您的世界是否(Has)因为“不幸的是,com.google.process.gapps 进程已停止工作(Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working)”标志或“ com.google.process.gapps 已意外停止(com.google.process.gapps has stopped unexpectedly)”错误而陷入停顿?
这是Android(Android)手机中非常常见的错误,特别是如果您拥有三星 Galaxy(Samsung Galaxy)、摩托罗拉(Motorola)、联想(Lenovo)或HTC One。但尽管如此,这些问题可能发生在任何设备上,我们要做的就是找到解决办法。
但首先,让我们了解“进程 com.google.process.gapps 已停止工作”或“google.process.gapps 已意外停止”是什么意思。GAPPS 指的是 Google Apps(GAPPS refers to the Google Apps),当出现身份验证错误、连接问题、服务器超时或应用程序不同步时,通常会出现此问题。有时,停用的下载管理器(Download Manager)也可能是这背后的原因。
修复(Fix)不幸的是进程 com.google.process.gapps 已停止错误
方法一:重启你的安卓设备(Method 1: Reboot your Android Device)
是的,我很确定你看到了这一点。您设备的重启功能(rebooting feature of your device)是纯粹的幸福。它可以解决与连接、速度慢、应用程序崩溃和冻结相关的所有小问题,就像这样。如果你不相信我,试一试,你会看到结果。
1. 按住 电源按钮(Power button) 几秒钟, 或同时( OR) 长按(long-press) 降低 音量按钮和主页按钮,(Volume Down button and the Home Button)具体(PhonePhone) 取决于您使用的电话。
2. 将出现一个弹出菜单,从该列表中选择 重新启动或重新启动(Reboot or Restart ),您就可以开始了!
只需(Simply)等待您的手机重新打开,看看“不幸的是,com.google.process.gapps 进程已停止工作(Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working)”错误是否已修复。
方法二:清除问题应用的缓存和数据(Method 2: Clear the Cache and Data of the Problematic App)
缓存(Cache)和数据历史不过是随时间收集的不必要数据。每次访问页面时都会下载缓存(Cache)数据,以减少数据使用并消耗更少的数据。但是,有时这些残留的缓存文件会损坏并导致 Google 应用出现故障。(cache files get corrupted and cause Google app to malfunction.) 因此,最好不时清除应用程序的缓存和数据历史记录。为了清除有问题的应用程序的缓存历史记录,请按照以下说明操作:
1. 转到 设置 (Settings )菜单并找到 应用程序和通知 ( Apps & Notifications )选项。
2. 单击 管理应用程序 ( Manage Applications ),然后在下拉列表中找到给您带来麻烦的应用程序。
3. 点击屏幕底部菜单(Menu)栏上的 清除缓存按钮 。( Clear Cache button )
4. 按 OK 确认。
如果这个技巧不起作用,请尝试 清除该(clearing the data) 特定应用程序的数据历史记录( history of that particular application)。
方法 3:卸载有问题的应用程序(Method 3: Uninstall the Problematic application)
1. 转到Google Play 商店(Google Play Store) 应用程序,然后点击 屏幕左上角的三行图标。(three lines)
2. 现在转到我的应用程序和游戏(My Apps & Games)选项。
3. 点击 已安装(Installed)部分,在下拉列表中找到给您带来麻烦的应用程序。
4.找到它后,单击其名称旁边的卸载 按钮。(Uninstall )
5. 等待它卸载。完成后,转到Play 商店(Play Store) 的搜索框并在其中输入(search box)应用程序(App)的名称。
6. 最后,点击应用程序并点击安装(Install) 按钮。
7. 现在,启动(Launch) 应用程序并授予所有必要的 权限(permissions)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在您的 Android 手机上卸载或删除应用程序(How to Uninstall or Delete Apps on your Android Phone)
方法四:清除谷歌服务框架数据历史(Method 4: Clear Google Services Framework Data History)
(Did)清理缓存和数据历史记录对您不起作用吗?好吧,我还有一个建议给你。尝试清除 Google Play Services 框架数据( clearing the Google Play Services framework data)。这样做,您的Google Play 服务(Services)偏好和设置将被删除。但不要紧张!这不会有太大区别或删除任何数据。您将能够很快适应。摆脱您的Google Play 服务(Services) 框架数据(Framework Data)历史记录的步骤如下:
1. 转到设置 (Settings )图标并打开它。找到 应用程序和通知 ( Apps and notifications )按钮。
2. 单击管理应用程序。(Manage applications.)
3. 在下拉列表中,找到Google Services Framework 并选择它。
4. 点击清除数据(Clear Data) 并点击 确定 (OK )确认。
完成后,看看您是否能够修复不幸的是,com.google.process.gapps 进程已停止错误。( fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error.)如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 5:重置应用偏好(Method 5: Reset App Preferences)
重置您的应用(App) 偏好(Preferences)可以帮助修复进程 com.google.process.gapps 停止错误。您不必担心丢失任何数据或应用程序,但您肯定会在您的Android设备上发现一些变化,例如权限限制、默认应用程序的更改、禁用的应用程序、位置权限等。但是,这不应该是问题,只要它正在解决一些重大问题。
要重置您的App Preferences,步骤如下:
1. 转到设置(Settings) 选项,然后单击 应用程序管理器(Application Manager)。
2. 现在,搜索 管理应用程序(Manage Apps) ,然后单击 屏幕右上角的三个点图标。(three dots icon)
3. 导航并从下拉菜单中选择重置应用首选项按钮。(Reset app preferences)
4. 现在点击重置(Reset),所有应用首选项和设置都将设置为默认值。
方法 6:停用任何自动应用程序更新(Method 6: Deactivate any Automatic application updates)
有时,我们会遇到不幸的是,当我们尝试更新应用程序时,进程 com.google.process.gapps 已停止错误。随着我们更新我们的应用程序和一些新的和改进的功能可能会导致有问题的错误。在这种情况下,您应该考虑从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)禁用您的自动应用程序更新功能。但是,您应该始终牢记不时手动更新您的应用程序。要关闭自动应用更新功能,请彻底按照以下步骤操作:
1. 在您的 Android 设备上打开 Google Play 商店应用程序。( Google Play Store)
2. 现在,在屏幕的左上角,你会找到三行(three lines) 图标,选择它。
3. 单击设置(Settings) 按钮,找到 “自动更新应用程序”(‘Auto Update Apps’)选项,然后点击它。
4. 将出现一个弹出菜单,其中包含三个选项(three options),通过任何网络、仅通过Wi-Fi和不自动更新应用程序。 单击(Click)最后一个选项,然后按 完成。(Done.)
方法 7:重新启动下载管理器(Method 7: Restart Download Manager)
通常,“ com.google.process.gapps 已停止(com.google.process.gapps has stopped)”错误也可能是下载管理器(Download Manager)应用程序的故障。请(Please)尝试重新启动它。也许这对我们有利。此外,这样做没有害处,所以为什么不稍微调整一下设置。要重新启动下载管理器应用程序,请执行以下步骤:
1. 打开设备上的设置(Settings )图标,然后找到 应用程序(Apps)和通知,选择它。
2.现在,点击管理应用程序(Now, tap on Manage Apps )并在下拉列表中找到下载管理器。(Download Manager)
3. 点击下载管理器(Download Manager),然后从屏幕底部的菜单栏中,点击禁用,然后在几秒钟后重新启用它。(re-enable)
完成后,看看您是否能够修复不幸的是,com.google.process.gapps 进程已停止错误。( fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error.)如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 8:卸载 Google Play 服务更新(Method 8: Uninstall Google Play Services Updates)
我们可以将此方法称为修复“不幸的是,进程 com.google.process.gapps 已停止工作” (‘Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working’ )错误的最有效方法之一 。您只需从您的设备 上卸载Google Play 服务更新即可。(Services)
请按照以下简单步骤卸载Google Play 服务(Google Play Service)更新:
1.进入手机设置(Settings of your phone)。
2. 点击应用选项(Apps option)。
3. 现在从应用程序列表中选择Google Play 服务(Google Play Services)。
4. 现在点击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点。(three vertical dots)
5. 单击卸载更新(Uninstall updates)选项。
6. 重启手机,设备重启后,打开Google Play Store,此时会触发Google Play Services 的自动更新。(automatic update for Google Play Services.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 3 种更新 Google Play 商店的方法 [强制更新](3 Ways to Update Google Play Store [Force Update])
方法九:重启谷歌播放(Restart Google Play) 服务(Services)
另一个可以帮助您解决此问题的技巧是重新启动Google Play 服务(Services)应用程序。通过禁用并重新启用该应用程序,您或许能够修复此错误。只需按照以下步骤重新启动Google Play服务:(Google Play)
1. 转到设置选项(Settings option )并找到应用程序管理器。(Application Manager.)
2. 现在点击管理应用程序(Manage Apps )按钮并在下拉列表中查找Google Play 服务。(Google Play Services)找到后,选择它。
3. 最后,点击禁用(Disable) 按钮,然后 再次启用(Enable) 它以重新启动 Google Play 服务。(restart the Google Play Services.)
最后,检查您是否能够修复不幸的是进程 com.google.process.gapps 已停止错误(fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error),如果没有,那么作为最后的手段,您需要进行出厂重置。
方法10:出厂重置Android手机(Method 10: Factory Reset Android Phone)
考虑将您的设备重置为出厂设置作为最后的手段,因为这样做会从手机(Phone)中删除您的全部数据和信息。显然,它将重置您的设备并使其成为一部新手机。选择恢复出厂设置会删除您所有的应用程序、它们的数据以及其他数据,例如手机中的照片、视频和音乐。由于这个原因,建议您在进行出厂重置之前创建备份(create a backup before going for a factory reset)。当您尝试将手机恢复出厂设置时,大多数手机都会提示您备份数据。您可以使用内置工具进行备份或手动进行备份,选择权在您手中。
1.进入手机设置(Settings of your phone)。
2. 点击系统选项卡(System tab)。
3. 现在,如果您还没有备份您的数据,请点击备份(click on the Backup)您的数据选项将您的数据保存在Google Drive上。
4. 之后单击重置选项卡(Reset tab)。
5. 现在点击重置电话(Reset Phone )选项。
6. 这需要一些时间。手机重新启动后,尝试使用Play 商店(Play Store),看看问题是否仍然存在。如果是这样,那么您需要寻求专业帮助并将其带到服务中心。
我相信没有人愿意在他们的屏幕上看到“不幸的是,com.google.process.gapps 进程已停止工作”。(Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working)当应用程序没有响应并显示错误时,它肯定会变得非常讨厌。为了解决这个问题,我们为您找到了一些有用的技巧。我希望他们有所帮助。让我们知道您的反馈,并在评论部分提及哪种方法适合您。
Fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error
Has your world come to a standstill because of the “Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working” sign or maybe the “com.google.process.gapps has stopped unexpectedly” error?
This is a very common error seen among Android phones, especially if you own a Samsung Galaxy, Motorola, Lenovo, or an HTC One. But nonetheless, these problems can occur in any device and all we got to do is find a fix for it.
But first, let us understand what does “the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working” or “google.process.gapps has stopped unexpectedly” mean. GAPPS refers to the Google Apps, and this problem often occurs when there is an authentications error, connectivity problem, server time is out, or maybe when the app is out of sync. Sometimes a deactivated Download Manager can also be the reason behind this.
Fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error
Whatever may be the cause of this problem, we have come here to help you fix the issue. We have jotted down a number of interesting tips and tricks to fix this error and make your user experience as smooth as before.
So, are you ready? Let us get started!
Method 1: Reboot your Android Device
Yes, I am pretty sure you saw that coming. The rebooting feature of your device is pure bliss. It can fix all the minor issues related to connectivity, slow speed, crashing and freezing of apps, just like that. If you don’t believe me, give it a try, and you will see the results.
To reboot your device, follow these steps:
1. Press and hold the Power button for a few seconds, OR long-press the Volume Down button and the Home Button altogether, depending on which PhonePhone you are using.
2. A popup menu will appear, select Reboot or Restart from that list, and you are good to go!
Simply wait for your mobile to turn back on and see if the “Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working” error is fixed or not.
Method 2: Clear the Cache and Data of the Problematic App
Cache and data history is nothing but unnecessary data collected over time. Cache data is downloaded every time you access a page, in order to cut off data usage and consume less data. However, sometimes these residual cache files get corrupted and cause Google app to malfunction. So, it is better to clear the cache and data history of apps from time to time. In order to clear the cache history of the troublesome app, follow these instructions:
1. Go to the Settings menu and find Apps & Notifications option.
2. Click on Manage Applications and then find the app which is causing you trouble in the drop-down list.
3. Tap on the Clear Cache button present on the Menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
4. Press OK for confirmation.
If this trick does not work out, try clearing the data history of that particular application.
Method 3: Uninstall the Problematic application
If the above solution wasn’t able to help then try uninstalling and reinstalling the problematic app. This may help your device to get rid of any bugs or glitches. Steps to uninstall the app are as follows:
1. Go to the Google Play Store App and then tap on the three lines icon present at the top left corner of the screen.
2. Now go to the My Apps & Games option.
3. Tap on the Installed section, and find the app which is causing you trouble in the scroll-down list.
4. Once you find it, click on the Uninstall button right next to its name.
5. Wait for it to uninstall. After that is done, go to the search box of the Play Store and type the name of the App in it.
6. Finally, click on the app and tap on the Install button.
7. Now, Launch the app and grant all the necessary permissions.
Also Read: How to Uninstall or Delete Apps on your Android Phone
Method 4: Clear Google Services Framework Data History
Did cleaning up the cache and data history didn’t work for you? Well, I have another suggestion for you. Try clearing the Google Play Services framework data. By doing so, your Google Play Services preferences and settings would be deleted. But do not stress! This won’t make much difference or delete any data. You would be able to adapt very quickly. Step to get rid of your Google Play Services Framework Data history are as follows:
1. Go to the Settings icon and open it. Find the Apps and notifications button.
2. Click on Manage applications.
3. In the scroll-down list, find Google Services Framework and select it.
4. Click on Clear Data and tap on, OK to confirm.
Once done, see if you’re able to fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error. If not, then continue with the next method.
Method 5: Reset App Preferences
Resetting your App Preferences can help in fixing the process com.google.process.gapps stopped error. You do not have to worry about losing any data or app, but you will certainly find some changes on your Android device, such as permission restrictions, change in default apps, disabled apps, location permission, etc. But, this should not be a problem as long as it is fixing some major issues.
To reset your App Preferences, the steps are as follows:
1. Go to the Settings option and then click on the Application Manager.
2. Now, search for Manage Apps and then click on the three dots icon present at the extreme top right corner of the screen.
3. Navigate & select the Reset app preferences button from the drop-down menu.
4. Now click on Reset and all the app preferences and settings will be set to default.
Method 6: Deactivate any Automatic application updates
Sometimes, we come across Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error when we try to update an app. As we update our applications and some new & improved features can lead to problematic bugs. In that case, you should consider disabling your automatic application update feature from Google Play Store. However, you should always keep in mind to update your apps manually, from time to time. To turn off the automatic app updates feature, follow these steps thoroughly:
1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
2. Now, on the top left corner of the screen, you will find three lines icon, select it.
3. Click on the Settings button and find the option saying, ‘Auto Update Apps’, and tap on it.
4. A popup menu will appear with three options they are, Over any network, Over Wi-Fi only, and Do not auto-update apps. Click on the last option and press Done.
Method 7: Restart Download Manager
Often, the “com.google.process.gapps has stopped” error can also be the fault of the Download Manager app. Please try and restart it again. Maybe this will work out in our favor. Also, there is no harm in doing so, so why not tweak a little with the settings. To restart the download manager app, follow these steps:
1. Open the Settings icon on your device and the find Apps and Notifications, select it.
2. Now, tap on Manage Apps and find Download Manager in the scroll-down list.
3. Tap on Download Manager, then from the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, click on disable and then re-enable it after a few seconds.
Once done, see if you’re able to fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error. If not, then continue with the next method.
Method 8: Uninstall Google Play Services Updates
We can call this method as one of the most effective ways to fix ‘Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working’ error. You just have to uninstall the Google Play Services updates from your device and you’re good to go.
Follow these simple steps to uninstall the Google Play Service updates:
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the Apps option.
3. Now select the Google Play Services from the list of apps.
4. Now tap on the three vertical dots on the top right-hand side of the screen.
5. Click on the Uninstall updates option.
6. Reboot your phone, and once the device restarts, open Google Play Store, and this will trigger an automatic update for Google Play Services.
Also Read: 3 Ways to Update Google Play Store [Force Update]
Method 9: Restart Google Play Services
Another hack that can help you resolve this problem is restarting the Google Play Services app. By disabling and re-enable the app, you may be able to fix this error. Restart the Google Play services by just following the steps below:
1. Go to the Settings option and find the Application Manager.
2. Now tap on the Manage Apps button and look for the Google Play Services in the drag-down list. Once you find it, select it.
3. Finally, tap on the Disable button and then Enable it back again in order to restart the Google Play Services.
Finally, check if you’re able to fix Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped error, if not, then as a last resort you need to do a factory reset.
Method 10: Factory Reset Android Phone
Consider resetting your device to factory settings as your last resort because doing so will erase your entire data and information from the Phone. Obviously, it will reset your device and make it as a new phone. Opting for a factory reset would delete all your apps, their data, and also other data like photos, videos, and music from your phone. Due to this reason, it is advisable that you create a backup before going for a factory reset. Most phones prompt you to backup your data when you try to factory reset your phone. You can use the in-built tool for backing up or do it manually, the choice is yours.
Follow these steps to reset your device to factory settings:
1. Go to Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the System tab.
3. Now if you haven’t already backed up your data, click on the Backup your data option to save your data on Google Drive.
4. After that click on the Reset tab.
5. Now click on the Reset Phone option.
6. This will take some time. Once the phone restarts again, try using Play Store and see if the problem still persists. If it does then you need to seek professional assistance and take it to a service center.
I am sure nobody would like to see this “Unfortunately the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped working” on their screens. It sure can become really pesky when the apps do not respond and show errors instead. In order to fix that, we had found you some useful hacks. I hope they were helpful. Let us know your feedback and do mention which method works for you in the comment section.