Windows 10的最新版本是2021 年 11 月(November 2021) 更新(Update)或 21H2,内部版本 19044,于2021 年11 月 16 日(November 16th)开始发布。此版本没有像以前的版本那样引入那么多新功能。尽管如此,它确实使Windows 10的进化过程保持活力和活力。如果您想知道您是否安装了最新版本的Windows 10以及如何检查您使用的Windows 10的版本、构建或类型,请阅读本指南:(Windows 10)
我有什么版本的Windows 10?快速的方法!
无论您拥有什么版本的Windows 10 ,此方法速度快且效果相同:使用“(Windows 10)开始(Start)”按钮旁边的搜索框,键入winver,然后单击或点击具有相同名称的搜索结果。
在 Windows 10 中搜索 winver
或者,按Windows + R键调出运行窗口(Run window),键入winver,然后按Enter或单击或点击确定(OK)。
在运行窗口中输入 winver
此命令将打开About Windows,您会在其中看到Windows 10版本,然后是OS Build和Windows 10版本。例如,这是一台装有Windows 10 Pro和2021 年 11 月(November 2021) 更新(Update)的 PC 。
关于Windows告诉你Windows 10版本、内部版本和版本
所有这些数据都令人困惑吗?继续(Continue)阅读本教程以了解您看到的版本号、操作系统构建(OS Build)、您拥有的Windows 10版本等。
如何从“设置”(Settings)应用检查Windows 10版本
此方法适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)的所有版本和版本,但情况可能会有所不同,具体取决于您使用的特定版本。首先(First),打开设置应用程序(open the Settings app)(最快的方法是按键盘上的Windows + I然后,单击或点击系统(System)。
在Windows 10 设置(Settings)中,转到系统(System)
在左侧,滚动到底部并选择About。在右侧,您会看到有关系统的信息。显示的信息量因您安装的Windows 10版本而异。(Windows 10)在右侧,您会看到包含您感兴趣的数据的行:
- 系统类型(System type)- 它告诉您使用的是 32 位还是 64 位版本的Windows 10
- 版本(Edition)- 它共享您拥有的Windows 10版本:专业版(Pro)、家庭(Home)版、企业版(Enterprise)、教育(Education)版等。
- 版本(Version)- 显示当前安装的Windows 10的版本(Windows 10)
- 操作系统内部版本(OS Build)- 查看您正在使用的Windows 10内部版本号(Windows 10)
检查Windows 10版本、操作系统构建(OS Build)、版本和类型
这些信息行的位置不同,具体取决于您的Windows 10版本。例如,这是2015 年 11 月10(Windows 10)日更新中“(November Update)关于(About)”部分的外观。我们在这里提到的行也存在,但顺序不同。
2015年Windows 10中的相同数据
如何从PowerShell检查(PowerShell)Windows 10版本
如果您更喜欢使用命令行环境,请打开 PowerShell(open PowerShell)并键入或复制并粘贴(copy and paste)以下命令:
wmic os 获取版本
版本(Version)号告诉您已安装的Windows 10的版本。在前面的示例中,内部版本号是 19044,它位于 10.0 之后。有了这个数字,您就可以了解您正在使用的确切Windows 10版本,因此请继续阅读。
如何将Windows 10版本号转换为功能更新
直到2021 年 11 月(November 2021),微软(Microsoft)不断更新Windows 10,每年都会发布两个主要功能更新。这些功能更新具有特定版本、营销名称(例如Creators Update或2021 年 11 月(November 2021) 更新(Update)),并附带新功能、新应用、重大更改等。因此,自 2015 年7 月首次发布以来, (July 2015)Windows 10已经有了很大的发展。
从2021 年 11 月(November 2021)起,微软(Microsoft)将改变 Windows 10 的发布节奏以与(changing the Windows 10 release cadence)Windows 11保持一致,目标是每年下半年进行年度功能更新。
回到您的 Windows 10 版本,如果您知道您的 PC 的版本号,以下是它如何转换为功能更新:
- 版本 1507(Version 1507)或内部版本 10240 - Windows 10 的初始版本,于 2015 年(initial release of Windows 10)7 月(July 2015)推出,代号为Threshold 1。
- 1511或内部版本 10586 - Windows 10的第一个重要更新于 2015年11 月(November 2015)发布,称为11 月更新(November Update),代号为Threshold 2。
- 1607或内部版本 14393 - 第二个主要更新是Windows 10 的周年更新(Anniversary Update for Windows 10)。它于 2016年7 月(July 2016)首次发布Windows 10一年后发布,代号为Redstone 1。
- 1703或内部版本 15063 - 第三个主要更新,名为Windows 10 的创意者更新(Creators Update for Windows 10)。它于2017 年 4 月(April 2017)发布,代号为Redstone 2。
- 1709或内部版本 16299 - 第四次重大更新,也称为Windows 10 秋季创意者更新(Fall Creators Update for Windows 10)。它于2017 年 10 月(October 2017)发布,代号为Redstone 3。
- 1803或内部版本 17134 - 第五个主要更新名为Windows 10 2018 年 4 月更新(April 2018 Update for Windows 10)。它的代号为Redstone 4,于2018 年 4 月(April 2018)发布。
- 1809或内部版本 17763 - Windows 10 的第六个主要更新被命名为Windows 10的(Windows 10)2018 年 10 月更新(October 2018 Update for Windows 10)。它的代号为Redstone 5,于2018 年 10 月(October 2018)发布。
- 1903或内部版本 18362 - (1903)Windows 10的第七个主要更新。它被命名为2019 年 5 月更新(May 2019 Update),代号为 19H1。“19”代表更新发布的年份,“H1”代表当年的第一次更新。您可以在此处(here)了解有关此代号更改的更多信息。
- 1909或 build 18363 - (1909)Windows 10的第八次重大更新,代号为 19H2。它被命名为2019 年 11 月更新,并于 2019 年(November 2019 Update)11 月 12(November 12)日开始推出。
- 版本 2004或内部版本 19041 - (version 2004)Windows 10的第九次更新,代号为 20H1。它被称为2020 年 5 月更新(May 2020 Update),发布时间晚于 2020 年5 月 27 日(May 27)的其他类似更新。
- 2009或 build 19042 - (2009 )Windows 10的第十次主要更新代号为 20H2。它被命名为2020 年 10 月更新(October 2020 Update)。它于2020年10 月 20日开始推出。(October 20th)很酷(Cool)的日期,不是吗?🙂
- 21H1或内部版本 19043 - (21H1)Windows 10的第十一次重大更新。它的名称是2021 年 5 月更新,并于(May 2021 Update)2021 年 5 月(May 2021)18 日开始推出。
- 21H2或 build 19044 - (21H2)Windows 10的第十二次重大更新。它被命名为2021 年 11 月(November 2021) 更新,并于 2021 年(Update)11 月 16 日(November 16th)开始推出。
- 22H1 - 将是Windows 10的第十三次重大更新,也是 2022 年唯一的功能更新。它将在 2022 年10 月(October)或11 月(November)的某个时间发布。
我们什么时候会得到最后一个版本的Windows 10?
根据 上的此页面, (this page on 10的退役日期是2025 年(October 2025)10 月。这意味着我们不应该期望最迟在 2023 年之后获得新的Windows 10版本,因为这意味着需要在2025 年 10 月(October 2025)的退役日期之后支持该操作系统。但是,这些日期可能会发生变化,我们将密切关注微软(Microsoft)未来关于其Windows 10计划的沟通情况。
Windows 10 版本 - 它们有什么不同?
您可以在您的计算机或设备上安装以下Windows 10版本之一:(Windows 10)
- 家庭(Home)- 最常用的Windows 10版本。它专为家庭用户和零售空间出售的新设备而设计。它仅包含面向消费者的功能,并且缺少BitLocker加密或虚拟化等业务功能。
- 专业版(Pro)- 此版本为小型企业环境和高级用户添加了功能,例如BitLocker加密。
- 企业版(Enterprise)- 提供Windows 10 Pro的所有功能,以及帮助网络管理员和技术型公司的附加功能。
- Enterprise LTSC - Windows 10 Enterprise的长期服务渠道,每两三年发布一次。在每个版本发布后十年,它都受到安全更新的支持。
- 教育- 最初具有与(Education)Windows 10 企业版(Enterprise)相同的功能,它是为学术组织设计的。自秋季创作者更新(Creators Update)以来,其功能集已降低。
- Pro Education -适用于教育领域的Windows 10特别版。它包括一个“设置学校电脑”( “Set Up School PCs”)应用程序,允许使用USB闪存驱动器进行设置。它没有Cortana、Microsoft Store建议或Windows Spotlight。
- Pro for Workstations - 此版本专为高端硬件、密集计算任务以及最新的服务器处理器和文件系统而设计。
- S - Windows 10的功能受限模式,专为零售和教育而设计。它最重要的限制是您无法安装桌面应用程序,除非通过Microsoft Store分发。此外,Microsoft Edge被强制作为默认 Web 浏览器使用Bing作为其搜索引擎。Windows 10家庭(Home)版、专业版(Pro)和专业教育版(Pro Education)可以在 S 模式下运行。其他版本不能。
- N 和 KN(N and KN) -N 版本仅在欧洲(Europe)提供,而 KN 版本仅在韩国(Korea)提供,以遵守这些地区的反垄断法,在这些地区,微软(Microsoft)被发现滥用其垄断地位损害竞争的视频和音频应用程序。这些版本的Windows 10删除了Windows Media Player、Groove Music和其他多媒体功能。N 和 KN 可以适用于所有其他版本的Windows。因此,您可以拥有Windows 10 Home N、Windows 10 Pro N等。
- IoT - 此版本专为(IoT)Raspberry Pi等低成本设备和机器人、ATM(ATMs)、POS终端、条形码扫描仪等专用机器而设计。Windows 10 IoT有两个版本:IoT Enterprise和IoT Core。
注意:(NOTE:)如果您在决定购买什么 Windows 10 版本时需要帮助,请阅读:想要购买 Windows 10?Windows 10 家庭版还是专业版?(Want to buy Windows 10? Windows 10 Home or Pro?)
什么是 Windows 10 操作系统版本?
操作系统内部版本(OS Build)号会随着您在使用Windows 10时安装的更新而变化。为了帮助您理解,我们来看以下情况:
2018 年(October 2018) 10 月 10 日 Windows更新(Update)发布时,它的版本号为 1809,操作系统版本(OS build)显示值为 17763.1。第一次更新到Windows 10后,OS Build更改为 17763.55,而版本号保持不变。在2021(November 2021)年 11 月推出的最新Windows 10更新之后,内部版本号已变为 19044.1348。
适用于Windows 10版本 21H2的操作系统构建(OS Build)
每次Microsoft(Microsoft)对Windows 10进行更新时,操作系统内部版本(OS build)号都会发生变化。此信息有助于故障排除。例如,当您遇到错误并与技术支持工程师交谈时,操作系统构建(OS Build)对于了解您正在使用的Windows 10的确切版本以及修复问题所需的更新至关重要。您可以从此Windows 10 版本信息(Windows 10 release information)中了解有关Windows 10内部版本号演变的更多信息。
什么是 Windows 10 系统类型?
此信息仅告诉您 Windows 10 是使用处理器的 32 位还是 64 位寄存器。现代处理器往往是 64 位的,它们的优势是它们可以处理和处理比 32 位处理器更多的数据。所以在大多数情况下,Windows 10 应该是 64 位的,这是一件好事。
您(Did)是否检查过您拥有的 Windows 10 版本?
现在您知道如何查找您拥有的Windows 10版本及其含义。在结束本文之前,请与我们分享您的Windows 10版本、版本和内部版本号。我们很想与读者一起发现最受欢迎的版本和版本。
What is the latest version of Windows 10? Check the version you have!
The lаtest version of Windows 10 is November 2021 Update or 21H2, build 19044, and it was released starting Nоvember 16th, 2021. This version doesn’t introduce as manу new featυres as previous ones. Still, it does keep the eνolution process of Windows 10 alive and kicking. If you want to know whether you haνe the latest version of Windows 10 іnstalled and how to check what νersion, build, or type of Windows 10 you’rе using, read this guide:
What version of Windows 10 do I have? The quick method!
This method is fast and works the same, no matter what version of Windows 10 you have: use the search box next to the Start button, type winver and click or tap the search result with the same name.
Search for winver in Windows 10
Alternatively, press the Windows + R keys to bring up the Run window, type winver, and press Enter or click or tap OK.
Type winver in the Run window
This command opens About Windows, where you see the Windows 10 version followed by the OS Build and the Windows 10 edition. For example, here is a PC with Windows 10 Pro and the November 2021 Update.
About Windows tells you the Windows 10 version, build, and edition
Is all this data confusing? Continue reading this tutorial to make sense of the version numbers that you see, the OS Build, the Windows 10 edition that you have, and so on.
How to check the Windows 10 version from the Settings app
This method works in all versions and editions of Windows 10, but things can look different, depending on the specific build you’re using. First, open the Settings app (the quickest way is to press Windows + I on the keyboard). Then, click or tap System.
In Windows 10 Settings, go to System
On the left, scroll to the bottom and choose About. On the right, you see information about your system. The amount of information shown differs depending on the Windows 10 version you have installed. On the right, you see the lines with the data that interests you:
- System type - it tells you whether you use a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows 10
- Edition - it shares the edition of Windows 10 that you have: Pro, Home, Enterprise, Education, etc.
- Version - displays the version of Windows 10 currently installed
- OS Build - see the Windows 10 build number you’re using
Check the Windows 10 version, OS Build, edition, and type
These lines of information are positioned differently, depending on your version of Windows 10. For example, here is how the About section looks in the Windows 10 November Update from 2015. The lines we mentioned exist here too, but are ordered differently.
The same data in Windows 10 from 2015
How to check the Windows 10 version from PowerShell
If you prefer using a command-line environment, open PowerShell and type or copy and paste this command:
Then, press the Enter key to execute it and see the information you need.
wmic os get version
The Version number tells you the build of Windows 10 you have installed. In the earlier example, the build number is 19044, which comes after 10.0. With this number, you can then make sense of the exact Windows 10 version you’re using, so continue reading.
How to translate Windows 10 version numbers into feature updates
Until November 2021, Microsoft kept updating Windows 10 and released two major feature updates each year. These feature updates have a specific version, a marketing name (like Creators Update or November 2021 Update), and come with new features, new apps, significant changes, and so on. As a result, Windows 10 has evolved a lot since it was first released in July 2015.
From November 2021 onwards, Microsoft is changing the Windows 10 release cadence to align with Windows 11, targeting annual feature updates in the second half of each year.
Getting back to your Windows 10 version, if you know the version number for your PC, here is how it translates into feature updates:
- Version 1507 or build 10240 - The initial release of Windows 10, launched in July 2015, codenamed Threshold 1.
- 1511 or build 10586 - The first significant update for Windows 10 was released in November 2015, called November Update, and codenamed Threshold 2.
- 1607 or build 14393 - The second major update is the Anniversary Update for Windows 10. It was released a year after the initial release of Windows 10 in July 2016 and codenamed Redstone 1.
- 1703 or build 15063 - The third major update, named Creators Update for Windows 10. It was released in April 2017 and codenamed Redstone 2.
- 1709 or build 16299 - The fourth major update, also called Fall Creators Update for Windows 10. It was released in October 2017 and codenamed Redstone 3.
- 1803 or build 17134 - The fifth major update is named April 2018 Update for Windows 10. It was codenamed Redstone 4 and released in April 2018.
- 1809 or build 17763 - The sixth major update for Windows 10 is named October 2018 Update for Windows 10. It was codenamed Redstone 5, and it was released in October 2018.
- 1903 or build 18362 - The seventh major update for Windows 10. It is named May 2019 Update, and its codename is 19H1. The "19" stands for the year when the update is released, and the "H1" stands for the first update of that year. You can learn more about this codename change here.
- 1909 or build 18363 - The eighth major update for Windows 10, codenamed 19H2. It was named November 2019 Update, and it began rolling out on November 12, 2019.
- version 2004 or build 19041 - The ninth update to Windows 10, codenamed 20H1. It was called May 2020 Update and released later than other similar updates on May 27, 2020.
- 2009 or build 19042 - the tenth major update for Windows 10 is codenamed 20H2. It was named October 2020 Update. It was rolled out starting on October 20th, 2020. Cool date, isn’t it? 🙂
- 21H1 or build 19043 - the eleventh major update to Windows 10. Its name is May 2021 Update, and it began rolling out on the 18th of May 2021.
- 21H2 or build 19044 - the twelfth major update to Windows 10. It is named November 2021 Update and rolled out starting November 16th, 2021.
- 22H1 - will be the thirteenth major update to Windows 10 and the only feature update of 2022. It will be released sometime in October or November of 2022.
When will we get the last version of Windows 10?
According to this page on, the retirement date for Windows 10 is October 2025. This means that we shouldn’t expect to get a new Windows 10 version past 2023 at the latest, since that would imply the need to support this operating system past its October 2025 retirement date. However, these dates may change, and we’re keeping an eye on what Microsoft communicates in the future about its plans for Windows 10.
Windows 10 editions - what is different about them?
You can have one of the following editions of Windows 10 installed on your computer or device:
- Home - the most used edition of Windows 10. It is designed for home users and new devices sold in the retail space. It includes only consumer-oriented features, and it lacks business features like BitLocker encryption or virtualization.
- Pro - this version adds features for small business environments and power users, like BitLocker encryption.
- Enterprise - provides all the features of Windows 10 Pro, with additional features to assist network administrators and technology-oriented companies.
- Enterprise LTSC - the long-term servicing channel of Windows 10 Enterprise, released once every two or three years. It is supported with security updates for ten years after each version is released.
- Education - initially had the same features as Windows 10 Enterprise, and it was designed for academic organizations. Since Fall Creators Update, its feature set has been lowered.
- Pro Education - a special edition of Windows 10 for the educational sector. It includes a “Set Up School PCs” app that allows provisioning settings using a USB flash drive. It does not have Cortana, Microsoft Store suggestions, or Windows Spotlight.
- Pro for Workstations - this edition is designed for high-end hardware, intensive computing tasks, and the latest server processors and file systems.
- S - a feature-limited mode of Windows 10, designed for retail and education. Its most important limitation is that you cannot install desktop apps unless distributed through the Microsoft Store. Also, Microsoft Edge is enforced as the default web browser with Bing as its search engine. Windows 10 Home, Pro, and Pro Education can be run in S mode. Other editions cannot.
- N and KN - N versions are available only in Europe, while KN versions are available only in Korea, to comply with antitrust laws in those regions, where Microsoft has been found abusing its monopoly to hurt competing video and audio applications. These editions of Windows 10 remove Windows Media Player, Groove Music, and other multimedia features. N and KN can apply to all other editions of Windows. Therefore, you can have Windows 10 Home N, Windows 10 Pro N, and so on.
- IoT - this edition is designed for low-cost devices like Raspberry Pi and specialized machines, like robots, ATMs, POS terminals, barcode scanners, and so on. There are two editions of Windows 10 IoT: IoT Enterprise and IoT Core.
NOTE: If you need help deciding what Windows 10 edition to buy, read: Want to buy Windows 10? Windows 10 Home or Pro?
What is the Windows 10 OS build?
The OS Build number changes with the updates you install while using Windows 10. To help you understand, let’s take the following situation:
When Windows 10 October 2018 Update was released, it had version number 1809, and the OS build showed the value 17763.1. After the first update to Windows 10, the OS Build changed to 17763.55, while the version number remained the same. After the most recent update to Windows 10, launched in November 2021, the build number has become 19044.1348.
The OS Build for Windows 10 version 21H2
The OS build number changes with each update made by Microsoft to Windows 10. This information is helpful for troubleshooting purposes. For example, when you encounter a bug and talk to a tech support engineer, the OS Build is critical to understanding the exact version of Windows 10 you’re using and what updates are necessary to fix the problem. You can learn more about the evolution of Windows 10 build numbers from this Windows 10 release information.
What is the Windows 10 system type?
This information only tells you whether Windows 10 uses the 32-bit or 64-bit register of the processor. Modern processors tend to be 64-bit, and their advantage is they can address and process a lot more data than 32-bit processors. So in most cases, Windows 10 should be 64-bit, which is a good thing.
Did you check what Windows 10 version you have?
Now you know how to find the Windows 10 version you have and what it means. Before closing this article, share your Windows 10 version, editions, and build number with us. We are curious to discover the most popular versions and editions with our readers.