your lost Samsung smartphone, you need to visit findmymobile.samsung.com on any computer or smartphone using the web browser. After that, sign in to your Samsung account and then tap on the name of your device.
You will now be able to see the location of your device on a map. Additional remote operations are displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. You can lock your device to prevent someone else from using it and accessing your data. Using Samsung’s find my mobile service, you can also display a personalized message if someone wishes to return your phone. Additionally, remotely locking your device automatically blocks your Samsung Pay cards and prevents anyone from making any transaction.
Apart from that, standard features like playing a sound, wiping your data, etc. are a part of Samsung’s find my mobile service. In order to make sure that you find your phone before the battery runs out, you can remotely enable the ‘Extend battery life’ feature. Doing so will shut down all background processes except location tracking. It will try to provide a live update of the device’s location, given that it is connected to the internet. Once you get back your phone, you can unlock your device by simply entering your PIN.
Time to Block your Device’s IMEI
If nothing else works, and it is pretty evident that your phone has been stolen by seasoned criminals, then it is time to block the IMEI number of your device. Every mobile phone has a unique identification number called the IMEI number. You can find your device’s IMEI number by dialing ‘*#06#’ on your phone’s dialer. This number allows every mobile handset to connect to a network carrier’s signal towers.
If it is certain that you won’t be getting back your phone, then provide your IMEI number to the police and ask them to block it. Also, contact your network service provider, and they will blacklist your IMEI number. Doing so will prevent the thieves from using the phone by putting a new SIM card in it.
Losing your device or worse, getting it stolen is a really sad situation. We hope we were able to help you find or track your stolen Android Phone. Although there are a number of tracking apps and services that greatly increase your chance of finding your mobile, there is only so much that they can do. Sometimes the bad guys are just a step ahead of us. The only thing you can do is block your device’s IMEI number and register a police complaint. Now, if you have insurance, that will make this situation somewhat easier, at least financially. You might have to contact your carrier or network service provider to begin the insurance claim’s entire process. We hope you get back your personal photos and videos from a backup saved on cloud servers.