所有Windows版本都提供了使用基于单击的向导创建用户帐户的简单方法。您可以使用Windows 10中的(Windows 10)“设置”(Settings)应用程序创建用户,就像在Windows 7中从(Windows 7)控制面板(Control Panel)创建用户帐户一样容易。但是,您不会经常看到IT 专业人员(IT Pros)使用此类工具,对吗?不,IT 管理员使用管理单元、控制台、脚本或命令来执行此类任务。如果您想了解如何使用名为Local Users and Groups的管理单元在(Local Users and Groups)Windows中创建本地用户和用户组,那么您来对地方了。这是在Windows中创建新用户帐户的方法,就像专业人士一样:
我们在本教程中向您展示的在Windows中创建用户帐户的方法仅适用于本地用户帐户,也称为脱机帐户。您不能使用此方法为Windows 10或Windows 8.1创建Microsoft帐户。

如果您想详细了解什么是Windows 用户(Windows user)帐户及其工作方式,请阅读:什么是Windows中的用户帐户或用户名?。此外,如果您想知道用户组是什么以及它们的目的是什么,本指南会提供一些启示:什么是Windows中的用户组,它有什么作用?
创建本地用户帐户和组依赖于使用计算机管理中的(Computer Management)本地用户和组(Local Users and Groups)工具。遗憾的是,并非所有Windows版本都提供本地用户和组工具。(Local Users and Groups)如果您使用的是Windows 10、Windows 8.1 或Windows 7 的(Windows)家庭版(Home edition),则没有它们。您需要像Pro、Enterprise 或 Education(Enterprise or Education)这样的版本。如果您需要帮助确定您的Windows 版本和版本(Windows version and edition),请阅读:我安装了哪个版本的Windows?(5种方法)。
在继续创建或管理用户帐户或组之前,请先打开计算机管理(Computer Management)。然后,从窗口左侧展开本地用户和组。(Local Users and Groups)

如何像IT 专业人员一样创建本地(IT Pro)用户帐户(user account)
要创建本地用户,首先选择计算机管理(Computer Management)窗口左侧的本地用户(Users)和组中的用户。(Local Users and Groups)

右键单击(Right-click)窗口中间部分的空白区域,然后单击或点击(click or tap)New User。

这将打开新用户(New User)窗口,您可以在其中输入有关新用户帐户(user account)的所有详细信息。
首先,输入用户名(user name)(1) 以及可选的全名 (2) 和描述 (3)。

然后,键入要用于该用户的密码并确认(user and confirm)。您可以选择不使用密码并选中“用户必须在下次登录时更改密码”框。("User must change the password at next logon.")这样,当使用此用户帐户(user account)的人第一次登录时,他或她必须创建他们的密码。

- “用户无法更改密码”("User cannot change password") - 这是不言自明的。只有管理员可以更改该用户帐户(user account)的密码。
- “密码永不过期”("Password never expires") - 此设置在具有用户帐户密码在特定时间后过期的策略的商业网络环境中很有用。(business network)选中此框会使密码设置为永不过期。
- “帐户已禁用”("Account is disabled") - 选中此框意味着您正在创建一个已禁用且无法使用的用户帐户。(user account)
完成所有设置后,单击创建(Create),Windows会立即创建用户帐户(user account)。完成创建用户帐户(user account)后,单击“新用户”(New User)窗口中的“关闭”。(Close)
注意:(NOTE:)使用此方法创建的用户帐户都没有任何管理权限。他们都是用户(Users)组的成员,只能使用现有的应用程序和资源,不能安装新的应用程序或更改系统设置(apps or change system settings)。
您还可以编辑现有用户的属性。为此,请右键单击要配置的用户帐户,然后单击或点击(user account)Properties。

这将打开该用户帐户的“(user account)属性(Properties)”窗口。在“常规(General)”选项卡中,您可以使用我们在本指南上一部分中显示的选项。您可以根据需要更改它们。

Member Of选项卡列出了用户帐户所属的用户组。默认情况下,您创建的任何本地用户都应该是用户(Users)组的成员。
通过单击添加(Add)并选择用户组(user group),可以使用户帐户(user account)成为其他组的成员。您还可以通过选择要从中删除的用户组(user group)并单击删除(Remove)来删除其组成员身份。

配置文件(Profile)选项卡应仅在业务网络(business network)环境中用于设置存储用户配置文件(user profile)数据的特定路径、应在Windows 登录(Windows login)时执行的登录脚本或将主文件夹设置为(home folder)Windows 默认(Windows default)值以外的其他值。

如何创建像IT Pro一样的用户组(IT Pro)
要创建新用户组,请从计算机管理(Computer Management)窗口左侧的本地用户和组中选择(Local Users and Groups)组。(Groups)

右键单击(Right-click)窗口中间部分的空白处。在那里,单击新组(New Group)。

新建组(New Group)窗口打开。在那里,输入组的名称和描述(name and description)(可选)。

然后,是时候添加成员了。单击(Click)或点击添加(Add)。这将打开选择用户(Select Users)窗口。在那里,点击Advanced。另一个窗口打开,其中包含更多用于查找用户帐户的选项。单击立即查找(Find Now),然后向下滚动结果列表并选择您希望作为用户组一部分的(user group)用户帐户(user account)。然后,单击确定(OK)。

现在显示您选择的用户帐户。(user account)再次单击确定(OK)。

您将返回到新组(New Group)窗口,您可以在其中看到刚刚添加的成员。完成用户组配置(user group configuration)后,单击创建(Create),然后单击关闭(Close)。

您现在可以为该用户组(user group)授予特殊权限,并且其所有成员都会继承这些权限。如果您正在寻找有关如何更改权限的好教程,请阅读以下内容:获取文件和文件夹的所有权并更改权限(ownership and change permissions)。
我们希望您发现我们的关于在Windows中创建和管理用户和组的指南(如IT 管理员(IT admin))很有用。如果您对此有任何问题或有任何疑问,请随时在下面的评论部分给我们写信。
Create new Windows user accounts and groups, like an IT Pro
All Windows versiоns offer easy ways to create user accoυnts using click-based wizards. You can crеate users using the Settings app from Windows 10 just as easily as you can create user accounts from the Control Panel, in Windows 7. However, you do not see IT Pros using such tools too often, do you? No, IT admins use snap-ins, consoles, scripts or commands for such tasks. If you want to learn how to create local users and groups of users in Windows, using a snap-in called Local Users and Groups, then you have arrived at the right place. Here is how to create new user accounts, in Windows, like a pro:
What types of user accounts and groups can you create using this method?
The method that we are showing you in this tutorial for creating user accounts in Windows works only with local user accounts, also known as offline accounts. You cannot use this method to create Microsoft accounts for Windows 10 or Windows 8.1.

If you want to learn more about what Windows user accounts are and how they work, read: What is a user account or a username in Windows?. Moreover, if you are wondering what user groups are and what their purpose is, this guide sheds some light: What is a user group in Windows and what does it do?.
What tools do you need to create local user accounts and groups?
Creating local user accounts and groups relies on using the Local Users and Groups tools from Computer Management. Unfortunately, the Local Users and Groups tools are not available in all Windows editions. If you are using a Home edition of Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7, you do not have them. You need an edition like Pro, Enterprise or Education. If you need help identifying your Windows version and edition, read: What version of Windows do I have installed? (5 methods).
Before you go ahead and start creating or managing user accounts or groups, first open Computer Management. Then, expand the Local Users and Groups from the left side of the window.

How to create a local user account like an IT Pro
To create a local user, first select Users in Local Users and Groups, on the left side of the Computer Management window.

Right-click somewhere on the blank space found in the middle section of the window, and click or tap on New User.

This opens the New User window, where you can enter all the details about the new user account.
First, type the user name (1) and, optionally, its full name (2) and description (3).

Then, you type the password to be used for that user and confirm it. You can choose not to use a password and check the box which says "User must change the password at next logon." This way, when the person using this user account logs on for the first time, he or she must create their password.

There are also other options that can be used:
- "User cannot change password" - this is self-explanatory. Only the administrator can change the password for that user account.
- "Password never expires" - this setting is useful in business network environments which have policies for user account passwords to expire after a specific time. Checking this box makes the password set to never expire.
- "Account is disabled" - checking this box means that you are creating a user account that is disabled and cannot be used.
Once you are done making all the settings, click Create and Windows immediately creates the user account. When you are done creating user accounts, click Close in the New User window.
NOTE: None of the user accounts created using this method has any administrative permissions. They are all members of the Users group, which can use only existing applications and resources, and cannot install new apps or change system settings.
How to manage a local user account
You can also edit the properties of existing users. To do so, right click on the user account you want to configure and click or tap Properties.

This opens the Properties window for that user account. In the General tab, you have the options we have shown in the previous section of this guide. You can change them as you want.

The Member Of tab lists the user groups that user account is a member of. By default, any local user that you created should be a member of the Users group.
The user account can be made a member of other groups, by clicking on Add and selecting the user groups. You can also remove its membership of a group by selecting the user group from which you want it removed and clicking on Remove.

The Profile tab should be used only in business network environments to set specific paths for where the user profile data is stored, login scripts that should be executed at the Windows login or setting the home folder to another value than the Windows default.

Once you have made the changes you desire, don't forget to click OK, so that they get applied.
How to create a user group like an IT Pro
To create a new user group, select Groups in the Local Users and Groups from the left side of the Computer Management window.

Right-click somewhere on the space found in the middle section of the window. There, click on New Group.

The New Group window opens. There, type the name and description(optional) of the group.

Then, it is time to add members. Click or tap Add. This opens the Select Users window. There, click on Advanced. Another window opens, with more options for finding user accounts. Click Find Now and then scroll down through the list of results and select the user account(s) that you want as part of the user group. Then, click OK.

The user account you selected is now shown. Click OK again.

You are back to the New Group window where you can see the member(s) you just added. When you're done with the user group configuration, click Create and then Close.

You can now give special permissions to that user group, and all its members inherit them. If you are looking for a good tutorial on how to change permissions, read this one: Take ownership and change permissions of files and folders.
Do you like creating users and groups this way?
We hope you found our guide on creating and managing users and groups in Windows like an IT admin useful. If you have any troubles with it or if you have questions, don't hesitate to write to us in the comments section below.