AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 处理器的基本时钟和加速时钟(base and boost clocks)仅比AMD Ryzen 5 3600提供的时钟快200 MHz,售价高出 50 美元。一些用户更喜欢节省一些钱,购买更便宜的型号,然后超频以匹配更昂贵的AMD Ryzen 5 3600X。这是一个好主意吗?超频AMD Ryzen 5(AMD Ryzen 5) 3600会获得怎样的性能?与锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600X相比如何?超频的时候会不会很耗电?在此分析中,我们回答了这些问题以及更多问题:
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 和AMD Ryzen 5 3600的区别
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X和Ryzen 5 3600 都是令人印象深刻的中端处理器,以合理的价格提供令人难以置信的性能。Ryzen 5 3600X凭借其 4.4 GHz 升压(GHz boost)时钟和 3.8 GHz 基本(GHz base)频率,是两者中最快的。然而,Ryzen 5 3600 与其更强大的兄弟非常接近,其升压和基本时钟(boost and base clocks)仅慢了 200 MHz 。这两款处理器的TDP和捆绑冷却器也不同:而(TDPs)Ryzen 5 3600X 配备95瓦的(Watts)TDP和Wraith Spire 冷却器(Wraith Spire cooler),Ryzen 5 3600 配备了 65瓦(Watts)的低功耗和Wraith Stealth 冷却器(Wraith Stealth cooler)。
Ryzen 5 3600 CPU对于想要低功耗(power consumption)的用户来说似乎是一个更好的选择,但对于那些想要省钱购买比库存(stock one)更好的散热器并尝试超频处理器的用户来说也是如此。
在继续之前,您可能需要阅读我们为AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 和AMD Ryzen 5 3600 撰写的评论。
超频 AMD Ryzen 5 3600
我们想看看我们可以对AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器超频多少,它会变得多快,以及它是否可以与AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 提供的性能相媲美。这是我们用于对AMD Ryzen 5 3600 进行超频和基准测试的计算机,同时也用于审查AMD Ryzen 5 3600X:
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB 内存(HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB Memory)(2 x 8GB,3600MHz)
- 存储:ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD
- 显示器:华硕 ROG Strix XG32VQ( ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ)曲面电竞显示器(Gaming Monitor)(32 英寸WQHD 2560 x(x 1440) 1440,144Hz)
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update)
当我们决定对Ryzen 5 3600 CPU进行超频时,我们知道捆绑的Wraith Stealth 散热器(Wraith Stealth cooler)无法有效散热,从我们最初的评论来看。相反,我们使用了华硕的液体CPU冷却器(ASUS):(CPU cooler) ROG Ryou 120(ROG Ryou 120)。但是,即使是像Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO这样的廉价散热器也应该比与处理器捆绑在一起的Wraith Stealth 散热器(Wraith Stealth cooler)做得更好。
我们选择通过增加主板UEFI BIOS的倍频来超频(UEFI BIOS)AMD Ryzen 5 3600 处理器。我们设法将处理器超频到 4.15 GHz的速度。不仅如此,我们的测试系统(test system)也变得不稳定。
如您所见,我们超频的Ryzen 5 3600 (4.15 GHz ) 的速度高于Ryzen 5 3600X (3.8 GHz )的基本时钟速度(base clock speed)。不过,锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600X 仍然拥有更高的升压时钟(boost clock)(4.4 GHz)。为了了解这两个处理器在这些频率下的比较情况,我们运行了与我们的评测相同的基准测试。
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X与 AMD Ryzen 5(vs. AMD Ryzen 5) 3600 超频至 4.15 GHz
我们从CPU-Z 单线程基准测试(CPU-Z Single Thread benchmark)开始,它测试处理器的单核性能。AMD Ryzen 5 3600 超频至 4.15 GHz ,我们得到了 497的分数,这与我们从AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 得到的分数接近。相差只有 5 个点或 1%。另一方面,超频时,锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 比使用工厂时钟时快 5.5%。
在CPU-Z 多线程测试(CPU-Z Multi Thread test)中,超频的AMD Ryzen 5 3600 得到了 4093 分,比使用它的工厂时钟时要高得多,甚至比我们使用AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 得到的分数还要高。4.15 GHz(GHz)的锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600比 3600X 快约 2%,比以库存频率(stock frequency)运行时快约 11% 。这是一个了不起的性能提升(performance boost)!
我们在渲染基准(rendering benchmarks)中看到了同样的改进。在Cinebench R20中,超频至 4.15 GHz的锐龙(GHz)5(Ryzen 5) 3600比出厂版本(factory version)快 11% ,比 3600X 快近 3%!
在另一个渲染基准Blender中,超频的Ryzen 5 3600 再次比以工厂时钟运行或与Ryzen 5 3600X 相比更快(大约一分钟)。
PCMark 10告诉我们处理器在网络浏览(web browsing)、视频会议(video conferencing)、应用程序启动时间、生产力和数字内容创建(content creation)等常规计算活动中的表现如何。在此基准测试中,超频至 4.15 GHz的(GHz)AMD Ryzen 5 3600 与(AMD Ryzen 5)AMD Ryzen 3600X(快 1.5 % faster )接近,但速度不如AMD Ryzen 3600X 。
但是,在正常使用中,您不会注意到这种微不足道的差异。与以工厂速度(factory speed)主频的锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 相比,超频后的 3600% faster。
使用7-Zip的基准测试工具(benchmark tool),超频的Ryzen 5 3600 在压缩文件方面比Ryzen 5 3600X 和工厂主频的Ryzen 5 3600 稍快。
我们在7-Zip的解压测试(decompression test)中注意到同样的速度提升(speed improvement):运行在 4.15 GHz的(GHz)Ryzen 5 3600比 3600X 和以正常速度(stock speed)运行的 3600 更快。
接下来,我们在Google Chrome中运行(Google Chrome)JetStream 2,看看超频后的锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 处理器在浏览网页时的速度有多快。它几乎和锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600X一样快,而且比出厂频率(factory frequency)运行时要好。
大多数超频者都是游戏玩家,所以我们也跑了几场比赛。对于它们中的每一个,我们都使用了 1080p 分辨率和可用的最低图形细节,因此显卡(video card)不会成为处理器的瓶颈。在《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)之影(Shadow)》中,CPU 渲染测量(CPU Render measurement)显示,超频至 4.15 GHz的(GHz)锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600能够渲染 250 FPS。这比锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600X 少 5 帧,后者仍然具有更快的加速时钟(boost clock),但也比锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 3600 在工厂时钟下可以渲染的多 23 帧。
我们在Metro Exodus(Metro Exodus)中见证了同样的事情:超频的Ryzen 5 3600 比非超频版本更快,几乎与Ryzen 5 3600X 一样快。
在World War Z中,在(World War Z)Vulkan上运行的Ryzen 5 3600 以 4.15 GHz渲染比其出厂版本多 5 帧,比(factory version)Ryzen 5 3600X少 9 帧。
最后,我们还看了一下温度和功耗(power consumption)。Ryzen 5 3600在4.15 超频时达到了 95摄氏度(Celsius)(203华氏度(Fahrenheit))的最高温度(maximum temperature),但只有在我们运行Prime95时才会如此。否则,使用我们的华硕 ROG Ryuo 120(ASUS ROG Ryuo 120)散热器,我们从未见过它超过 80摄氏度(Celsius)(或 176华氏度)。(Fahrenheit)
功耗方面,HWiNFO 64显示超频AMD Ryzen 5 3600在运行Prime95时最大消耗 123(Prime95)瓦(Watts)。这是一个显着的增长!但是,在我们最初的评论中,我们使用了库存的Wraith Stealth 冷却器(Wraith Stealth cooler),这意味着处理器可能由于高温而节流。
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 是一款出色的台式机处理器。如果你不怕超频它,你可以提高它的性能。在某些情况下,它比 AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 更快,而在其他情况下,它提供类似水平的性能。(The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is a fantastic desktop processor. If you are not afraid of overclocking it, you can improve its performance. In some situations, it is faster than the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, while in others, it offers a similar level of performance.)
您会选择购买AMD Ryzen 5 3600 并超频吗?
还是您更愿意在AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 上花更多的钱?当然,3600X 出厂时速度更快,您不必超频。不过,如果你对锐龙 5(Ryzen 5) 3600 进行超频,即使你买了一个新的散热器,你仍然可以节省几块钱。你喜欢哪个?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Overclocking the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 vs. Ryzen 5 3600X: Do you get similar performance?
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600X procеssor has base and booѕt clocks that are only 200 MHz faster than the оnes offered by the AMD Ryzen 5 3600, and is sold at 50 dollars more. Some users prefer to save some money, buy the cheaper model, and overclock it to match the more expensive AMD Ryzen 5 3600X. Is this a good idea? What kind of performance do you get when overclocking the AMD Ryzen 5 3600? How does it compare to Ryzen 5 3600X? Will it draw a lot of power when overсlocked? We answered these qυestionѕ, and more, іn this anаlysis:
The differences between AMD Ryzen 5 3600X and AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Both the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X and the Ryzen 5 3600 are impressive mid-range processors that offer incredible performance at a reasonable price. With its 4.4 GHz boost clock and 3.8 GHz base frequency, the Ryzen 5 3600X is the fastest of the two. However, the Ryzen 5 3600 sits very close to its more powerful brother, with boost and base clocks that are only 200 MHz slower. The TDPs and bundled coolers of these two processors also differ: while the Ryzen 5 3600X comes with a TDP of 95 Watts and a Wraith Spire cooler, the Ryzen 5 3600 comes with a low 65 Watts and a Wraith Stealth cooler.
The Ryzen 5 3600 CPU appears to be a better choice for users who want low power consumption, but also for those who want to save money to buy a better cooler than the stock one, and attempt overclocking the processor.
Before going ahead, you might want to read the reviews we wrote for the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X and AMD Ryzen 5 3600.
Overclocking the AMD Ryzen 5 3600
We wanted to see how much we could overclock the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor, how much faster it would become, and whether it could match the performance offered by the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X. This is the computer that we used for overclocking and benchmarking the AMD Ryzen 5 3600, and also to review the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X:
When we decided to overclock the Ryzen 5 3600 CPU, we knew that the bundled Wraith Stealth cooler could not dissipate heat efficiently, from our initial review. Instead, we used a liquid CPU cooler from ASUS: ROG Ryou 120. However, even a cheap cooler like the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO should do a better job than the Wraith Stealth cooler that you get bundled with the processor.
We chose to overclock the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 processor by increasing its multiplier from the motherboard UEFI BIOS. We managed to overclock the processor up to a speed of 4.15 GHz. More than that and our test system became unstable.
As you can see, the speed of our overclocked Ryzen 5 3600 (4.15 GHz) is higher than the base clock speed of the Ryzen 5 3600X (3.8 GHz). However, the Ryzen 5 3600X still has a higher boost clock (4.4 GHz). To see how the two processors compare at these frequencies, we ran the same benchmarks that we run for our reviews.
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X vs. AMD Ryzen 5 3600 overclocked at 4.15 GHz
We started with the CPU-Z Single Thread benchmark, which tests the single-core performance of the processor. With the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 overclocked at 4.15 GHz, we got a score of 497, which is close to what we got from AMD Ryzen 5 3600X. It is a difference of only 5 points or 1%. On the other hand, when overclocked, Ryzen 5 3600 was 5.5% faster than when using its factory clocks.
In CPU-Z Multi Thread test, the overclocked AMD Ryzen 5 3600 got a score of 4093 points, which is much more than when using its factory clocks, and it is even higher than what we got with the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X. The Ryzen 5 3600 at 4.15 GHz is about 2% faster than the 3600X, and about 11% faster than when running at stock frequency. This is a remarkable performance boost!
We saw the same improvement in the rendering benchmarks. In Cinebench R20, the Ryzen 5 3600 overclocked at 4.15 GHz was 11% faster than its factory version, and almost 3% faster than the 3600X!
In Blender, another rendering benchmark, the overclocked Ryzen 5 3600 was again faster (by approximately one minute) than when running at factory clocks or compared to the Ryzen 5 3600X.
PCMark 10 tells us how good a processor is in regular computing activities such as web browsing, video conferencing, apps start-up times, productivity, and digital content creation. In this benchmark, the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 overclocked to 4.15 GHz was close but not quite as fast as the AMD Ryzen 3600X (which was 1.5% faster).
However, in normal use, you would not notice this insignificant difference. Compared to the Ryzen 5 3600 clocked at factory speed, the overclocked 3600 was 7% faster.
Using 7-Zip's benchmark tool, the overclocked Ryzen 5 3600 was slightly faster at compressing files than both the Ryzen 5 3600X and the factory clocked Ryzen 5 3600.
We noticed the same speed improvement in 7-Zip's decompression test: the Ryzen 5 3600 running at 4.15 GHz was faster than the 3600X and the 3600 running at stock speed.
Next, we ran JetStream 2 in Google Chrome, to see how fast the overclocked Ryzen 5 3600 processor is when browsing the web. It was almost the same as fast as the Ryzen 5 3600X, and better than when running at factory frequency.
Most overclockers are gamers, so that's why we also ran a few games. For each of them, we used the 1080p resolution and the lowest graphic details available, so that the video card did not bottleneck the processor. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the CPU Render measurement showed us that the Ryzen 5 3600 overclocked at 4.15 GHz was capable of rendering 250 FPS. That's 5 frames less than the Ryzen 5 3600X, which still has a faster boost clock, but it's also 23 frames more than what the Ryzen 5 3600 could render at factory clocks.
We witnessed the same thing in Metro Exodus: the overclocked Ryzen 5 3600 was faster than its non-overclocked version, and almost as fast as the Ryzen 5 3600X.
In World War Z, running on Vulkan, the Ryzen 5 3600 at 4.15 GHz rendered 5 frames more than its factory version, and 9 frames less than the Ryzen 5 3600X.
In the end, we also took a look at the temperatures and power consumption. The Ryzen 5 3600 overclocked at 4.15 reached its 95 degrees Celsius (203 degrees Fahrenheit) maximum temperature, but only when we ran Prime95. Otherwise, we never saw it go higher than 80 degrees Celsius (or 176 degrees Fahrenheit) using our ASUS ROG Ryuo 120 cooler.
As for the power consumption, HWiNFO 64 showed that the overclocked AMD Ryzen 5 3600 drew a maximum of 123 Watts when running Prime95. It's a significant increase! However, in our original review, we used the stock Wraith Stealth cooler, which meant that the processor might have been throttling due to high temperatures.
The AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is a fantastic desktop processor. If you are not afraid of overclocking it, you can improve its performance. In some situations, it is faster than the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, while in others, it offers a similar level of performance.
Will you choose to buy an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 and overclock it?
Or do you prefer spending more money on the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X? Sure, the 3600X is faster from the factory, and you do not have to overclock it. However, if you overclock the Ryzen 5 3600, even if you buy a new cooler, you can still save a few dollars. What do you prefer? Comment below and let's discuss.