Pokémon Go是Niantic推出的一款非常流行的基于 AR 的奇幻奇幻游戏,风靡全球。自首次发布以来,它一直是粉丝的最爱。来自世界各地的人们,尤其是神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的粉丝们张开双臂拥抱了这款游戏。毕竟,Niantic终于实现了成为宝可梦训练师的毕生梦想(Pokémon)。它使神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的世界栩栩如生,并让您可以在城市的每个角落发现您的角色。
现在游戏的主要目标是到外面去寻找神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。游戏鼓励你走出去,走很长一段路,探索附近寻找神奇(Pokémons)宝贝,神奇宝贝站(Pokéstops),健身房,正在进行的突袭等。然而,一些懒惰的游戏玩家想要享受所有的乐趣,而不需要从一个地方走路的体力给对方。结果,人们开始寻找各种方式来在不移动的情况下玩Pokémon Go 。许多黑客、作弊和应用程序应运而生,让玩家无需离开沙发也能玩游戏。
这正是我们将在本文中讨论的内容。我们将介绍一些无需在Android和 iOS 设备上移动即可玩Pokémon Go的最佳方法。(Pokémon Go)我们将探索GPS欺骗和操纵杆(Joystick)黑客的概念。所以,事不宜迟,让我们开始吧。
如何在不动的情况下玩(Moving)Pokémon Go(Android和 iOS)
预防警告:在我们开始之前的忠告(Precautionary Warning: A word of advice before we begin)
您需要了解的一件事是,Niantic不喜欢用户尝试使用 hack 来在不动的情况下玩Pokémon Go。因此,他们不断改进其反作弊协议并添加安全补丁来阻止用户。甚至Android团队也在不断改进其系统,以避免用户在玩游戏时使用GPS欺骗等技巧。(GPS)因此,许多GPS欺骗应用程序在(GPS)Pokémon Go中几乎毫无用处。
除此之外,Niantic还向使用模拟位置附加的人发出警告,最终禁止他们的Pokémon Go帐户。在最近的安全更新之后,Pokémon Go可以检测是否有任何GPS欺骗应用程序处于活动状态。因此,您必须非常小心,否则您最终可能会丢失您的帐户。在本文中,我们将向您推荐一些仍然可用且安全的应用程序。如果您想在不移动的情况下成功玩Pokémon Go,我们还建议您仔细按照我们的说明进行操作。
如果您想在不动的情况下玩Pokémon Go,那么您将依赖于促进GPS欺骗的应用程序。现在,其中一些应用程序还有一个操纵杆,您可以使用它在地图上四处移动。这就是为什么它也被称为操纵杆黑客(Joystick Hack)。如前所述,在发布各种安全补丁之前,其中一些应用程序和功能在较旧的Android版本中运行得更好。在某些情况下,植根您的设备可以让您释放这些应用程序的全部潜力。
现在,为了使事情正常进行,有几种解决方法,例如降级到较旧的Android版本、root 设备、使用屏蔽模块等。我们将根据您当前的Android版本讨论最适合您的手机的版本使用。
您需要哪些应用程序?(What apps will you need?)
很明显,您需要在设备上安装最新版本的Pokémon Go。现在对于GPS欺骗应用程序,您可以使用Fake GPS或FGL Pro。这两个应用程序都是免费的,可在Play 商店(Play Store)中找到。如果这些应用程序不起作用,那么您也可以尝试Fake GPS Joystick和Routes Go。虽然是付费应用,但比其他两个安全多了。毕竟,花几块钱总是比冒着被禁止帐户的风险要好。
您需要注意的另一件事是橡皮筋效应。像Fly GPS这样的(Fly GPS)应用程序(Apps)会频繁地切换回原来的GPS位置,这增加了被抓的机会。您需要确保GPS欺骗应用不会透露到达游戏的实际位置。防止这种情况的一个很酷的技巧是用铝箔覆盖你的(Aluminum)安卓(Android)设备。这将防止GPS信号到达您的手机,从而防止橡皮筋。
Pokémon Go 操纵杆黑客解释(Pokémon Go Joystick Hack Explained)
Pokémon Go通过手机上的(Pokémon Go)GPS信号收集您的位置信息,并且还与Google 地图(Google Maps)相关联。为了让Niantic相信你的位置正在改变,你需要使用GPS Spoofing。现在,各种GPS欺骗应用程序都提供了充当操纵杆的箭头键,可用于在地图上四处移动。这些箭头键显示为Pokémon Go主屏幕上的叠加层。
在降级和生根之间进行选择(Choose Between Downgrading and Rooting)
如前所述,GPS欺骗并不像过去那样容易。以前,您可以简单地启用模拟位置选项并使用GPS欺骗应用程序在不移动的情况下玩Pokémon Go 。但是,现在Niantic将立即检测是否启用了模拟位置并发出警告。唯一的解决方法是将GPS欺骗应用程序转换为系统应用程序。
为此,您必须将您的Google Play服务应用程序降级(适用于Android 6.0至 8.0)或 root 您的设备(适用于Android 8.1或更高版本)。根据您的Android版本,您必须选择两者中的任何一个。植根您的设备有点困难,您也将失去保修。另一方面,降级(Downgrading)不会有这样的后果。它甚至不会影响链接到Google Play 服务(Services)的其他应用程序的性能。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何改变 Pokémon Go 团队(How to Change Pokémon Go Team)
如果您当前的Android版本介于Android 6.0到Android 8.0之间,那么您可以通过降级Google Play服务应用轻松解决问题。即使系统提示您,也请(Make)确保不要更新您的Android 操作系统。(Android OS)Google Play服务的唯一目的是将其他应用程序与Google链接。因此,在降级之前,请禁用一些与Google Play服务相关联的系统应用,例如(Services)Google 地图(Google Maps)、查找(Find)我的设备、Gmail等。此外,请关闭Play 商店(Play Store)的自动更新,以便 Google Play 服务(Services)在降级后不会自动更新。
1. 转到Settings>Apps> Google Play Services.
2. 之后点击右上角的三点菜单(three-dot menu),然后点击卸载更新(Uninstall updates)选项。
3.我们的目标是安装旧版本的 Google Play 服务,(Our goal is to install an older version of Google Play Services,)最好是 12.6.x 或更低版本。
4. 为此,您需要从APKMirror下载旧版本的APK文件。
5. 确保下载与设备架构兼容的正确版本。
6.使用Droid Info App准确查找系统信息。
7.下载APK后,再次打开Google Play 服务(Services) 设置(Settings)并清除缓存和数据。(clear cache and data.)
8. 现在使用APK(APK)文件安装旧版本。
9. 之后,再次打开Play Services应用程序设置并限制应用程序的后台数据使用和 Wi-Fi 使用。
10. 这将确保Google Play 服务(Services)不会自动更新。
如果您使用的是Android 8.1 或更高版本,则无法降级。将GPS(GPS)欺骗应用程序安装为系统应用程序的唯一方法是让您的设备生根。为了安装该应用程序,您需要一个未锁定的引导加载程序和TWRP。您还必须在设备 root 后下载并安装Magisk模块。
安装TWRP并解锁引导加载程序后,您将能够将GPS欺骗应用程序转换为系统应用程序。这样Niantic将无法检测到模拟位置已启用,因此您的帐户是安全的。然后,您可以使用操纵杆(Joystick)在游戏中四处移动并在不移动的情况下玩Pokémon Go。
另请阅读:(Also read:) 扎根 Android 手机的 15 个理由(15 Reasons To Root Your Android Phone)
设置 GPS 欺骗应用程序(Setup the GPS Spoofing App)
完成所有必要的准备工作后,就该启动并运行GPS欺骗应用程序了。在本节中,我们将以假 GPS 路线(Fake GPS Route)为例,所有步骤都将与应用程序相关。因此,为了您自己的方便,我们建议您安装相同的应用程序,然后按照以下步骤操作。
您需要做的第一件事是在您的设备上启用开发人员选项(Enable Developer Options)(如果尚未启用)。为此:
1.首先, 在您的设备上打开设置。(Settings)
2.现在点击 关于(About) 手机选项,然后点击所有规格(每部手机都有不同的名称)。
3. 之后,点击 内部版本号或内部版本 (Build number or Build version )6-7 次, 现在将启用开发人员模式,您将在( Developer mode will now be enabled)系统(System)设置中找到一个名为“ 开发人员选项(Developer Options) ”的附加选项。
4.现在点击 附加设置或系统设置( Additional Settings or System Settings) 选项,您将找到 开发人员选项(Developer options)。点击它。
5.现在向下滚动并点击“选择模拟位置应用程序(Select mock location app)”选项并选择 假GPS免费(Fake GPS Free) 作为您的模拟位置应用程序。
6. 在使用模拟位置应用程序之前,启动您的 VPN应用程序并选择 代理服务器(proxy server)。请注意,您需要使用 Fake GPS 应用程序使用相同或附近的位置才能使技巧起作用。
7. 现在启动Fake GPS Go 应用程序并 接受条款和条件(accept the terms and conditions)。您还将通过一个简短的教程来解释该应用程序的工作原理。
8. 您需要做的就是将十字准线移动到(move the crosshair to any point) 地图上的任意点,然后点击 播放按钮(Play Button)。
9. 您还可以搜索特定地址或输入准确的 GPS(search for a particular address or enter exact GPS)坐标,以防您想将您的位置更改为特定的某个地方。
10. 如果它有效,那么屏幕上会弹出消息“已启用虚假位置(Fake location engaged)”,并且指示您所在位置的蓝色标记将位于新的虚假位置。
11. 如果要启用操纵杆(Joystick)控制,请打开应用程序的设置并在此处启用操纵杆选项。(enable the Joystick option.)此外,请确保启用非 root 模式。
12.为了检查它是否有效,打开谷歌地图(Google Maps)并查看您当前的位置。您还会从应用程序中找到一条通知,表明该应用程序正在运行。可以随时从通知(Notification)面板启用和禁用箭头键(操纵杆)。
现在有两种移动方式。您可以在(You can either use the arrow keys)Pokémon Go运行时使用箭头键作为覆盖,也可以通过移动十字准线并点击播放按钮手动(manually by moving the crosshair and tapping on the play button)更改位置。我们建议您使用后者,因为使用操纵杆(Joystick)可能会导致大量“未找到 GPS 信号通知”。因此,如果您不首先启用操纵杆(Joystick)并通过定期移动十字准线手动使用该应用程序,这并不是最糟糕的主意。
此外,如果您为了将GPS(GPS)欺骗应用程序安装为系统应用程序而被迫 root 设备,您不能让Niantic发现这一点。Niantic不允许您在有根设备上玩Pokémon Go 。你可以使用Magisk来帮助你解决这个问题。它有一个名为Magisk Hide的功能,可以防止选定的应用程序发现您的设备已植根。您只需为Pokémon Go启用此功能,您就可以在不移动的情况下玩Pokémon Go 。
如何在不移动 iOS 的情况下玩 Pokémon Go(How to Play Pokémon Go without Moving on iOS)
现在,如果我们不帮助 iOS 用户,这对他们来说是不公平的。尽管在 iPhone 上欺骗您的位置非常困难,但这并非不可能。自从Pokémon Go在 iOS 上发布以来,人们一直在想出巧妙的方式来在不移动的情况下玩游戏。许多应用程序如雨后春笋般涌现,让您可以在不移动的情况下欺骗您的GPS位置并玩 Pokémon Go(play Pokémon Go without moving)。最好的部分是不需要越狱或任何其他会使您的保修失效的活动。
然而,好景不长,Niantic迅速对这些应用程序采取了行动,并提高了使大多数应用程序无用的安全性。到目前为止,只有 iSpoofer 和 iPoGo 这两个应用程序仍然可以使用。(As of now, there are only two apps namely iSpoofer and iPoGo that still work.)很有可能很快这些应用程序也将被删除或变得多余。因此,尽可能使用它,并希望人们很快就能想出更好的技巧来玩Pokémon Go不动。在那之前,让我们讨论一下这两个应用程序,看看它们是如何工作的。
iSpoofer 是您无需在 iOS 上移动即可玩Pokémon Go的两个应用程序之一。(Pokémon Go)它不仅仅是一个GPS欺骗应用程序。除了允许您使用操纵杆移动之外,该应用程序还具有许多附加功能,例如自动行走、增强投掷等。与 iPogo 相比,它加载了更多功能和技巧。但是,这些功能中的大多数仅在付费高级(Premium)版中可用。
iSpoofer 的最佳功能之一是允许您保留同一应用程序的多个实例。这是您可以成为所有三个团队的一员并使用多个帐户。iSpoofer 的其他一些很酷的功能包括:
- 您可以使用游戏中的操纵杆(Joystick)四处移动。
- 您可以看到附近的神奇宝贝(Pokémons),因为雷达的范围要大得多。
- 鸡蛋(Eggs)会自动孵化,您无需步行即可获得Buddy糖果。(Buddy)
- 您可以控制步行速度,移动速度提高 2 到 8 倍。
- 您可以检查任何神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的 IV ,不仅在捕捉它之后,而且在捕捉它们时也可以。
- 由于增强(Enhanced)的投掷和快速(Fast)捕捉功能,您捕捉神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的机会要高得多。
如何在 iOS 上安装 iSpoofer(How to install iSpoofer on iOS)
为了在不移动 iOS 设备的情况下玩Pokémon Go,除了 iSpoofer 之外,您还需要安装一些其他应用程序和程序。您需要安装Cydia Impactor软件,如果您能找到旧版本会更好。此外,这两个应用程序都需要安装在您的计算机上(Windows /MAC/Linux)。在您的计算机上预装 iTunes 也是必须的。下载所有这些应用程序后,请按照以下步骤安装和设置 iSpoofer。
- 您需要做的第一件事是在您的计算机上安装Cydia Impactor 。
- 现在在您的计算机上启动 iTunes,并确保您登录到您在手机上使用的同一帐户。
- 之后在手机上启动 iTunes 并通过USB(USB)数据线将其连接到计算机。
- 现在启动Cydia Impactor并从下拉菜单中选择您的设备。
- 之后将 iSpoofer.IPA 文件拖放到Cydia Impactor中。您可能需要输入 iTunes 帐户的登录凭据才能确认。
- 这样做,Cydia Impactor将绕过Apple的安全检查,阻止您从(Apple)Apple商店之外安装第三方应用程序。
- 安装完成后,您可以打开Pokémon Go应用程序,看到游戏中出现了操纵杆。(Joystick)
- 这表明 iSpoofer 已准备就绪,您无需移动即可开始玩Pokémon Go 。
iPoGo是另一个适用于 iOS 的GPS欺骗应用程序,它允许您在不移动并使用操纵杆的情况下玩(Joystick)Pokémon Go。虽然它没有 iSpoofer 那么多的功能,但有一些独特的功能鼓励 iOS 用户选择这个应用程序。对于初学者来说,它有一个内置的Go Plus(又名Go Tcha )(Pokéballs)模拟器,可以让你在不消耗浆果的情况下扔精灵球。当与GPX路由和自动行走功能结合使用时,iPoGo 就变成了Pokémon Go机器人。您可以使用它自动移动、收集神奇宝贝、与神奇宝贝站互动(Pokéstops),收集糖果等。
但是,您在使用 iPoGo 时需要更加小心。这是因为Niantic在检测机器人时更加警惕。使用 iPoGo 时,您的帐户被禁止的机会更高。您需要小心并以受控和受限的方式使用该应用程序,以免引起怀疑。遵守(Adhere)适当的冷却指南,以避免Niantic的任何关注。
iPoGo 的一些很酷和独特的功能是:
- 您无需购买任何其他设备即可使用Go-Plus的所有功能。(Go-Plus)
- 它允许您为要保留在库存中的每个项目的数量设置最大限制。您只需单击一个按钮即可删除所有多余的项目。
- 有跳过神奇宝贝(Pokémon)捕捉动画的规定。
- 您还可以在捕捉不同神奇宝贝的同时检查 IV。
如何安装 iPoGo(How to install iPoGo)
安装过程或多或少类似于 iSpoofer。您需要下载 iPoGo 的 .IPA 文件(.IPA file for iPoGo)并使用Cydia Impactor和Signuous等签名平台。这些平台允许您在 iOS 设备上使用 .IPA 文件安装第三方应用程序。否则,您将不得不越狱您的设备,以绕过阻止您从Play 商店(Play Store)安装应用程序的安全检查。
对于 iPoGo,还可以选择直接在手机上安装该应用程序,就像Play Store中的任何其他应用程序一样。但是,这不是一个万无一失的计划,因为该应用程序的许可证可能会在几天后被吊销,然后您将无法使用它。它还可能导致Pokémon Go的许可证被吊销。因此,最好使用Cydia Impactor来避免所有这些并发症。
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够在不动的情况下玩Pokemon Go。Pokémon Go是一款非常有趣的基于 AR 的游戏(AR-based game),但如果你住在一个小镇,那么一段时间后它会变得非常无聊,因为你会捕捉到附近所有的神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。使用GPS欺骗和操纵杆(Joystick)破解可以带回游戏的激动人心的元素。您可以传送到新位置并使用操纵杆四处移动并捕捉新的神奇宝贝(You can teleport to a new location and use the Joystick to move around and catch new Pokémons)。它还允许您探索更多的健身房,参加区域活动和突袭,收集稀有物品,一切都在您的沙发上。
How To Play Pokémon Go Without Moving (Android & iOS)
Pokémon Go is a νery popular AR-bаsed fiction fantasy game by Niantic that haѕ taken the world by storm. It hаs bеen an absolute fan favorite ever sincе it was first relеased. People from all around the world, especially Pokémon fans embraced the game with open arms. After all, Niantic had finally fulfilled their lifelong dream of bеcoming a Pokémon trainer. It brought to life the world of Pokémons and made it possible to discover your characters at every nook and corner of your city.
Now the main objective of the game is to go outside and look for Pokémons. The game encourages you to step outside and take long walks, exploring the neighborhood in search of Pokémons, Pokéstops, gyms, ongoing raids, etc. However, some lazy gamers wanted to have all the fun, without the physical effort of walking from one place to the other. As a result, people started finding various ways to play Pokémon Go without moving. A number of hacks, cheats, and apps came into existence to allow the players to play the game without even leaving their couch.
This is exactly what we are going to discuss in this article. We are going to go through some of the best ways to play Pokémon Go without moving on Android and iOS devices. We will be exploring the concepts of GPS spoofing and Joystick hacks. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.
How to Play Pokémon Go Without Moving (Android & iOS)
Precautionary Warning: A word of advice before we begin
One thing that you need to understand is that Niantic does not like users trying to use hacks in order to play Pokémon Go without moving. As a result, they are constantly improving their anti-cheating protocols and adding security patches to discourage users. Even the Android team keeps improving its system to avoid users from using tricks like GPS spoofing while playing games. As a result, a number of GPS spoofing apps are practically useless when it comes to Pokémon Go.
In addition to that, Niantic also issues warnings to people using a mock location append ultimately bans their Pokémon Go account. After the recent security updates, Pokémon Go can detect if any GPS spoofing app is active. Therefore you have to be very careful otherwise you might end up losing your account. In this article, we will suggest to you some of the apps that are still usable and safe. We would also recommend you to follow our instructions carefully if you want to succeed in your goal to Play Pokémon Go without moving.
If you want to play Pokémon Go without moving then you will be relying on apps that facilitate GPS spoofing. Now some of these apps also have a joystick that you can use to move around on the map. This is why it is also known as a Joystick Hack. As mentioned earlier, some of these apps and features work better in older Android versions before the various security patches were released. In some cases, rooting your device allows you to unlock the full potential of these apps.
Now, in order to make things work, there are several workarounds like downgrading to an older Android version, rooting your device, using masking modules, etc. We will be discussing what is best for your phone depending on the current Android version that you are using.
What apps will you need?
Stating the obvious here, you will need to have the latest version of Pokémon Go installed on your device. Now for the GPS spoofing app, you can either go with Fake GPS or FGL Pro. Both of these apps are free and available on the Play Store. If these apps do not work, then you can also try Fake GPS Joystick and Routes Go. Although it is a paid app, it is much safer than the other two. After all, it is always better to spend a few bucks than to take the risk of getting your account banned.
Another thing that you need to watch out for is the rubber banding effect. Apps like Fly GPS keep switching back to the original GPS location quite frequently and this increases the chances of getting caught. You need to make sure the GPS spoofing app does not disclose the actual location to reach the game. One cool trick to prevent that is to cover your Android device with Aluminum foil. This will prevent the GPS signal from reaching your phone and hence prevent rubber banding.
Pokémon Go Joystick Hack Explained
Pokémon Go collects your location information from the GPS signal on your phone and is also linked to Google Maps. In order to trick Niantic into believing that your location is changing, you need to resort to GPS Spoofing. Now, the various GPS spoofing apps provide arrow keys that act as a joystick and can be used to move around on the map. These arrow keys appear as an overlay on the Pokémon Go home screen.
When you use the arrow keys, your GPS location changes accordingly and this makes your character move in the game. If you use the arrow keys slowly and properly, you can emulate the motion of walking. You can also control the walking/running speed using these arrow keys/control buttons.
Choose Between Downgrading and Rooting
As mentioned earlier, GPS spoofing isn’t as easy it used to be in the olden times. Previously, you could have simply enabled the mock locations option and used a GPS spoofing app to play Pokémon Go without moving. However, now Niantic will immediately detect if mock locations are enabled and issue a warning. The only workaround is to convert the GPS spoofing app into a system app.
In order to do so, you will either have to downgrade your Google Play services app (for Android 6.0 to 8.0) or root your device (for Android 8.1 or higher). Depending on your Android version you will have to opt for either of the two. Rooting your device is a little difficult and you will also lose the warranty. On the other hand, Downgrading will have no such consequences. It won’t even affect the performance of other apps that are linked to Google Play Services.
Also Read: How to Change Pokémon Go Team
If your current Android version is between Android 6.0 to Android 8.0, then you can easily fix the problem by downgrading your Google Play services app. Make sure to not update your Android OS even if you are prompted to. The only purpose of Google Play services is to link other apps with Google. So, before downgrading, disable some system apps like Google Maps, Find my device, Gmail, etc. that are linked to Google Play Services. Also, turn off auto-updates from Play Store so that Google Play Services do not get updated automatically after downgrading.
1. Go to Settings>Apps> Google Play Services.
2. After that tap on the three-dot menu on the top-right corner and tap on the Uninstall updates option.
3. Our goal is to install an older version of Google Play Services, ideally 12.6.x or lower.
4. For that, you need to download an APK file for the older version from APKMirror.
5. Make sure that you download the right version that is compatible with your device’s architecture.
6. Use the Droid Info App to find out the system information accurately.
7. Once the APK has been downloaded, open Google Play Services Settings again and clear cache and data.
8. Now install the older version using the APK file.
9. After that, once again open Play Services app settings and restrict the background data usage and Wi-Fi usage for the app.
10. This will ensure that Google Play Services do not get updated automatically.
If you are using Android version 8.1 or higher, then Downgrading won’t be possible. The only way to install the GPS spoofing app as a system app is by rooting your device. In order to install the app, you will need an unlocked bootloader and TWRP. You also have to download and install the Magisk module after you root your device.
Once you have installed TWRP and have an unlocked bootloader you will be able to convert the GPS spoofing app as a system app. This way Niantic will not be able to detect that mock location is enabled and thus your account is safe. You can then use the Joystick to move around in-game and play Pokémon Go without moving.
Also read: 15 Reasons To Root Your Android Phone
Setup the GPS Spoofing App
Once you have made all the required preparations, it is time to get the GPS spoofing app up and running. In this section, we will be taking the Fake GPS Route as an example and all the steps will be relevant to the app. So, for your own convenience, we would recommend you to install the same app and then follow the steps given below.
The first thing that you need to do is Enable Developer Options on your device (if not already enabled). To do so:
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the About phone option then tap on All specs ( every phone has a different name).
3. After that, Tap on the Build number or Build version 6-7 times then the Developer mode will now be enabled and you will find an additional option in the System settings called the Developer Options.
4. Now tap on the Additional Settings or System Settings option and you will find the Developer options. Tap on it.
5. Now scroll down and tap on the “Select mock location app” option and select Fake GPS Free as your mock location app.
6. Before using the mock location app, launch your VPN app and select a proxy server. Take note that you need to use the same or a nearby location using the Fake GPS app in order to make the trick work.
7. Now launch the Fake GPS Go app and accept the terms and conditions. You will also be taken through a short tutorial to explain how the app works.
8. All that you need to do is move the crosshair to any point on the map and tap on the Play Button.
9. You can also search for a particular address or enter exact GPS coordinates in case you want to change your location to somewhere specific.
10. If it works then the message “Fake location engaged” will pop up on your screen and the blue marker that indicates your location will be positioned at the new fake location.
11. If you want to enable the Joystick control, then open the app’s settings and here enable the Joystick option. Also, make sure to enable the Non-root mode.
12. In order to check whether or not it worked, open Google Maps and see what your current location is. You will also find a notification from the app which indicates that the app is running. The arrow keys (joystick) can be enabled and disabled at any time from the Notification panel.
Now there are two ways to move around. You can either use the arrow keys as an overlay while Pokémon Go is running or change locations manually by moving the crosshair and tapping on the play button. We would suggest you use the latter as using the Joystick might result in a lot of “GPS signal not found notifications”. Therefore, it wouldn’t be the worst idea if you do not enable Joystick in the first place and use the app manually by moving the crosshair periodically.
Also, in case you are compelled to root your device for the purpose of installing the GPS spoofing app as a system app, you can’t let Niantic find out about this. Niantic will not allow you to play Pokémon Go on a rooted device. You can use Magisk to help you out with this. It has a feature called Magisk Hide, which can prevent selected apps from finding out that your device is rooted. You can simply enable this feature for Pokémon Go and you will be able to play Pokémon Go without moving.
How to Play Pokémon Go without Moving on iOS
Now, it wouldn’t be fair for the iOS users if we do not help them out. Although it is quite difficult to spoof your location on an iPhone, it is not impossible. Ever since Pokémon Go was released on iOS, people have been coming up with ingenious ways to play the game without moving. A good number of apps sprung into existence that allowed you to spoof your GPS location and play Pokémon Go without moving. The best part was that there was no need for jailbreaking or any other activity that would void your warranty.
However, the good times did not last long and Niantic swiftly moved against these apps and improved the security that rendered most of them useless. As of now, there are only two apps namely iSpoofer and iPoGo that still work. There is a good chance that soon these apps will also be removed or made redundant. So, use it while you can and hope that soon, people come up with better hacks to play Pokémon Go without moving. Until then, let’s discuss these two apps and see how they work.
iSpoofer is one of the two apps that you can use to play Pokémon Go without moving on an iOS. It isn’t just a GPS spoofing app. In addition to allowing you to use a joystick to move around, the app also has a lot of additional features like auto-walk, enhanced throw, etc. In comparison to iPogo it is loaded with more features and hacks. However, most of these features are available only in the paid Premium version.
One of the best features of iSpoofer is that allows you to keep multiple instances of the same app. This was you can be a part of all three teams and use multiple accounts. Some of the other cool features of iSpoofer include:
- You can use a Joystick in-game to move around.
- You can see Nearby Pokémons as the range of the radar is significantly larger.
- Eggs will hatch automatically and you will get Buddy candy without going on walks.
- You can control the speed of walking and move 2 to 8 times faster.
- You can check the IV for any Pokémon, not just after catching it but also while you are catching them.
- Your chances of catching a Pokémon are much higher owing to Enhanced throw and Fast catch features.
How to install iSpoofer on iOS
In order to play Pokémon Go without moving on your iOS device, you need to install some other apps and programs in addition to iSpoofer. You need to install the Cydia Impactor software and it would be better if you can find an older version. Also, both these apps need to be installed on your computer (Windows /MAC/Linux). Having iTunes pre-installed on your computer is also a must. Once all these apps have been downloaded follow the steps given below to install and set up iSpoofer.
- The first thing that you need to do is install Cydia Impactor on your computer.
- Now launch iTunes on your computer and make sure that you are logged in to the same account that you are using on your phone.
- After that launch iTunes on your phone and connect it to the computer via a USB cable.
- Now launch Cydia Impactor and select your device from the drop-down menu.
- After that drag and drop the iSpoofer.IPA file into the Cydia Impactor. You might have to enter the login credentials of your iTunes account to confirm.
- Do that and Cydia Impactor will bypass Apple’s security checks that prevent you from installing third-party apps from outside the Apple store.
- Once the installation is complete, you can open the Pokémon Go app and see that a Joystick has appeared in the game.
- This indicates that iSpoofer is ready for use and you can start playing Pokémon Go without moving.
iPoGo is another GPS spoofing app for iOS that allows you to play Pokémon Go without moving and using a Joystick instead. Although it does not have as many features have iSpoofer, there are a few unique features that encourage iOS users to choose this app instead. For starters, it has a built-in Go Plus (a.k.a. Go Tcha) emulator which allows you to throw Pokéballs without consuming berries. When combined with GPX routing and auto-walk feature, iPoGo transforms into a Pokémon Go bot. You can use it to automatically move around, collecting Pokémons, interacting with Pokéstops, collecting candies, etc.
However, you need to be more careful while using iPoGo. This is because Niantic is much more vigilant when it comes to detecting bots. The chances of your account getting banned are higher while using iPoGo. You need to be careful and use the app in a controlled and restricted manner to avoid arousing suspicions. Adhere to properly cool down guidelines to avoid any attention from Niantic.
Some of the cool and unique features of iPoGo are:
- You can use all the features of Go-Plus without purchasing any other device.
- It allows you to set a maximum limit for the number of each item that you would like to keep in your inventory. You can delete all excess items with a single click of a button.
- There is the provision to skip Pokémon capture animation.
- You can also check the IV for different Pokémons while capturing them.
How to install iPoGo
The installation procedure is more or less similar to that of iSpoofer. You need to download the .IPA file for iPoGo and use signing platforms like Cydia Impactor and Signuous. These platforms allow you to install a third-party app using a .IPA file on your iOS device. Otherwise, you would have to jailbreak your device in order to bypass the security checks that prevent you from installing apps from outside the Play Store.
In the case of iPoGo, there is also the option to directly install the app on your phone just like any other app from the Play Store. However, this isn’t a foolproof plan as the license for the app might get revoked after a few days, and then you won’t be able to use it. It can also lead to the license of Pokémon Go getting revoked. So, it is better to use Cydia Impactor to avoid all these complications.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to play Pokemon Go without moving. Pokémon Go is a really fun AR-based game but if you live in a small town then it will get pretty boring after some time as you would have caught all the nearby Pokémons. Using GPS spoofing and Joystick hack can bring back the exciting element of the game. You can teleport to a new location and use the Joystick to move around and catch new Pokémons. It also allows you to explore more gyms, participate in regional events and raids, collect rare items, all from your couch.