Windows 键在 Windows 10 中不起作用?(Windows Key Not Working In Windows 10?)Windows 键(Windows Key),也称为WinKey,自开始菜单问世以来就一直存在。这个带有 Windows 图标的物理键可以在每个键盘上的 fn 键和 alt 键之间找到。只需按一下Windows键即可启动开始菜单,然后您可以访问计算机上安装的所有应用程序。除了作为所有应用程序的物理网关外,WinKey还充当Windows系统上超过 75% 的快捷方式的主键。
WinKey + E(文件资源管理器(File Explorer))、WinKey + S(搜索(Search))、WinKey + I(Windows 设置(Windows Settings))、WinKey +箭头键(用于捕捉(snap windows)多任务窗口)以及许多其他许多人甚至不知道的快捷方式。
想象一下,如果Windows键由于某种原因停止运行,那会严重影响Windows用户的计划,对吧?不幸的是,windows 键经常停止运行,只会给用户带来挫败感。
为什么 Windows 键停止工作?(Why does the Windows key stop working?)
在软件方面,Windows键不起作用错误可能是因为Windows 键(Windows Key)在注册表编辑器中完全被禁用。禁用的开始菜单也会导致相同的错误。在这种情况下,将它们都重新打开应该可以解决错误。
如何修复 Windows 键在 Windows 10 中不起作用?(How to fix windows key not working in windows 10?)
有多种方法可以用来修复上述错误,幸运的是,这些方法都不太难理解或执行。其中一些方法是纯软件相关的,例如在PowerShell(PowerShell)中执行命令或更新Windows 注册表(Windows Registry)编辑器,而其他方法则涉及通过键盘本身禁用游戏模式和Winlock 。
在我们继续之前,请拔下您的键盘并将其插入另一个系统并检查 windows 键是否正常工作。如果不是,则错误在于键盘本身,您可能是时候购买新键盘了。
修复:Windows 键在 Windows 10 中不起作用(Fix: Windows Key Not Working In Windows 10)
如果键盘在另一个系统上工作,请继续尝试以下方法,让您的 Windows 键在您的个人计算机上恢复正常。
方法 1:禁用键盘上的游戏模式和 Winlock(Method 1: Disable Gaming Mode and Winlock on your keyboard)
如果您是使用游戏键盘的人之一,那么您可能很清楚所有游戏键盘都配备的游戏模式开关。开启后,游戏模式会禁用任何和所有可能干扰您的游戏体验的按键。这也包括 windows 键;因为按下Windows键通常会通过启动开始菜单退出游戏。
游戏模式(gaming mode)功能在与朋友或敌人一起玩在线游戏时特别有用,即使一秒钟的分心也会让你被杀,并让你在接下来的几天里成为他们的笑话。
因此,修复 Windows 键功能的第一种方法是检查游戏模式是否处于活动状态。如果是,我们只需拨动开关即可将其关闭。(toggle it off by flipping the switch.)游戏模式开关上通常标有操纵杆图标。找到开关,将其关闭并检查 Windows 键现在是否正常工作。
对于罗技(Logitech)游戏键盘,可以在 f1、f2、f3 或 f4 键上方找到游戏模式开关。如果开关朝向右半部分,则表示游戏模式处于活动状态,因此,将其翻转到左侧并禁用游戏模式。
对于Corsair键盘,corsair 软件包括调整键盘灯光、游戏模式等功能。运行 corsair 软件,找到启用或禁用 Windows 键的选项并启用它。(enable or disable the Windows key and enable it.)
对于MSI键盘,Dragon Gaming中心可以选择启用或禁用 Windows 键,因此请继续打开 Dragon Gaming Center,找到该选项并将其打开。
除了游戏模式外,某些键盘还有一个名为Winlock的键,可让您关闭Windows键功能。Winlock可以在通常放置第二个 Windows 键的右侧Ctrl 按钮旁边找到。(Ctrl button)按Winlock按钮以打开Windows键。
方法2:检查开始菜单是否正常工作(Method 2: Check if the Start Menu is working)
1. 右键单击开始按钮,选择运行,键入 regedit(Run, type regedit)并按回车键或打开任务管理器(Ctrl + Shift + ESC),单击文件,然后单击运行新任务(Run New Task),键入regedit并单击确定(OK)。
在每种情况下,您都会看到一个用户帐户控制弹出窗口,询问是否允许注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)对您的系统进行更改。单击(Click)“是”(Yes)授予权限并继续前进。
3. 按照相同的过程,导航到
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced.
4. 右键单击右侧面板中的负数/空白区域,然后选择New > DWORD (32-bit) Value。
5. 将刚刚创建的新键命名为EnableXamlStartMenu并关闭注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。
6. 重启电脑,返回时检查开始菜单是否已启用。
方法 3:使用 Windows 注册表编辑器(Method 3: Using Windows Registry Editor)
许多用户报告“WinKey not working”错误可以通过Windows 注册表编辑器(Windows Registry Editor)解决。但是,使用注册表编辑器时要小心,因为即使遵循以下指南中的最轻微错误也可能导致大量其他错误。
1. 使用上一方法(方法二(Method 2))步骤一中提到的任意一种方法启动Windows注册表编辑器(Windows registry editor)。
2. 在注册表编辑器中,双击HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE将其展开。
3. 现在,双击SYSTEM ,然后双击CurrentControlSet > Control,最后单击Keyboard Layout 文件夹(Keyboard Layout folder)。
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout
4. 右键单击右侧面板中的Scancode Map注册表项,然后选择Delete。
(如果您没有像我一样找到Scancode Map条目,则此方法对您不起作用,请继续尝试下一种方法)
5. 关闭Windows 注册表编辑器(Windows Registry Editor)并重新启动您的 PC。
方法 4:使用 Powershell 重新注册所有应用程序(Method 4: Re-Register all apps Using Powershell)
Windows PowerShell是一个功能强大的命令行工具,可用于执行各种命令。由于某些软件冲突,您的 Windows 密钥可能无法正常工作,使用PowerShell我们将重新注册所有应用程序以消除这些冲突。
1. 右键单击开始(Start)按钮并选择Windows PowerShell (Admin)。
注意:(Note:)如果您在高级用户菜单中找到命令提示符(Prompt)( Admin ) 而不是Windows PowerShell ( Admin ),请单击运行(Run),键入PowerShell ,然后按 ctrl + shift + enter 以使用管理权限打开PowerShell 。
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows PowerShell\
右键单击(Right-click)Windows PowerShell(Windows PowerShell)并选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator.)
2. 仔细输入以下命令行,或者简单地复制粘贴到PowerShell窗口中。
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
3. 一旦PowerShell完成执行命令,关闭PowerShell窗口并重新启动您的 PC 以返回到正常工作的 Windows 键。
方法 5:重新启动 Windows 资源管理器(Method 5: Restart Windows Explorer)
Windows 资源管理器控制您的 Windows 用户界面,损坏的 Windows 资源管理器进程可能会导致一些问题,包括WinKey无法正常工作错误。众所周知,只需(Simply)重新启动文件资源管理器即可解决许多用户的问题。
1.按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + ESC启动任务管理器(Launch Task Manager),然后选择任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 切换到详细信息(Details)选项卡并找到explorer.exe。
3. 右键单击 explorer.exe 并选择结束任务(End Task)。
4. 现在,单击位于任务管理器窗口(Task Manager Window)右上角的文件(File)选项,然后选择运行新任务(Run new task)。
5. 键入explorer.exe并按OK重新启动文件资源管理器(File Explorer)进程。
方法 6:禁用过滤器键(Method 6: Disable Filter Keys)
Windows 中的过滤键功能可以忽略可能是意外或由于手指移动缓慢和不准确而导致的短暂和重复的按键操作。已知启用过滤器键会影响窗口键(Window Key)功能,并且已知关闭过滤器键功能可以解决该错误。要禁用过滤键功能:
1. 右键单击开始按钮并选择设置(Settings)。或者您可以按Windows Key + I打开设置。
2. 找到并单击轻松访问(Ease of Access)。
4. 现在,向下滚动右窗格,找到Use Filter Keys,然后将其关闭。
查看您是否能够修复 Windows 10 问题中的 Windows 密钥不起作用(fix Windows key not working in Windows 10),如果不能,则继续下一个方法。
方法 7:卸载损坏的键盘驱动程序并重新安装键盘驱动程序(Method 7: Uninstall corrupt keyboard drivers and reinstall keyboard drivers)
1. 右键单击开始按钮,选择运行(Run),键入devmgmt.msc并按 Enter启动设备管理器(launch Device Manager)。
2. 双击键盘(Keyboards)展开相同。
3. 右键单击您的键盘驱动程序并选择卸载设备(Uninstall Device)。
在随后的警告消息中,单击是或卸载(Yes or Uninstall)进行确认。
4. 如果您使用的是USB键盘,只需将其插入并重新插入,Windows 将自动扫描网络并为您的键盘安装更新的驱动程序。(simply plug it out and back in and Windows will automatically scan the web and install the updated drivers for your keyboard.)
或者,右键单击您的键盘驱动程序并选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver)。
5. 从以下对话框中,选择自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件(Search automatically for updated driver software)。
方法 8:运行 SFC 扫描(Method 8: Run SFC scan)
在Windows(Windows)安装损坏后,Windows 密钥(Windows Key)可能已停止运行。在这种情况下,您最好的选择是运行系统文件检查器扫描,它将扫描任何丢失和损坏的功能并进行修复。要执行 SFC 扫描:
1. 右键单击开始(Start)按钮,选择运行(Run),输入 cmd 并按 ctrl + shift + enter 以管理员权限启动命令提示符(launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges)。
或者,您可以从任务管理器(Ctrl + Shift + ESC命令提示符(Command Prompt),方法是单击File > Run New Task,键入 cmd,选中创建具有管理权限的任务,然后按确定。
2. 在命令提示符窗口中,键入sfc /scannow并按 Enter。
3.等待(Wait)扫描过程完成检查您的 PC。完成后,关闭命令提示符窗口并重新启动 PC。
方法 9:扫描您的系统以查找恶意软件(Method 9: Scan your system for malware)
您不认为有时恶意软件会导致系统出现多个问题吗?是的,因此,强烈建议您运行诊断工具来扫描系统中的恶意软件和病毒。因此,建议您阅读这篇文章以修复Windows密钥在(Windows)Windows 10中不起作用的问题:如何使用 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 删除恶意软件(How to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove Malware)。
推荐:(Recommended:) 在 Windows PC 上运行计算机性能基准测试(Run Computer Performance Benchmark Test on Windows PC)
除了上面提到的所有方法外,还有一些用户报告的方法来解决他们的 Windows 关键问题。这些方法包括注销并重新登录您的Windows帐户、完全创建新用户帐户、卸载恶意软件应用程序等。尽管本文中介绍的几种方法应该为每个人修复Windows密钥在(Windows)Windows 10中不起作用的错误。
Fix: Windows Key Not Working In Windows 10
Windows Key Not Working In Windows 10? The Windows Key, also known as the WinKey, has been around ever since the inception of the start menu. This physical key bearing the windows icon can be found between the fn key and the alt key on every keyboard that exists out there. A simple press of the Windows key launches the start menu which in turn lets you access all the applications you have installed on your computer. Apart from being your physical gateway to all the applications, the WinKey also serves as the primary key for more than 75% of the shortcuts on a Windows system.
WinKey + E (File Explorer), WinKey + S (Search), WinKey + I (Windows Settings), WinKey + arrow keys (to snap windows for multitasking) and a multitude of other shortcuts that many aren’t even aware of.
Imagine if the Windows key for some reason stops functioning, that would throw a real big wrench in a Windows user’s plans right? Unfortunately, the windows key often stops functioning, causing nothing but frustration to users.
In this article, we will go over the reasons for the WinKey not working error and then proceed to fix it.
Why does the Windows key stop working?
In the worst case, the Windows key may not be working due to mechanical or electrical failure of your keyboard. Also, certain keyboards, especially gaming keyboards contain a gaming mode switch which when toggled on, disables the WinKey. The gaming mode setting is not only restricted to keyboards but gaming computers/laptops too. A combination of certain keys, changing settings in some software, etc. may let you switch to gaming mode disabling the Windows key feature.
On the software side of things, the Windows key not working error may be because the Windows Key is disabled in the registry editor altogether. A disabled start menu will also result in the same error. Toggling both of them back on should solve the error in that case.
Other reasons for the error include corrupt or outdated drivers, corrupt file explorer service, malware, etc.
How to fix windows key not working in windows 10?
There are multiple methods that can be employed to fix the said error and fortunately, none of these methods are too difficult to comprehend or execute. Some of the methods are purely software related like executing a command in the PowerShell or updating the Windows Registry editor while others involve disabling gaming mode and Winlock via the keyboard itself.
Before we move forward, unplug your keyboard and plug it to another system and check if the windows key is working. If it isn’t, the error lies within the keyboard itself and it might be time for you to buy a new one.
Fix: Windows Key Not Working In Windows 10
If the keyboard worked on another system, go ahead and try the following methods to get your windows key back on track on your personal computer.
Method 1: Disable Gaming Mode and Winlock on your keyboard
We will first make sure that everything is fine with our hardware before moving onto other software related methods.
If you are one of those folks that use a gaming keyboard then you might be well aware of the gaming mode switch that all gaming keyboards come equipped with. When toggled on, the gaming mode disables any and all keys that might interfere with your gaming experience. This includes the windows key too; as pressing the Windows key usually exits you out of the game by launching the start menu.
The gaming mode feature can be particularly useful when playing online games with friends or foes where even a second of distraction can get you killed and make you the butt of their jokes for the next couple of days.
So, the first method of fixing the windows key functionality is to check if the gaming mode is active. If yes, we simply toggle it off by flipping the switch. The gaming mode switch is often marked with a joystick icon on it. Find the switch, toggle it off and check if the windows key is now functioning or not.
For Logitech gaming keyboards, a gaming mode switch can be found above the f1,f2,f3 or f4 keys. If the switch is towards the right-half that implies gaming mode is active, therefore, flip it to the left and disable gaming mode.
For Corsair keyboards, the corsair software includes the functionality to adjust the keyboard lighting, gaming mode, etc. Run the corsair software, locate the option to enable or disable the Windows key and enable it.
For MSI keyboards, Dragon Gaming center has the option to enable or disable windows key so go ahead and open dragon gaming center, locate the option and toggle it on.
Apart from gaming mode, some keyboards also have a key called Winlock which lets you turn off Windows key functionality. The Winlock can be found beside the right Ctrl button where usually a second windows key is placed. Press the Winlock button to toggle on the Windows key.
Also, if you have a game controller or gamepad connected to your system, plug it out and then try using the WinKey.
Method 2: Check if the Start Menu is working
Chances are your Windows logo key is working just fine but the start menu is disabled/malfunctioning leading you to believe the Windows key is the one to be blamed. To check if the Start menu is enabled, follow the below steps:
1. Right-click on the start button, select Run, type regedit and press enter or open task manager (Ctrl + Shift + ESC), click on File followed by Run New Task, type regedit and click on OK.
In each case, you will be presented with a user account control pop-up asking permission to allow the Registry Editor to make changes to your system. Click on Yes to grant permission and proceed forward.
2. From the left-panel, click on the arrow next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER to expand the same.
3. Following the same process, navigate your way to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced.
4. Right-click on the negative/blank space in the right panel and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
5. Name the new key you just created as EnableXamlStartMenu and close Registry Editor.
6. Restart your PC and check if the start menu has been enabled when you return.
Method 3: Using Windows Registry Editor
Many users have reported the ‘WinKey not working’ error can be resolved via the Windows Registry Editor. However, be careful when using the registry editor as even the slightest of error in following the below guide can cause a plethora of other errors.
1. Launch the Windows registry editor by any of the methods mentioned in step 1 of the previous method (Method 2).
2. In the registry editor, double-click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to expand the same.
3. Now, double-click on SYSTEM followed by CurrentControlSet > Control, and finally click on the Keyboard Layout folder.
The address bar should display the following address at the end:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout
4. Right-click on the Scancode Map registry entry present in the right-panel and select Delete.
(If you don’t find Scancode Map entry like I didn’t, this method won’t work for you so move ahead and try the next method)
5. Close Windows Registry Editor and restart your PC.
Method 4: Re-Register all apps Using Powershell
Windows PowerShell is a powerful command-line tool that can be used to execute various commands. Your windows key may not be functioning due to some software conflict and using the PowerShell we will be re-registering all the applications to get rid of these conflicts.
1. Right-click on the Start button and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).
Note: If you find Command Prompt (Admin) instead of Windows PowerShell (Admin) in the power user menu, click on Run, type PowerShell, and press ctrl + shift + enter to open PowerShell with administrative privileges.
Alternatively, if the start button itself isn’t working, head down the following location.
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows PowerShell\
Right-click on Windows PowerShell and select Run as administrator.
2. Type the below command line carefully or simply copy-paste into the PowerShell window.
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
Cross-check if the script you entered is correct and then press Enter to run the command.
3. Once PowerShell finishes executing the command, close the PowerShell window and restart your PC to return to a functioning windows key.
Method 5: Restart Windows Explorer
The windows explorer controls your windows user interface and a corrupt windows explorer process can cause some problems including the WinKey not working error. Simply restarting the file explorer has been known to solve the issue for many users.
1. Launch Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + ESC on your keyboard or pressing ctrl + shift + del and then selecting Task Manager.
2. Switch over to the Details tab and locate explorer.exe.
3. Right-click on explorer.exe and select End Task.
4. Now, click on the File option located at the top right corner of the Task Manager Window and select Run new task.
5. Type explorer.exe and press OK to restart the File Explorer process.
Check if the error still persists. If it does, try the next method.
Method 6: Disable Filter Keys
The filter keys feature in windows is present to ignore brief and repeated key presses that may be caused accidentally or due to slow and inaccurate finger movements. Enabling filter key has been known to affect the Window Key functionality and turning filter key feature off is known to solve the error. To disable the filter keys feature:
1. Right-click on the start button and select Settings. Or you can press Windows Key + I to open Settings.
2. Locate and click on Ease of Access.
3. Scroll down the left pane and click on Keyboard under the Interaction label.
4. Now, scroll down the right pane, find Use Filter Keys, and toggle it off.
See if you’re able to fix Windows key not working in Windows 10 issue, if not then continue with the next method.
Method 7: Uninstall corrupt keyboard drivers and reinstall keyboard drivers
Each piece of hardware requires a set of files, known as drivers or device drivers, to effectively communicate with the computer’s operating system/software. Outdated device drivers or entirely corrupt drivers may lead to errors when using that particular piece of hardware, keyboard in our case. Reinstalling keyboard drivers should solve any problems you might be facing when using it.
1. Right-click on the start button, select Run, type devmgmt.msc and press Enter to launch Device Manager.
2. Double click on Keyboards to expand the same.
3. Right-click on your keyboard drivers and select Uninstall Device.
In the warning message that follows, click on Yes or Uninstall to confirm.
4. If you are using a USB keyboard, simply plug it out and back in and Windows will automatically scan the web and install the updated drivers for your keyboard.
Alternatively, right-click on your keyboard drivers and select Update Driver.
5. From the following dialog box, select Search automatically for updated driver software.
Method 8: Run SFC scan
It is possible that the Windows Key may have stopped functioning after a corrupt Windows installation. In that case, your best bet is to run a system file checker scan which will scan for any missing & corrupt features and repair them. To perform an SFC scan:
1. Right-click on the Start button, select Run, type cmd and press ctrl + shift + enter to launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
Alternatively, you can launch Command Prompt as admin from the task manager (Ctrl + Shift + ESC) by clicking on File > Run New Task, type cmd, check create the task with administrative privileges and press OK.
2. In the command prompt window, type sfc /scannow and press enter.
3. Wait for the scanning process to complete checking your PC. Once done, close the command prompt window and restart your PC.
Method 9: Scan your system for malware
Don’t you think that sometimes malware causes several problems in your system? Yes, therefore, it is highly recommended to run a diagnostic tool for scanning your system for malware and viruses. Therefore, it is recommended that you read this post in order to fix Windows key not working in Windows 10 issue: How to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove Malware.
Recommended: Run Computer Performance Benchmark Test on Windows PC
Apart from all the methods mentioned above, there are still a few methods that users have reported to solve their windows key problems. The methods include signing out and back into your Windows account, creating a new user account altogether, uninstalling malware applications, etc. Although the several methods explained in this article should fix the Windows key not working in Windows 10 error for everyone.