当你想隐藏你在网上做的事情时,你可以使用隐私浏览模式,比如Incognito、Private Browsing或InPrivate。但是,当您使用这种浏览网页的方式时,您知道您实际上有多私密吗?其他人还能看到你在网上做什么吗?另外,您知道哪种浏览器最能保护您的隐私吗?我们测试了Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge和Opera的最新版本,我们对所有这些问题都有了答案。如果您想了解有关InPrivate、Incognito和其他隐私浏览模式的所有信息,请阅读这篇文章:
与普通网页浏览相比,私密浏览(Private browsing)是一种稍微私密的网页浏览方式。在所有主要的网络浏览器中,隐私浏览执行以下操作:
- (Deletes stored) 关闭隐私浏览时,从您的浏览会话(from your browsing sessions)中删除存储的cookie 。(cookies) 这意味着,如果您已登录Facebook、Gmail、YouTube或其他网站,当您关闭所有隐私浏览选项卡和窗口时,这些 cookie 将被删除,您将自动退出。假设其他人尝试在新的浏览窗口中访问相同的网站。在这种情况下,他们不会(NOT)自动使用您的帐户登录。来自非隐私浏览会话的 Cookie 保持原样。
- 删除您在表单中键入的数据(Deletes the data you type in forms),例如注册页面、登录页面或联系页面。浏览网页时,您可能需要手动将数据输入到各种表格中。当您关闭所有隐私浏览选项卡和窗口时,此数据将被删除,任何人都无法重复使用。
- 从浏览会话中删除临时文件和缓存。(Deletes temporary files and the cache from your browsing session.)当您访问网站时,文件会下载到您的计算机或设备上,例如图像、样式文件等。所有这些文件都存储在您的计算机上,供您在私人浏览会话期间使用,以加快浏览速度。但是,当您关闭所有隐私浏览选项卡和窗口时,这些文件将被删除,因此知道在磁盘上何处查找它们的任何其他人都无法访问和使用它们。
- 从您的浏览会话中删除浏览历史记录。(Deletes the browsing history from your browsing session.)当您浏览网络时,网络浏览器会存储您访问过的所有内容的日志,以便您以后可以访问此信息或在地址栏中键入地址时自动完成地址。当您进行私密浏览时,您会话的浏览历史会在您关闭所有私密浏览选项卡和窗口时自动删除。这样,可以访问同一计算机或设备的其他人仅通过查看您的网络浏览器就无法知道您在网络上访问过什么。
- 不存储浏览会话中的搜索历史记录。(Does not store the search history from your browsing session.)在现代浏览器中,您可以直接从其地址栏搜索网络。您插入关键字,按Enter,它们会自动发送到默认搜索引擎以返回结果。在常规浏览会话中,这些数据会被存储以供以后重复使用,以帮助您更快地浏览网络。在隐私浏览中,这些数据根本不被存储,因此其他人在访问同一台计算机或设备时无法重复使用它。

提示:(TIP:) 您(Did)知道您可以为浏览器创建快捷方式以自动启动隐私浏览会话吗?查看本指南以了解如何:为 Firefox、Chrome、Edge、Opera 或 Internet Explorer 创建 InPrivate 或 Incognito 快捷方式(Make InPrivate or Incognito shortcuts for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, or Internet Explorer)。
- 您下载的文件和保存的书签将保留在您保存它们的位置。如果您不希望其他人看到或使用它们,则需要手动删除它们。
- 您不受键盘记录器和间谍软件的保护。即使浏览器删除了您键入的数据,键盘记录器和间谍软件也会作为独立程序拦截所有击键。为了保护自己免受这些威胁,您需要一个好的防病毒软件。
- 您的互联网服务提供商知道您在网上所做的一切,除非您在私密浏览的同时使用VPN来加密您的流量。幸运的是,一些浏览器在其隐私浏览模式下提供了这种保护。请继续阅读以了解更多信息。
- 假设(Suppose)您在一个组织中,例如公司或学校。在这种情况下,您的 Web 浏览器会与该组织管理的代理服务器(a proxy server)和DNS(域名服务器)(DNS (Domain Name Server))进行通信。这意味着 IT 管理员可能会记录您的在线活动,并且他们知道您浏览过哪些网站。为了保护自己,您需要一个VPN来配合隐私浏览。幸运(Luckily)的是,一些浏览器提供内置的VPN保护。
- 您访问的网站知道您访问过它们。但是,如果您还登录了这些网站,他们就会准确地知道是您本人以及您在访问它们时所做的事情。如果您不登录,他们就知道他们有访客。一些网站甚至可能通过更高级的跟踪来识别您,这将我们引向下一点。
- 广告网络知道您访问过什么以及搜索过什么。广告网络使用先进的跟踪技术,使用您的 IP 地址、浏览器标识符和 cookie 跟踪您跨多个站点的浏览数据。一些浏览器在隐私浏览中提供跟踪保护或至少广告拦截功能。如果您启用它们,广告网络就更难跟踪您。也启用VPN连接,您的私人浏览变得更加难以跟踪。
为了比较隐私浏览模式,我们使用了以下 Windows 浏览器:Google Chrome版本 85(64 位)、Mozilla Firefox版本 81(64 位)、Microsoft Edge版本 85(64 位)和Opera 71。

我们还安装了Pocket、LastPass、Amazon Assistant和Avast Online Security扩展,以查看它们是否在隐私浏览中处于活动状态以及它们是否跟踪用户行为。
- 浏览器是否允许您在隐私浏览时恢复关闭的标签页?这是一个负面功能,因为您可能会忘记打开一个私人标签,而其他人可以来到同一台 PC 并恢复您所有关闭的标签以查看您访问过的内容。
- 浏览器是否禁用扩展?如果浏览器没有禁止他们私下浏览,您可以通过安装在浏览器中的附加组件进行跟踪。这是另一个严重的负面因素,尤其是在使用带有讨厌的工具栏和安装了狡猾的插件的浏览器时,比如那些来自公共场所的浏览器。
- 浏览器是否阻止广告和其他类型的跟踪?广告网络有跨多个网站跟踪用户的习惯,知道他们想要什么并提供更有可能被点击的广告。
- 浏览器是否提供内置VPN?当您不希望其他组织知道您在网上做什么时,此功能很有用。使用 VPN(When using a VPN)时,您的浏览是加密的,您的互联网服务提供商不知道您正在访问什么,您所在网络的组织也不知道。甚至广告也被误导为认为您是其他人。

正如您在表格中看到的,用于隐私浏览的最佳浏览器是 Google Chrome 和 Microsoft Edge。(the best browsers for private browsing are Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.)但是,with a bit of tinkering, Opera can outperform both of them!让我们一一讨论每种浏览器,看看它们提供什么,不提供什么。
Google Chrome和Microsoft Edge涵盖所有隐私浏览基础知识, (Microsoft Edge)VPN除外
在隐私浏览方面,Google Chrome的隐身模式和(Incognito)Microsoft Edge的(Microsoft Edge)InPrivate模式提供了所有基础知识。它们可以防止使用同一台计算机的其他人知道您在网上做什么,但仅此而已。它们无法保护您免受Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)、雇主或学校的侵害,但是,Firefox 也不会!

Mozilla Firefox在隐私浏览方面好坏参半
Firefox的隐私浏览功能在其旧版本中存在一个问题,并且仍然存在。它允许用户恢复关闭的标签页,即使是在私下浏览时也是如此。(It allows users to restore closed tabs, even when browsing privately.)如果您忘记打开一个隐私浏览选项卡,其他人可以恢复您关闭的选项卡并了解您在网上做什么。

如果您启用两个功能,Opera 可能是最好的隐私浏览
Opera具有内置功能,可以在隐私浏览方面将其置于其他功能之上。但是这些功能默认是没有开启的,所以需要手动开启。当您打开隐私浏览窗口时,它提供与Google Chrome(Google Chrome)或Microsoft Edge相同的保护级别。但是,您还会在地址栏的左侧看到一个VPN按钮。(VPN)此外,Opera在其对隐私浏览的描述中鼓励您启用VPN。如果您单击VPN按钮,您将自动连接到Opera的最佳VPN服务器,具体取决于您所在的位置。这样,您的ISP并且您的计算机组织不应该知道您在网上做什么。此外,广告商可能会将您视为来自其他位置的其他用户。

如果你想要广告拦截和跟踪保护,你也可以得到它,因为它内置在Opera中。但是,默认情况下它没有打开。单击(Click)或点击左上角的大 O 按钮,然后转到设置(Settings)。第一个设置是“阻止广告”("Block ads")和“阻止跟踪器”。("Block trackers.")选中这两个框,您将获得网络浏览器所能提供的最私密的浏览,仅使用内置工具和功能。

我们很欣赏Opera提供的服务,因为它是我们测试过的唯一一款浏览器,只要您使用其VPN服务,它就可以在一定程度上保护您免受ISP 、雇主或学校的伤害。(ISP)但是,当我们说在Opera(Opera)的隐私浏览模式下应该默认启用这两个功能时,其他用户可能会同意我们的看法。
About InPrivate and Incognito. What's private browsing? Which browser is the best?
When you wаnt to hide something you do оnline, you use a private browsing mоde like Incognito, Private Browsing, or InPrivate. However, do you know how private you actually are when you use this way of browsing the web? Can others still see what you are doing online? Also, do you know which browser is best at protecting your privacy? We tested the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera, and we have the answers to all these questions. If you want to know all there is to know about InPrivate, Incognito, and other private browsing modes, read this article:
What is private browsing? What does it do?
Private browsing is a slightly more private way of browsing the web, compared to normal web browsing. In all the major web browsers, private browsing does the following:
- Deletes stored cookies from your browsing sessions when closing private browsing. This means that if you have logged into Facebook, Gmail, YouTube, or some other website, when you close all the private browsing tabs and windows, these cookies are deleted, and you are automatically signed out. Suppose someone else tries to visit the same websites in a new browsing window. In that case, they are NOT automatically logged in with your account(s). Cookies from non-private browsing sessions remain as they are.
- Deletes the data you type in forms, like sign-up pages, login pages, or contact pages. When browsing the web, you may need to enter data into all kinds of forms, manually. When you close all the private browsing tabs and windows, this data is deleted and cannot be reused by anyone.
- Deletes temporary files and the cache from your browsing session. When you visit a website, files get downloaded to your computer or device, like images, styling files, and so on. All these files are stored on your computer for your private browsing session's duration to make browsing faster. However, when you close all the private browsing tabs and windows, these files are deleted, so that they cannot be accessed and used by anyone else who knows where to look for them on the disk.
- Deletes the browsing history from your browsing session. When you browse the web, the web browser stores a log of everything you have visited, so that you can access this information later or autocomplete addresses when you type them in the address bar. When you browse privately, your session's browsing history gets automatically deleted when you close all the private browsing tabs and windows. This way, other people with access to the same computer or device cannot know what you have visited on the web just by looking at your web browser.
- Does not store the search history from your browsing session. In modern browsers, you can search the web straight from their address bar. You insert keywords, press Enter, and they are sent automatically to the default search engine to return results. In regular browsing sessions, this data is stored for later reuse, to help you browse the web faster. In private browsing, this data is not stored at all, so that others can not reuse it when accessing the same computer or device.

All these things are great features that enhance your privacy and confidentiality. They are useful to protect yourself from other people who have access to the same computer, so that they don't know what you are doing online. However, private browsing does not mean that no one can track you.
TIP: Did you know that you can create shortcuts for your browsers to automatically launch private browsing sessions? Check this guide to learn how: Make InPrivate or Incognito shortcuts for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, or Internet Explorer.
What private browsing does not do
Private browsing is not a silver bullet, and some entities can still track you, depending on the web browser that you are using and how it is set up:
- The files you download and the bookmarks you save remain where you saved them. You need to delete them manually if you do not want others to see them or use them.
- You are not protected from keyloggers and spyware. Even though the browser deletes the data you type, keyloggers and spyware act as independent programs that intercept all keystrokes. To protect yourself from these threats, you need a good antivirus.
- Your internet service provider knows everything you have done online, unless you use a VPN alongside private browsing, to encrypt your traffic. Fortunately, some browsers offer this kind of protection in their private browsing mode. Read on to learn more.
- Suppose you are in an organization, like a corporation or a school. In that case, your web browser communicates with a proxy server and a DNS (Domain Name Server) managed by that organization. This means that the IT administrator might log your activity online, and they know what websites you have browsed. To protect yourself, you need a VPN to go along with private browsing. Luckily, some browsers offer built-in VPN protection.
- The websites that you visit know that you visited them. However, if you also log into those sites, they know precisely that it was you and what you have done while visiting them. If you do not log in, they know that they have a visitor. Some websites might even identify you through more advanced tracking, which leads us to the next point.
- Ad networks know what you visited and what you searched for. Ad networks use advanced tracking techniques that track your browsing data across multiple sites, using your IP address, browser identifier, and cookies. Some browsers offer tracking protection or at least ad-blocking features in private browsing. If you enable them, it is harder for ad networks to track you. Enable a VPN connection too, and your private browsing becomes more challenging to track.
The web browsers we used for comparison and the add-ons we installed
For our comparison of private browsing modes, we used the following browsers for Windows: Google Chrome version 85 (64-bit), Mozilla Firefox version 81 (64-bit), Microsoft Edge version 85 (64-bit), and Opera 71.

We also installed the Pocket, LastPass, Amazon Assistant, and Avast Online Security extensions to see whether they are active in private browsing and whether they track user behavior.
What is the best browser for inprivate browsing?
We tested each browser individually and double-checked that it does what promises. We also verified the following:
- Does the browser allow you to recover a closed tab when private browsing? This is a negative feature because you may forget one private tab open, and someone else can come to the same PC and restore all your closed tabs to see what you have visited.
- Does the browser disable extensions? If a browser does not disable them browsing privately, you can be tracked by the add-ons installed in your browser. This is another critical negative, especially when using browsers with nasty toolbars and dodgy add-ons installed, like those from public places.
- Does the browser block advertising and other types of tracking? Advertising networks have the habit of tracking users across multiple websites, knowing what they want and serving ads that are more likely to get clicked.
- Does the browser offer a built-in VPN? This feature is useful when you do not want other organizations to know what you are doing online. When using a VPN, your browsing is encrypted, your internet service provider does not know what you are visiting, and neither does the organization whose network you are on. Even advertisements are misled into thinking that you are someone else.
Below you can see a comparison of all the features that are offered in the default versions of each browser. Some of the Yes boxes are colored in green, while others are colored in red. We used red and green to signal whether a feature or its absence is positive or negative. Green represents a positive feature, and red represents a negative.

As you can see in the table, the best browsers for private browsing are Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. However, with a bit of tinkering, Opera can outperform both of them! Let's discuss each browser, one by one, and see what they offer and what they do not.
Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge cover all the private browsing basics, except for VPN
When it comes to inprivate browsing, the Incognito mode from Google Chrome and the InPrivate mode from Microsoft Edge offer all the basics. They can prevent other people using the same computer from knowing what you are doing online, but that is it. They can't protect you from your Internet Service Provider, your employer, or school, but hey, neither does Firefox!

Mozilla Firefox is a mixed bag when it comes to private browsing
Firefox's private browsing feature has one issue that was present in its older versions and still persists. It allows users to restore closed tabs, even when browsing privately. If you forget one private browsing tab is open, someone else can restore your closed tabs and learn what you were doing online.

On the other hand, Firefox blocks trackers by default, but so do all the other browsers we tested.
Opera could be the best at private browsing if you enable two features
Opera has built-in features that could place it above the others when it comes to private browsing. However, these features are not turned on by default, so you need to enable them manually. When you open a private browsing window, it offers the same protection level as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. However, you also get a VPN button on the left side of the address bar. Furthermore, Opera encourages you in its description of private browsing to enable VPN. If you click the VPN button, you are automatically connected to Opera's best VPN server, depending on your location. This way, your ISP and your computer's organization should not know what you are doing online. Also, advertisers might treat you like another user from another location.

If you want ad-blocking and tracking protection, you can get that too, because it is built into Opera. However, it is not turned on by default. Click or tap the big O button in the top-left corner and go to Settings. The first settings are "Block ads" and "Block trackers." Check these two boxes, and you get the most private browsing a web browser can offer, using only built-in tools and features.

We appreciate what Opera has to offer, as it's the only browser we tested that can somewhat protect you from your ISP, employer, or school, as long as you use its VPN service. However, other users may agree with us when we say that these two features should be enabled by default in Opera's private browsing mode.
NOTE: Some of you may say that the VPN offered by Opera is just a proxy-based VPN that does not encrypt your entire traffic. You might even say that it does not match the quality and anonymity that a real VPN solution offers. You would be right, but even so, it is more than what the other web browsers offer in terms of privacy.
What is your opinion about private browsing and what all browsers offer in this regard?
Now you know what private browsing is, what it does, and what it does not do. You also have a comparison of the different private browsing modes that are offered by all the major web browsers. We are curious to know your view on this subject and what you think about our analysis. Comment below, and let's discuss it.