Twitch的受欢迎程度迅速上升,并在过去十年的后半段被使用。如今,它是Google 的 YouTube(Google’s YouTube)在视频流服务类型中最大的竞争对手,并且经常击败YouTube Gaming。截至2018 年 5 月(May 2018),Twitch吸引了超过 1500 万日活跃观众到其平台。自然,随着用户数量的增加,开始报告大量问题/错误。2000网络错误(Network Error)是Twitch用户经常遇到的错误之一。
观看流媒体时随机弹出2000网络错误并导致黑屏/空白屏幕。(Network Error)该错误还不允许用户观看平台上的任何其他流。该错误主要是由于缺乏安全连接引起的;可能提示错误的其他原因包括损坏的浏览器 cookie 和缓存文件、与广告拦截器或其他扩展程序冲突、网络问题、阻止Twitch(Twitch)的防病毒程序中的实时保护等。
以下(Below)是一些已知的解决2000 的解决方案:Twitch 上的网络错误。(2000: Network Error on Twitch.)
如何修复 Twitch 上的 2000 网络错误?(How to fix 2000 network error on Twitch? )
网络(Network)错误最常见的解决方案是删除您的浏览器 cookie 和缓存文件。如果这不起作用,请尝试暂时禁用您在 Web 浏览器上安装的所有扩展。
如果错误是由网络连接不良引起的,请在此处阅读如何解决 Windows 10 上的网络连接问题(How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 here)。或者,尝试重新启动您的WiFi路由器并禁用您可能已激活的任何 VPN 或代理。(disabling any VPN or proxy)此外,在您的防病毒程序中为Twitch.tv设置一个例外。您还可以试一试 Twitch 的桌面应用程序。
1. 刷新 Twitch 流(1. Refresh the Twitch Stream )- 听起来很简单,只需刷新Twitch流即可消除网络错误。此外,请检查您可能方便使用的任何其他 Web 浏览器或设备上的流,以确保流本身没有任何问题(Twitch服务器可能已关闭)。
2. 重新启动您的计算机(2. Restart your computer)- 同样,您也可以尝试重新启动计算机以重新启动并摆脱可能在后台运行的任何损坏或损坏的服务和进程。
3. 注销并重新登录(3. Log out and back in )——这是另一种看似非常基本但确实可以完成工作的解决方案。因此,请继续注销您的Twitch帐户,然后重新登录以检查网络错误是否仍然存在。
4. 重新启动您的 Internet 连接(4. Restart your Internet Connection )- 由于错误与您的网络连接有关,请重新启动您的WiFi路由器(或在几秒钟后将以太网电缆拔出并重新插入),然后尝试观看流。您还可以将计算机连接到手机的热点,以检查错误是由于互联网连接故障还是其他原因造成的。
您可能已经知道,Cookie 和缓存文件是由您的网络浏览器创建和存储的临时文件,旨在为您提供更好的浏览体验。但是,当这些临时文件(temporary files)损坏或大量存在时,会出现许多问题。只需(Simply)清除它们即可解决大多数与浏览器相关的问题。
要清除 Google Chrome 中的 cookie 和缓存文件:(To clear cookies and cache files in Google Chrome:)
1. 很明显,首先启动网络浏览器。您可以在桌面或任务栏上双击Chrome 的快捷方式图标将其(Chrome’s shortcut icon)打开(open it)。
2. 打开后,单击右上角的( click on the) 三个垂直点(three vertical dots)(旧版本中为三个水平条)以访问自定义和控制 Google Chrome 菜单(control Google Chrome menu)。
3. 将鼠标指针悬停在更多工具(More Tools)上以展开子菜单并选择清除浏览数据(Clear Browsing Data)。
4. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + Del to open the Clear Browsing Data window directly.
5. 在基本选项卡下,选中(Basic)“Cookie 和其他站点数据”(‘Cookies and other site data’ )和“缓存的图像和文件”(‘Cached images and files’)旁边的框。如果您也想清除它,也可以选择“浏览历史记录”。(Browsing)
6. 单击时间范围(Time Range)旁边的下拉菜单并选择合适的时间段。我们建议您删除所有临时 cookie 和缓存文件。为此,请从下拉菜单中选择所有时间。(All Time)
7. 最后,点击右下角的清除数据(Clear Data)按钮。
要在 Mozilla Firefox 中删除 cookie 和缓存:(To delete cookies and cache in Mozilla Firefox:)
1. 打开Mozilla Firefox,点击右上角的三个水平条。从菜单中选择选项。(Options )
2. 切换到隐私和安全(Privacy & Security )选项页面并向下滚动,直到找到历史记录(History)部分。
3. 单击清除历史记录(Clear History )按钮。(类似于谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome),也可以直接按 ctrl + shift + del访问 Clear History选项)(History)
4. 勾选Cookies(Cookies)和Cache旁边的框,选择要清除的时间范围(Time Range)(同样,我们建议您删除Everything)并点击OK按钮。
要在 Microsoft Edge 中删除 cookie 和缓存:(To delete cookies and cache in Microsoft Edge:)
1.启动Edge(Launch Edge),点击右上角的三个水平点,然后选择设置(Settings)。
2. 切换到隐私和服务(Privacy and Services)页面,然后单击清除浏览数据部分下的选择要清除的内容按钮。(Choose what to clear)
3. 选择Cookies and other site data & Cached images and files,将Time Range设置为All-time,然后点击Clear now。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法连接到 Steam 网络错误(Fix Could Not Connect to the Steam Network Error)
首先,尝试在隐身标签中打开相关的Twitch流。(Twitch)如果流在那里完美播放,那么网络错误肯定是由于您的浏览器扩展之一与 Twitch 网站之间的冲突引起的。(one of your browser extensions and the Twitch website.)继续并禁用所有扩展程序,然后一一启用它们以找出罪魁祸首。找到后,您可以选择删除罪魁祸首扩展程序或在查看Twitch流时禁用它。
要在 Google Chrome 中禁用扩展程序:(To disable extensions in Google Chrome:)
1. 单击三个垂直点,然后单击更多工具(More Tools),然后从子菜单中选择扩展。(Extensions )(或在新标签中访问chrome://extensions/
2. 单击每个扩展程序旁边的切换开关以将它们全部禁用( disable them all)。
要在 Mozilla Firefox 中禁用扩展:(To disable extensions in Mozilla Firefox:)
1. 单击水平条并从菜单中选择附加组件。(Add-Ons)(或在新标签中访问about:addons )。
2. 切换到扩展(Extensions )页面并通过单击它们各自的切换开关禁用所有扩展。(disable all the extensions )
要禁用 Edge 中的扩展:(To disable extensions in Edge:)
1. 单击三个水平点,然后选择Extensions。
2 、一一禁用。( Disable all)
方法 3:在 Twitch 中禁用HTML5播放器(HTML5)
一些用户还报告了在Twitch上禁用HTML5播放器以解决网络错误(Network error)。HTML 5播放器基本上允许网页直接播放视频内容,而不需要外部视频播放器应用程序,但也可能经常导致问题。
1. 转到您的Twitch主页并播放随机视频/流。
2. 单击视频屏幕右下方的设置图标(齿轮)。(Settings )
3. 选择高级设置(Advanced Settings),然后禁用 HTML5 播放器(disable the HTML5 player)。
方法 4:关闭 VPN 和代理
如果 2000网络错误(Network Error)不是由于浏览器配置错误引起的,则很可能是由于您的网络连接造成的。此外,可能是您的VPN阻止了您观看Twitch流。VPN服务经常会干扰您的网络连接并导致许多问题,Twitch上的 2000网络错误(Network Error)就是其中之一。禁用您的VPN并播放流以验证是否是VPN才是真正的罪魁祸首。
1. 要打开控制面板(open the Control Panel),请启动运行命令框(Windows键 + R),键入 control 或 control panel,然后按 OK。
2. 单击网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)(或网络(Network)和Internet,取决于您的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)版本)。
3. 在以下窗口中,单击左下方的Internet 选项。(Internet Options)
4. 移动到下一个对话框的Connections选项卡,然后单击(Connections )LAN settings按钮。
5. 在代理服务器下,取消选中“为 LAN 使用代理服务器”旁边的复选框(untick the box next to ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’)。单击确定(OK )保存并退出。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上设置 VPN(How to set up a VPN on Windows 10)
方法 5:将 Twitch 添加(Add Twitch)到您的防病毒软件的例外列表中
但是,该功能也可能与网站针对广告拦截软件的对策相冲突,从而导致一些问题。暂时禁用您的防病毒软件(Disable your antivirus software temporarily)并播放流以检查错误是否仍然存在。您可以通过右键单击系统托盘中的防病毒图标,然后选择适当的选项来禁用防病毒软件。
方法 6:使用Twitch 桌面(Twitch Desktop)客户端
许多用户报告说,他们只在流媒体服务的 Web 客户端上遇到了 2000 网络错误,而不是在其桌面应用程序上。如果您在尝试了上述所有方法后仍然遇到错误,请考虑使用Twitch桌面应用程序。
与 Web 客户端相比, Twitch(Twitch)的桌面客户端更加稳定,并且提供了更多的功能,从而带来更好的整体体验。
1. 在您首选的网络浏览器中访问下载 Twitch 应用程序(Download the Twitch app),然后单击下载 Windows(Download for Windows)按钮。
2. 下载后,单击下载栏中的 TwitchSetup.exe,(TwitchSetup.exe in the download bar)然后按照屏幕上的说明安装 Twitch 桌面应用程序(install the Twitch Desktop application)。
如果您不小心关闭了下载栏,请按Ctrl + J(在Chrome中)打开下载页面或打开计算机的下载(Downloads)文件夹并运行 .exe 文件。
让我们知道哪种方法可以帮助您解决 Twitch 上的 2000 网络错误,( resolve the 2000 Network Error on Twitch)并在下面的评论中返回直播。
How to Fix 2000 Network Error on Twitch
Twitch experienced a meteoric rise in its popularity and was used in the second half of the last decade. Today, it is the greatеst rival to Google’s YouTube in the video streaming service genre and edges out YouTube Gaming regularly. As of May 2018, Twitch attracted more than 15 million daily active viewers to its platform. Naturally, with a greater number of users, a great number of issues/errors started being reported. The 2000 Network Error is one of the errors frequently faced by Twitch users.
The 2000 Network Error pops up randomly while watching a stream and results in a black/blank screen. The error also doesn’t allow the user to watch any other streams on the platform. The error is primarily caused due to lack of a secure connection; other reasons that may prompt the error include corrupt browser cookies and cache files, conflict with ad blockers or other extensions, network issues, real-time protection in antivirus programs blocking Twitch, etc.
Below are a few solutions known to solve 2000: Network Error on Twitch.
How to fix 2000 network error on Twitch?
The most common solution to the Network error is to delete your browser cookies and cache files. If that doesn’t work, try temporarily disabling all the extensions you have installed on your web browser.
If the error is resulting from a poor network connection, read How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 here. Or, try restarting your WiFi router and disabling any VPN or proxy you might have active. Also, make an exception for in your antivirus program. You can also give Twitch’s desktop application a shot.
Quick Fixes
Before we move to the advanced methods, here are a few quick fixes worth trying:
1. Refresh the Twitch Stream – As elementary as it may sound, simply refreshing the Twitch stream can make the network error go away. Also, check the stream on any other web browser or device you might have handy to ensure that nothing is wrong with the stream itself (the Twitch servers may be down).
2. Restart your computer – Similarly, you can also try restarting your computer to start afresh and get rid of any corrupt or broken services and processes that might be running in the background.
3. Log out and back in – This is another one of those solutions that seems pretty basic but does get the job done. So go ahead and log out of your Twitch account and then log back in to check if the network error still persists.
4. Restart your Internet Connection – Since the error is related to your network connection, restart your WiFi router once (or plug the ethernet cable out and back in after a couple of seconds) and then try watching the stream. You can also connect the computer to your mobile’s hotspot to check if the error is due to a faulty internet connection or something else.
Method 1: Clear your browser cookies and caches files
Cookies and cache files, as you might already know, are temporary files created and stored by your web browser to provide you with a better browsing experience. However, a number of issues arise when these temporary files become corrupt or are present in large quantities. Simply clearing them out can resolve most browser-related problems.
To clear cookies and cache files in Google Chrome:
1. As obvious, start by launching the web browser. You can either double-click on Chrome’s shortcut icon on your desktop or the taskbar to open it.
2. Once open, click on the three vertical dots (three horizontal bars in older versions) present at the top right corner to access the customize and control Google Chrome menu.
3. Hover your mouse pointer over More Tools to expand a sub-menu and select Clear Browsing Data.
4. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + Del to open the Clear Browsing Data window directly.
5. Under the Basic tab, check the boxes next to ‘Cookies and other site data’ and ‘Cached images and files’. You can also select ‘Browsing history’ if you want to clear that up too.
6. Click on the drop-down menu next to Time Range and select an appropriate time period. We recommend you to delete all the temporary cookies and caches files. To do so, select All Time from the drop-down menu.
7. Finally, click on the Clear Data button at the bottom right.
To delete cookies and cache in Mozilla Firefox:
1. Open Mozilla Firefox and click on the three horizontal bars at the top right corner. Select Options from the menu.
2. Switch to the Privacy & Security Options page and scroll down until you find the History section.
3. Click on the Clear History button. (Similar to Google Chrome, you can also directly access the Clear History option by pressing ctrl + shift + del)
4. Tick the boxes next to Cookies and Cache, select a Time Range to clear (again, we recommend you delete Everything) and click on the OK button.
To delete cookies and cache in Microsoft Edge:
1. Launch Edge, click on the three horizontal dots at the top right and select Settings.
2. Switch to the Privacy and Services page and click on the Choose what to clear button under the Clear browsing data section.
3. Select Cookies and other site data & Cached images and files, set the Time Range to All-time, and click on Clear now.
Also Read: Fix Could Not Connect to the Steam Network Error
Method 2: Disable browser extensions
All of us have a couple of useful extensions added to our browser. While most extensions don’t have anything to do with the Twitch network error, a few do. The extensions in question are primarily ad blockers like Ghostery. Some websites have started incorporating a counter to ad blockers which can in turn result in issues viewing or interacting with the site.
First, try opening the concerned Twitch stream in an incognito tab. If the stream plays perfectly over there then the network error is definitely caused due to a conflict between one of your browser extensions and the Twitch website. Go ahead and disable all your extensions and then enable them one by one to single out the culprit. Once found, you can either choose to remove the culprit extension or disable it when viewing Twitch streams.
To disable extensions in Google Chrome:
1. Click on the three vertical dots, followed by More Tools and select Extensions from the sub-menu. (or visit chrome://extensions/ in a new tab)
2. Click on the toggle switches next to each extension to disable them all.
To disable extensions in Mozilla Firefox:
1. Click on the horizontal bars and select Add-Ons from the menu. (or visit about:addons in a new tab).
2. Switch to the Extensions page and disable all the extensions by clicking on their respective toggle switches.
To disable extensions in Edge:
1. Click on the three horizontal dots and then select Extensions.
2. Disable all of them one by one.
Method 3: Disable HTML5 player in Twitch
Disabling the HTML5 player on Twitch has also been reported by some users to resolve the Network error. The HTML 5 player basically allows web pages to directly play video content without requiring an external video player application but can also result in issues regularly.
1. Go to your Twitch Homepage and play a random video/stream.
2. Click on the Settings icon (cogwheel) present at the bottom right of the video screen.
3. Select Advanced Settings and then disable the HTML5 player.
Method 4: Turn Off VPN and Proxy
If the 2000 Network Error isn’t caused due to a misconfigured browser, it is likely due to your network connection. Moreover, it might be your VPN that’s blocking you from watching the Twitch stream. VPN services often interfere with your network connection and lead to a number of problems, the 2000 Network Error on Twitch is one of them. Disable your VPN and play the stream to verify if it is the VPN that’s the real culprit.
To disable your VPN, right-click on the network icon in the taskbar (or the system tray), go to network connections and then disable your VPN or directly open your VPN application and disable it through the dashboard (or settings).
If you aren’t using a VPN but instead a proxy server, then consider disabling that too.
To turn off proxy:
1. To open the Control Panel, launch the run command box (Windows key + R), type control or control panel, and press OK.
2. Click on Network and Sharing Center (or Network and Internet, depending on your Windows OS version).
3. In the following window, click on Internet Options present at the bottom left.
4. Move to the Connections tab of the next dialog box and click on the LAN settings button.
5. Under Proxy server, untick the box next to ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’. Click on OK to save and exit.
Also Read: How to set up a VPN on Windows 10
Method 5: Add Twitch to your antivirus’ exception list
Similar to ad blocking extensions, the antivirus program on your computer might be causing the Network error. Most antivirus programs incorporate a real-time protection feature that protects your computer from any malware attack that might occur while you are busy surfing the internet and also prevent you from accidentally downloading any kind of malware application.
However, the feature can also conflict with a website’s counter-measures against ad blocking software resulting in a few issues. Disable your antivirus software temporarily and play the stream to check if the error persists. You can disable your antivirus by right-clicking on its icon in the system tray and then selecting the appropriate option.
If the network error ceases to exist, the antivirus program is indeed the one causing it. You can either switch to another antivirus program or add to the program’s exception list. The procedure to add items to the exception or exclusion list is unique to each program and can be found by performing a simple Google search.
Method 6: Use the Twitch Desktop client
A number of users have reported that they only faced the 2000 network error on the web client of the streaming service and not on its desktop application. If you continue to face the error even after trying all the above methods, consider using the Twitch desktop application.
The desktop client of Twitch is much more stable in comparison to the web client and provides a greater number of features too, resulting in a better overall experience.
1. Visit Download the Twitch app in your preferred web browser and click on the Download for Windows button.
2. Once downloaded, click on TwitchSetup.exe in the download bar and follow the on-screen instructions to install the Twitch Desktop application.
If you accidentally closed the download bar, press Ctrl + J (in Chrome) to open the downloads page or open your computer’s Downloads folder and run the .exe file.
Let us know which method helped you resolve the 2000 Network Error on Twitch and get back to the stream in the comments below.