
如何检查您拥有的 Windows 版本?(How to Check Which Version of Windows You Have?)
所有Windows用户都必须了解有关其操作系统的 3 个详细信息 - 主要版本(Windows 7、8、10...),您安装的版本(Ultimate,Pro...),无论您的处理器是 32 位还是 64 位处理器。
为什么知道您使用的 Windows 版本很重要?(Why is it important to know the version of Windows you are using?)
Windows 10 发生了什么变化?(What has changed in Windows 10?)
即使您过去不关心内部版本号等细节,Windows 10 用户也需要了解他们的操作系统。传统上,内部版本号用于表示操作系统的更新。用户拥有他们正在使用的主要版本以及服务包。
Windows 10有何不同?此版本的Windows将保留一段时间。有人声称将不再有新版本的操作系统。此外,Service Pack(Service Packs)现在已成为过去。目前,Microsoft每年发布 2 个大型构建版本。这些构建被命名。Windows 10有多种版本——家庭(– Home)版、企业版(Enterprise)、专业版(Professional)等…… Windows 10仍然提供 32 位和 64 位版本。虽然版本号隐藏在Windows 10中,但您可以轻松找到版本号。
内部版本与服务包有何不同?(How are Builds different from Service Packs?)
服务(Service)包已成为过去。Windows发布的最后一个Service Pack是在 2011 年发布Windows 7 Service Pack 1时。对于Windows 8,没有发布任何服务包。直接引入了下一个版本Windows 8.1 。
服务(Service)包是Windows补丁。它们可以单独下载。Service Pack的安装类似于Windows更新补丁的安装。服务(Service)包负责 2 项活动 - 所有安全和稳定性补丁都合并为一个大型更新。您可以安装它而不是安装许多小更新。一些服务包还引入了新功能或调整了一些旧功能。这些服务包由Microsoft定期发布。但它最终随着Windows 8的推出而停止。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中更改默认操作系统(How to Change Default Operating System in Windows 10)
目前的情景(The current scenario)
Windows 更新(Windows Updates)的工作没有太大变化。它们本质上仍然是正在下载和安装的小补丁。这些都列在控制面板中,可以从列表中卸载某些补丁。虽然日常更新仍然相同,但Microsoft发布的不是Service Pack(Service Packs),而是Builds。
Windows 10中的每个构建都可以被视为一个新版本本身。这就像从Windows 8更新到Windows 8.1一样。新版本发布后,会自动下载并安装Windows 10。然后您的系统重新启动,现有版本是否已升级以适应新版本。现在,操作系统的内部版本号已更改。要检查当前版本号,请在“运行”窗口或开始菜单中键入 Winver 。(type Winver in the Run window)关于Windows 框(About Windows Box)将显示Windows版本以及内部版本号。
以前可以卸载Service Pack(Service Packs)或Windows更新。(Windows)但是无法卸载构建。降级过程可以在构建版本发布后的 10 天内进行。转到设置(Settings)然后更新(Update)和安全恢复屏幕(Security Recovery Screen)。在这里,您可以选择“返回到较早的版本”。发布 10(Post 10)天后,所有旧文件都将被删除,您无法返回到以前的版本。

这类似于恢复到旧版Windows的过程。这就是为什么每个构建都可以被视为一个新版本的原因。10 天后,如果您仍想卸载某个版本,则必须再次重新安装Windows 10。
因此可以预期,未来的所有重大更新都将采用构建的形式,而不是经典的Service Pack(Service Packs)。
使用设置应用程序查找详细信息(Finding the details using the Setting App)
设置应用程序(Settings App)以用户友好的方式显示详细信息。Windows+I是打开设置应用程序(Settings App)的快捷方式。转到系统 → 关于(System à About)。如果向下滚动,您可以找到列出的所有详细信息。
了解显示的信息(Understanding the displayed information )
系统类型(System type)– 这可以是 64 位版本的Windows或 32 位版本。系统类型还指定您的 PC 是否与 64 位版本兼容。上面的快照显示基于 x64 的处理器。如果您的系统类型显示 – 32 位操作系统,基于 x64 的处理器,则表示您的Windows目前是 32 位版本。但是,如果您愿意,可以在您的设备上安装 64 位版本。
版本(Edition )- Windows 10 提供 4 个版本- 家庭(– Home)版、企业版(Enterprise)、教育(Education)版和专业版(Professional)。Windows 10家庭(Home)版用户可以升级到专业(Professional)版。但是,如果您想升级到企业版(Enterprise)或学生(Student)版,您将需要一个家庭(Home)用户无法访问的特殊密钥。此外,操作系统需要重新安装。
版本(Version )- 这指定您正在使用的操作系统的版本号。这是最新发布的大型构建的日期,采用YYMM格式。上图表示版本为 1903。这是 2019 年构建版本的版本,称为2019 年 5 月(May 2019)更新。
操作系统构建(OS Build )- 这为您提供有关主要版本之间发生的次要构建版本的信息。这不如主要版本号重要。
使用 Winver 对话框查找信息(Finding information using the Winver dialog)
视窗 10(Windows 10)
还有另一种方法可以在Windows 10中找到这些详细信息。Winver 代表Windows 版本(Windows Version)工具,它显示与操作系统相关的信息。Windows键 + R 是打开“运行”(Run)对话框的快捷方式。现在在Run对话框中输入Winver并单击(Winver)Enter。

一个关于Windows框打开。Windows版本以及OS Build。但是,您看不到您使用的是 32 位版本还是 64 位版本。但这是检查版本详细信息的快速方法。
以上步骤适用于Windows 10用户。有些人仍在使用旧版本的Windows。现在让我们看看如何在旧版本的操作系统中检查Windows版本的详细信息。(Windows)
Windows 8/Windows 8.1
在您的桌面上,如果您没有找到开始按钮,则您使用的是Windows 8。如果您在左下角找到开始按钮,则您拥有的是Windows 8.1。在Windows 10中,可以通过右键单击开始菜单访问的高级用户菜单也存在于Windows 8.1中。Windows 8用户右键单击屏幕的一角以访问相同的内容。

可以在系统小程序(System applet)中找到的控制面板包含有关您正在使用的操作系统版本和其他相关详细信息的所有信息。系统小程序(System Applet)还指定您使用的是Windows 8(Windows 8)还是Windows 8.1。Windows 8和Windows 8.1分别是 6.2 和 6.3 版本的名称。

Windows 7的(Windows 7)
如果您的开始菜单与下图类似,则您使用的是Windows 7。

可以在系统小程序(System Applet)中找到的控制面板显示有关正在使用的操作系统的版本详细信息的所有信息。Windows 6.1 版被命名为Windows 7(Windows 7)。
视窗(Windows Vista)
如果您的开始菜单与下图类似,则说明您使用的是Windows Vista。
转到系统小程序 → 控制面板(System Applet à Control Panel)。提到了Windows(Windows)的版本号、OS Build、是 32 位版本还是 64 位版本等细节。Windows 6.0 版被命名为Windows Vista(Windows Vista)。

注意:(Note:)Windows 7和Windows Vista都有相似的开始(Start)菜单。为了区分,Windows 7中的“(Windows 7)开始(Start)”按钮完全适合任务栏。但是,Windows Vista中的“(Windows Vista)开始(Start)”按钮超出了任务栏的顶部和底部宽度。
视窗(Windows XP)
Windows XP的开始屏幕如下图所示。

较新版本的Windows只有开始按钮,而 XP 既有按钮又有文本(“开始”)。Windows XP中的开始按钮与较新的按钮完全不同——它水平对齐,右边缘弯曲。与Windows Vista和Windows 7一样,版本(Edition)详细信息和体系结构类型可以在系统 Applet à 控制面板(System Applet à Control Panel)中找到。
- 在Windows 10中,可以通过 2 种方式检查版本 - 使用设置应用程序并在“运行”(Run)对话框/开始菜单中键入Winver 。
- 对于其他版本,如Windows XP、Vista、7、8 和 8.1,过程类似。所有版本详细信息都存在于系统小程序(System Applet)中,可以从控制面板(Control Panel)访问。
推荐:(Recommended:) 在 Windows 10 上启用或禁用保留存储(Enable or Disable Reserved Storage on Windows 10)
How to Check Which Version of Windows You Have?
Are you aware оf the version of Windows you are using? If not, worry no more. Hеre’s a quick guide on how to check which version of Windоws you have. While you need not necessarily know the exact number of the version you аre using, it is good to have аn idea about the general details of yoυr operating system.

How to Check Which Version of Windows You Have?
All Windows users must be aware of 3 details about their OS – the major version (Windows 7,8,10…), which edition you have installed (Ultimate, Pro…), whether yours is a 32-bit processor or 64-bit processor.
Why is it important to know the version of Windows you are using?
Knowing this information is crucial because what software you can install, which device driver can be chosen for update etc…depend on these details. If you need help with something, websites mention the solutions for different versions of Windows. To choose the right solution for your system, you must be aware of the version of the OS in use.
What has changed in Windows 10?
Even though you have not cared about the details such as build numbers in the past, Windows 10 users need to have knowledge about their OS. Traditionally, the build numbers were used to represent the updates to the OS. Users had the major version that they were using, along with service packs.
How is Windows 10 different? This version of Windows is going to stay for a while. There have been claims that there will be no more new versions of the OS. Also, Service Packs are a thing of the past now. Currently, Microsoft releases 2 large builds every year. Names are given to these builds. Windows 10 has a variety of editions – Home, Enterprise, Professional, etc… Windows 10 is still offered as 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Although the version number is hidden in Windows 10, you can easily find the version number.
How are Builds different from Service Packs?
Service packs are a thing of a past. The last Service Pack released by Windows was back in 2011 when it released Windows 7 Service Pack 1. For Windows 8, no service packs were released. The next version Windows 8.1 was directly introduced.
Service packs were Windows patches. They could be downloaded separately. Installation of a Service pack was similar to that of patches from a Windows update. Service packs were responsible for 2 activities – All the security and stability patches were combined into one large update. You could install this instead of installing many small updates. Some service packs also introduced new features or tweaked some old features. These service packs were released regularly by Microsoft. But it eventually stopped with the introduction of Windows 8.
Also Read: How to Change Default Operating System in Windows 10
The current scenario
The working of Windows Updates hasn’t changed much. They are still essentially small patches that are getting downloaded and installed. These are listed in the control panel and one can uninstall certain patches from the list. While day-to-day updates are still the same, instead of Service Packs, Microsoft releases Builds.
Each build in Windows 10 can be thought of as a new version itself. It is just like updating from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. Upon the release of a new build, it gets automatically downloaded and Windows 10 installs it. Then your system is rebooted and is the existing version is upgraded to suit the new build. Now, the build number of the operating system is changed. To check the current build number, type Winver in the Run window or the start menu. The About Windows Box will display the Windows version along with the build number.
Previously Service Packs or Windows updates could be uninstalled. But one cannot uninstall a build. The process of downgrade can be carried out within 10 days of the build release. Go to Settings then Update and Security Recovery Screen. Here you have an option to ‘go back to an earlier build.’ Post 10 days of release, all old files are deleted, and you cannot go back to a previous build.

This is similar to the process for reverting to an older version of Windows. That’s why each build can be considered as a new version. After the 10 days, if you still want to uninstall a build, you will have to reinstall Windows 10 again.
Thus one can expect all the big updates in the future will be in the form of builds rather than the classic Service Packs.
Finding the details using the Setting App
The Settings App displays the details in a user-friendly way. Windows+I is the shortcut to open the Settings App. Go to System à About. If you scroll downward, you can find all the details listed.
Understanding the displayed information
System type – This can be either the 64-bit version of Windows or the 32-bit version. The system type also specifies whether your PC is compatible with the 64-bit version. The snapshot above says x64-based processor. If your system type displays – 32-bit operating system, x64-based processor, it means that currently, your Windows is a 32-bit version. However, if you wish, you can install a 64-bit version on your device.
Edition – Windows 10 is offered in 4 editions – Home, Enterprise, Education, and Professional. Windows 10 Home users can upgrade to the Professional edition. However, if you want to upgrade to the Enterprise or Student editions, you will require a special key that is not accessible to Home users. Also, the OS needs to be reinstalled.
Version –This specifies the version number of the OS you are using. It is the date of the most recently released large build, in the YYMM format. The picture above says that the version is 1903. This is the version from the build release in 2019 and is called the May 2019 update.
OS Build –This gives you the information about the minor build releases that happened in between the major ones. This is not as important as the major version number.
Finding information using the Winver dialog
Windows 10
There is another method to find these details in Windows 10. Winver stands for Windows Version tool, which displays information related to the OS. Windows key + R is the shortcut to open the Run dialog. Now type Winver in the Run dialog box and click Enter.

An About Windows box opens up. The Windows version along with the OS Build. However, you cannot see whether you are using a 32-bit version or a 64-bit version. But this is a quick way to check your version details.
The above steps are for Windows 10 users. Some people still use the older versions of Windows. Let us now see how to check for the Windows version details in older versions of the OS.
Windows 8/Windows 8.1
On your desktop, if you do not find the start button, you are using Windows 8. If you find the start button on the bottom left, you have Windows 8.1. In Windows 10, the power user menu which can be accessed by right-clicking the start menu is there in Windows 8.1 too. Windows 8 users right-click the corner of the screen to access the same.

The control panel which can be found in the System applet holds all the information regarding the version of the OS you are using and other related details. The System Applet also specifies whether you are using Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 are the names given to versions 6.2 and 6.3 respectively.

Windows 7
If your start menu looks similar to the one shown below, you are using Windows 7.

The control panel which can be found in the System Applet displays all the information regarding the version details of the OS in use. The Windows version 6.1 was named Windows 7.
Windows Vista
If your start menu is similar to the one shown below, you are using Windows Vista.
Go to System Applet à Control Panel. The version number of Windows, the OS Build, whether you have a 32-bit version, or a 64-bit version and other details are mentioned. The Windows version 6.0 was named Windows Vista.

Note: Both Windows 7 and Windows Vista have similar Start menus. To differentiate, the Start button in Windows 7 fits exactly into the taskbar. However, the Start button in Windows Vista exceeds the width of the taskbar, both at the top and the bottom.
Windows XP
The start screen for Windows XP looks like the image below.

The newer versions of Windows have just the start button while XP has both the button and the text (‘Start’). The start button in Windows XP is quite different from the more recent ones – it is aligned horizontally with its right edge curved. Like in Windows Vista and Windows 7, the Edition details and architecture type can be found in the System Applet à Control Panel.
- In Windows 10, the version can be checked in 2 ways – using the settings app and typing Winver in the Run dialog/start menu.
- For other versions such as Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1, the procedure is similar. All version details are present in System Applet which can be accessed from the Control Panel.
Recommended: Enable or Disable Reserved Storage on Windows 10
I hope by now you’re able to check which version of Windows you have, using the above-listed steps. But if you still have any queries feel free to reach out using the comment section.