Facebook是世界上最受欢迎的社交媒体平台之一。Facebook的消息传递服务称为Messenger。虽然它最初是Facebook(Facebook)本身的内置功能,但(Messenger)现在是一个独立的应用程序。您需要在您的Android设备上(Android)下载此应用程序(download this app),以便从您的Facebook联系人发送和接收消息。但是,该应用程序已显着增长并添加到其长长的功能列表中。贴纸、反应、语音和视频通话、群聊、电话会议等功能使其成为与其他聊天应用程序(如WhatsApp和远足(Hike)。
然而,就像所有其他应用程序一样,Facebook Messenger远非完美无缺。Android用户经常抱怨各种错误和故障。消息未发送、聊天丢失、联系人未显示,有时甚至应用程序崩溃是Facebook Messenger(Facebook Messenger)的一些常见问题。好吧(Well),如果您还为各种Facebook Messenger 问题所困扰,或者 Facebook Messenger 无法正常工作(Facebook Messenger problems or if the Facebook Messenger is not working),那么本文就是您的最佳选择。我们不仅会讨论与应用程序相关的各种常见问题和问题,还会帮助您解决这些问题。
修复 Facebook Messenger 问题(Fix Facebook Messenger Problems)
如果您的Facebook Messenger无法正常工作,那么您需要一一尝试以下列出的建议以解决问题:
1. 无法访问 Facebook Messenger 应用程序(1. Unable to Gain Access to Facebook Messenger App)
对于初学者,您可以在计算机的网络浏览器上使用Facebook 。与Android不同,您不需要单独的应用程序即可在计算机上发送和接收消息。您需要做的就是在浏览器上访问Facebook的网站并使用您的 ID 和密码登录。现在,您将能够轻松访问您的消息。如果问题是忘记密码,只需点击忘记(Forgot)密码选项,Facebook将引导您完成密码恢复过程。
Messenger应用程序占用大量空间,并且在(Messenger)RAM上也有点重。您的设备可能无法处理负载,因此Messenger无法正常工作。在这种情况下,您可以切换到名为Messenger Lite的替代应用程序。它具有所有基本功能,并且占用更少的空间和RAM。您可以使用Wrapper(Wrapper)应用程序进一步减少资源消耗。它们不仅可以节省空间和RAM,还可以节省电池。Messenger在后台运行时会迅速耗尽电池电量,检查更新和消息。包装(Wrapper)应用程序,如Tinfoil可以被认为是Facebook移动网站的皮肤,它允许您在没有单独的应用程序的情况下发送和接收消息。如果你对外表不是很讲究,那么锡箔纸(Tinfoil)肯定会让你开心。
2.无法发送或接收消息(2. Unable to Send or Receive Messages)
如果您无法在Facebook Messenger 上发送或接收消息,那么您可能没有使用最新版本的应用程序。一些特殊信息(如贴纸)仅适用于最新版本的应用程序。请按照以下步骤更新应用程序,该应用程序应修复Facebook Messenger无法正常工作的问题:
1. 前往Play 商店(Playstore)。在左上角,您会发现三条水平线( three horizontal lines)。点击它们。
2. 现在点击“我的应用程序和游戏”(“My Apps and Games”)选项。
3. 搜索Facebook Messenger并检查是否有任何待处理的更新。
4. 如果是,则单击更新按钮(update button)。
5. 应用程序更新后再次尝试使用它,看看您是否能够修复 Facebook Messenger 问题。(fix Facebook Messenger Problems.)
3. 找不到旧消息(3. Unable to find old messages)
用户经常抱怨一些消息,有时甚至与特定人的整个聊天都消失了。现在,Facebook Messenger通常不会自行删除聊天或消息。您自己或使用您帐户的其他人可能错误地删除了它们。那么如果是这种情况,那么就不可能取回这些消息。但是,也有可能消息刚刚被归档。存档消息在“(Archived)聊天(Chats)”部分不可见,但可以很好地恢复。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开Messenger 应用程序(Messenger app)。
2. 现在搜索缺少聊天的联系人(contact whose chat is missing)。
3. 点击联系人,聊天窗口( contact and the chat window)将打开。
4. 为了从存档(Archive)中恢复此聊天,您需要做的就是向他们发送消息。
5. 您将看到聊天以及所有以前的消息将返回到聊天(Chats)屏幕。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 退出 Facebook Messenger 的 3 种方法(3 Ways to log out of Facebook Messenger)
4. 接收来自未知或不需要的联系人的消息(4. Receiving messages from Unknown or Unwanted Contacts)
如果某人通过发送不必要和不需要的消息给您带来麻烦,那么您可以在 Facebook Messenger 上阻止该联系人。( block the contact on Facebook Messenger.)任何打扰的人都可以按照以下步骤停止这样做:
1. 首先,在您的智能手机上打开Messenger 应用程序(Messenger app)。
2. 现在打开(open the chat of the person)困扰你的人的聊天。
3. 之后单击屏幕右上角的“i”图标。(‘i’ icon)
4. 向下滚动并单击阻止选项(Block option)。
5. 联系人将被屏蔽,无法再向您发送消息。
6. 如果您要阻止多个联系人,请重复相同的步骤。
5. 音视频通话面临的问题(5. Facing problem in Audio and Video Call)
如前所述,Facebook Messenger可用于进行音频和视频通话,而且也是免费的。您所需要的只是稳定的互联网连接。如果您遇到问题,例如通话中断或视频质量不佳,则很可能是由于互联网连接不佳或Wi-Fi 连接问题(Wi-Fi connection issues)。尝试关闭Wi-Fi,然后重新连接。如果Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)信号强度不强,您也可以切换到移动数据。检查网速的最简单方法是在YouTube 上播放视频(YouTube). 另外,请记住,为了进行流畅的音频或视频通话,双方必须有稳定的互联网连接。如果对方带宽不足,您将无能为力。
6. Facebook Messenger 应用程序无法在 Android 上运行(6. Facebook Messenger App not working on Android)
现在,如果应用程序完全停止工作并且每次打开它时都会崩溃,那么您可以尝试一些事情。应用程序崩溃通常伴随着错误消息“不幸的是 Facebook Messenger 已停止工作(Unfortunately Facebook Messenger has stopped working)”。尝试下面给出的各种解决方案来解决 Facebook Messenger 问题:(fix Facebook Messenger Problems:)
a) 重启手机(a) Restart your phone)
这是一个久经考验的解决方案,适用于很多问题。重启或重启手机(Restarting or rebooting your phone)可以解决应用无法运行的问题。它能够解决一些可能解决手头问题的故障。为此,只需按住电源按钮,然后单击重新启动(Restart)选项。手机重启后,再次尝试使用该应用程序,看看您是否再次遇到同样的问题。
b) 清除缓存和数据(b) Clear Cache and Data)
1. 转到手机的设置,然后点击(Settings)应用程序(Apps)选项。
2. 现在从应用程序列表中选择Messenger。
3. 现在点击存储(Storage)选项。
4. 您现在将看到清除数据和清除缓存的选项。点击相应的按钮,上述文件将被删除。
5. 现在退出设置并再次尝试使用Messenger,看看问题是否仍然存在。
c) 更新安卓操作系统(c) Update the Android Operating System)
此问题的另一个解决方案是更新 Android 操作系统(update the Android operating system)。让您的软件保持最新始终是一个好习惯。这是因为,随着每次新的更新,该公司都会发布各种补丁和错误修复,以防止应用程序崩溃。
1. 转到手机的设置,然后点击(Settings)系统(System)选项。
2. 现在,点击软件更新( Software update)。
3. 您将找到检查软件更新(Software Updates)的选项。点击它。
4. 现在,如果您发现有可用的软件更新,请点击更新选项。
d) 更新应用程序(d) Update the App)
您可以做的下一件事是更新您的应用程序。Messenger无法正常工作的问题 可以通过从Play商店更新来解决。一个简单的应用程序更新通常可以解决问题,因为更新可能会附带错误修复来解决问题。
1. 前往Play 商店(Play Store)。在左上角,您会发现三条水平线(three horizontal lines)。点击它们。
2. 现在,单击“我的应用程序和游戏”(“My Apps and Games”)选项。
3. 搜索Messenger并检查是否有任何待处理的更新。
4. 如果是,则单击更新(update)按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法在 Facebook Messenger 上发送照片(Fix Can’t Send Photos on Facebook Messenger)
e) 卸载应用程序,然后重新安装(e) Uninstall the App and then Reinstall it again)
如果应用程序更新不能解决问题,那么您应该尝试重新开始。卸载该应用程序,然后从Play 商店(Play Store)重新安装。您不必担心丢失您的聊天和消息,因为它链接在您的Facebook帐户上,您可以在重新安装后找回它。
1. 打开手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 现在,转到应用程序(Apps)部分并搜索Messenger并点击它。
3. 现在,单击卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
4. 删除应用程序后,从Play 商店(Play Store)重新下载并安装应用程序。
f) Facebook Messenger 应用程序无法在 iOS 上运行(f) Facebook Messenger app not working on iOS)
Facebook Messenger应用程序也可能在 iPhone 上遇到类似的错误。如果您的设备没有正确的互联网连接或内存不足,则可能会发生应用程序崩溃。(App)这也可能是由于软件故障或错误造成的。事实上,许多应用程序在 iOS 更新时往往会出现故障。但是,无论出于何种原因,当您遇到Facebook Messenger应用程序问题时,您都可以尝试一些简单的解决方案。
之后,尝试重新启动您的设备。这可以消除您的 iOS 设备上可能发生的任何技术故障。如果应用程序仍然无法正常运行,那么您可以尝试从应用(App)商店更新应用程序。在 App Store 上搜索Facebook Messenger(Facebook Messenger on the App Store),如果有可用更新,请继续。如果应用更新不起作用,您也可以尝试卸载该应用,然后从应用(App)商店重新安装。
该问题也可能是由于与网络相关的问题。在这种情况下,您需要重置网络设置以修复 Facebook Messenger 无法正常工作的问题。 (fix Facebook Messenger not working issue. )
1. 打开手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 现在选择常规选项(General option)。
3. 在这里,点击重置选项(Reset option)。
4. 最后,点击重置网络设置(Reset Network Settings)选项,然后点击确认以完成该过程(Confirm to complete the process)。
至此,我们来到了本文的结尾。我们希望此处列出的各种解决方案能够解决 Facebook Messenger 问题(fix Facebook Messenger Problems)。但是,如果您仍然面临问题,您可以随时写信给应用程序开发人员,在这种情况下是Facebook 。无论是Android还是 iOS,应用商店都有一个客户投诉部分,您可以在其中输入您的投诉,我相信他们会为您提供必要的帮助。
How to Fix Facebook Messenger Problems
Facebook is one of the most рopular social media platforms in the world. The messaging service for Facebook is known aѕ Messenger. Although it startеd out as an in-built feature of Facebook itself, Messenger is now a standalone app. You neеd to download this app on your Android devices in order to send and receive messages from your Facebook contacts. However, the app has grown significantly and added to its long list of functionalities. Features like stickers, reactions, voice and video calls, group chats, conference calls, etc. make it a formidable competition to other chatting apps like WhatsApp and Hike.
However, just like every other app, Facebook Messenger is far from being flawless. Android users have often complained about various kinds of bugs and glitches. Messages not sent, chats getting lost, contacts not showing, and sometimes even app crashes are some of the frequent problems with Facebook Messenger. Well, if you are also troubled by various Facebook Messenger problems or if the Facebook Messenger is not working, then this article is the one for you. We will not only discuss the various common issues and problems linked to the app but also help you to solve them.
Fix Facebook Messenger Problems
If your Facebook Messenger is not working then you need to try the below-listed suggestions one-by-one in order to fix the issue:
1. Unable to Gain Access to Facebook Messenger App
If you are unable to log in to your Messenger account on your smartphone, then its probably because you forgot your password or some other technical difficulty. However, there are a number of workarounds to resolve this issue.
For starters, you can use Facebook on your computer’s web browser. Unlike Android, you do not need a separate app to send and receive messages on your computer. All that you need to do is go to Facebook’s website on the browser and log in with your id and password. Now, you will be able to access your messages easily. If the problem is that of a forgotten password, then simply tap on the Forgot password option and Facebook will take you through the password recovery process.
Messenger app consumes a lot of space and also is a little heavy on the RAM. It is possible that your device isn’t able to handle the load and thus Messenger isn’t working. In this situation, you can switch to the alternative app called Messenger Lite. It has all the essential features and consumes much less space and RAM. You can further reduce the consumption of resources by using Wrapper apps. They not only save space and RAM but also the battery. Messenger has a tendency to drain the battery rapidly as it keeps running in the background, checking for updates and messages. Wrapper apps like Tinfoil can be considered to be skins for the mobile site of Facebook which allows you to send and receive messages without a separate app. If you are not very particular about appearances, then Tinfoil will definitely make you happy.
2. Unable to Send or Receive Messages
If you are not able to send or receive messages on Facebook messenger, then it is possible that you are not using the latest version of the app. Some special messages like stickers only work on the latest version of the app. Follow the steps given below to update the app which should fix Facebook Messenger not working issue:
1. Go to Playstore. On the top left-hand side, you will find three horizontal lines. Click on them.
2. Now click on the “My Apps and Games” option.
3. Search for Facebook Messenger and check if there are any pending updates.
4. If yes, then click on the update button.
5. Once the app gets updated try using it again and see if you’re able to fix Facebook Messenger Problems.
3. Unable to find old messages
Users have often complained that a few messages and sometimes the entire chat with a particular person has disappeared. Now, Facebook Messenger does not usually delete chats or messages on its own. It is possible that you yourself or someone else using your account must have deleted them by mistake. Well if that’s the case, then it is not possible to get back those messages. However, it is also possible that the messages have just been archived. Archived messages aren’t visible in the Chats section but they can very well be recovered. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Firstly, open the Messenger app on your device.
2. Now search for the contact whose chat is missing.
3. Tap on the contact and the chat window will open.
4. In order to get this chat back from Archive, all that you need to do is send them a message.
5. You will see that the chat along with all the previous messages will be back to the Chats screen.
Also Read: 3 Ways to log out of Facebook Messenger
4. Receiving messages from Unknown or Unwanted Contacts
If an individual is causing you trouble by sending unnecessary and unwanted messages, then you can block the contact on Facebook Messenger. Anyone who is bothering can you stopped from doing so by following the steps given below:
1. First, open the Messenger app on your smartphone.
2. Now open the chat of the person that’s bothering you.
3. After that click on the ‘i’ icon on the top right-hand side of the screen.
4. Scroll down and click on the Block option.
5. The contact will be blocked and will no longer be able to send you messages.
6. Repeat the same steps if there is more than one contact that you would like to block.
5. Facing problem in Audio and Video Call
As mentioned earlier, Facebook Messenger can be used to make audio and video calls and that too for free. All that you need is a stable internet connection. If you are experiencing problems, like the voice is breaking on calls or poor video quality, then it is most likely due to a poor internet connection or Wi-Fi connection issues. Try turning off your Wi-Fi and then connecting again. You can also switch to your mobile data if the Wi-Fi signal strength isn’t that strong. The easiest way to check your internet speed is by playing a video on YouTube. Also, remember that in order to have a smooth audio or video call, both parties must have a stable internet connection. You can’t help it if the other person suffers from poor bandwidth.
Apart from the problems like the low volume on earphones or microphones not working occur pretty frequently. The reason behind issues like these is mostly hardware related. Make sure that the microphone or headphones are properly connected. Some headsets have the option to mute audio or mic, remember to unmute them before making a call.
6. Facebook Messenger App not working on Android
Now, if the app stops working completely and crashes every time you open it, then there are a few things that you can try. An app crash is usually accompanied by the error message “Unfortunately Facebook Messenger has stopped working.” Try the various solutions given below to fix Facebook Messenger Problems:
a) Restart your phone
This is a time-tested solution that works for a lot of problems. Restarting or rebooting your phone can solve the problem of apps not working. It is capable of solving some glitches which might resolve the issue at hand. To do this, simply hold down the power button and then click on the Restart option. Once the phone reboots, try using the app again and see if you face the same problem again.
b) Clear Cache and Data
Sometimes residual cache files get corrupted and cause the app to malfunction and clearing the cache and data for the app can solve the problem.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone then tap on the Apps option.
2. Now select Messenger from the list of apps.
3. Now click on the Storage option.
4. You will now see the options to clear data and clear cache. Tap on the respective buttons and the said files will be deleted.
5. Now exit settings and try using the Messenger again and see if the problem still persists.
c) Update the Android Operating System
Another solution to this problem is to update the Android operating system. It is always a good practice to keep your software up to date. This is because, with every new update, the company releases various patches and bug fixes that exist to prevent app crashes.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone then tap on the System option.
2. Now, click on the Software update.
3. You will find an option to Check for Software Updates. Click on it.
4. Now, if you find that a software update is available, then tap on the update option.
5. Wait for some time while the update gets downloaded and installed. You might have to restart your phone after this. Once the phone restarts try using Messenger again and see if the issue has been resolved or not.
d) Update the App
The next thing that you can do is update your app. The problem of Messenger not working can be solved by updating it from the Play store. A simple app update often solves the problem as the update might come with bug fixes to resolve the issue.
1. Go to the Play Store. On the top left-hand side, you will find three horizontal lines. Click on them.
2. Now, click on the “My Apps and Games” option.
3. Search for Messenger and check if there are any pending updates.
4. If yes, then click on the update button.
5. Once the app gets updated, try using it again and check if it works properly or not.
Also Read: Fix Can’t Send Photos on Facebook Messenger
e) Uninstall the App and then Reinstall it again
If the app update does not solve the problem, then you should try to give it a fresh start. Uninstall the app and then install it again from the Play Store. You need not worry about losing your chats and messages because it linked on your Facebook account and you can retrieve it after reinstallation.
1. Open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now, go to the Apps section and search for Messenger and tap on it.
3. Now, click on the Uninstall button.
4. Once the app has been removed, download and install the app again from Play Store.
f) Facebook Messenger app not working on iOS
Facebook Messenger app can also run into similar errors on an iPhone. App crashes can occur if your device does not have a proper internet connection or is running out of internal memory. It could also be due to a software malfunction or a bug. In fact, many apps tend to malfunction when iOS is updated. However, whatever be the reason there are some simple solutions that you can try when you are facing problems with the Facebook Messenger app.
These solutions are pretty much similar to that of Android. They might seem repetitive and vague but trust me these basic techniques are effective and are capable to solve the problem most of the time.
Start with closing the app and then also removing it from the Recent apps section. In fact, it would be better if you closed all apps running in the background. Once that is done, open the app again and see if it works properly now.
After that, try restarting your device. This could eliminate any technical glitches that might have occurred on your iOS device. If the app still does not work properly then you can try to update the app from the App store. Search for Facebook Messenger on the App Store and if there is an update available, then go ahead with it. If the app update does not work then you can also try to uninstall the app and then reinstall it again from the App store.
The problem could also be due to network-related issues. In this case, you need to reset your network settings in order to fix Facebook Messenger not working issue.
1. Open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now select the General option.
3. Here, tap on the Reset option.
4. Finally, click on the Reset Network Settings option and then tap on Confirm to complete the process.
With this, we come to the end of this article. We hope that the various solutions listed here will be able to fix Facebook Messenger Problems. However, if you are still facing a problem, you can always write to the app developers which would be Facebook in this case. Be it Android or iOS, the app store has a customer complaint section where you can type in your complaints and I am sure that they will provide you with the necessary assistance.