三星(Samsung)创造了各种技术:智能手机和平板电脑、笔记本电脑、智能电视(Smart TVs),甚至智能冰箱或洗衣机。然而,很少有人知道三星(Samsung)也生产空气净化器。他们的最新型号之一是三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD),对于生活在空气质量较差的城市的人们来说,这是一款很有前途的型号。如果您想知道它提供了什么,请阅读此评论:
三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD):它对谁有好处?
- 居住在PM10(PM10)和PM2.5颗粒物含量高的污染城市的人们
- 居住在有灰尘问题的地区的人
- 希望尽可能保护自己免受有害气体、空气传播病毒、细菌和异味侵害的家庭用户
三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)有很多优点:
- 易于设置、使用和维护
- 一个方便的移动应用程序,可用于远程控制
- 优秀的多重过滤系统
- 空气净化器慷慨地分享有关您的空气质量的实时数据
- 它的睡眠(Sleep)模式非常安静
- 您可以锁定其设置,以便儿童和宠物无法更改其工作方式
- 三星(Samsung)没有分享每种速度模式的CADR、噪音水平和功耗如何变化
- 您不能独立于活性炭除臭过滤器更换HEPA过滤器(HEPA)
三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)是一款出色的空气净化器,适用于大型生活空间。您可以依靠它来过滤污染颗粒、超细粉尘、有害气体并抑制细菌。它的移动应用程序易于使用,有了它,您可以从互联网上的任何地方远程控制空气净化器。虽然这款空气净化器在空气质量低时会发出很大的声音,但由于其超静音睡眠(Sleep)模式,它也是轻睡者的绝佳选择。我们对其工作方式感到满意,我们强烈推荐三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)给任何寻找一流空气净化器的人。
拆箱和设置三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)
三星 AX60R5080WD 装(Samsung AX60R5080WD)在一个高大的盒子里,重约 30.4 磅或 13.8 公斤。您可以在盒子的侧面看到几张空气净化器的图片,以及有关其三步过滤系统和其他基本功能的信息。一个奇怪的细节是包装盒上提到的型号是三星 AX5000(Samsung AX5000)。不幸的是,如果您在网上搜索此型号,您将找不到它,因为真正的型号名称是三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)。
最好不要自己处理三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)的拆箱。空气净化器本身的包装中没有任何其他物品,重量为 24.6 磅或 11.2 公斤,单独从包装盒中取出是一项挑战。盒子里只有几样东西:刚买的空气净化器、电源线、保修文件和用户手册。
将所有东西放置到位后,将三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)插入电源插座,然后按下电源(Power)按钮。设置空气净化器就像选择您想要的风扇速度一样简单。您还可以使用其他按钮来启用睡眠模式、设置空气净化器关闭时间的计时器、启用或禁用灯光或儿童锁。
但是,还有适用于Android和iOS的(iOS)SmartThings应用程序。要进行设置,您需要授予其访问您的位置和其他项目的权限并提供三星帐户(Samsung account)。一个不错的选择是三星(Samsung)鼓励用户启用两步验证(two-step verification),以保护他们的帐户。添加空气净化器的过程一点也不复杂。只需(Just)按照SmartThings应用程序显示的说明逐步操作即可。
您需要设置空气净化器的位置,将其连接到Wi-Fi,将其注册到您的三星(Samsung)帐户,然后就可以开始使用了。从现在开始,您可以使用SmartThings应用程序从互联网上的任何地方远程控制三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)。
三星 AX60R5080WD 的拆箱和设置并不困难,但您应该需要一些帮助才能将其从包装中取出。此外,在打开它之前阅读用户手册是个好主意。(Unboxing and setting up the Samsung AX60R5080WD is not difficult, but you should have some help to take it out of its packaging. Also, it is a good idea to read the user manual before turning it on.)
三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)是一款功能强大的空气净化器,可处理高达 645 平方英尺或 60 平方米的房间。它的洁净空气输送率 ( CADR ) 为 467 m³/h,噪音水平为 50 dBA,功耗为 60 瓦。不幸的是,三星(Samsung)没有传达每种风扇速度模式的噪音水平、清洁空气输送率和功耗:高(High)、中(Medium)、低(Low)和睡眠(Sleep)。风扇速度模式之间的噪音水平差异很大,但被清洁的风量也是如此。多一点透明度会很好。
正如您在下面看到的,三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)具有高而纤薄的设计。它的尺寸为 14 x 30 x 11 英寸或 360 x 783 x 293 毫米的宽度、高度和深度。由于底部有四个轮子,因此移动它很容易。在空气净化器的左侧,您会找到一个大出风口和两个传感器:
- 一种激光 PM 传感器(Laser PM sensor),可检测灰尘和PM1.0/2.5/10大小的空气污染的确切水平。
- 一种气体传感器(Gas sensor),可检测由空气净化器去除的气态污染物,如甲苯、二甲苯(xylene)、苯、乙苯、苯乙烯和甲醛。
三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)的过滤系统由三个过滤器组成:
- 可清洗的预过滤器,可去除空气中的花粉和宠物皮屑
- 去除前面提到的气体的活性炭除臭过滤器
- 用于超细粉尘、污染颗粒的HEPA过滤器,可抑制细菌
第二个和第三个过滤器在二合一过滤器中粘合在一起。该过滤器的更换周期可能在 6 个月到 1 年之间,具体取决于您使用空气净化器的方式以及您所在地区的空气污染程度。为了帮助您了解何时更换过滤器,有一个指示灯会亮起以通知您。
空气通过前面板吸入,经过所有过滤器,然后从顶部和侧面的出风口吹出。三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)只有白色,是一款相当不错的设备。它的设计人员主要专注于提供理想的气流,并使配置空气净化器的工作方式变得容易。
如果您想了解这款产品的所有规格,请前往其页面:三星智能空气净化器,AX60R5080WD(Samsung Smart Air Purifier, AX60R5080WD)。
使用三星AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)空气净化器
控制三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)空气净化器轻而易举。🙂基于触摸的控件是合乎逻辑且易于使用的,即使您不是技术人员。设置完成后,您可以锁定设备,以免儿童或宠物在玩耍时意外改变其工作方式。用户还将欣赏空气净化器显示的数据及其在空气质量下降时的视觉警告。传感器做得很好,可以快速响应空气质量的变化。例如,在放置空气净化器的房间的另一个角落有人开始吸烟五秒钟后,三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)已经显示有关空气质量下降的数据。它的呼吸机自动提高速度以应对变化并清洁空气。
适用于Android(Android)的SmartThings应用程序同样简单易用。它为您提供空气净化器的实时状态以及它在您家中检测到的污染水平。您可以使用该应用程序更改风扇速度,关闭三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD),或根据您的需要设置何时打开和关闭它的时间表。
三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)产生的噪音变化很大,取决于您选择的风扇速度。不幸的是,三星(Samsung)没有分享这款空气净化器在每种速度模式下产生的噪音水平的数据。当您将其设置为低(Low)时,产生的噪音几乎不会被察觉,如果空气净化器不靠近您的床,您也可以睡个好觉。如果你是一个轻睡者,你可能想要打开睡眠(Sleep)模式,它真的很安静。不幸的是,清洁空气输送率(CADR) 使用此模式时显着降低,但不清楚有多低。三星没有分享有关每种速度模式净化空气量的任何信息,我们相信更高的透明度会更好。为了让您更好地了解三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)产生的噪音,请在打开声音的情况下观看下面的视频。
清洁和更换过滤器很容易。唯一的缺点是您不能独立于活性炭除臭过滤器更换HEPA过滤器。(HEPA)三星(Samsung)已将它们粘在一起形成一个二合一过滤器,您需要从同一家公司购买另一个过滤器,以便与这款空气净化器配合使用。它的使用寿命可以在 6 个月到 1 年之间,并且根据使用频率和吸附的污染物量而有所不同。在空气质量较差的地区,预计该过滤器的耐用性将处于区间的较低端。
总的来说,我们对三星 AX60R5080WD 的工作方式、清洁的空气量、产生的噪音以及易于维护感到满意。其特殊的睡眠模式对于睡眠浅的人来说是天赐之物。(Overall, we are happy with how Samsung AX60R5080WD works, the volume of air that it cleans, the noise it generates, and its easy maintenance. Its special Sleep mode is a godsent for people who are light sleepers.)
你会买三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)吗?
现在您知道我们对三星 AX60R5080WD(Samsung AX60R5080WD)空气净化器的看法,以及它在我们的测试过程中表现如何。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的想法。你对这款空气净化器感兴趣吗?您对它的规格、设计和价格满意吗?如果您已经拥有一台,您的体验如何?在下面发表评论(Comment)并分享您的观点。
Samsung AX60R5080WD review: The air purifier for large apartments!
Samsung creates all kinds of technology: smartphоnеs and tablets, laptops, Smart TVs, and even smart refrigerators or wаshіng machines. However, few people know that Samsung also makes air рurifiers. One of their newest models is Samsυng AX60R5080WD, and it is a promising model for people who live in cities where air quality is pоor. If you want to know what it has to offer, read thіѕ reviеw:
Samsung AX60R5080WD: Who is it good for?
This air purifier is an excellent choice for:
- People living in polluted cities with high levels of PM10 and PM2.5 particles
- Those who live in areas where dust is a problem
- Home users who want to protect themselves as much as possible from harmful gases, airborne viruses, bacteria, and odors
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the Samsung AX60R5080WD:
- Easy to set up, use and maintain
- A handy mobile app that can be used for remote control
- Excellent multi-filtering system
- The air purifier is generous in sharing live data about your air quality
- Its Sleep mode is incredibly silent
- You can lock its settings so that children and pets can't change the way it works
There are a few downsides too:
- Samsung doesn't share how the CADR, noise levels, and power consumption change for each speed mode
- You can't replace the HEPA filter independently of the activated carbon deodorization filter
Samsung AX60R5080WD is an excellent air purifier that works well for large living spaces. You can count on it to filter pollution particles, ultrafine dust, harmful gases, and inhibit bacteria. Its mobile app is easy to use, and with it, you can remotely control the air purifier from anywhere on the internet. While this air purifier can get loud when air quality is low, it's a great choice for light sleepers too, due to its ultra-silent Sleep mode. We are happy with the way it works, and we highly recommend Samsung AX60R5080WD to anyone looking for a top-notch air purifier.
Unboxing and setting up the Samsung AX60R5080WD
Samsung AX60R5080WD comes in a tall, massive box that weighs about 30.4 pounds or 13.8 kg. You can see several pictures of the air purifier on the sides of the box, as well as information about its 3-step filtration system and other essential features. One weird detail is that the model mentioned on the box is Samsung AX5000. Unfortunately, if you search for this model online, you won't find it, because the real model name is Samsung AX60R5080WD.
It is a good idea not to handle the unboxing of Samsung AX60R5080WD on your own. The air purifier itself, without any other items from its packaging, weighs 24.6 pounds or 11.2 kg and is challenging to take out of the box alone. Inside the box, you find just a few items: the air purifier you just bought, its power cable, and the documents about warranty and the user manual.
On the side of the air purifier, there is a caution card that reminds you to remove the plastic bag of the filter before use. It is a good idea to read the user manual, see how to do this, and familiarize yourself with the air purifier, how to turn it on, and set it up. Removing the front panel to access the filters is easy. First, you see a pre-filter, like in the picture below.
Beneath it, you see the 2-in-1 filter packaged in a black plastic bag. Remove the bag, and you see the activated carbon and deodorization filter, glued to the HEPA filter, like in the picture below. Samsung's approach to sticking the two filters together also means that you have to purchase the filters that they sell for this air purifier, and you can't just use any standard HEPA filter when the time comes to replace them.
When done putting everything in their place, plug the Samsung AX60R5080WD into the power outlet, and press the Power button. Setting up the air purifier is as easy as choosing the fan speed that you want. You can also use the other buttons for things like enabling sleep mode, setting a timer for when the air purifier turns off, enabling or disabling the lights, or the child lock.
However, there's also a SmartThings app available for Android and iOS. To set it up, you need to give it permissions to access your location and other items and provide a Samsung account. A nice touch is that Samsung encourages users to enable two-step verification so that they secure their accounts. The process of adding your air purifier is not complicated at all. Just follow the instructions shown by the SmartThings app, step by step.
You need to set the air purifier's location, connect it to the Wi-Fi, have it registered to your Samsung account, and you are good to go. From now on, you can remotely control Samsung AX60R5080WD from anywhere on the internet, using the SmartThings app.
Unboxing and setting up the Samsung AX60R5080WD is not difficult, but you should have some help to take it out of its packaging. Also, it is a good idea to read the user manual before turning it on.
Hardware specifications and design
Samsung AX60R5080WD is a powerful air purifier that can handle rooms up to 645 square feet or 60 square meters. It has a clean air delivery rate (CADR) of 467 m³/h, a noise level of 50 dBA, and a power consumption of 60 watts. Unfortunately, Samsung doesn't communicate the noise levels, clean air delivery rates, and power consumption for each fan speed mode: High, Medium, Low, and Sleep. The differences in noise levels are high between fan speed modes, but so is the air volume that gets cleaned. A bit more transparency would have been nice.
As you can see below, Samsung AX60R5080WD has a tall, slim design. Its size is 14 x 30 x 11 inches or 360 x 783 x 293 mm in width, height, and depth. Moving it around is easy due to the four wheels on its bottom. On the left side of the air purifier, you find a large air outlet and two sensors:
- A Laser PM sensor that detects dust and the exact level of PM1.0/2.5/10 sized air pollution.
- A Gas sensor that detects gaseous contaminants like toluene, xylene, benzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, and formaldehyde, that are removed by the air purifier.
Samsung AX60R5080WD has a filtering system that's composed of three filters:
- Washable pre-filter that removes pollen and pet dander from the air
- An activated carbon deodorization filter that removes the gases mentioned earlier
- A HEPA filter for ultrafine dust, pollution particles, which inhibits bacteria
The second and third filters are glued together in a 2-in-1 filter. The replacement cycle of this filter can be between 6 months to 1 year, depending on how you use the air purifier and how polluted the air is in your area. To help you know when to replace the filter, there's an indicator that lights up to notify you.
The air is aspired through the front panel, it goes through all the filters and then gets blown out from the air outlets on the top and the sides. Samsung AX60R5080WD is available only in white, and it is a reasonably good looking device. Its designers have focused mostly on providing the ideal airflow and making it easy to configure how the air purifier works.
If you want to know all the specifications of this product, go to its page: Samsung Smart Air Purifier, AX60R5080WD.
Using the Samsung AX60R5080WD air purifier
Controlling the Samsung AX60R5080WD air purifier is a breeze. 🙂 The touch-based controls are logical and easy to use, even if you are not a technical person. After you set it up, you can lock the device, so that children or pets don't accidentally change the way it works when they play. Users are also going to appreciate the data displayed by the air purifier and its visual warnings when the air quality decreases. The sensors do a good job and are fast to respond to changes in air quality. For example, five seconds after someone started smoking in the other corner of the room where the air purifier was placed, Samsung AX60R5080WD was already displaying data about the air quality lowering. Its ventilators automatically increased their speed to cope with the change and clean the air.
The SmartThings app for Android is just as simple and easy to use. It gives you the live status of the air purifier and the pollution levels that it detects in your home. You can use the app to change the fan speed, turn the Samsung AX60R5080WD off, or set a schedule for when it should turn on and off, depending on what you want.
The noise generated by Samsung AX60R5080WD varies a lot, depending on the fan speed you choose. Unfortunately, Samsung doesn't share data about the noise level made by this air purifier for each speed mode. When you set it to Low, the noise generated is barely noticeable, and you can sleep well if the air purifier is not close to your bed. If you are a light sleeper, you may want to turn on Sleep mode, which is really quiet. Unfortunately, the clean air delivery rate (CADR) is significantly lower when using this mode, but it is not clear how low. Samsung doesn't share any information about the volume of air purified for each speed mode, and we believe that more transparency would be nice. To give you a better perspective on the noise generated by Samsung AX60R5080WD, watch the video below with the sound on.
Cleaning and replacing the filters is easy. The only downside is that you can't change the HEPA filter independently of the activated carbon deodorization filter. Samsung has glued them together into a 2-in-1 filter, and you need to buy another from the same company so that it works with this air purifier. Its lifespan can be between 6 months to 1 year, and it varies based on the frequency of use and the amount of contaminants adsorbed. In areas with poor air quality, expect the durability of this filter to be on the lower side of the interval.
Overall, we are happy with how Samsung AX60R5080WD works, the volume of air that it cleans, the noise it generates, and its easy maintenance. Its special Sleep mode is a godsent for people who are light sleepers.
Would you buy the Samsung AX60R5080WD?
Now you know our opinion about the Samsung AX60R5080WD air purifier and how well it worked during our testing. Before closing this review, tell us what you think. Are you interested in this air purifier? Are you pleased with its specifications, design, and price? If you already own one, how was your experience with it? Comment below and share your perspective.